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Image from Britannica: Melville. |
Scottish presbyterian leader and scholar,
youngest child of Richard Melvill of
Baldovie, Forfarshire, by his wife
Gills, daughter of Thomas Abercrombie of Montrose, was born at Baldovie on
1 August 1545. He is described as the ninth son,
yet is described in a letter as having outlived his entire family.
He was educated first at the Montrose grammar school, and in 1559 entered
St. Mary's College, St. Andrews; in the matriculation list his name is given
as Andreas Mailuile.
His knowledge of Greek, quhilk his maisters
understood nocht,
created wonder; he had learned it at Montrose
(1557-9) under Pierre de Marsiliers, established there as a teacher by
John Erskine of Dun. Since Melvill addressed
George Buchanan as
præceptori suo,His teacher.
McCrie thinks
it possible that. Melville may also have obtained private
tuition from George Buchanan during visits to St. Andrews.
Buchanan may have given him private instructions
during visits to
St. Andrews. There also McCrie places his introduction to
Pietro Bizari,
Pietro Bizzarri (1525-1686?) was an Italian exile in the court of Edward VI.
He wrote several works of history and politics. His connections with Mary Queen of Scots
prevented him from being welcome in the court of Elizabeth. Bazzarri later
became a paid informer for Cecil and Walsingham in Venice.
who in 1565 addressed verses to Melvill as well as to Buchanan.
Having graduated at St. Andrews, he repaired to France in the autumn of 1564, reaching Paris from Dieppe after a roundabout and stormy voyage. He now attained great fluency in Greek, made acquirements in oriental languages, studied mathematics and law, and came under the direct influence of Peter Ramus, whose new methods of teaching he subsequently transplanted to Scotland. From Paris he proceeded in 1566 to Poitiers for further study of law. He was at once made regent in the college of St. Marceon; his skill in Latin verse and in classic oratory gave his college the advantage in literary contests with the rival college of St. Pivareau. Classes were broken up in 1568 during the siege of Poitiers by the Huguenots under Coligny. As a protestant, though not an obtrusive one, Melvill fell under suspicion of sympathy with the besiegers, but he proved his readiness to take part in the defence of the place. He left Poitiers, however, on the raising of the siege, and made his way with some difficulty to Geneva.
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Theodore Beza. Wiki image. |
Beza received him with open arms, and he was placed forthwith in the vacant chair of humanity in the Genevan academy. Still young (twenty-three) he availed himself of every opportunity of study, frequenting the lectures of his colleagues. At Geneva as early as 1570 he met Joseph Scaliger and Francis Hottoman, A noted French lawyer, author of Franco-Gallia. who in 1572, after the massacre on St. Bartholomew's day, took up their abode in that city.
Melvill till 1572 did not correspond with his friends in Scotland; his home letters in that year brought him successive appeals, the earliest being from his nephew, James Melville (1566-1614), to devote his powers to raising the standard of education in his own country. In 1573 he published at Basle his first volume of Latin verse, and in the same year obtained his demission Permission to withdraw from his official position. from the Genevan academy. In the spring of 1574 he left Geneva. He carried a commendatory letter from Beza to the Scottish general assembly. At Paris he conducted for some days a public discussion in the Jesuits' College. Alarmed by some words of James Beaton (1517-1603), the refugee archbishop of Glasgow, he left Paris on 30 May 1573, and proceeding by Dieppe, Rye, and London, reached Edinburgh early in July.
Declining a post in the household of the regent, James Douglas, fourth earl of Morton, for which he was recommended by Buchanan, Melvill stayed three months with his brother Richard at Baldovie, directing the studies of his nephew James, whom his father committed henceforth wholly to his charge. In the autumn of 1574 he was appointed John Davidson's successor as head of the college of Glasgow which had been closed since Davidson's death in 1572. After spending a couple of days at Stirling, where he was introduced to the youthful James VI, and had some consultation with Buchanan, Melvill settled in Glasgow early in November 1574.
With his appointment the literary history of the university of Glasgow
properly commences
(McCrie). His plan was twofold, the introduction of
an enlarged curriculum, extending over six years, and the training of
to whom he might delegate the permanent conduct of special
branches of study. Within six years he established four chairs in languages,
science, and philosophy, reserving divinity to the principal. To the
principalship was annexed on 13 July 1577 the charge of
Govan, near Glasgow,
where Melvill preached every Sunday. In the same year a royal charter,
the nova erectio,
confirmed his plan of studies.
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John Knox. Wiki image. |
Meanwhile Melvill was an active leader in ecclesiastical affairs, and a
prime mover in the steps by which the organisation of the Scottish church
was definitely cast in a presbyterian mould.
Spotiswood (his pupil)
represents him as an iconoclast, ascribing to him the design of demolishing
the cathedral of Glasgow as a monument ot idolatry. This seems a complete
misapprehension. Even the outbreak of popular iconoclasm in the early days
Knox was directed only against images and monasteries. The reforming
policy was to utilise all churches for protestant worship, the larger ones
being sometimes divided for the accommodation of several congregations.
Melvill's attack was directed against the remaining forms of episcopacy.
The first book of discipline
(1561) had permitted a quasi-episcopacy
in the shape of superintendents.
The convention of Leith (1572)
had re-established the hierarchy, though with limited powers. Melvill was
appointed (March 1575) on the
general assembly's committee for drafting a
scheme of church government, which was set
forth in the
second book of discipline,
by the general assembly (though not
by the state) in 1581. His prominence as an
ecclesiastical leader is shown by his being selected
by the regent Morton in October 1577
as the first of three deputies to a proposed
general council of protestants at Magdeburg.
On 24 April 1578 he was for the first time
elected moderator of the general assembly.
The second book of discipline
every vestige of prelacy, set aside
In this sense, patronage is the privilege of a lay or ecclesiastical person to
appoint the minister of a congregation.
placed ordination in the hands of the eldership,
and established a gradation of church
courts. To church courts was assigned a
jurisdiction independent of the civil magistrate.
On the one hand, the exercise of civil
jurisdiction was forbidden to the clergy; on
the other, the church court was entitled to
instruct the civil magistrate in the exercise
of his jurisdiction, according to the divine
word. It did not, however, complete the
development of the Scottish presbytery,
it recognised no intermediate court between
the eldership of the particular congregation
and the assembly of the province; though it
pointed the way to presbyteries
by allowing
three or four contiguous congregations to
have an eldership in common. Melvill's ecclesiastical
polity has been treated as the fruit of
his experience of foreign protestantism, especially
in Geneva. As regards his grasp of
principles this is true. But he did not bring
with him from abroad any rigid model to be
followed, and the ultimate shape of Scottish
presbyterianism was a native growth.
Melvill's ideas of Scottish university reform were not limited to Glasgow. In 1575 he assisted Alexander Arbuthnot (1538-1583), principal of King's College, Aberdeen, in the formation of a new constitution for that university. In 1578 he was appointed by the Scottish parliament a commissioner for the visitation of St. Andrews, the richest and most frequented of the Scottish universities. The plan for its reformation (ratified 11 Nov. 1579) was mainly his; he had the advantage here of working on the lines of a prior scheme drawn up in 1563 by George Buchanan (1506-1582), on which, however, he materially improved. Of the three colleges at St. Andrews, St. Mary's, or the New College (begun 1532, finished 1552), was henceforth reserved for a four years' course of theological studies under five professors.
In October 1580 a royal letter invited the
concurrence of the assembly in the translation
of Melvill to St. Andrews as principal
of St. Mary's. Melvill accepted the appointment
in November. Chairs at St. Andrews
were at once offered, but in vain, to
Cartwright (1535-1603) and
Walter Travers
Travers (1548?-1635) was an associate of Cartwright. He was a puritan.
(see letter in Fuller, Church Hist.
bk. ix. p. 215; internal evidence proves the
date). Taking with him his nephew James as
professor of oriental languages, Melvill began
his work at St. Andrews in December 1580.
The new arrangements had displaced several
men who had grievances not easily satisfied.
The professors of St. Leonard's College delivered
inflammatory lectures in fierce defence
of the authority of Aristotle, 'owirharled'
by Melvill in the name of the new learning.
In return he promoted the real study of Aristotle,
created a taste for Greek letters, and in
philosophy, as in biblical knowledge, superseded
the second-hand methods of an effete
scholasticism. In September 1581 he paid a
visit in Edinburgh with other friends to
George Buchanan, whose
Of Scotland, Rerum Scoticarum Historia, published in 1579.
was then
in the press. Buchanan showed them the
epistle dedicatory to the king, which Melvill
thought obscure in sum places.
seems to have accepted Melvill's corrections.
At the general assembly which met at
Edinburgh in October 1581, Melvill exhibited
fifteen articles of libel against Robert
Montgomery (d. 1609), who had accepted
from Esmé Stuart, first duke of Lennox,
the see of Glasgow, the revenues,
except a small pension, going to Lennox
himself. It was this kind of simoniacal arrangement
which gave rise to the name of
The prosecution of Montgomery
was resumed at the general assembly
which met at St. Andrews, in St. Mary's
College, on 24 April 1582, Melvill being
moderator. In the face of a royal inhibition,
Montgomery was tried, convicted on
eight articles, and would have been excommunicated
but for his temporary submission.
As the submission did not last, the assembly's
order for excommunication was carried
out by John Davidson (1549?-1603)
at Liberton, near Edinburgh. The assembly
and the court were now at open war. A
special meeting of assembly was convened
at, Edinburgh on 27 June. Melvill, in his
opening sermon, denounced the doctrine of
the ecclesiastical supremacy of the crown.
He was retained as moderator, and appointed
on a commission to wait upon James VI at
Perth with a remonstrance and petition. His
relatives urged the danger of his errand, but
Melvill was fearless. He presented the remonstrance
to the king in council. Wha,
James VI had recently deprived James Hamilton, a presbyterian and mentally
unstable, of the title of Earl of Arran. John Stuart carried the title from
1581 to 1585. Stuart died in 1596; Hamilton in 1609.
dar subscryve thir treasonable
Melvill replied, We dar
and will,
and immediately subscribed, followed by the other commissioners.
By the raid of RuthvenThe Raid of Ruthven was actually the kidnapping and imprisonment of young James VI by William Ruthven, Earl of Gowrie, and other presbyterian lords. Arran was held with the king. Lennox fled to France.
(22 Aug. 1582)
Lennox and James Stewart, earl of Arran,
were dislodged, and the party whose
ecclesiastical policy was directed by Melvill
grasped for a short season the reins of power.
Seven of the bishops were ordered by the
general assembly in October to be tried before
presbyteries; Melvill and
Smeton were appointed
to examine into the case of
Bothwell, bishop of Orkney. But on
27 June 1583 James escaped from the hands
of the confederated lords, and the bishops
were again protected.
In January 1584 Robert Browne, the English separatist, arrived at Dundee from Middelburg with a handful of his followers. Making his way to St. Andrews, he obtained from Melvill a commendatory letter to James Lawson, minister of St. Giles's, Edinburgh, and settled in the Canon-gate for a short time, but after quarrelling with the Edinburgh presbytery, returned to England.
Melvill, on 15 Feb. 1584, was summoned before the privy council at Edinburgh to answer for alleged treason in a fast sermon at St. Andrews in June previous. He appeared on 17 Feb. and explained his language, a strong and perhaps ambiguous outcome of his favourite doctrine of the independence of the church. There was no ground for charging him with sedition, nevertheless the privy council determined to proceed with his trial. Next day he read a formal protest against the action of the council in a spiritual matter, claiming to be tried, in the first instance, by an ecclesiastical court at St. Andrews, the scene of the alleged offence. Order was made for his imprisonment in Edinburgh Castle for contempt of court. His friends kept him in hiding. When the place of his proposed incarceration was changed to Blackness Castle, Linlithgowshire, they assisted him to escape, with his brother Roger, to Berwick, where he joined the banished lords of the Ruthven raid. In the following May the royal supremacy in ecclesiastical affairs was established, and the jurisdiction of bishops restored, while Adamson, archbishop of St. Andrew's, suppressed the teaching of theology at St. Mary's College.
From Berwick, in June, Melvill proceeded to London, accompanied by Patrick Forbes (1564-1635), and was soon joined by a number of ministers of his party in flight from Scotland. At the court of Elizabeth he did his best to win friends for the Scottish presbyterians. He was well received at Oxford and Cambridge in July, both by the puritan leaders Rainolds and Whitaker, William Whitaker (1547-1595), master of St. John's, Cambridge. and by men of letters. Returning to London, he read a Latin lecture on Genesis at the chapel in the Tower, which was exempt from episcopal jurisdiction, and placed by its lieutenant at the disposal of the Scottish ministers. Arran's fall, a preliminary to James's English alliance, led to the return to Scotland of Melvill and his friends. On 4 Nov. 1585, at Stirling, the confederated lords became once more masters of the situation.
The Linlithgow parliament of December
1585 restored the
'peregrine' ministers
This was James VI's term for the ministers of the Scots kirk who fled abroad
in 1581.
their places, but left untouched the reactionary
measures of the previous year. A personal
contest between James and the presbyterian
ministers, headed by Melvill, produced
only certain royal explanations
of the
obnoxious acts. In February 1586 a compromise
with episcopacy was agreed on between
the more moderate ministers and members
of the privy council. At the meeting of the
synod of Fife, in April, Adamson was arraigned
by James Melvill, evidently acting
in concert with his uncle, and a sentence of
excommunication was passed, in a manner
precipitant and irregular (McCrie). The
general assembly in May removed the excommunication
and made terms with Adamson;
its decree formally divided the kingdom into
provincial synods and presbyteries. James
ordered Melvill to Baldovie during pleasure,
and presently sent him (26 May) on a mission
to Jesuits north of the Tay. But during the
autumn he resumed his academic labours at
St. Mary's, although under injunction not to
preach except in Latin. He acted as a ruling
elder in the kirk-session of St. Andrews. In
1590 he was placed at the head of the university
of St. Andrews as its rector.
In June 1587 Melvill was moderator of the general assembly at Edinburgh. At the end of the month James visited St. Mary's College with Du Bartas, the French poet, commanded a lecture from Melvill, and heard an oration by Adamson in support of prelacy. Melvill answered Adamson with great tactical skill, proving his arguments to be derived from Roman catholic authorities. As moderator he convened a special meeting of the general assembly for 6 Feb. 1588, in view of the threatened expedition of the Spanish Armada. James resented the interference. A party, headed by George Gordon, sixth earl of Huntly, urged him to open the Scottish ports to the Armada, but a deputation from the assembly, with Melvill's pupil Robert Bruce The foremost Presbyterian preacher of his time. (1554-1631) as moderator, steadied his purpose; a bond of national defence against Spain was promoted by the presbyterian clergy.
At the coronation of the queen on Sunday,
17 May 1590, only presbyterian ministers officiated,
Melvill reciting a Latin poem, which
was published by royal command. When
Adamson was deposed by the assembly and
neglected by James, Melvill met his necessities
from his own purse, and by a contribution
from his friends. At the same time he insisted
on Adamson's recantation as the condition of
release from excommunication. Adamson's
death (19 Feb. 1592) removed the ablest advocate
of episcopacy. The parliament in June
1592 ratified the presbyterian system, confirming,
however, the rights of patrons, and
not affecting the civil status of bishops, including
their right to sit in parliament.
Melvill was again moderator of the general
assembly at Edinburgh in May 1594. Huntly
and other catholic peers left Scotland in 1595,
and Melvill used every means in his power to
prevent their return. In August 1596 he
forced himself into a meeting of the privy council
at Falkland to protest against Huntly's
proposals. He was excluded, but made himself
the spokesman of a deputation to the king
in the following month, when he plucked
James by the sleeve, calling him Gods sillie
claimed the character of loyal patriotism
for the policy of his party, and extorted
a promise that the demands of the
church should be respected.
The tide now turned against the presbyterian
cause. The general assembly convened
by James at Perth for 28 Feb. 1597 adopted
thirteen articles which gave new power to
the king in ecclesiastical affairs, and forbade
the clergy to preach on matters of state.
Melvill was not present, and his party unsuccessfully
challenged the legality of the
assembly. In June 1597 James made a visitation
of St. Andrews University. Melvill
was deprived of the rectorship, a council
nominated by the king was entrusted with
the government of the university, and all
holders of chairs, not being pastors, were prohibited
from sitting in church courts, except
that one representative (whose election was
carefully guarded) was given to the university
in the general assembly. Notwithstanding
this, Melvill presented himself at
the general assembly at Dundee in March
1598. James personally bade him withdraw,
and he was compelled to leave the
town. By way of amends he was made dean
of the faculty of theology in the summer of
1599. He maintained the leadership of his
party by assisting at extra-judicial meetings
of clergy. One of the most important of
these was the conference held at Holyrood
House, November 1599, in James's presence,
on the admission of bishops to parliament.
His personal controversies with James were
not limited to verbal altercation. In 1599
James printed the first edition of the
Basilicon Doron,
consisting of only seven copies.
One of them came into Melvill's hands
Sir James Sempill.
Sir James Sempill (1566-1626) was a student of George Buchanan and assisted in
the composition of the Basilikon. He was both a poet and an diplomat.
He extracted
propositions from it, and caused them to be
censured by the synod of Fife. At Montrose,
in March 1600, he again unsuccessfully
claimed his right to sit in the assembly; he
appears, however, to have been admitted to
the assembly of May 1601 at Burntisland.
In June 1602, in a sermon at St. Andrews,
he condemned the attitude of some of the
clergy, and was ordered (11 July) to confine
himself within the precincts of his college.
Melvill hailed the accession of James to
the English throne with a series of odes, in
which he addressed him as
Scotangle princeps, optime principum.
Emperor of Scotland and England, the best of princes.He was in favour
of a legislative union of the two kingdoms.
In 1605 nine presbyteries sent their representatives
to Aberdeen, and after constituting
the general assembly in defiance of the king's
messenger adjourned to 28 Sept. Severe measures
were taken with the leaders of this
meeting, in whose behalf and in behalf of the
right of free assembly, Melvill headed a protest
(drafted by Patrick Simson) which was
offered to the parliament at Perth in August
1606. He was summoned, with his nephew
and six other ministers, to appear in London
before 15 Sept.
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Archbishop Bancroft. |
He reached London by 25 Aug.; John
Gordon, dean of Salisbury, had instructions
for him. The ministers were lodged at
Kingston-on-Thames, and received at Hampton
Court on 20, 22, and 23 Sept. Melvill,
who made two uncompromising speeches,
each of nearly an hour's length, on behalf
of the freedom of assemblies, turned upon
the Scottish lord advocate,
(Thomas Hamilton,
afterwards Earl of Melrose), and
vituperated him in a Greek phrase. By
said James, it is the devil's name in
the Revelation.
After some further parleying,
Melvill and his friends were required
to attend in the Chapel Royal on Sunday,
28 Sept. Melvill, returning from this service
to his lodging, penned a bitter Latin epigram
on the accessories of Anglican worship. For
this he was brought before the English privy
council at Whitehall on 10 Nov. Here he
turned the tables upon
Archbishop Bancroft,
by producing his former publication against
James's title to the English crown; and seizing
the white sleeves of Bancroft's rochet, he
called them Romish rags.
At length he was
removed, and placed in the custody of
Overal, D.D.,then dean of St. Paul's. On
9 March 1607 he was nominally transferred
to the custody of
bishop of Winchester,
but permitted to be at large and consort
with his Scottish brethren. He was again
summoned to the privy council at Whitehall
on 26 April, and once more taxed with his
epigram, he broke forth into personal and
unsparing invective directed against members
of the council, lay and clerical. He was sent
by water to the Tower. A royal commission
on 16 June declared the principalship of St.
Mary's College vacant. His confinement was
solitary; pen, ink, and paper were forbidden
him; he covered the walls of his chamber
with Latin verses, scratched with the tongue
of his shoe-buckle.
Not till April 1608 was some relaxation allowed, through the good offices of Sir James Sempill. He was indulged with the company of a young nephew and great-nephew, to whom he gave tuition. Meanwhile the authorities of La Rochelle had applied to James for his removal thither as professor of divinity in their college, but the French court had interfered. Melvill at the end of 1608 addressed a copy of conciliatory verses to James, and an apologetic letter to the privy council, on the advice of Archbishop Spotiswood. Among his friendly visitors were Isaac Casaubon and Joseph Hall, afterwards bishop of Norwich. He kept up a correspondence with Scotland and with foreign protestants. At length his release was obtained, after several months' negotiation, by Henri de la Tour, duc de Bouillon (d. 1628, aged 67), who sought his services for the university of Sédan within his principality. Just before his removal he was seized with fever, and permitted to recruit his health in the neighbourhood of London. He embarked for France from the Tower on 19 April 1611.
By Rouen and Paris Melvill travelled to Sédan, and was installed in the chair of biblical theology, the department of systematic divinity being retained by Daniel Tilenus (1563-1633), who had previously taught both branches. Tilenus was unpopular, Probably because of his Armenian leanings. and many students had withdrawn to Saumur. Melvill did not find his prospects inviting. In November 1612 he visited Grenoble, on the invitation of De Barsac, treasurer of the parlement of Dauphiné, who offered him a salary to educate his sons, either privately or at the university of Dié. He soon, however, returned to Sédan; but the situation was not made happier by a theological difference with Tilenus, who, compelled to resign, came to England in 1620, and gratified James by writing against the presbyterianism of Scotland.
Melvill, who appears to have been of small
stature, had excellent health till 1612, excepting
occasional attacks of
Small kidney stones.
he had
never used spectacles. In 1616 he speaks of
his gout; by 1620 his health was broken.
He died at Sédan in 1622; the exact date
has not been ascertained. He was unmarried.
His faults lay on the surface, but they disqualified
him from being a good leader. His
ideas were patriotic and statesmanlike, but his
action was too little under restraint. Spotiswood
spoke of him as a blast;
he roused
his nation to great issues, heedless of immediate
consequences. King James was right
in saying that his heart was in his mouth.
Unprovoked he was generous, and could be
sympathising and even gentle, yet to his
closest intimates he was always the candid
friend. His letters to his nephew in 1608
on the subject of a second marriage are exceedingly
sensible, but there is a touch of
asperity in the manner which robs the advice
of all suasiveness. In controversy he could
never conciliate; his impetuous eloquence
was soon roused, when he poured forth without
calculation a fierce stream of mordant
invective. His polemical epigrams, always
exquisite in their form, were corrosive in
matter. Yet his spirit was never wanting in
dignity, and under reverses he was patient,
constant, and courageous
(Grub). Of self-seeking
he was entirely free.
As a reformer of the Scottish universities Melvill showed real constructive power, and his work was permanent. Foreigners were for the first time attracted to St. Andrews as a seat of liberal learning, others were drawn to Glasgow and Edinburgh. The European repute of the Scottish universities begins with Melvill.
The part which he played in the development of the framework of presbyterianism exhibits similar qualities. Both by helping to perfect its machinery and by inspiring enthusiasm for its polity, he did much to mould that Scottish type of presbyterianism which is often taken as synonymous with presbyterianism itself. But with Melvill the triumph of one form of church government over another was not the main business. His prime object was to make religion, as he understood it, a matter of popular concern, and he judged forms as they appeared to him to help or hinder that result. Theologian as he was, his conception of religion was, in the broad sense, ethical, Christianity being to him a divine guide of conduct for individuals and for nations. Of religious sentimentalism there is no trace (as McCrie has noticed) even in his most confidential correspondence; his life was the outcome of solid and virile conviction, but as regards his personal experiences in religion he observes a manly reticence.
Isaac Walton
ranks Melvill as a Latin
poet next to Buchanan. He had more poetic
genius than Buchanan, with greater ease and
spontaneity. But most of his pieces were
fugitive, having a motive quite apart from
that of literary fame, and he attempted no
great work. His
Carmen Mosis
Song of Moses.
takes the
highest place among Latin paraphrases of
scriptural themes. Of his printed poetical
pieces the following list is corrected from
Carmen Mosis,&c., Basel, 1573, 8vo; reprinted with others of his pieces in
Delitiæ Poetarum Scotorum,&c., Amst., 1637, 12mo, vol. ii.
Jvlii Caesaris Scaligeri Poemata,&c., Geneva, 1575, 8vo (commendatory epigrams by Melvill).
Papers relating to the Marriage of King James VI,&c. (Bannatyne Club), Edinb., 1828, 4to.
Carmina Sacra duo,&c., Geneva, 1590, 12mo (contains his
Poetica Paraphrasis Cantici Canticorum).
Principis Scoti-Britannorvm Natalia,&c., Edinb., 1594, 4to; also the Hague, 1594, 4to.
Inscriptiones Historicæ Regvm Scotorvm ... Ioh. Ionstono … Authore … Præfixus est Gathelvs, sive de Gentis Origine Fragmentum, Andreas Melvini,&c., Amst., 1602, 4to.
In Obitvm Johannis Wallasii,&c., Leyden, 1603, 4to (several poems by Melvill).
Pro supplici Evangelicorum Ministrorum in Anglia… Apologia, sive Anti-Tami-Cami-Categoria,&c. [? 1604]; reprinted in Calderwood's
Parasynagma Perthenæ,&c. [Edinb.], 1620, 4to; and in his
Altare Damascenum,1623, 4to. A reply was written by the poet Herbert.
Sidera Veteris &c.,Saumur, 1611, 4to (by John Johnston; contains two poems by Melvill).
Comment, in Apost. Acta M. Joannis Malcolmi,&c., Middelburg, 1615 (verses by Melvill prefixed).
Duellum Poeticum contendentibus G. Eglisemmio,&c., Lond. 1618, 8vo (prints and attacks Melvill's
Cavillum in Aram Regiam,the epigram on the Chapel Royal).
Viri clarissimi A. Melvini Musæ,&c. [Edinb.], 1620, 4to (the appended Life of Adamson, &c., are not by Melvill).
Ad Serenissimvm Jacobvm Primvm … Libellus Supplex,&c., Lond. 1645, 8vo, by James Melvill, has his uncle's epitaph for him in Latin verse.
Atlas Major,&c., Amst., J. Blaeu, 1662, fol. vol. vi. (contains
Andreæ Melvini Scotiæ Topographia).
De Diebus Festis,&c., Utrecht, 1693, has five poems
ex Musis Andreæ Melvini.
Besides these, a Latin paraphrase of certain
psalms was printed by Melvill in 1609, while
in the Tower, but no copy is known. In
Harl. MSS. 6947(9) is a Paraphrasis Epistolæ ad
Hebreeos Andreæ Melvini.
Latin verses are in the Sempill papers (among
the archives of the church of Scotland), and
in a collection in the
Advocates' Library,
Edinburgh. McCrie mentions as generally
ascribed to Melvill, Nescimus qvid vesper
servs vehat. Satyra Menippæa,
&c., 1619,
4to, 1620, 4to; this, according to Lowndes,
is by Gaspar Scioppius.
Among his prose publications McCrie mentions:
Theses Theologicæ de Libero Arbitrio,&c., Edinb. 1597, 4to.
Scholastica Diatribade Rebvs Divinis,&c., Edinb. 1599, 4to; these two are mere topics for academic disputations.
Lusus Poetici,&c., Edinb. 1605, 4to, by David Hume (1560?-1630?), has four letters by Melvill.
De Adiaphoris. Scoti [Greek] Aphorismi,&c., 1622, 12mo (against conformity to the ceremonies).
Commentarius in Divinam Pauli Epistolam ad Romanes,&c., Edinb., 1850, 8vo (edited for the Wodrow Society by W. Lindsay Alexander, D.D., from a transcript by Daniel Demetrius, finished at St. Andrews on 26 July 1601).
His Answer
to the Declaration of certain Intentions set
out in the King's Name … 7th of Feb. 1585,
was circulated in manuscript, and possibly
printed. His Answer to Downham's Sermon,
1608, was widely circulated in manuscript.
In the library of Trinity College,
Dublin, is a manuscript A. Melvinus in
cap. 4 Danielis.
To these must be added the
manuscript collection of his Latin letters
(1608-13) to James Melvill, in the Edinburgh
University Library, and the manuscript
collection of his letters (1612-16) to
Robert Durie of Leyden, in the Advocates'
Library, Edinburgh. An answer to Tilenus,
Scoti [Greek] Paraclesis contra Dan.
Tileni Silesii Paraenesin,
&c., 1622, is often
ascribed to Melvill, but is by Sempill.
McCrie spells the name Melville, and this form occurs in some contemporary documents relating to members of the family. No instance is produced of the use of this spelling by the reformer himself. He writes himself Melvine (1610), Meluill (1616), and Melvin (1617); in Latin invariably Melvinus. His nephew writes of him indifferently as 'Andro Meluill' and 'Andro Meluin.'
[McCrie's Life, 1819 (the edition used is 1856, edited by his son), is a work of close and wide research, and may be safely followed for the facts. Of McCrie's manuscript sources, since printed, the chief are James Melvill's Diary (Bannatyne Club), 1829, and with addition of his Hist, of the Declining Age (Wodrow Soc.), 1842; William Scot's Apologetical Narration (Wodrow Soc.), 1846; Calderwood's Hist, of the Kirk (Wodrow Soc.), 1842-9. For less favourable views of Melvill''s character and policy, see Spotiswood's Hist. of the Church of Scotland (Spottiswoode Soc.), 1847-51; Grub's Eccl. Hist, of Scotland, 1861, vol. ii. See also Gardiner's Hist, of England, vol. i.; Walton's Lives (Zouch), 1796, p. 295. Hew Scott's Fasti Eccles. Scoticanæ adds a few particulars; the biographies in Scots Worthies, 1862, pp. 233 sq., and Anderson's Scottish Nation, 1872, iii. 140 sq., add nothing to McCrie.]
A. G. [The Rev. Alexander Gordon.]
Source: Dictionary of National Biography, Vol 37, pp. 230-238