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FORSTER, JOHN (1812-1876), historian
and biographer, was born at Newcastle
on 2 April 1812. He was the eldest of the
four children of Robert Forster and Mary
his wife, daughter of the keeper of a dairy-farm
in Gallowgate. Robert Forster and
his elder brother, John, were grandsons by
a younger son of John Forster, landowner,
of Corsenside in Northumberland. Having
nothing to inherit from the family property,
the brothers became cattle-dealers in Newcastle;
and Robert's children were chiefly
indebted for their education to their uncle
John, whose especial favourite from the first
was his nephew and namesake. John Forster
was placed by him at an early age in the
grammar school of Newcastle. There he
became the favourite pupil of the head-master,
the Rev. Edward Moises. Eventually
he became captain of the school, as
Lord Eldon and Lord Collingwood had been
before him. A tale written by him when
be was fresh from the nursery appeared in
print. While yet a mere child he took delight
in going to the theatre. In answer to
remonstrances he wrote a singularly clever
and elaborate paper, in June 1827, entitled
A Few Thoughts in Vindication of the
On 2 May 1828 a play of his in
two acts, called Charles at Tunbridge, or
the Cavalier of Wildinghurst,
was performed
at the Newcastle Theatre, written expressly,
as by a gentleman of Newcastle,
for the benefit
of Mr. Thomas Stuart. Forster's success
at school induced his uncle John to send him
to Cambridge in October 1828, but within
a month he decided to move on to London.
By his uncle's help he was at once sent
to the newly founded University College,
and entered as a law student at the Inner
Temple on 10 Nov. 1828. His instructor in
English law at University College was Professor
Andrew Amos. Among his fellow-students
and fast friends for life were
James Emerson Tennent and James
Whiteside. In the January number of
the Newcastle Magazine
for 1829 a paper
of Forster's appeared (his earliest contribution
to the periodicals) entitled Remarks
on two of the Annuals.
In that year he
first made the acquaintance of Leigh Hunt,
of whom he afterwards wrote: He influenced
all my modes of thought at the outset of my
As early as March 1830 he projected
a life of Cromwell. He was already studying
in the chambers of Thomas Chitty. In
1832 Forster became the dramatic critic on
the True Sun.
In the December of that
year Charles Lamb died; in 1831 Lamb had
written to him: If you have lost a little
portion of my good will, it is that you do not
come and see me oftener.
In December 1832
hoth Lamb and Leigh Hunt were contributing
to a series of weekly essays which Moxon
had just then commenced under Forster's
direction, called The Reflector,
of which a
few numbers only were published. In 1833
Forster was writing busily on the True Sun,
the Courier,
the Athenaeum,
and the Examiner.
Albany Fonblanque, who had
just become editor, appointed Forster the chief
critic on the Examiner,
both of literature
and the drama. In 1834, being then twenty-two
years of age, he moved into his thence-forth
well-known chambers at 58 Lincoln's
Inn Fields. In 1836 he published in Lardner's
the first of the five volumes of
his Lives of the Statesmen of the Common-
including those of Sir John Eliot
and Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford.
Vol. ii., containing those of Pym and Hampden,
appeared in 1837 ; vol. iii., giving those
of Vane and Marten, in 1838; vols. iv. and v.,
completing the work in 1839, being devoted
to the life of Oliver Cromwell. While engaged
in the composition of this work he
was betrothed to the then popular poetess,
L. E. L[andon]. An estrangement, however,
took place between them, and in 1838 Miss
Landon married George Maclean. Forster for
two years, 1842 and 1843, edited the Foreign
Quarterly Review,
where his papers on the
Greek philosophers bore evidence of scholarship.
On 27 Jan. 1843 he was called to the
bar at the Inner Temple. Besides writing
in Douglas Jerrold's Shilling Magazine
History for Young England,
Forster in 1845
contributed to the Edinburgh Review
masterly articles on Charles Churchill
Daniel Defoe.
His intimate personal friends
by that time included some of the most intellectually
distinguished of his contemporaries,
and on 20 Sept. 1845 Forster, in association
with several of these, began to take part in
a series of amateur theatricals, which for ten
years enjoyed a certain celebrity. As Ford
in the Merry Wives of Windsor,
as Kitely
in Every Man in his Humour,
as Ernani
in Victor Hugo's drama so entitled, he took
part in the splendid strolling
which, under
the lead of Dickens and Lytton, was intended
to promote, among other objects, the
establishment of the Guild of Literature and
Art. On 9 Feb. 1846 Forster was installed
editor of the Daily News,
in succession to
Dickens, but resigned the post in October.
In 1847 he assumed the editorship of the
succeeding Albany Fonblanque,
and held the post for nine years. He was
now rewriting, for the twelfth time, his unpublished
life of Goldsmith. In 1848 it appeared
in one volume, as The Life and Adventures
of Oliver Goldsmith.
Daintily illustrated by
his friends Maclise, Stanfield, Leech, Doyle,
and Hamerton, it won instant popularity. Six
years afterwards Forster expanded the work
into two volumes, with the enlarged title of
the Life and Times
of Goldsmith. In this,
as in more than one later instance, he marred
the original outline by his greater elaboration,
overcrowding his canvas with Goldsmith's
contemporaries. When the first draft of the
work was in preparation, Dickens humorously
said of him that nobody could bribe
unless it was with a new fact
his life of Goldsmith. He contributed to
the Quarterly Review,
in September 1854,
a brilliant paper on Samuel Foote, and in
March 1855 a sympathetic monograph on
Sir Richard Steele. At the end of 1855 he
was appointed secretary to the commissioners
of lunacy, with an income of 800l. a year.
He withdrew at once from the editorial chair
of the Examiner,
for which he never afterwards
wrote a line, devoting his leisure from
that time forward exclusively to literature.
On the appearance of Guizot's History of the
English Commonwealth,
Forster, in January
1856, wrote a criticism of it in the Edinburgh
entitled The Civil Wars
and Oliver Cromwell.
On 24 Sept, 1856
he married Eliza Ann, daughter of Captain
Robert Crosbie, R.N., and widow of Henry
Colburn, the well-known publisher. He
began his happy home life at 46 Montagu
Square, where he remained until his removal
to Palace Gate House, which in 1862 he built
for himself at Kensington. In 1858 he collected
his Historical and Biographical Essays
in two volumes, among which there appeared
for the first time his two important
papers headed respectively The Debates on
the Grand Remonstrance
and The Plantagenets
and Tudors, a Sketch of Constitutional
In 1860 he published his
next work, The Arrest of the Five Members
by Charles I, a chapter of History Rewritten,
and in the same year he brought out, in a
greatly enlarged form, The Debates on the
Grand Remonstrance, November and December
1641, with an Introductory Essay on English
Freedom under Plantagenet and Tudor
In November 1861 Forster resigned
his secretaryship to the lunacy commission
on his appointment as a commissioner
of lunacy, with a salary of 1,500l. a
year. In 1864 he expanded his Life of Sir
John Eliot
into two large volumes, and apparently
intended to elaborate in the same
way his other memoirs of the statesmen of
the Commonwealth. The deaths, within six
years of each other, of three of his intimate
friends gave him, however, other occupation.
Landor dying on 17 Sept. 1864, Forster saw
through the press a complete edition of his
Imaginary Conversations,
and in 1869 published
his Life of Landor
in 2 vols. Upon
the. death of Alexander Dyce in 1869, Forster
corrected and published his friend's third
edition of Shakespeare, and prefixed a memoir
to the official catalogue of the library
bequeathed by Dyce to the nation. Dickens's
death, on 9 June 1870, led to his last finished
biography. His Life of Dickens
was published,
the first volume in 1872, the second
in 1873, and the third in 1874. His failing
health had induced him, in 1872, to resign
his office of lunacy commissioner. He survived
all his relations, and felt deeply each
successive death. His father died in 1836;
his younger brother, Christopher, in 1844;
his mother, who is described as a gem of a
in 1852; his sister Jane in 1853;
and his sister Elizabeth in 1868. Forster
had long meditated another work, for which
he had collected abundant materials. This
was the Life of Jonathan Swift.
The preface
to it was dated June 1875, but the first
and only finished volume was not published
until the beginning of 1876. The hand of
death was already upon him while he was
correcting the last sheets of vol. I. for the
press. He died on 2 Feb. 1876, almost upon
the morrow of the book's publication. He
was followed to his grave at Kensal Green,
on 6 Feb., by a group of attached friends,
his remains being buried there beside those of
his favourite sister Elizabeth.
Those who knew Forster intimately were
alone qualified to appreciate at their true
worth his many noble and generous peculiarities.
Regarded by strangers, his loud
voice, his decisive manner, his features, which
in any serious mood were rather stern and
authoritative, would probably have appeared
anything but prepossessing. Beneath his
unflinching firmness and honesty of purpose
were, however, the truest gentleness and sympathy.
Outsiders might think him obstinate
and overbearing, but in reality he was one of
the tenderest and most generous of men. A.
staunch and faithful friend, he was always
actively zealous as the peacemaker. While he
had the heartiest enjoyment of society he had
a curious impatience of little troubles, and
yet the largest indulgence for the weakness
of others. It was regarded as significant that
Dickens allotted to him, in Lord Lytton's
comedy of Not so bad as we seem,
the character
of Mr. Hardman, who, with a severe and
peremptory manner, is the readiest to say a
kindly word for the small poet and hack pamphleteer.
By his will, dated 26 Feb. 1874, he
bequeathed to the nation The Forster Collection,
now at South Kensington. The library
of eighteen thousand books includes the
first folio of Shakespeare, the first edition of
Gulliver's Travels,
1726, with Swift's corrections
in his own handwriting, and other
interesting books. The manuscripts in the
collection embrace nearly the whole of the
original manuscripts of the world-famous
novels of Charles Dickens. These, with forty-eight
oil-paintings and an immense number
of the choicest drawings, engravings, and
curiosities, were left by Forster to his widow
during her life, and afterwards, for the use
of the public, to the Department of Science
and Art at South Kensington. Mrs. Forster
at once, however, surrendered her own right,
to secure without delay the complete fulfilment
of her husband's intention.
[The two principal sources of information in regard to the subject of this memoir, apart from the writer's own personal knowledge, are Professor Henry Morley's Sketch of John Forster, prefixed to the Handbook of the Forster and Dyce Collections, pp. 1-21, 1877, and the Rev. Whitwell Elwin's Monograph on John Forster, prefixed to the Catalogue of the Forster Library, pp. i-xxii, 1888. Reference may also be made to the Times of 2 and 7 Feb. 1876; Athenaeum, 5 Feb. 1876; Alderman Harle's sketch of John Forster in Newcastle Daily Chronicle of 15 Feb. 1876, reprinted, in February 1888, in Monthly Chronicle of North-Country Lore and Legend, ii. 49-54; Men of the Time, 9th edit. p. 413; Annual Register for 1876, p. 134.]
C. K. [Charles Kent.]
Source: Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. 20, pp 16-19.