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Neile's archbishopal palace. Image from rayfo.co.uk. |
NEILE, RICHARD (1562-1640), archbishop of York, born in Westminster in 1562,
was son of a tallow-chandler, but his grandfather
had held a considerable estate and an
office at court under Henry VIII, till he was
deprived for non-compliance with the Six
Articles. Richard was educated at Westminster
School, under Edward Grant and William Camden (Wood,
Athenæ Oxonienses, ii. 341), but never became a good
scholar. When he was bishop of Durham he
reproved a schoolmaster for severely flogging
his boys, and said that he had himself been
so much chastised at Westminster that he
never acquired a mastery of Latin (Leighton,:
Epitome, p. 75). Dr. Grant would have persuaded
his mother to apprentice him to a
bookseller, but he was sent by Mildred, lady
Burghley, wife of the lord treasurer, on
the recommendation of Gabriel Goodman,
dean of Westminster, to St. John's College,
Cambridge, as a poor and fatherless
child, of good hope to be learned, and to
continue therein
(letter of Dr. Goodman,
given in Le Neve, Lives of Bishops since
the Reformation, p. 137). He was admitted
scholar of the college on 22 April 1580, and
matriculated on 18 May. He continued to
enjoy the patronage of the Burghley family,
residing in their household, and became
chaplain to Lord Burghley, and afterwards
to his son, Robert Cecil, earl of Salisbury.
He took the degree of doctor in divinity in
1600, when he kept the Commencement Act,
and therein maintained the following questions:
1. Auricularis Confessio Papistica
non nititur Verbo Dei.
2. Animæ piorum
erant in cælo ante Christi Ascensum.
preached before Queen Elizabeth, who was
much taken with him.
Among his early
preferments was the vicarage of Cheshunt,
Hertfordshire (resigned in 1609), and on the
memorable 5 Nov. 1605 he was installed dean
of Westminster. He resigned the deanery in
1610. While at Westminster he took great
interest in the progress of the school, and
yearly sent two or three scholars to the universities
at his own cost, in thankful remembrance
of God's goodness,
through the
beneficence of his patrons the Cecils.
In 1608 he was nominated bishop of Rochester. He was elected on 2 July, confirmed on 8 Oct., and consecrated at Lambeth on 9 Oct. In August he appointed Laud his chaplain, and it was by his introduction that the future archbishop first preached before the king on 17 Sept. 1619. He interested himself keenly in the advancement of his chaplain, and gave him several valuable preferments. It was his interest with the king which procured the royal license for Laud's election to the presidency of St. John's College, in spite of the representations of the chancellor of the university of Oxford.
On the translation of Abbot from Lichfield to London in 1610, Neale was elected bishop of Lichfield and Coventry on 12 Oct., and confirmed on 6 Dec. In 1612 he was concerned in the trial for heresy of Edward Wightman. The unhappy man was condemned for blasphemy on the doctrine of the Trinity, and finally burnt at the stake by the secular power (State Trials, ii. 727; Cal. of State Papers, Dom. 1639-40).
In 1613 Neile sat on the commission
appointed to try the Essex divorce suit, and
with Bishop Andrewes and the majority he
voted in favour of the dissolution of the
unhappy marriage. He continued in high
favour with the king. In 1614 he was
translated to Lincoln. In the debate in the
House of Lords on the commons' demand for
a conference on the impositions (24 May
1614), he made himself prominent by a violent
attack upon the commons and a strong
declaration of the royal prerogative. The
House of Commons, after hot debate, demanded
satisfaction from the lords for the
aspersions of Neile. The bishop finally apologised
with tears, but the commons proceeded
to further charges and recriminations
which were silenced only by the dissolution
of parliament. James's favour was not alienated.
Neile attended the king in his progress
to Scotland in 1617, and on his return
was translated to Durham (9 Oct.) He
presently set himself,
says Heylyn (Cyprianus
Anglicus, p. 74), on work to repair the
palaces and houses belonging to it which
he had found in great decay; but he so
adorned and beautified them in a very short
space, that they that saw them could not
think that they were the same.
He pulled
down part of the great hall in the castle of
Durham (Wood, ii. 731). But that which
gave him most content was his palace of
Durham House in the Strand, not only
because it afforded him convenient room for
his retinue, but because it was large enough
to allow sufficient quarters for Buckeridge,
bishop of Rochester, and Laud, dean of
Gloucester, which he enjoyed when he was
bishop of St. David's also; some other quarters
were reserved for his old servant, Doctor
Linsell, and others for such learned men of
his acquaintance as came from time to time
to attend upon him, insomuch that it passed
commonly by the name of Durham College
(Heylyn, Cyprianus; see also Laud, Works,
iii. 177). The affairs of the north kept him
fully employed, but he attended the trial
of Bacon, when he spoke against depriving
the fallen chancellor of his peerage. In the
northern province his political activity was
considerable. He corresponded constantly
with Secretary Conway on the defence of the
coast, the train bands, fortifications, ammunition,
ordnance, and protection of fisheries
(cf. Cal. State Papers, Dom. 27 Oct. 1625,
5 Aug. 1626).
From the end of 1625 the French ambassador
resided in Durham House (ib. 31 Dec.
1625), and the riot that occurred when the
king endeavoured to arrest the English Romanists
attending mass in his chapel was
only stayed by the personal intervention of
Neile (see Gardiner, Hist. of England,
vi. 70-1). At the end of April 1627 he was
sworn of the privy council. On 9 Oct. in
the same year he was placed on the commission
appointed to exercise archiepiscopal
jurisdiction during the sequestration of Abbot
(Cal. of State Papers, Dom.) On 10 Dec. he
was elected bishop of Winchester, was confirmed
on 7 Feb., and received the temporalities
on 19 Feb. 1628 (ib.) Neile was
now recognised as one of the most prominent
members of the party of which Laud was the
admitted leader (ib. August 1628; Laud,
Works, vi. 301), and complaints against him
were made in parliament (February 1629).
A patron of John Cosin and Richard
Montagu, as well as of Laud, he was
an uncompromising churchman and disciplinarian.
The commons declared that he
silenced all opposition to popery, and in the
debate on the pardons to Montagu, Cosin,
and Sibthorpe his conduct furnished Oliver
Cromwell with the subject of his first speech
in the house. On 13 June the commons
voted that Dr. Neile, Bishop of Winchester,
and Dr. Laud, Bishop of Bath and Wells, be
named to be those near about the king who
are suspected to be Arminians, and that they
are justly suspected to be unsound in their
opinions that way.
His defence was based
on the Anglican theory which found so little
favour in the commons, but he was careful to
purge himself from all suspicion of popery
by severity towards recusants (Cal. of State
Papers, Dom. passim).
Neile regularly sat on the high commission
and in the Star-chamber. In the case
of Leighton (1630, Star-chamber) he argued
in favour of the divine right of episcopacy
(cf. Gardiner, Cases in the Courts, &c.,
Camd. Soc.; Cal. of State Papers, Dom.
passim). His commission was from the Holy
Spirit. If he could not make that good,
he would fling his rochet and all the rest
from his back
(Leighton, Epitome, p. 75).
On 5 Jan. 1631 he was put on the commission
for inquiring into the execution of
the laws concerning the relief of the poor, the
binding of apprentices, &c., and on 10 April
on that for the repair of St. Paul's Cathedral.
On 28 Feb. he was elected to the archbishopric
of York, vacant by the death of Harsnet.
The royal assent to the election was given
on 3 March, the confirmation took place on
19 March, and the enthronement on 16 April
(Le Neve; Cal. of State Papers). On 24 Nov.
1633 he took part in the baptism of James,
duke of York. In 1635 he vindicated the
right of the archbishops of York to visit
Queen's College, Oxford, as against the claim
of Laud.
In January 1633-4 he sent to the king a
long report of the state of church affairs in
his diocese and province (ib. with the king's
notes). He had found the dioceses of Carlisle
and Chester to have very widely departed
from the practice of uniformity, many of
the ministers chopping, changing, altering,
omitting, and adding at their pleasure, and
lay officers interfering in ecclesiastical matters
in a highhanded way.
By January 1636
he had ordered his province much more successfully.
In his own diocese he scarce finds
a beneficed minister stiffly unconformable,
and very large sums had been spent in repairing
and adorning churches. The report of
the diocese for 1636-7 states that he had
not found any distractions of opinion touching
points of divinity lately controverted.
He declared himself a great adversary of the
puritan faction … yet (having been a bishop
eight and twenty years) he never deprived
any man, but has endeavoured their reformation.
Though an old man, he continued till his
death to be active in political as well as in
ecclesiastical business. Till within a fortnight
of his death his correspondence was kept
up with Laud, Windebanke, and Sir Dudley
Carleton. Neile died in the mansion house
belonging to the prebend of Stillington, within
the close of the church of York,
on 31 Oct.
1640, and was buried at the east end of the
cathedral, in the chapel of All Saints, without
a monument. He was a man of little learning,
but of much address and great capacity
for business, and he possessed in a marked
degree the power of influencing and directing
the work of others. He was popular both
at court and among his clergy. Ready and
humorous of speech, conscientious in his attachment
to the principles advocated by men
more learned than himself, hard working and
careful of opportunity, he became prominent
and successful where greater men failed.
His best quality was a sound common-sense,
his worst a lack of prescience. He was a
man of such a strange composition that
whether he were of a larger and more public
soul, or of a more uncourtly conversation, it
were hard indeed to say
(Heylyn). Laud
spoke of him as a man well known to be as
true to, and as stout for, the church of England
established by law as any man that
came to preferment in it
(Works, iv. 293).
Baillie mentions him on his death as a great
enemy to us
(Baillie, Letters, ed. Lang,
i. 270). He left one son, Paul Neile of
Yorkshire, who was knighted
27 May 1633, and was father of William
Neile, the mathematician (1637-1670).
He published: 1. Articles for his primary
visitation as Bishop of Winchester, printed
by R. Young, London, 1628. Containing inquiries
as to the ministering of the sacraments,
ordering of penances, and maintenance
of church discipline. 2. Articles for
his metropolitical visitation, London, printed
by John Norton, 1633. Almost exactly the
same as the above. 3. By commandment
of King James he printed in English and
Latin the conference that he had with the
Archbishop of Spalatro after he had discovered
his intention to return to Rome
Neve, Lives of the Bishops since the Reformation,
p. 149, quoting from Neile's manuscript
defence of himself in parliament).
[Calendars of State Papers, Dom. 1625-40; Laud's Works; Anthony Wood's Athenæ Oxon.; Gardiner's Hist. of England; Le Neve's Lives of Protestant Bishops since the Reformation; Heylyn's Cyprianus Anglicus; Perry's Hist. of the Church of England; Gardiner's Reports of Cases in the Courts of Star Chamber and High Commission (Camd. Soc.), 1886.]
W. H. H. [Rev. William Holden Hutton]
Source: Dictionary of National Biography, Vol 40, pp. 171-173
There is an interesting chapter on Dr. Neile by Andrew Foster in Conformity and Orthodoxy in the English Church, C. 1560-1660 edited by Peter Lake.