Last updated: July 12, 2011 at 22:47

City Council Workshop

16:00 on July 12, 2011

City Hall Main Conference Room, Old Ave. D School

Note: these are raw notes and may be updated later with supplemental material.

Scroll down for notes of the City Council Regular Meeting.

Rivera, Cosper and Workman absent. Rivera and Cosper came in about 16:05. Workman about 16:12.


  1. The search for a new city manager is moving forward. The consulting firm provided a new schedule. There will be a special council meeting August 30 to discuss finalists.
  2. The redistricting plan is still under discussion. There seems to be some community interest.
  3. The council went into executive session once again to discuss the recall litigation.

Agenda Item Description Discussion My Notes
DS-1 Discuss City Council Agenda Items and Land Use Cases

Staff presented on Rudy's rezoning. Lower asked about a nearby day-care. Staff said it may be in Harker Heights.

Wells asked about CA-7. There's about $55,000 in change orders, mostly asphalt overruns.

Wells asked abougt CA-4. Lions Club Park signal lights. Are the existing lights going to be re-used. Staff: yes, that's why the pricing is good. Wells: at Roy Reynolds and Rancier weren't the prices about the same? Staff: no, it was much higher.

Rivera asked about CA-6. (Rosewood.) Staff didn't realize that they would impact two approach lights to te airport. The rework will be $72,000. Rerouting will be on the access road.

DS-2 Discuss Committee Reports   See below.
DS-3 Discuss the Status of the City Manager Executive Search Process There will be a special city Council Meeting on August 30 to deal with the final list of candidates.  
DS-4 Update on Redistricting Process Mrs. Davis reported. They are working on the maps. Citizen input deadline is 8/15. There seems to be some public interest. Public hearings will begin in late August, with early September adoption.  
DS-5 Receive update and Advice from Attorney Related to Contemplated and/or Pending Litigation    
Committee Reports. This section provides standing committees an opportunity to provide reports on work relating to the mission and charge of the respective
committee on Transportation. Committee Meeting held July 12, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.
CR-1 Briefing/Update- Awarding a Professional Service Agreement to Mitchell and Associates, Inc. for the Extension of Lowe’s Boulevard Cosper reported. Workman said they had a productive and cooperative meeting.  
CR-2 Briefing/Update-Bid Recommendation No.11-27 for the Lions Club Park Traffic Signal    
CR-3 Briefing/Update-HDR Contract Amendment for the US 190/Rosewood/FM 2410 PTF Project    
CR-4 Briefing/Update-Watercrest Change Order No. 13    
Sign Ordinance Committee Meeting held July 12, 2011 at 2:30 p.m.
CR-5 Briefing Update-Amendments to Chapter 31 Regarding On-Premise and Off-Premise Sign Regulations, Including Considering Setting Fine Amounts Cole reported. County agreed to take all the action items. There will be nothing for council.  

City Council Meeting

18:00 on July 12, 2011

Council Chambers, City Hall (Old Ave. D School)

Scroll up for notes of the City Council Workshop.


  1. The youth curfew ordinance was renewed.
  2. A new erosion control ordinance was passed. It applies to sites of 1 acre or more. Some developers probably will not be happy with it.
  3. You now need a city permit to sell animals from your home.

All council members were present.

Consent Agenda Ordinances / Resolutions
Agenda Item Description Discussion My Notes
PR-1 Presentation - Governors Community Achievement Award and Check to Keep Killeen Beautiful 2011 Governor's Award was presented, along with a check for $290,000. There was a short video presentation on Keep Killeen Beautiful, stressing the young diverse population. "Tree City USA". KKB maintains 50 plant containers and trash receptacles in the downtown area. The mayor made an acceptance speech, stressing the performance of the city staff. These people do a good job. As bad as Killeen looks in places, it would look much worse without them.
CA-1 Consider minutes of Regular City Council Meeting of June 28, 2011. Cosper moved to approve CA1-CA4 and pull CA5-CA7. Workman seconded. Passed unanimously.  
CA-2 Consider a memorandum/resolution approving an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) from the Transportation Security Administration.    
CA-3 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing the rejection of RFQ 11-14-City Hall Facility Needs Assessment.    
CA-4 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing award of Bid No. 11-27 for Lions Club Park traffic signal project to Austin Traffic Signal.    
CA-5 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing the award of a professional services contract to perform engineering services on Lowes Boulevard to Mitchell and Associates, Inc. This is part of the extension of Lowe's Boulevard west to Florence Road. Workman: this will alleviate traffic. Approval moved by Workman, seconded by Cosper, approved 7-0.  
CA-6 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing amendment No. 3 with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the US 190-Rosewood-FM 2410 project. This is additional work done to build an overpass of 190 over the Rosewood extension. Some additional approach landing-light systems must also be raised. Cosper: this is a TXDOT project we are partnering with. Workman: Mr Cosper spearheaded this effort. Cosper moved approval, seconded by Wells, approved 7-0. (See workshop notes.)  
CA-7 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing change order No. 13 to the Watercrest Road reconstruction contract with JC Evans Co. L.P. This was mainly an asphalt over-run (see workshop notes). Cosper: this cleans up the intersection. Moved by Cosper, seconded by Rivera, approved 7-0.  
Public Hearings / Ordinances
PH-1 HOLD a public hearing to provide citizens the opportunity to comment, and city council to discuss and take action on the proposed Interlocal Agreement and application of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Grant (JAG) for FY 2011-2012. Chief Baldwin presented. Killen portion is $47,000. It will be used for police equipment among other things. None spoke in favor or against. Approval moved by Rivera, seconded by Wells, passed 7-0.  
PH-2 HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance as requested by Moondance, Inc (Case #Z11-31) to rezone Lot 1, Block 1, MH Killeen Retail Development Addition, from M-1 (Manufacturing District) to RC-1 (Restaurant and Alcohol Sales District). The property is located on the north right-of-way of E. Central Texas Expressway and is locally known as 5621 E. Central Texas Expressway, Killeen, Texas. This is the Rudy's between the golf course and Rosewood. Moved by Wells, seconded by Workman, approved 7-0l Someone had said there might be a daycare in the area. I took a drive out there and didn't see one.
PH-3 HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance readopting the youth curfew. The school population is increasing; staff presented other statistics. No questions from council. None spoke in favor or against. Moved by Clark, seconded by Workman, approved 7-0. Staff did a good job of presenting statistics. I hope it was in response to questions from council. The statistics do seem to support the effectiveness of the curfew.
OR-1 Consider a memorandum/resolution appointing a member to the Killeen Volunteers Inc. Board.   I stepped out of the room during this item.
OR-2 Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Killeen, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2011. This is done when the savings will be greater than 3 per cent. based on present value. Cosper moved approval, Wells seconded. approved 7-0. I'm pretty sure no one understood this, but it's probably the right thing to do.
OR-3 Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Killeen, Texas, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2011. Cosper: the last two items save the city $750,000. Approved 7-0.    
OR-4 Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 32 of the City of Killeen’s Code of Ordinances adopting erosion and sediment control regulations. There have been two workshop presentations on this. Major provisions are requiring a permit from the city for any land disturbance of more than 1 acre extent. It gives the city authority to prevent harmful effects of erosion. There are sections dealing with erosion control requirements and city enforcement abilities. Staff recommends adoption. Cole: this ihas been a six-month process getting through all the stake-holders. Moved by Cole, seconded by Cosper, approved 7-0.  
OR-5 Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 6, Article 11, Animal Control, of the City of Killeen’s Code of Ordinances, regarding rabies vaccination and the sell of animals from private homes. This amends the animal ordinance. Technology has got ahead of the current ordinance in that rabies vaccinations can last for 3 or 5 years, but the ordinance requires annual innoculation. The new proposal, at both the county and city level, is to require vaccination but at a frequency determined by a vet. It adopts the language already adopted by the state. The second provision rquires a city permit for individuals selling animals from their homes. Moved by Cole, seconded by Rivera, passed 7-0 Maybe it's just me, but this is the first I heard of the part of the ordinance that requires a city license to sell pets from your home. It seems a big step, and one that might catch a lot of people by surprise. I fugure they're going after people running puppy mills from their houses, but it seems also to apply to people selling their unplanned pupplies for $20 apiece. The justification by staff was that it protects the animals and the people who come in contact with them.
Citizens Petitions and Information. Comments should be limited to three minutes.
CP-1 Alasandro Birdine (1705-B Copperfield Circle)-Availability of Killeen City Council Meeting On-line Proposes video-taped council meeting online and on demand at

Birdine says it is a social networking site and will host the video.

They will host it for free, without commercials.

I've heard people ask for something like this, as well as for simulcasting with real-time commentary. Birdine's site doesn't make a very good first impression, though. If the council decides to do something like this, they should also consider other providers. I'm thinking of in particular, which, with all its flaws, has provided a sounding-board for local politics for some time.