City Council Workshop

15:00 on June 7, 2011

Utility CollectionsLarge Conference Room, 210 West Ave C


This starting time (15:00) is sure inconvenient. I appear to be the only spectator. Everyone else is at the press table or in the Staff seating section. Even the mayor was five minutes late. Present are Rivera, Clark, Cosper, Acting City Manager Morrison, Mayor Hancock, Larry Cole, and Billy Workman; Wilkerson and Wells absent. (The gallery filled in later, there were about a dozen spectators after 1700.)

Council members were given a presentation packet containing two proposals for City Manager search firms. Two firms will present today. Goal is to hear presentations, ask questions and suggest a firm to do the search.

Agenda Item Description Discussion My Notes
DS1 Presentation by Mr. Riley, principal of Affion Public LTC Representative Regarding their Services in Providing an Executive Search for a City Manager It's LLC, not LTC. Allion does only executive search, mainly for local government. Based in Harrrisburg, PA. Most of the firm's work is in Texas. Their process includes "stake-holder meetings" where they get an understanding of what the city is looking for in a city manager. Then they develop a candidate profile and create a candidate list (mainly by calling people on the phone). Affion will do about 6 interviews before Affion will propose a candidate. They also do background searches, including Google and Lexus-Nexus.

Differentiators: They don't go in with assumptions. They are process oriented and thorough. They understand Texas government: they placed city managers in San Antonio, Round Rock, Austin, McKinney, San Marcos, and many others.

DS2 Discuss Proposal from Affion Public LTC and interview Representatives


  • Cole: Do you realize the uniqueness of Killeen? Answer: Yes, and we've done searches for cities with large military bases (San Antonio; Huntsville, AL).
  • Rivera: What happens after the first 90 days? Answer: 45 days to recruit, 15 days to winnow the list. The remaining time is the city interviewing the list.
  • Rivera: what are these fees? Answer: $20,000 executive search fee. Up to $5000 is for additional costs (might include cost of bringing candidates in.) $25,000 is maximum fee.
  • Mayor: We're one of the most diverse cities of our size; what's your experience with diverse cities? Answer: we did Austin: that's pretty diverse. They have done places like Ann Arbor, Round Rock, cities from 25,000 to 1.2 million.
  • Mayor: Explain how you get the people you are going to interview. Answer: there are pro-active candidates who are looking for a job and contact them. They'll post the opening widely. They will also seek out candidates directly.
  • Mayor: what does "gain input from key stake-holders" mean? Answer: Stake-holders include the council, Chamber of Commerce, business and religious leaders, etc. Whoever are the driving factors in the community.
  • Mayor: How do you identify the stake-holders? Answer: They can give advice, but will rely on the Mayor or Council to suggest the right people.
  • Cosper: Tell me about a time when you didn't achieve the results you expected. Answer: One polarized council had a faction that was pushing a particular candidate that Affion didn't consider qualified; they hired him anyway. And recently they did the search in Savannah, GA; the search was racially charged; Affion got bad press.
  • Clark: how does your guarantee work? Answer: they've never had to use it, but they would do the search over again for free plus expenses.

Questions from Affion: Where is the council and city going from here? What should I tell the candidates about the recall? Rivera: Tell them the truth! Mayor: stress that the city council changes all the time; this isn't much different. Cole: we have to keep the city moving; it doesn't make sense for Killeen or a candidate to wait until after November. Mayor: our charter defines the duties and responsibilities of a city manager; that's the basis for the job. Workman: Citizens want a fresh start, city to move forward, industry. We want a strong independent manager who will say no to the city council. Cosper: I'd tell them we support Ft Hood, with a $1B hosipital going in; lots or R&D, TAMCT. With all that going on, there's lots of opportunities for the city and the city manager. Rivera: tell them it will be challenging. But the candidates have to know there will be no buyout in the contract. Clark: I'd like to see a city manager with corporate connections, mainly to do training. Mayor: people are trying to get staff away from Killeen. It should be a good place for a city manager to succeed. Don't let mistakes we have made deter you.

Staff created questions for the councilmen to ask, if they chose to.

The mayor kept calling the City Charter the "Citizens' Charter." I haven't heard him say that before. He also referred to "mistakes the council and I have made", referring, I assume, to the Connie Greene matter.

DS3 Presentation by CPS Human Resource Services Rsepresentative Regarding their Services in Providing an Executive Search for a City Manager Pamela Derby and Dr. Troy L. Coleman. In public sector executive search since 185. They also do retention, talent management, etc. Differentiator: they help you retain your empoloyees. They have recruited executives and departmental directors nation-wide. Have placed 1600 managers for 575 clients. Work only for governments and NPOs. They placed the current acting City Manager, Mr. Morrison.


  • Phase1: Prepare Organizational Needs survey.
  • Phase 2 Refine recruitment strategy and identify qualify applcants.
  • Phase 3: screen applicants, prepare applicant profiles and findings
  • Phase 4: Condiuct reference checks, background and academics records verification
  • Phase 5: Recommend a list of finalists.

They have something called ASSESS Systems Survey which formalizes their process.

These guys use more buzzwords than Affion. That doesn't necessarily mean anything.
DS4 Discuss Proposal from CPS Human Resources Services and Interview Representatives Questions:
  • Cole: is the price ($18,000?) the guaranteed maximum? Answer: Yes, but it might be less.
  • Cole: What's this assessment center? Answer: sort of a simulated day at the office, but there are variations. They can tailor it for us.
  • Cole: Diversity. Answer: They've worked with cities with large bases, diverse places like Berkely, CA.
  • Cole: Do we tell you what we're wolling to pay a city manager, or do you tell us what they expect? Answer: they can do that either way and can tell us what other cities are paying and what is likely to be acceptable.
  • Rivera: $2500 for background check? Answer: it can be reduced by doing it within CPS. It's higher if they use a PI to do an on-site check.
  • Rivera: How do you handle the recall thing? Answer: They want to represent the real situation to the candidates. Candidates have to feel they have a good chance to stay the 2.5 to 3 years that is now common. They'll work with the council to put that story together.
  • Rivera: I won't support a big buyout. Answer: That's the kind of condition we will work with you to understand and make clear to candidates.
  • Cosper: tell me about a difficult placement. Answer: Sacremento: polarization on council. They can work through it. In another case, requirements changed early in the process; so they redid everything.
  • Mayor: My intent is to bring citizens into the process to select a city manager. The stakeholders have to include more than city councilmen who are "in limbo".
  • Workman: What he said before. Answser: what they said before. They will make personal contact with the most likely candidates to make sure they understand the situation and opportunities here.
  • Clark, Rivera: [this deteriorated into speeches.]
  • Rivera: In 16 weeks, how many times would you visit Killeen? Answer: At least 4 times.
  • Rivera: What are you looking for when you come to a city like Killeen? Answer: To understand your rules, procedures, processes, values.
  • Clark: What do you think about Rivera's idea of no buyout? The knife cuts both ways. Answer: we just have to make your requirements clear.

Questions from CPS to council:

  • When do you want a new city manager? Answer from most: Now or sooner. Cole: realistically we just want you to start immediately; 60-90 days. Clark: by October 1.
Mayor thinks some of the problems with Greene stem from not having citizens involved in city manager selection. He also used the interesting adverbial phrase "in limbo" to describe the council.

Workman called the new councilman, Terry Clark, "Mr. Terry", perhaps confusing him with Clark Terry, the jazz trumpeter?

DS5 Discuss Options and Provide the Interim City Manager with Directions for Proceeding with the Selection of a City Manager Cole: shouldn't this be in closed session? Staff: City Attorney said it should be done in open session. Staff: both are capable of doing the search. Cosper, Clarke Rivera, Workman, and Cole all prefer CPS Mayor and council obviously don't know how to go about this.
DS6 Discuss City Council Agenda Items and Land Use Cases
DS7 Discuss Committee Reports    
Committee Reports
CR1 Update/Briefing Authorization of Bell County Water Control and Improvement District No 1 to Prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report regarding Direct Reuse of Treated Wastewater Effluent for Irrigation of City Facilities Cole reported.
CR2 Update/Briefing Construction Contract Amendment No 2 for Septic Tank elimination Program Phase V Project Cole reported. Some recommendations will come forward later.
CR3 Update/Briefing Amendment of Chapter 32 Municipal Drainage Utility System Killeen Code of Ordinances Adopting Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations City Council Workshop Agenda June 7, 2011 Cole reported.
Items for Regular City Council Meeting of June 14 2011
PR1 Presentation Youth Advisory Commission Annual Report
PR2 Presentation Texas Comptroller 2011 Silver Leadership Circle Award
PR3 Presentation Water Conservation Plan
CA1 Consider minutes of Regular City Council Meeting of May 24 2011
CA2 Consider a memorandum/resolution approving supplemental agreement No 1 to theprofessional services contract for design and installation oversight of the common use passenger processing system CUPPS at Killeen Fort Hood Regional Airport
CA3 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing the use of a request for proposals to select a common use passenger processing system CUPPS and flight information display system upgrades at Killeen Fort Hood Regional Airport
CA4 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing the procurement of Tasers through GT Distributors using the JAG Grant funds for the police department
CA5 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing an Eagle Scout Project construction of a 911 memorial in Lions Club Park
CA6 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing Change Order No 2 for septic tank elimination program phase V
CA7 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing the award of construction contract Bid No 1131 for the Cunningham Road widening project to Dixon Paving Inc
CA8 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing application for 2011 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program through the Bureau ofJustice Assistance
CA9 Consider a memorandum/resolution authorizing the City Manage to enter into an agreement with Landscapes Unlimited through the Buyboard to provide construction services for the Stonetree Golf Club
PH1 HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance adopting the FY 2011 12 Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant CDBG and the Home Investment Partnerships HOME program 2nd of 2 hearings Described by staff.
PH2 HOLD a public hearing and consider a request for an ordinance by the 440 Group LTD Case Z123 to rezone a portion of Lot 1 Block 1 440 Plaza Shopping Center from B5 Business District to RC1 Restaurant and Alcohol Sales District The property is located in the 440 Shopping Center International Cuisine and is locally known as 814 S Fort Hood Street Killeen Texas Described by Staff

Rivera: didn't we turn this one down? Answer: no, that was farther north. This one is in accordance with the comprehensive plan.

PH3 HOLD a public hearing and consider a request for an ordinance by Reeces Creek DevelopersCase Z1124 to rezone approximately0475 acre being part of the Eugene LaSere Survey Abstract No 527 from R1 Single Family Residential District to R2 Two Family Residential District The property is located at the northeast intersection of Bunny Trail and Brownsville Drive Killeen Texas Described by Staff
PH4 HOLD a public hearing and consider a request for an ordinance by Reeces Creek Developers Case Z1125 to rezone approximately0459 acre being part of the Eugene LaSere Survey Abstract No 527 from R1 Single Family Residential District to R2 Two Family Residential District The property is located at the southeast intersection of Brownsville Dr and Bunny Trail Killeen Texas Described by Staff
PH5 HOLD a public hearing and consider a request for an ordinance by Killeen Eastlake Associates I Ltd Case Z1126 to rezone a portion of Lot 1 Block 1 East Lake Addition from B 5 Business District SUP Specific Use Permit for on premises sale and consumption of alcohol to BC1 General Business and Alcohol Sales District for on premises sale and consumption of alcohol The property is locally known as Stix II Pool Hall 3301 E Rancier Avenue Suite A109 Killeen Texas This was operating under a special use permit. There has been a lot of opposition to this in the past. Apparantly there have been some changes in the way Special Use Permits are used. I wonder what the background of that is?
OR1 Consider an ordinance granting an electric power franchise to Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC 1 or 3 readings
OR2 Consider an ordinance approving a negotiated resolution between the Steering Committee of cities served by Oncor and Oncor Electric Delivery Company regarding Osncor application to increase rates and adopting tariffs that reflect rate adjustments consistent with the negotiated settlement
OR3 Consider a memorandum/resolution continuing the City eligibility to participate in tax abatements and adopting guidelines and criteria for use. OR4 Consider a memorandum/resolution adopting guidelines and criteria for tax abatements in the Downtown Historic District Described by staff. In Historical District, there is an additional abatement proposed dealing with improvements. Apparantly there are federal guidelines in this area.
OR5 Consider a memorandum/resolution approving an agreement for tax abatement from Solution One Industries Ltd for a project located at 404 North Gray Street The council approved the application in November. This item is to approve the abatement. 100% tax abatement for 5 years. Total tax abatement would be about $12,000 over the five years. It's the old Perry's Office building.  
OR6 Consider a memorandum resolution appointing Councilmembers to various boards and commissions subcommittees and ad hoc committees The mayor said, "If you don't raise your hand, I'm just going to appoint you." This is a significant problem in the community. Committees meet during the week, during business hours. If council members have to attend, it pretty much means that council members have to have lots of time on their hands. Mrs Purser even made that a campaign issue, mentioning that she didn't think the KISD, Mr Clark's employer, would give him time off to do all the things a councilor has to do.
OR7 Consider a memorandum/resolution appointing members to the Killeen Volunteer Inc Board