City Council Workshop

17:00 on June 21, 2011

Utilities Collection Conference Room, 210 Ave. C

All members were present.


  1. Council went into executive session to discuss the suit filed by Okray et al.
  2. Kenny Wells doesn't think the public has anything to contribute with regard to the selection of a city manager.
  3. The process to select a city manager probably will have citizen input to the requirements and the final selection.

Note: items below that have nothing in the "discussion" column were not discussed.

Agenda Item Description Discussion My Notes
Items for Discussion at Workshop
DS1 Discuss City Council Agenda Items and Land Use Cases   See notes below on individual cases.
DS2 Discuss Committee Reports    
DS3 Discuss Revised Investment Policy    
DS4 Discuss an Ordinance Amending Chapter 32 of the City of Ksilleen Code of Ordinances Adopting Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations Kristina Ramirez reported. Minimum Control Measures per the state
  1. Pulic education and outreach. There's a web site with a construction guidance section.
  2. Illicit discharge ordinance -- part of the Best Management Practices
  3. ...
The proposed new ordinance was developed with the water, sewage drainage committee based on an EPA model ordinance. They propose adoption on July 12. It has to be done by August 12.
This is interesting to me, but the presentation was rushed. I would like to see the presentation publisheed.
DS5 Discuss Pending Litigation and Receive Legal Advice Regarding the Recall Done in executive session. I suppose it's reasonable, maybe even necessary, for this discussion to be held in a locked room. It's dissapointing nonetheless.
DS6 Discuss the City Manager Executive Search Process to Include Guidelines Expectations and Development of Recruitment Materials Pam Darby of CTS reported. Agenda:
  • Scope of services. CTS will participate end-to-end
  • Role of staff, city council and CTS.
  • How should CTS communicate with the city and the council? (Mayor thinks it should go thru the HR director, Ms Manor.
  • Recruitment schedule:
    • Converse with people in town by July 1
    • Candidate profile completed by July 1
    • Draft ad and marketing material (brochure): July 5
    • Adjustments by July 8
    • Start advertising July 11
    • Final filing date August 19
    • Finalist Reports by August 26
    • Interviews September 5
    • Followup interview September 12
    • Select city manager September 19

    There was quite a bit of discussion on this. At what point should the council be involved? Workman wants to see the detail. Cole and Wells don't want to be involved until the end of the process. Ms Manor suggests that the council tonight give CTS the profile; but she's happy approving the advertisements. The brochure should be reviewed by each councilman independently.

    Should there be a public meeting(s) on the profile? Cole: yes, let's have an open meeting.. Mayor: no, let's get citizens involved after candidates are identified. Wells: In the past we have had a committee of citizens to interview candidates. Cole: People want to voice their opinion. An open meeting will better placate the current situation. Clark: the question is do we bring citizens in now and later or just later. CTS said they've done it both ways; town halls sometimes are less valuable because they are less focussed than direct interview; they can also do a web survey; when pressed, she said she didn't recommend a town-hall meeting and did recommend the council give her a list of people to talk to. Wells: I don't think the public has anything to contribute; the city charter says what the the duties of the city manager are and we just need to find the best person to carry them out. Mayor: I want citizens to help do the profile and talk to candidates.

    I think they ended up on a focus group to develop the profile, with each councilman providing two names.

    The council came up with a lot of good things to say about Killeen.


    • Maintaining troop strength
    • Getting traffice to come her from I35
    • Attracting industry
    • Human relations
    • Crime rate
    • Fire protection coverage
    • No "theme".
    • Old Town is falling apart.

    City Manager priorities:

    • Maintain contact with key community leaders
    • Speak to community organizations -- be visible
    • Exude transparency and openness
    • Encourage Community Development
    • Work for the people
    • Think clearlty, make good decisions
    • Involve the executive management team, engage the executive staff
    • Handle growth
    • Build a new water treatment plant
    • Improve local transportation

    Skills and personal characteristics:

    • Good speaker, good communicator
    • Can work with military
    • Personable
    • Visionary
    • Work with diverse cultures
    • Decisive
    • Quick decision making skills
    • Understands the consequences of actions
    • Good listening skills
    • Ability to make and justify decisions that require thought.
    • Be able to satisfy seven bosses.
    • Receptive and perceptive.

    Experience and Knowledge:

    • Would like a PhD, but at least a masters.
    • Degree in some kind of public adminstrations, or other formal training.
    • Experience from a similar or larger size city that is growing.
    • Not necessarily someone who is already a city manager (Wells disagrees).
    • Financial knowledge

    How much money are we offering? Medium salary is $225,000 in Texas. We're probably in the 150-200K range per CTS. CTS suggests we use a standard contract, which usually has a 6 to 12-month severence. This sort of thing doesn't have to go in the recruitment material, though. We can say compensation is negotiable. CTS will do salary surveys.

    They'll be looking at towns of 75,000K up with city manager systems nation-wide. There will probably be 300-500 initial candidates.

This was not crisp, either on the part of CTS or of the city. The council doesn't seem to remember the earlier discussions and Ms Darby is wishy-washy. I blame staff: Ms Manor knows how much trouble this council has focusing, and she should have come in with a complete proposal for the council to approve or disapprove. I wish someone would make a motion that she be directed to do that.

With regard to the list of positives about Killeen, it was an extensive list but not without overstatement.

With regard to the list of challenges, I don't think anyone was trying very hard. No one mentioned deteriorating older areas of the city; traffic; lack of citizen involement; high transience; a stumbling city council; mistrust in government; bad drivers; ugly neighborhoods; ...

With regard to severence, if the CM is hired on an open-ended contract for services with annual review, does the city manager always get the severence if he is terminated? There's no way to say "At the end of this year we're going to hire someone new" without incurring the severence?

Committee Reports. This section provides standing committees an opportunity to provide reports on work relating to the mission and charge of the respective committee
Special Events Complex Committee held June 17 2011 at 200pm
CR1 Update Briefing Policy for the Management and Distribution of Funds Raised for the November 5 2009 Fort Flood Memorial Mayor Hancock reported. Funidng is from SPJST. It is not city money. The council has to approve disbursement of them, though. There's around $100,000 collected. SPJST continues to raise money.  
CR2 UpdateBriefing Expenditures for the November 5 2009 Fort Hood Memorial There have been many contributions from area businesses. The committee is buying now when prices are low.  
CR3 UpdateBriefing Project Status Fundraising Efforts and InKind Donations for the November 5 2009 Fort Hood Memorial    
CR4 UpdateBriefing Application for City of Killeen Certification as a Film Friendly Community We already had 3 commercials done here. The things for the council are to give the city manager permission to close streets for this purpose. Mayor: it shows there are positive things going on here that people don't know about.  
CR5 Solid Waste Committee Meeting held June 21 2011 at 0101ma Larry Cole reported. Discussed getting rid of old tires. Two sticking oints: storage and registration of tires. They had good attendance. Workman: sorry I wan't there. My flight was delayed.  
CR5 Update/Briefing Amendment to Chapter 18 Nuisances to Provide for the Storage Transportation and Disposal offices    
City Council Workshop Agenda Items for Regular City Council Meeting of June 28 2011
PR1 Presentation Lemonade Day Report and Awards    
PR2 Proclamation Parks and Recreation Month    
Consent Agenda
CA1 Consider minutes of Regular City Council Meeting of June 14 2011    
CA2 Consider minutes of Special City Council Meeting of June 18 2011    
CA3 Consider a memorandumresolution authorizing the City Manager to reimburse the Bell County Water Control and Improvement District No 1 for the preparation of a preliminary engineering report for the direct reuse of treated wastewater effluent for irrigation of city facilities    
CA4 Consider a memorandumresolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an interlocal agreement with Bell County for computer software usage    
CA5 Consider a memorandumresolution authorizing a contract for the annual maintenance of Sungard Public Sector software    
CA6 Consider a memorandumresolution approving the timeline and guidelines for redistricting plans based upon 2010 census data    
CA7 Consider a memorandumresolution authorizing a professional services agreement amendment No 1 with Walker Partners LCC for the Patriotic Ditch Minor CIP project drainage master plan project No 6    
CA8 Consider a memorandumresolution for lease of two Xerox 700 Digital Color PressScannerCopiers through the cooperative purchasing network TCPN for printing services division    
CA9 Consider a memorandum-resolution approving the revised investment policy    
CA10 Consider a rmeesmoolruantdioumn approving an amendment to a communications facility lease withTmobile at Fire Station No 7 Vendor has done a "comprehensive review". Made some language changes to the investment plan. Substantive changes: have a formal investment committee, including mayor, finance director and a representative of the vendor. Designate investment officers to conform to state law. Added language to accomodate use of an investment advisory firm. Added ethics rules. Added performance standards for investments; this simplified open records requests. CDARS program added as an investment type. Added credit rating requirements for money market funds. Safekeeping and custody: increased collateral to 102% of certificates of deposit. Outlined an investment strategy for each fund, as required by state law. Described the policy review procedure. Rivera: Is SEC involved? No, not for public entities.  
CA11 Consider a memorandumresolution authorizing the award of construction contract Bid No 11 21 for south Nolan Creek major drainage CIP projects drainage master plan project No 2 8 10 and 11 to BeckReit and Sons LTD    
Public Hearings Ordinances
PH1 HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance as requested by Choon Ok Song Case Z1127 to rezone part of Lot 1 Block 17 Bellaire Heights 2a Extension replat from B 3 Local Business District to B3A Local Business and Retail Alcohol Sales District for a package liquor store The property is locally known as 2602 S Fort Hood Street Suite 100 Killeen Texas No responses were received to notifications. Planning and Zoning recommended approval. It's the A&J Beauty Supply location. Rivera: is this close to another one? No. Wells: Are any of these open yet? Staff doesn't know.  
PH2 HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance as requested by Mary Fisher Case Z11 28 to rezone an area north of Terrace Drive at Goode Drive from RMH Residential Mobile Horne District and R2 Two Family Residential District to R2 Two Family Residential District with CUP Conditional Use Permit for a communication tower Requires 34 majority vote for approval Lease a 50x50 ft plot for a cell tower. Planning and Zoning recommended approval. It requires a special use permit, however, so needs a 75% council vote. Wells: There's a drainage ditch in the area; Staff: we won't let the tower obstruct it. Cole: it won't fall on any homes? No: it's 150 feet from the boundar of any R-zoned property.  
PH3 HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance as requested by Reeces Creek Developers Case Z1129 to rezone approximately 26.13 acres being part of the Eugene LaSere Survey Abstract No 527 from A Agricultural District to R1 Single family Residential District The property is located at Bunny Trail and Brushy Creek Drive and Guadalupe Drive Killeen Texas Consistant with the comprehensive plan. It's constant with earlier phases of Goodnight Ranch. P&Z recommend approval. No discussion.
PH4 HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance as requested by Splawn Ranch Partnership Case Z1130 to rezone approximately 1297 acres being part of the William H Cole Survey Abstract No 200 from COD Cemetery Overlay District to COD Cemetery Overlay District wCUP Conditional Use Permit for a gas stationconvenience store The property is located at the southeast intersection of Splawn Ranch Drive and S Fort Flood Street Killeen Texas There will be no access off 195. Needs special use because it's in the cemetary overlay district. If the use is permitted it will be permanent. No surrounding property owners. P&L recommended approval based on the site plan. No part of the building could be used for other purposes. Cole: is convenience store a permissible use in the cemetary zone? No. Cole: has the cemetary commented? We didn't contact them. Cole: you should. If we approve a convenience store, have we changed the cemetary overlay? Staff: our opinion is we should do it by special use permit. Clarke: how can we protect the cemetary zone? (Maybe that wasn't the question; it certainly wasn't what was answered.) No one asked why the cemetary overlay doesn't allow convenience stores. That seems to me an important question. Why would the city council want to override that decision without knowing the basis for it?
PH5 A HOLD a public hearing and consider a request by Dorel Killeen Holdings LLC to revise the Comprehensive Pslan future land use map to change a General Commercial designated area to a Multifamily Residential designated area for approximately 1.73 acres The property is located on the north rightofway of Winkler Avenue at the intersection of Trimmier Road HOLD a public hearing and consider a request for an ordinance by Dorel Killeen Holdings LLC Case Z1117 to rezone approximately 1.73 acres being part of the W H Cole Survey Abstract No 239 from B2 Local Retail District to R3A Multi family Apartment Residential District with a PUD Planned Unit Development The property is locally known as 2908 Trimmier Road Killeen Texas Requires majority vote for approval Staff pointed out that this requires change to the comprehensive plan, and if approved, will require rezoning as well. Cole: What's the client's reason for chaning the plan? Staff: Market conditions. Wells: It fits into the neighborhood. Cosper: I don't know what else you would do with the property. Cole: I still want justification. Rivera: What does market conditions have to do it? Staff: it's one reason the rezoning might be a good idea. Workman: how would it affect surrounding area wrt density? Staff: it will increase density. Workman: have you looked at effect on property values, run-off, accesss to schools? Staff: that's part of the zoning discussion, but we've done some work on it; the new zoning designation R3A will allow the city to speciry things like fending and landscaping. There were 3 comments about the zoning, from some prominent people: Dr. Isdale, Mary Barr and ????. Staff thinks the site plan is attractive. Clarke: will that corner bear the traffic? Staff: retroactively fixing such problems is hard. Clarke: it's really busy there by the school. Workman: I'd like to know more about traffic on Trimmier there, too. Again, no one asked why the plan has it commercial.
PH6 A HOLD a public hearing and consider a request by Al R and Bonnie J Young to revise the Comprehensive Pslan future land use map FLUM to change a General Residential and FourPlex Residential designated areas to a Multifamily Residential designated area for approximately 6.642 acres The property is located on the north rightofway of Winkler Avenue east ofthe intersection of Trimmier Road B HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance as requested by Al R Young and Bonnie J Young Case Z1118 to rezone approximately6642 acres being part of the W H Cole Survey Abstract No 201 from B3 Local Business District to R3A Multi family Apartment Residential District with a PUD Planned Unit Development The property is located on the north rightofway of Winkler Avenue east of the intersection of Trimmier Road Killeen Texas This another plan: 2-plex and 4-plex to apartments. Again, the plan and zoning components are linked. Staff recommended approval if more trees are planted and they build a sports part area and make privacy fences 6 feet and opaque. P & Z voted to approve.  
PH7 HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 201011 Annual Budget and Plan of Municipal Services    
Ordinances Resolutions
OR1 Consider an ordinance granting an electric power franchise to Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC23 readings    
OR2 Consider a memorandumresolution for appointment of a Councilmember for District4 City Council Workshop Agenda    
OR3 Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Killeen Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation Series 2011    
OR4 Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Killeen Texas General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 2011 Bond rating won't be in until the end of the week. (They always apply for a rating review before a bond issue.) BBB- and above are "investment grade" rating. Our current rating is AA; it means we don't have to buy insurance on the bonds. There are only a few AAA ratings in Texas. Staff will price the bonds next Monday and bring the proposal to the council. By refinancing debt, city should save around $750,000 (annual?) interest. Cole: how did we get a AA rating? What is Copperas Cove? Staff: Temple is AA. Some factors are amount of debt; the economy; financial condition; quality of city management; having master plans; stable fund balances. Fort Hood is a big factor in terms of stability; but being able to show plans for troop deployment or reassignment is also important. Cole: Is is safe to say that lenders see the city as well managed? Staff: yes.  
OR5 Consider an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Killeen Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2011    
OR6 Consider a master ordinance establishing the City of Killeen Texas Pass Through Toll Revenue Financing Program    
OR7 Consider the first supplemental ordinance to the master ordinance establishing the City of Killeen Texas Pass Through Toll Revenue Financing Program    
Citizens Petitions and Information
CP1 Raymond Spivey 1107 Eastside Drive Liquor Store on Rancier and Hooten    
CP2 Thomas Roberts 2010 Continental Drive Ordinance in Reference to Carport Covers