Index of Gardiner's History of England
Albert, the Archduke,
- receives with the Infanta Isabella the sovereignty of the Netherlands,
- refuses to give up Owen and Baldwin to James,
- agrees to a cessation of arms in the Netherlands,
- attempt of Spain to procure the election as Emperor of,
- sends Spinola to invade Cleves and Juliers,
- does not satisfy the Dutch by his mode of carrying out the treaty of Xanten,
- receives Doncaster coolly at Brussels,
- urges the King of Spain to invade the Palatinate,
- replies to James's question about the movements of Spinola's army,
- criticises the English proposal for the partition of the Netherlands,
- informs James that the destination of Spinola is not decided on,
- promises to give his good word for the restoration of Frederick,
- orders Spinola to support Maximilian,
- death of