Index of Gardiner's History of England
Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin,
- rejoices at James's resolution to defend the Palatinate,
- appointed Surveyor of the Court of Wards,
- urges the Commons to grant supply,
- position of,
- moves that the King be asked to take warlike measures,
- proposes a supply for four points,
- asks for a conference on the four points,
- warns the House not to be led into disputes,
- asks the Commons to grant a larger subsidy than that proposed by Seymour,
- expresses satisfaction that the rank weeds of Parliament have been rooted up,
- moves for a committee on the state of the clergy,
- tries to persuade the Commons in the Short Parliament to grant supply,
- tries at the opening of the Long Parliament to reconcile the King and the Commons,
- wishes to see Magna Carta walking abroad,
- speaks on the virtue of moderation,
- complains of the condition of the Church,
- proposes a reformation without punishing anyone,
- opens the debate on the ecclesiastical petitions,
- speaks in favour of primitive episcopacy,