Index of Gardiner's History of England
Cotton, Sir Robert,
- draws up a report on the navy,
- carries on a secret negotiation with Sarmiento,
- declares himself to be a Catholic,
- informs Sarmiento that Somerset is to conduct the marriage treaty,
- prepares a pardon for Somerset,
- affixes false dates to letters written to Somerset,
- arrest of,
- is examined on his negotiation with Sarmiento.
- is sent to search Coke's papers,
- speech ascribed to,
- is heard before the Council on the proposed debasement of the coinage,
- meeting of the leaders of the Commons at the house of,
- proposes to refute Dudley's paper of advice,
- is prosecuted in the Star Chamber on account of the discovery of Dudley's paper in his library,
- death of,