Index of Gardiner's History of England
Cromwell, Oliver,
- family history of,
- early life of,
- first parliamentary speech of,
- objects to the new charter of Huntingdon, and is summoned before the Council,
- removes to St. Ives,
- his part in the disturbances caused by the drainage of the fens,
- nickname of 'Lord of the Fens' improperly applied to,
- moves the second reading of the Annual Parliament Bill,
- denies that a parity in the Church will lead to a parity in the commonwealth,
- his limited practical insight,
- passes on the Root-and-Branch Bill to Hazlerigg,
- urges that there are passages in the Prayer-book to which learned divines cannot submit,
- attacks Charles's appointment of new bishops,
- moves to entrust Essex with authority over the trained bands,
- thinks that there will not be a long debate on the Grand Remonstrance,
- declares that if the Grand Remonstrance had been rejected he would have emigrated to America,
- moves that the King be asked to remove Bristol from his counsels,
- seizes the Cambridge college plate on its way to the King,