An interesting Narrative of the Proceedings of the great Families in Scotland during that Period—Rising of the Highland Clans in Arms—Origin and Progress of the Covenanters, their Battles, Sieges, &c.—And many other remarkable Particulars of the Troubles in the North of Scotland, not contained in any other History of the Times.
Anno 1642.
In the beginning of March 1642, proclamation was made at the cross of New Aberdeen, charging all burgesses, merchants, and traders, to answer and obey Sir William Dick of the customs, or to his factors, under all highest pains, whilk at last he obtained by paying to the earl Marischal of about 5000 pounds sterling at Whitsunday next.
About or upon the second of March, the laird of Cluny, with his lady, rode from their dwelling in Old Aberdeen very quietly, fearing caption, towards Berwick. His trunks followed him, and he removed from Berwick to Durham, there to remain while some course was taken with his affairs; but his lady died there.
Great preparations both in England and Scotland against the Irish rebels; there came money to levy 10,000 Scotsmen out of England to go on against Ireland, and sundry noblemen began to raise regiments; the lord Sinclair's regiment, Monro and his regiment, with some others, about 5000 soldiers, went over to Carrickfergus safely; but in the mean time his wife died in Edinburgh.
Saturday the 12th of March, the lady Aboyne departed this life, and was quietly buried. A virtuous worthy chaste lady , she left an only daughter to John lord Aboyne her umquhile husband. Her father's brother succeeded to the lordship, with the burden of 12000 merks to the said daughter.
Great preparations both by sea and land made by the kings of Spain and France, each against other; and it was p. 2 reported that the king of France was gone with his army to Catalonia.
Thursday the 15th of March was the laird of Haddo's day of law, for the alledged slaughter of Mr. James Stalker at Turriff, as ye have heard before. It is said, after the said Stalker had rendered his arms, he was most cruelly shot dead by one called Gordon, son to Terpersie, at the laird of Haddo's command, because he was the lord Fraser's servant, as this Stalker himself confessed; but before his death he made a testament, by Mr. Thomas Mitchell parson at Turriff, wherein he declared how and by whom he was slain, whilk testament was produced before the justice; however Haddo, upon caution that he should, under great sums of money, compear again before the justice the 24th of June, wan home, the lord Fraser, the lairds of Lesly, Craigievar, and all their friends, being his great enemies.
About this time captain Robert Keith and Captain Gordon shipped their solders at Footdee, and upon the 5th of March took up sail and go to France, landing safely.
There went sundry petitions from the parliament to the king, and diverse messages from him to them, lying at Newmarket, but took little effect. Thereafter his majesty came to York; the parliament sent to the marquis of Hartford, who had the young prince Charles in his keeping, to bring him to them, who brought him to the king his own father; whereat they were offended. They alledged that they wanted to bring up the king's son in virtuous education, for the whilk they sent for him. The king answered, he was his son, of whom it was meetest he should have the care of his upbringing. His majesty sent immediately also for his second son the duke of York, and most wisely kept them both with himself.
Upon Thursday the last of March, there came some limmars to Mr. William Chalmers, minister at Skene his house, and robbed and spoiled both monies and other goods, and went their way without reparation, being within 6 miles of Aberdeen.
The papists of England, jesuits, and priests are sharply sought, and the like suggestion herein Scotland, against our Scots papists; some in England were executed, and other some imprisoned, but our papists were all fled. p. 3
Upon the 6th of April a committee was holden at St. Johnston, where there was little done, but adjourned to be holden at Elgin the third of May, as ye may see hereafter.
Ye heard before how Dr. Sandilands, commissary, wanted his clerkship of the general assembly, and Mr, Archibald Johnston had gotten the same. In recompence of this he had gotten some satisfaction, and besides for such bygone pensions as were resting him by the deprived bishops before their depositions, he by moyan got 3500 merks ordained to be paid to him out of the bishoprick of Aberdeen for the Martinmass term 1641 and Whitsunday term 1642, to be uplifted out of the feu duty allenarly.
Wednesday the 6th of April Dr. Guild began to preach within the college kirk a weekly sermon, to be taught that day to the old town people, students, masters and members of the college; he caused take down the organ case, which was of fine wainscot, and had stood within the kirk since the reformation. This order seemed strange, to preach out of Machar kirk, as was sometimes used before, and bring down the people, man, wife, and maids, to the college kirk, among young scholars and students; and he being a principal to teach in English, where by the foundation he is bound to preach and give out his lessons in Greek, Hebrew, and Latin, except exercise and presbytery days that he should use the vulgar tongue. The reader of Machar kirk was tied to this weekly sermon, to take up the psalm; the great bells of the college and Machar kirk bells rang three times to ilk sermon for conveening an auditory, whilk was never used before, and which decayed shortly, to his disgrace, as he justly deserved.
Upon the aforesaid 6th of April the drum went through the town, strictly charging all manner of men not to bring in any fleshes, of whatsoever sort, to the market, while Saturday the last of April, under confiscation of their fleshes, whereupon none could be got. in Aberdeen. This was done to take away the memory of Pasch day, whilk this year fell upon the 10th of April, by which no fleshes could be gotten to buy nor to eat, as the old use was for ilk man to make good chear on this day, according to his power, but is now holden by their laws to be superstitious, and the Lentron p. 4 continued to the last of April, according to an ordinance of a committee holden at Edinburgh, and for keeping of store to the fore, whiik in many years bygone was well enough kept for Pasch day. No sermon on Good Friday nor yet that day, as the old form was, such. was this sudden alteration.
Pasch day the 10th of April, no flesh durst be sold in Aberdeen, for making of good chear, as was wont to be, so ilk honest man did the best he could for himself. A matter never before heard of in this land, that Pasch day should be included within Lentron time, because it was now holden superstitious, nor no communion given on Good Friday, as was before. Marvellous in Aberdeen, to see no market of fowl or flesh. to be sold on Pasch even!
About a day or two before Pasch there came to Aberdeen, an Italian monster of a man, about 24 years of age, having a birth growing from his breast upward, face to face as it were, a creature having head and long hair of the colour of a man's, the head still drooping backwards and downwards; he had eyes but not open; he had ears, two arms, two hands, three fingers on each hand, a body, a leg, and foot with six toes, the other leg within the flesh inclining to the left side. It had some signs of virility, it had a kind of life and feeling, but void of all other senses, fed with man's nourishment, and evacuated the same way as his. This great work of God was admired of by many in Aberdeen, and through the countries where he travelled, yet such was the goodness of God, that he could go and walk where he pleased, carrying this birth without any pain, yea or unespied when his cloaths were on; when he came to town he had two servants waiting on him, who with himself were well clad. His portraiture was drawn and hung up at his lodging to the view of the people, the one servant had a trumpet which sounded at such time as the people should come and see this monster, who flocked abundantly to his lodging. The other servant received the money frae ilk person for his sight, some less, some more; and after there was so much collected as could be gotten, he with his servants shortly left the town, and went South again. p. 5
The king still remaining at York might not be moved to come to the parliament at Westminster, for plain fear of his life, as his own messages bears, whereupon they go on, they meddle with the Cinque Ports, in put and out put governors at their pleasure, due only to his majesty before; next they meddle with his royal ships, discharge sir John Pennington, vice admiral, an old servant to the king, and in put the earl of Warwick in his place, they remove the French captain called colonel Biron frae the Tower of London, and put another in his place; they petition the king for governing of the militia, whilk is the armies of the country, and belonging to the care of the parliament as his great council; he simpliciter denied to grant this unto them, because it belonged only to himself to be king and captain of the militia, whilk they no wise would condescend unto, fearing, if he were captain of the militia in thir dangerous days, he might prove an enemy to the parliament. Thir pitiful news of this divisions and discontents came daily to Aberdeen.
Sunday the 17th of April Mr. William Strachan gave the communion in Old Aberdeen for the first day, where Dr. Forbes of Corse got his communion, who had not as yet sworn or subscribed the covenant.
His majesty hearing of the great oppressions his subjects suffered in Ireland, resolved to go thither in person for ordering of these rebellions, and sure it was plainly spoken that thir rebellions never bred in the mind of Sir Philem O'neil, not yet the Irish. allenarly, but also was plotted by the whole papists of note in Scotland, England, and Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, and elsewhere; likeas sundry times there came out of West Flanders ammunition, powder, ball, and other arms necessary, but still was intercepted and taken by the way by the Hollanders, who were combined with the parliament of England (as may appear) in all this business. The English parliament hearing of the king's intention towards Ireland, were altogether set against the same.
Now daily more and more forces preparing for Ireland. It wa; said the marquis of Argyle had purchased a patent frae the king and English parliament, to levy soldiers for p. 6 Ireland, to go in with fire and sword, and what he conquest should be his own, holden of his majesty. It was reported, that there were 10,000 chalders of victual to be transported out of Scotland to Ireland, for the maintenance of solders; and Argyle had agreed with Mr. Robert Farquhar for 1,000 bolls of victual, to be carried out of this north country to Carrickfergus, for the whilk he should have ten pound for ilk boll that was landed safely on shore; he cost meikle victual in this country to fulfil his bargain with Argyle, and raised the victual to high prices upon the country people for his particular gain; but howsoever this bargain was made, the marquis of Argyle had no such patent, neither went he on in such service.
Word came here to Aberdeen, that about the 20th of April Sir Thomas Dorrell and Sir Thomas Hales, two of the king's domestic servants, had intercepted a letter written by the parliament of England to Sir John Hotham governor of Hull, bearing an express command or charge, in case his majesty came to Hull, and craved entrance to the town, to hold him out at the ports, and not to suffer his majesty to come in. This letter was brought to the king, as is said, whereat he marvelled, and also was highly offended; however, for further trial, and his better assurance, he directed the samen letter to the foresaid governor of Hull, and immediately after that his majesty lap on with about 400 horse, having also in his company Charles the young prince and James duke of York, his two sons; count Palatine, the duke of Lenox, and some other noblemen, and came riding directly to the burgh of Hull, but when he came here, the haill ports were closely shut; the king desired the governor to give him entry to his own town, which he plainly refused, whereat his majesty was highly offended. The king went further on, and craved but entry for himself, his two sons, the duke of Lenox, and others, not exceeding the number of 20 persons, but this was refused also, albeit there were 200 soldiers lying in garrison within the town. The king seeing this, causes proclaim this governor a traitor, and returns back melancholy to the town of York, frae which place he writes and sends a message to the parliament against Sir John Hotham governor of Hull. p. 7
The parliament gave no just satisfaction to the king's most just decrees, but rather not only approves of sir John Hotham's doings to be good, but also finds fault that he was proclaimed a traitor; that the king's servants, for intercepting the parliament's letter, should be sent up. The king thus disappointed of his expectation, takes it heavy, and as is said he declared by another paper, he liked no civil wars, but if wars came, let God be judge. This town is one of the principal strengths of all England, wherein the king's magazine still lay. The parliamentarians at their own hand without the king's advice takes in the town, and meddles with the king's magazine and militia, sets in a garrison of soldiers to defend the same, and places the said sir John Hotham governor, who rebelliously stood out against the king as ye have heard, neither could his majesty get reparation, do his best. Yet the Lord in his own time revenged his cause, and made the parliamentarians themselves to hang him up, and young sir John Hotham his son both, for faults committed against the parliament, as was by them alledged, as ye shall hereafter hear.
Upon the third Tuesday and nineteenth day of April, the provincial assembly sat down in the session-house of New Aberdeen. Mr. David Lindsay parson of Belhelvie, is moderator till the next provincial assembly, where ilk minister had his ruling elder. Doctor Forbes of Corse was sent for, who compeared immediately before this assembly.. The moderator with the rest publicly regretted his lying out from his calling, to the prejudice both of the kirk and commonwealth, whereto he made his own answer; then the brethren sent of their number a committee to confer privately with him, anent his not subscribing of the covenant, and to ask why he went not to Edinburgh for his further resolution, as was communed at the last assembly holden at Aberdeen. After some reasoning with this committee, he said, if the provincial assembly thought fit, he should go to Edinburgh, whilk they advised him to do, to see if he could recover his own place, which was not yet filled up.
At this assembly Mr. William Wedderburn minister at Bethelney was accused of fornication; he confesses and is deprived, and ordained to make repentance. p. 8
Mr. Thomas Mitchel parson of Turriff is accused for pursuing of Thomas Bell's wife, to have lyen with her, in Couper of Fife, as he is coming here frae Edinburgh; and siklike in that samen man's house in Couper, offering to force another woman; at the same time he is delated by the said Thomas Bell himself, then dwelling in Drum, suppose his wife was dwelling in Couper. The assembly, ashamed of this purpose, directs out a committee of the brethren to confer privately with the said Mr. Thomas Mitchel here anent, who constantly stood to his denial. The assembly therefore appointed the matter to be further tried in presence of 13 ministers and 8 ruling elders specially nominated, and for that effect: to meet in New Aberdeen the first of June next. There were diverse other suspicions among them, but quietly supprest. Mr. Andrew Logie parson of Rayne was publickly accused upon some points of misbehaviour, and ordained to bide trial before a committee of ministers and ruling elders. Sundry other things being expede, this assembly upon Friday the 22d of April dissolved.
About this time there came word that our bishop of Aberdeen, and the bishop of Brechin, had gotten benefices in England frae the king, and that Dr. Sibbald was a preacher in Ireland.
It is said the king of Denmark had raised his customs quadruple to what was paid before, in contempt of the English and Scots covenanters standing against their king, his sister's son; and none should pass by Elsinore without payment, to the great wreck of thir countries, who cannot well live without iron, lint, and such other commodities.
Now again is the town of Aberdeen disappointed by expectation of their customs. Patrick Lesly agrees with the earl Marischal; he gets his haill money in a stock, whilk was better to the earl than to take it yearly; and Patrick Lesly gets a letter of tack over the town's head, seeing their customs were promised to them before by the earl.
The town's people of Aberdeen are pursued before the provost and baillies, for 18l. 2s. as the price of ilk musket, and 4l. for ilk pike, according to ilk man's several intromission, albeit thir arms, with their own besides, were p. 9 plundered frae them by the earl Marischal and major Monro. This was done at the instance of the marquis of Huntly. The town is also stented in a taxation of 7000 merks to pay three ministers their stipends yearly, and the superplus to help to pay the annuals of 40,000l. whereof the town, through the good cause, was run in debt. This business bred great murmuring in the town, and ilk man was stented and compelled to make payment proportionally.
Upon Sunday the 24th of April the communion was given here in Aberdeen, where Doctor Forbes took it again who had not subscribed the covenant, but still stood out.
Ye heard of the incendiaries, viz. John bishop of Ross, Mr. Walter Balcanquall, the earl of Traquair, Sir Robert Spotiswood president, and Sir John Hay, late clerk register. The first two were absent out of the kingdom, the last three were present, and past their trials, and Traquair, as was thought, guilty in five points (see the 34th act of the 3d parliament). In like manner the earl of Montrose, the lord Napier, Sir George Stirling of Keir, knight, and Sir Archibald Stuart of Blackhall, were all continued to the next parliament. (See the 33d act of K. Charles' second session.)
Upon the 28th of April Mr. Alexander Colvil justice depute, came to Aberdeen, and from thence rode to Elgin to hold a committee.
About this time there came forth an imprinted Quære, with an answer thereto, made by the same author, as does appear, and as some says by the English parliament, tending thus:
Queritur, What shall be done with a king that deserts his parliament, that brings in foreign nations, and neglects his militia, that turns the mouth of his cannon against his own subjects?
Answer. This king tynes his government of the militia simpliciter de jure.
This printed quaere thus proponed and solved, was thought strange by many, who saw and read the same. Howsoever it was, or whoever it was that set it out, yet it is most certain the parliament would no wise grant to give the government of the militia to the king, whilk truly and justly belonged to his royal majesty; p. 10 fearing, if he had that power in his own hand, he might command them perforce to yield, submit, and obey him, which otherwise he could hardly get done; which proved too true, as may be seen in this discourse.
The king found himself highly wronged (on the other part) by his own subjects to withhold perforce the militia from him, whereof himself is captain, being righteous king, and a special point of his prerogative royal, and he resolved to have and hold the samen as his royal predecessors were in use to do before him, or die by the gate. Thus he is brought under fear of his life, or to be taken and imprisoned by his subjects, if he stand out against them; and on the other fide the parliament stands still in fear of his majesty, and alteration in religion, as was thought, albeit they knew the contrary, having his overthrow rather privately aimed at, than any such preposterous fear of religion, as hereafter clearly does appear, albeit this royal king was endued by God Almighty with such rare gifts of body and mind, as Great Britain had never his parallel to reign over it. For he was holy, godly, religious, zealous in prayer, upright and just, and a brave justiciar, merciful and bountiful, chaste, charitable, and liberal, no ways covetous nor blood-thirsty, moderate and temperate in his mouth, clean and pure in all his actions; nevertheless this godly king, by his unnatural subjects (for their ends) brought to this point of extremity, that he was under fear of his life or captivity, as is formerly said, and had no certainty of rest in Scotland, or Ireland, with safety; all done and acted by that clandestine covenant, drawn up betwixt the mal-contents, or rather malignants of Scotland and England, and carried so secretly as his majesty heard never of the same, albeit the marquis of Hamilton and others of his majesty's counsellors knew it very well, and if in the beginning it had been revealed to the king, his majesty might have easily punished the traitors, and supprest the perfidious plot; but before the matter came to his ears, it was past help or cure, which I beseech the Almighty God, searcher of all hearts, to pacify, and to bring the king and his subjects under a solid and settled peace!
In the mean time the king begins to look about himself, and try who were his friends, and who were his foes; and p. 11 the parliament strengthening themselves by all manner of ways to get their will over the king.
Sunday the 1st of May, a fast solemnly kept through all the kirks of Scotland, for thir causes. 1. For the sins of the land in general. 2nd, For the distractions of England and Scotland, 3d, The distractions of England itself. Dr. Guild preached in Old Aberdeen both before and afternoon; the people kept the church all day, and while afternoon's sermon was done. And as before was used to ring three bells ilk fasting day to the afternoon's preaching, here was a new fashion begun, and but one bell rung to conveen such people to the afternoon's sermons, as came not to the forenoon's preaching, whilk form was observed on fasting days.
Monday the 2d of May drums beating daily through New Aberdeen, for soldiers to march for Ireland in the earl of Lindsay's regiment, under major Borthwick, upon the king's pay; ilk common soldier to have eight shillings ilk day, and the officers to get good payment of their dues. There was 10,000 soldiers to be raised out of Scotland for this expedition, and 15,000 out of England upon their charges. The English had order to march in upon the southside of Ireland, and the Scots upon the northside of the country. The Irish conveened in great multitudes, but were scant of arms and ammunition, as was thought, and such as they expected coming out of West Flanders for their supply, was daily taken by the Hollanders, who still lay in wait for them.
Ye heard before of major Monro; he arrived safely at Carrickfergus, and received his pay compleatly, and writes to the Scots council for orders. There was few soldiers in thir North parts to this Irish expedition, but raised out of the South, and small content among the officers of fortune, who had left their fortunes in other countries, and come home, hoping for preferment and benefit by thir troubles; but they were disappointed; for ilk nobleman would be crowner of his own company, suppose of small skill, who choosed their own captains and other officers of their own friends, whereby the good soldiers were debarred, and the regiments like to be misguided. But general p. 12 Lesly hearing of this disorder, resolved and gave command, that ilk regiment should be served with qualified officers, and not by unskilful soldiers, albeit many officers of fortune had great murmuring, seeing upon general Lesly's letters they had left their services in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Poland, and other foreign countries, and had come and served at Newcastle in this service, and disappointed of their pay by general Lesly himself; swa that frae the crowner to the single soldier there was want of payment, whilk made ilk man to do for himself; some went back to foreign countries, others went to York, and were well received by the king, and country about, and others bade still in Scotland, albeit they had not yet gotten great content. The foresaid general Lesly, the earl of Cassilis, the earl of Lindsay, and diverse others, were making great preparations for the service.
Upon Sunday the 8th of May, the communion was given the third time here in Old Aberdeen. Dr. Forbes and Dr. Lesly both took it at this time, albeit both outstanders and not subscribers of the covenant.
About this time the chancellor of Scotland rode to York to speak with his majesty. Some said he was written for; he returns back again, and a council day followed.
The earl of Montrose, the earl of Airly, and laird of Keir, as was said, rode to the king, but his majesty expresly prohibited them to come nearer to him than within a post, because by the 33d act of his own parliament he is obliged not to give presence to incendiaries or plotters without advice of his parliament; yet it was thought they had conference with some of the king's servants, wherewith they were content, and returned home again.
Upon the 11th day of May the bishop of Murray's wife having caused transport out of Spynie her haill goods and gear, insight and plenishing, and sent it about by sea to the place of Guthrie, heritably pertaining to her husband, she I say, removes the said day frae the said place of Spynie, and delivers the keys to the earl of Murray, constable thereof, having given John Innes of Leuchars, who had good right to the said constabulary, two thousand merks for his good will thereof; however the bishop's wife leaves p. 13 Murray, and convoyed by her two sons, Mr. John Guthrie, parson of Duffus, and Mr. Patrick Guthrie, came to Old Aberdeen upon the 13th of May, and from that past towards Angus, her husband remaining in Aberbrothock, who had never seen other since her husband was taken South, as ye have before. Thereafter the bishop takes up house in his own place of Guthrie, and there quietly remains.
After removing of the bishop's wife from Spynie, the earl of Murray possessed his sister's son, the young laird of Innes, therewith; but it was said the same night he entered Spynie, the stately house of Milton of Ross, pertaining to his father, was recklessly burnt (except the tower) with meikle good plenishing; a thing to be noted.
Upon the said 11th of May, Mr Alexander Colvil justice depute, and sir Alexander Hamilton justice clerk Depute, held a justice court at Elgin, by way of committee, having conveened the marquis of Huntly, the lord Gordon, the earls of Murray and Findlater, and many barons. Their errand was to agree with William M'Intosh, alias William M'Lachlan, to raise 600 men to keep, frae Dunnotter north to the sea-banks, the haill countries frae theft, robbery, and oppression of the Clangregor, who were in companies using all violence. There was promised to him for this service, 9000 lb. Scots to save the country skaithless during the space of an year; he always having power to raise the country for his defence, if need required; like as he set divers barons cautioners to refund sic skaith as was done in the time foresaid to the country people. This agreeance was made at Elgin, as was made before at St. Johnston with James Stuart, for saving the country from the same Clangregors. Shortly William M'Lachlan and his men go to the fields. This committee court continued eight days at Elgin, where William Couper in Glenrinness was affixed, convicted and hanged for incest and other crimes. A new committee was appointed to be holden again at Elgin in the month of August next to come; and so they dissolved.
Upon Sunday the 15th of May, Mr. John Rae, one of the regents of the college Marischal, sitting at the morning prayers in the Newtown kirk, suddenly fell lunatick, and p. 14 rising up cried loudly out, to the astonishment of the haill people; he was conveyed home and drawn blood of, and shortly after became sober. Some noted this suddenly to be the third visitation of this college; for first the house took fire, as ye have heard before; 2d, Mr. Robert Blackhall, one of the regents thereof, turned papist, was excommunicated, and left the kingdom, as ye have also heard; and 3d, This accident falling out in the person of another regent; but the Lord shortly restored him to his wits again, blessed be his holy name.
The 24th of May, the marquis of Huntly and the lord Gordon his son, came frae Strathboggie to Tilliefour, held courts, made chamberlains, and took possession of the lady Wardhouse her haill liferent lands in her name, and name of the laird of Cluny her husband, both being absent in Durham in England, and syne returned back again to Strathboggie.
Wednesday the 25th of May, a great council day was held in Edinburgh, whilk with Leith was under watch. There was presented before this council his majesty's letter, showing how his English. subjects were encroaching upon his royal prerogative, and therefore directed them and his Scottish subjects to stand to his defence, conform to their oath of allegiance, and to assist him as necessity required. To this council there came frae the English parliament commissioners also, desiring them to remember their first clandestine covenant, made betwixt the prime malignants of Scotland, forgers and beginners of our covenant, and the puritans and malignants of England; and to stand to the samen. The council is put to their wits end. It is here to be noted, how this royal king first and last is abused by his subjects of both kingdoms, by the draught of this ungodly, unreasonable, clandestine covenant (whereof his majesty had never gotten knowledge) for first, as appears, it was deviled by our Scots, who began the perturbation in the kirk of Edinburgh, raises an army, goes into England, and gets good payment and brotherly assistance, as ye heard before. The king craves assistance from England, against the Scots coming into their country; they would do nothing without they had a parliament, whilk his majesty was forced to indict, whereby the p. 15 English wan their desires; then craftily commissioners were chosen between the king and the Scots, articles were drawn up tending to our will, and discontentment of the king's majesty, and done by such commissioners as were our friends, albeit chosen by the king. Well; thir articles of peace drawn up, both armies of Scotland and England disbanded, a parliament holden in Scotland, the king comes and grants all our desires, but gat no content himself, as the acts of parliament purport; he returns to the parliament of England, and finds they are daily encroaching upon his royal prerogative. Wherefore he writes to the Scots council, and craves their aid, council, and advice, as becomes loyal subjects to their liege lord. This is a strange plot, devised by two combined factions, to bear down a great and godly monarch. Howsoever this clandestine covenant was privately drawn up without the king's knowledge by the beginners of the covenant here in Scotland on the one part, and the English puritans on the other part; yet there was many noblemen of both kingdoms that were not on this course, nor privy to the same, while about this council day, this clandestine band began to break out and be divulged, whilk took some stamp in their stomachs, thinking they were not tied to this privy covenant, and would rather follow the king nor the chief leaders of this covenant, whilk indeed bred heart-burnings, and great and many malecontents, and great appearance of distractions and divisions, both in Scotland and England, besides the great rebellion in Ireland.
Who followed the king, favoured and bade faster by him in thir days of distemper within Scotland; but he is forced to quit them, and these loyal subjects are holden incendiaries and plotters; some taken and warded, others chased out of the kingdom, others accused most shamefully in presence of committees, whilk the king could not gainstand, suppose sore against his will; his majesty's most special friends in England also holden by parliament evil counsellors; the archbishop of Canterbury, and 12 other bishops; taken and disgracefully warded. The great deputy of Ireland, the king's most loyal and true servant, and a thunderbolt against our Scots covenant, most cruelly beheaded, to p. 16 his majesty's unspeakable grief, and whilk he could not get helped. So Scotland's covenanters first gat their haill wills, ruled or misruled all, England following their footsteps goes on in the same course; so both in kirk and policy they change and make laws and alterations, guide and govern all, and make the king yield, subscribe, and consent thereto, albeit fore against his will, or otherwise no peace in Israel. His majesty's rents in Scotland taken up perforce, to maintain soldiers against himself, wherewith he sweetly and nobly dispenses, and likewise gives full power to meddle with his rents, till other charges and debursements (given up by the covenanters) was first paid; his friends and followers in Scotland spoilzied of their lands, rents, dignities, and offices, in some kind, and covenanters, greatest enemies to the king, preferred to their places, both in council and session; though sore against: the will of this royal king, who is so bound up by act of parliament not to prefer them to any public office without consent of parliament, nor to speak or confer with them without their advice, as ye have in the 33d act of K. Charles 2d parliament. What other acts and ordinances are there set down in favour of themselves, their counsellors and soldiers, may be clearly seen extended with consent of his majesty, to the satisfaction of their hearts and minds, against the expectation of many, and wonder of all the Christian world, and to the great disgrace, shame, and skaith of all his majesty s friends and followers.
Thursday the 26th of May the presbytery of Aberdeen changes their presbytery day of meeting weekly frae Thursday to Tuesday. It was first changed frae Friday to Thursday, and now frae Thursday to Tuesday. Sic changes now goes! . Dr. Scroggie compears before this presbytery, and produces under his own hand, his recantation following.
Wherefore, clearly discerning my former mistakings in opposing the national covenant of this kirk and kingdom, I do now pass from all the reasons and arguments spoken or given out by myself alone, or others, either before or at the late assembly, at Aberdeen, against our subscribing thereof, in as far as they militate against the covenant, or utters any thing to the prejudice thereof. p. 17
And particularly, I now declare the points whereupon I was questioned at my deposition, and did not clearly give satisfaction; as follows :
1st, I profess that the humanity of Christ ought not to be painted for religious use, or to be had in public places of worship.
2d, That the kirk of Rome is an heretical, apostate, and idolatrous kirk, and not the true kirk.
3d, I now declare clearly, that it is unlawful in a Christian kirk to have or use altars, cappings, and bowing before them, the priests habit while he officiates, such as surplices, rochets, and caps, the table standing altarways, and prayers towards the east.
4th, I do also, according to our covenant, renounce the service book of canons, ordination book, and high commission,. even as they are condemned by our general assembly, and upon the same grounds.
5th, I farther do declare, that albeit in the Lord's supper there is a commemoration of the sacrifice of Christ for us, yet the samen ought not to be called properly a sacrifice,. either propitiatory or commemorative.
6th, I also renounce the absolute necessity of private baptism.
7th, I deny the sacrament of the Lord's supper to be given to dying persons, as a visitation, and think the giving or taking thereof then to be superstitious.
8th, I confess, that the citing of the place, Mat. xxvi. 32. all those that take the sword shall perish. by the sword,. and they that resist shall receive unto themselves condemnation, Rom. xiii. 2. to condemn the just and necessary defence of this nation, are misapplied, and do bless God that our sovereign the king and our neighbour kingdom of England have taken notice of and caused publish the dutifulness and loyalty of our nation thereanent.
9th, And if any other thing be found set out by me, or others about Aberdeen, contrary to the just and lawful cause of the covenant, I disclaim them all.
10th, Finally, I allow and avow the lawfulness of ruling elders in the government of the kirk, and in all the assemblies thereof. p. 18
At the presbytery of Aberdeen, 26th of May 1642.
Sic sub. Mr. Alexander Scroggie.
This recantation was wondered at by many, he biding out so long, with great loss of means and credit, but comes now in, resolving to live in the town with his wife and bairns, and to abide his time with patience.
Ye heard before of the king's letter brought before our council the 25th of May, whilk by them was ordered to be printed, and whereof the tenor follows;
Charles, &c.
Right trusty and well-beloved cousins and counsellors, we greet you well. Although we have written our mind to you our council, yet upon our second thoughts, arising especially upon some bad rumours coming to our knowledge, we find it necessary, both for ourself and for the good of that our kingdom, to declare and make known both our disposition and desires more fully.
We know and feel the charge to be great, and the place to be high, wherein God, the King of kings, hath placed us; and that we must render an account of all our actions to him, who in his own time shall judge all men, without exception of persons. We have no other intention but by our government to honour him, by whom kings reign, and to procure the good of our people; and for this end to preserve the right and authority wherewith God hath inverted us, and which by his providence hath been derived to us by many princely progenitors.. In which glory that our ancient kingdom of Scotland doth participate.
We did not require of you that you should sit as judges. upon the affairs of another kingdom; we only intended to have both our sufferings and actions (as they are exprest in many messages past betwixt us and our parliament) made thoroughly known unto you, that since we have none besides you whom we acquaint with our proceedings, you may clearly see, that we have been so far from wronging our parliament of England, that we have given them all manner of satisfaction, even above that which they themselves in the beginning did express, or almost desire, and as much as could well consist with the safety of our honour and person. We will not put you in mind of your natural p. 19 affection towards us, which we know will be rather kindled than extinguished by our distress, nor of your covenant, wherein you are zealous of our greatness and authority, and which standeth in that sense wherein you did swear and subscribe it, nor of the many good laws made in our late parliament (of which we hope the present and succeeding generations shall reap the fruit of, when we are dead and gone) nor of the many promises made to us, upon which we were willing to yield to such things for settling the government of that our kingdom in our personal absence, which neither could we have granted, nor would you have craved (as yourselves did profess) had our greater affairs permitted our residence amongst you, and wherein we are most unjustly blamed and calumniated. 1st, That we are popishly affected. 2d, That we are the cause of bloodshed in Ireland. 3d, That we intend to bring in foreign forces. We here do protest and declare, in presence of him who knows the most secret of our actions and intentions, that we are nowise conscious to ourself of the guiltiness of any of the saids aspersions, and do take him to witness our innocency therein, who only hath the privilege to be the searcher of hearts; and if any, after so full and plain profession, shall distrust this our free declaration, we attest God that the fault is in the malignity of their rebellious humours, and nowise deserved on our part.
Given at our court at York the 20th of May 1642.
This piece coming before the lords of council, as said is, did seem to put his subjects in remembrance of their oath contained in the covenant for his royal prerogative. 2d, Touching his usage in the English parliament. 3d, His purgation of the foul aspersions laid to his charge. What more is insinuated I leave to the reader. But it is true, there conveened in the Canongate about 24 earls, lords, and barons, called banders, and their followers, who were contrary to the covenant, still shewing them to be the king's men; they attended to hear the contents of the king's letter sent to the council, and withal they themselves sent, as was said, a petition to the saids lords of council, under the subscription of the earl of Montgomery (first a strong covenanter, but now left the same) desiring p. 20 them to remember their national oath, and oath of allegiance to his majesty, contained in the covenant, and as good and loyal subjects to defend the king's royal prerogative, now impaired and encroached upon by the English parliament. The council gives no answer to this petition. Many barons, burgesses and gentlemen came over out of Fife to Edinburgh; the town is strictly watched, and the town of Leith both; none of the banders in companies suffered to come within the ports of Edinburgh. In the meantime there is another supplication given in to the council, of the whilk the tenor follows:
Apud Edinburgum, ultimo die mensis Maij, anno domini 1642.
The which day, in presence of the lords of Secret Council, compeared personally Thomas earl of Haddington, David lord Elcho, Arthur Erskine of Scotscraig, Sir John Wachope of Niddry, John Binnay and Thomas Paterson, merchants burgesses of Edinburgh, James Lentron burgess of St. Andrews, Mr. Andrew Ramsay minister at Edinburgh, and Mr. John Moncrief minister at Kinghorn, for themselves, and in name of the noblemen, gentlemen, burgesses, and ministers, occasionally met at Edinburgh, and gave in to the saids lords the supplication underwritten, of the whilk the tenor follows: To the right honourable the lords of his majesty's privy council, the humble petition of many noblemen, gentlemen, burgesses, and ministers, occasionally meeting at Edinburgh,
Most humbly sheweth,
Whereas they, upon the report of convocations, suddenly endeavoured and unexpectedly brought in to this council day, for the most part by these who have been esteemed by the country, and challenged by the parliament as incendiaries, plotters, and enemies to the peace of those kingdoms, have occasionally conveened at Edinburgh, and having heard of letters from his majesty, and declarations from the parliament of England, anent the present distractions of that kingdom, they have reason, from bygone experience and present preemptions, to fear the intentions and endeavours of these evil affected persons and their p. 21 adherents, left by their convocations and solicitations they take occasion of these differences to raise jealousies and divisions betwixt the kingdoms; and considering the common interest of all the subjects of this kingdom to preserve the late peace, so happily concluded betwixt the nations, by the providence of God, his majesty's goodness and wisdom, and the mediation of the parliament of England, and so solemnly established by the late treaty, oath of parliament, public faith, and great seal of these kingdoms, as in all other points, so especially in those articles (whereunto the rest are called but prefaces) for settling and entertaining a solid peace betwixt these nations in time coming, left upon any pretence they should be dallied one against another, wherein it is declared the duty of the estates, yea of every subject, for to conveen and suppress any evil affected persons who would raise arms against the subjects of the other kingdom, without consent of parliament, as traitors to the state, much more to petition against it; and wherein there is appointed a committee of the estates for conservation of the peace, in the interim between parliaments; all which the petitioners, among the rest of the good subjects of this kingdom, did hazard their lives to obtain, and did demand in the treaty, upon their dangerous experience of the council of England their medling in the affairs betwixt his majesty and this kingdom, to the engaging of the nations in war, which is so oft condemned by the estates of this kingdom in their remonstrances,pressing that common rule of equity, to do as ye would be done unto, which is now and may be retorted on this kingdom. Likewise desiring earnestly that your lordships, in these public resolutions, of so great importance to thir dominions, may carry along with you the hearts and consciences of this kingdom, and prevent that the breach grow not wider, by false confidence grounded upon sudden undertakings of any persons, as also their natural affection and duty to their gracious sovereign, according to their manifold obligations, and brotherly affection to the kingdom of England, forcing them to pray to God and desire all men, according to their stations, to use all lawful means to breed and cultivates good understanding betwixt his majesty and his p. 22 parliament, the surest foundation of greatness to his majesty, and happiness to these kingdoms; likewise taking to heart the dangerous consequences to his majesty and his dominions of your lordships answer, by tendering the offer of your service to his majesty against the demands, or upon the differences between his majesty and his parliament of England, or any other manner of way import (which God forbid) an engaging of yourselves, or of these nations in a war, or any thing that may tend thereunto. Therefore, in our own names, and in name of the rest of the nobility, gentry, burgesses, and ministers, whose hearts do and hands would go along with this petition, for preservation of peace betwixt these kingdoms, they do in all humility and earnestness petition your lordships, in the depth of your wisdoms, seriously to ponder the consequences of your answer to his majesty, and the parliament of England, at this time; so that thereby the confidence between his majesty and his subjects here now amongst themselves, nor betwixt the kingdoms (these unions tending ever to his majesty's greatness, and these divisions to his prejudice) may be by any means weakened, or their peace endangered, and to that end, as your lordships would leave no lawful mean according to your vocation and interest unessayed for begetting a good understanding betwixt his majesty and his parliament, being his greatest and impartial counsel, representing the body, whereof his majesty is the head, and for removing the distractions (the continuance whereof will ever trouble the peace of the kingdom) according to your lordship's last answer; so also seeing his majesty requires not that your lordships should, neither can your lordships judge of the laws and privileges of another independent kingdom, and the parliament of England offer to give all satisfaction concerning any messages or papers sent to your lordships anent their proceedings, that your lordships would be pleased carefully to shun all offence of real or verbal engagement, either directly or by way of inference, without consent of the parliament, conform to treaty, which either may give any just cause of offence to their gracious sovereign, or of jealousy to their brethren of England, or of p. 23 discourse unto any; and if your lordships did not observe that former rule of equity pressed by themselves during thir troubles, to do unto others as they would be done unto themselves, but did fall in the same fault, which your lordships and the rest of the estates of this kingdom hath condemned in the council of England, and for this effect, they but cannot remember your lordships, that according to an article of the treaty there was appointed a commission (as independent as any other) of so many of either estate, representing the whole kingdom, to prevent all occasion of division betwixt those kingdoms in the interim betwixt parliaments, all which they humbly represent to your lordships wise considerations, and expect from your lordships so gracious an answer as may satisfy their present fears, and secure them from dangers in this interim betwixt parliaments, and thereby prevent all necessity of petitions of this kind.—
Which supplication being read, heard, and considered by the saids lords, and they finding the same to contain matters of publick concernment, and that of importance, that requires mature deliberation; therefore they continue the answer of this petition till to morrow, and ordains the hail counsellors in town to be warned to attend the council to-morrow at two o'clock in the afternoon.
Apud Edinburgum, primo die Junij, anno domini 1642.
The lords of privy council having again read the petition abovewritten, declare that they will have consideration thereof, and as they are most tender and sensible of whatsoever may concern his majesty's person, honour or authority, so will they have a special care not to do any thing contrary to the late treaty, or which may infringe the union or peace, or weaken the confidence betwixt these two kingdoms, so happily established in his majesty's presence, and with his royal consent, in both parliaments; and are confident, that as from the saids lords the petitioners neither have nor shall have any necessity, so they will not trouble themselves nor the council hereafter with supplications of this kind;
and so dissolved.
Now ye have the king's letters and this supplication copied; read and consider both the one and the other, with the council's answer sent to the said supplication, whilk is so p. 24 strangely and confusedly set down, that I cannot understand the samen perfectly well, nor know I what answer the king got frae the council to his letter; but as some supposed it was continued to the next parliament; or what answer the English parliament received, I cannot tell. It was found fit by the council, that the king's letter should be published at the haill parish kirks of Scotland, that his good subjects might see his uprightness and sincerity, but Mr. Robert Douglas, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, came boldly to the council house, and publicly opposed the publishing of the same out of the pulpits through all Scotland, whereupon the council went to advisement, and condescended to Mr. Robert Douglas' desire, but withal ordained the same to be presently printed, and dispersed through the haill kingdom, that his majesty's mind might be certified to all and every one, whilk was so done.
It was plainly spoken, that the English parliament desired assistance of our country upon this occasion : Some of our noblemen, principal covenanters, at this time were displeased in their hearts with our most gracious sovereign, his godly government in some particulars, 1st, For his general revocation in his first parliament, which bred some fears in the hearts of some lords, of the erection of church lands, suppose nothing followed upon this revocation to their prejudice. 2d, For making in the same parliament a law anent the teinds, called a commission of surrenders of superiorities and tithes, grounded upon the helping of the clergy, who wanted a maintenance and relief of the laity, living yearly under the bondage of the lords of erection or laic patrons, which they thought tended to their great hurt and prejudice. 3d, When his majesty was at parliament, upon some reasons moving him, he refused to confer honours (such as to make barons lords, and lords earls) upon some, and preferred others to the dignities, whereat there was great grudgings; and siklike anent the lord Balmerinoch's accusation touching an infamous libel set out against his majesty most unjustly, and for the whilk he was convicted, though most graciously remitted by his majesty; upon thir occasions, I say, thir malcontent lords began to murmur and inwardly grudge with our king's most just proceedings, and strives p. 25 to lay grounds for his overthrow in royal government; and first, they privately essay the nobles, knights, barons, burgesses, and clergy of England, how they were set, and find there a number of malcontents, glad to cast off the yoke of obedience, with whom there was secretly made a clandestine covenant, so that ilk ane should take part against the king's prerogative. Now our lords being sure of England, laid the next course to be sure of Scotland; but they could get no ground to begin the play, till the incoming of the service-book at Edinburgh began. Then they take hold of the alteration and change of religion, and make it their quarrel, suppose most unjust in many men's judgments. Then followed here in Scotland our covenant, proclamations, protestations, and great perturbations; at last thir malcontents (seconded by their favourites of England) had all their will, and the king is born down both in church and policy, as may be clearly seen in his second parliament, Now all things being settled here in Scotland, as said is, England begins to follow our order in religion and church government, and many of our faction strives against sundry parts of royal prerogative and established laws, whereupon his majesty could not credibly nor laudably condescend; whereupon the malcontents of England begin to crave our Scots assistance, conform to the forenamed clandestine covenant, whereby our disorder was first bred, and whilk his majesty could not get suppressed without forces from England, which his majesty could not obtain till first a parliament was indicted, which the king (against his will) yielded unto. They, sure of a parliament, resolved to get all their wills, and first: to get our turn done, and thereafter their own, which bred much sorrow through all the king's dominions, as hereafter ye may hear.
Wednesday the first of June the committee of the kirk conveened in the kirk of New Aberdeen, by order frae the last provincial assembly, anent Mr. Thomas Mitchel's trials with Thomas Bell's wife, who compeared and confessed all to his face; however the committee caused note her deposition, and referred the decision to the next provincial assembly, where he was found honest.
The foresaid first of June the session sat down in Edinburgh for administration of justice, and peaceably sat their time. p. 26
About this time a meeting drawn on at York by the king; declaring there the reasons why he left the parliament, chiefly for fear of his life. It was well received by the haill country of York, and avowed by all to his service. Well, the parliament boldly fits still, albeit the king had commanded them to rise, whilk he of his royal power lawfully might have done; and his majesty being absent, they care not to hold their parliament going on, wherein both the covenanters of the upper and lower houses prevailed still by a plurality of voices against the king's friends, sitting there. In the mean time there is provided at York, a strong guard for the king's person, both of horse and foot; many malicious pasquils, written and printed against the king, and others written against his enemies; a remonstrance also set out in print by the English parliament, declaring what they had done was conform to the laws of England observed in Edward the second's time and in king Richard the second's time, which two kings were cruelly abused by their subjects, and done to death, as their chronicles bear; and in effect some thought they had no less power to do the same to our gracious sovereign, and either to take and to ward him, or by plain force to kill him, which the king with great patience suffered. In the mean time, they boldly meddle with the king's haill rents, thereby to disable him from raising any forces, if he were so disposed, and withal had meddled with the king's haill royal ships, so that he could do nothing by sea. Thus was this royal king pitifully abused, by his own subjects, to the admiration of all Christian kings! It is said, the king's seal was privately brought to York to him.
About the beginning of this month of June, Dr. Guild, principal, violently breaks down the insight plenishing within the bishop's house, which was left undestroyed before, such as beds and boards, &c. and caused transport them down to plenish the college chambers and other work; joists and greater timber he cut down; he tirred the haill toofalls of the office-houses, such as bake-house, brewhouse, byres, stables, yea and of some toofall chambers also, and carried roof and slates away, wherewith he roofed a song school, and slated the same within Bernard p. 27 Innes' close, where never song school was before. In the same manner he dang down the walls of the Snow-kirk to big the college dykes, as ye have heard before. Now he is demolishing the bishop's house, pitiful and lamentable to behold, kirks and stately buildings first to be casten down by ruffians and rascals, and next by churchmen, under colour of religion.
It is hereto be marked, that since January the beginning of this year 1642, there was great scarcity of white fishes on all our coast, to the hurt and hunger of the poor, and raising of the price of meal and malt, and begging of the fishermen; and it was reported that when the fishers had laid their lines, and taken fishes abundantly, there came a beast to the lines called the sea-dog, and eat and destroyed the haill bodies, and left nothing on the lines but the heads. A judgment surely from God Almighty, for the like scarcity to continue so long as has scarcely been heard of in Scotland, whilk made the meal and malt at eight, nine, and ten pound the boll, and all other meats were also made very dear. Besides this, a great drought throughout a great part of June, whereby grass and corns were burnt up and dried in the blade, whilk made also great scarcity of all milkness, butter and cheese; but the Lord amended this drowth, and upon the 17th, 18th, and 19th of June sent abundance of rain, to the great comfort of man and beast, but till that time June was burnt up, as said is. Yet, albeit the harvest was late, God sent corns abundantly through the ground, for entertaining man and beast , but being, transported to Ireland became dear and scarce.
Word came that the 12 English bishops that were warded, as ye have heard, were about this month of June put to liberty; but the archbishop of Canterbury stayed still in ward.
The Irishes daily grew stronger and stronger, using fire and sword, and all manner of cruelties against man, woman, and bairn, of English, Scots, and Irish covenanters, in their kingdom, without pity or compassion. Many fled this cruelty that could win away over to Scotland, both man, wife, and child; all this bred by the incoming of our covenant. p. 28
Upon Wednesday the 22d of June the laird of Corse rode to Edinburgh to the committee of the general assembly holden there, by persuasion of our last provincial assembly, not of his own good will. He was made welcome there by the brethren, and had privy conference with them; the parson of Belhelvie was sent commissioner from our provincial assembly to Edinburgh to the same committee; for they earnestly wished Corse (as an excellent learned man) to keep his own place, if they could in any case procure the same at their hand by their said commissioner, who was direct for that effect, as said is; but let the brethren in Edinburgh do their best, they could not by threatning nor persuasion alter this learned godly man to swear and subscribe their covenant, which, as he declared, was contrary to his conscience, whilk he would not balance with any worldly pleasure nor preferment. Thus after several meetings and conferences with Mr. Alexander Henderson, Mr. Andrew Ramsay, and other ministers at Edinburgh, appointed to sit upon the committee for the general assembly, in end he returned home again upon the 12th of July. Dr. Forbes foresaid, a learned divine and theologue, denying to swear and subscribe our covenant, was thought a stumbling block to this our good cause and new reformation.
Upon the 24th of June the laird of Haddo compeared before; the justices in Edinburgh, to underly the law for the alledged slaughter of Mr. James Stalker (as ye have heard before); after some reasoning, he was ordained to set caution to compear again, upon the next citation, and so he returned home again.
About this time Mr. John Lesly, bishop of Rapho, came from that country to Edinburgh, and from that to England, he said he came not clad like a bishop, but with sword and hanger, like a soldier; he went pert to the king. Mr. Andrew Cant being minister at Aberdeen, as ye have heard, began to bring in novations: he would not baptise a bairn, yea albeit at the point of death, but after preaching on Sunday, or any other preaching day in the week; he cried out against conveening at lyke-wakes, reading of scriptures, or singing of psalms at that time; but the dead p. 29 corps to ly upon a board all night without any company; but neither of this could he get done; he brought in a lecture-lesson to be used Monday at night, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, instead of evening prayers. No communion given by Cant for the space of two years to the town of Aberdeen, till first they were well catechised, because he alleged they were ignorant.
Mr. Henry Pollock, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, departed this life, confessing frae his heart, that his majesty was cruelly subdued and borne down by his own subjects, as was reported; for the whilk he got small convoy to his grave by the puritans of Edinburgh. Mr. Alexander Henderson at Leuchars in Fife, was translated therefrae to be minister at Edinburgh in his room.
About midsummer England sent to the committee at Edinburgh 110,000 pounds sterling, for their brotherly assistance, conform to the act of parliament in 1641.
About the 25th of June the Lord Mayor of London was directed to cause make proclamation at all the crosses of the town, changing all true and loyal subjects to come to the king, and bygones should be forgiven, except some persons, such as sir John Hotham, governor of Hull, and others his capital enemies, whom his majesty was not to pardon. The parliamentarians were highly offended at the mayor of London for suffering this proclamation to be made, and for the whilk he was presently deposed, and another mayor elected and put in his place; but first he was hastily taken, warded and accused, and thereafter deposed, for obeying the king's command. Yet this proclamation drew the hearts of many people to the king.
Now his majesty begins to waken, and is fast drawing to an head; his faithful followers and good subjects are by the parliamentarians declared incendiaries and a malignant party; he caused put in a garrison in Newcastle, and diverse lords of parliament resorted to the king, whereupon the parliament resolved to establish a committee of their best number to sit constantly at Westminster, for the parliament, with like authority and power, as if the haill estates of parliament were sitting; for they durst not rise totally , up, nor desert their parliament, lest the king could not be p. 30 moved to indict another, when they desired, as he had more than reason to refuse. In the mean time they make preparation for arms to defend their own pretended acts and ordinances for their militia.
Tuesday 27th of June was a visitation of our Oldtown kirk by the brethren. The session was changed frae after the forenoon's sermon till after the afternoon's sermon, on ilk Sunday. The landward elders thought this burden, heavy, to bide ilk forenoon, and buy their dinner in the Oldtown, whilk was abiding them at home in their own house. It was ordained by this presbyterial visitation, that ilk master and mistress of families in town and country within this parish, should come, with their bairns and servants, to the ministers catechising; noisome to country people, to come all, close up their doors, and leave none at home to keep their houses, corn, cattle, and other goods. They ordained the back of the high altar in bishop Dunbar's isle, curiously wrought in wainscot, matchless in all the kirks of Scotland, to be dung down, as smelling of popery and idolatry; pitiful to behold! In the mean time our minister Mr. William Strachan, teaches powerfully and plainly the word of God, to the great good and comfort of all his auditors; he takes strict account of those that came not to the communion, and keep not the kirk; calls out the absents out of the pulpits, which drew in such a fair auditory, that the seats of the kirk were not able to hold them; for remead whereof he caused big up a loft, athwart the body of the kirk, and entered the wrights thereto in November; likeas with great pains and diligence he caused slate the haill body of the kirk in summer time with new lath, new slate, and other new materials, whilk was not so well done since the time it was first slated, after the lead was tirred therefrae; the toofalls were not theeked, because they might not be overtaken this season. This Mr. William Strachan was one of the best ministers that has been seen at this kirk of a long time bygone; but the truth is, the back of the altar was violently pulled down by direction of Mr. William. Strachan, only advised thereto by Dr. Guild, principal and moderator for the time, and had not the consent of the brethren thereto, as is said before, and by this glorious timber p. 31 work of the said altar this new loft was adorned and beautified with gilt pieces and ornaments.
Now the marquis of Hamilton, foreseeing thir forces and apparent troubles, whereof he has not been blameless since the beginning, as would appear, for he had still the king's ear, and was continually upon his council, whilk he reveals to our covenanters by his letters, whereby they were provided and still upon their guard to answer whatsomever commission was lent by his majesty here, to protest against all manner of proclamations used here, and lead or mislead his gracious prince (who had made up his forlorn estate) as he pleased; for first a General Assembly was ordained; next a parliament was indicted, wherein the king in. all his designs both of kirk and policy was trampled down, his friends and followers declared rebels, incendiaries, and malignants, yea banished frae their honours, countries, and estates, and their enemies planted and placed in their room; ministers also banished, and their places filled up according to the will of the Covenanters; others deposed with indignity and disgrace; and in a word, none but the king, the bishops, nobles, ministers, and others who followed the king, were borne down pitifully with shame and disgrace, as may appear in his acts of parliament, where the king's enemies are exalted, and his true friends and followers casten down. To thir haill doings this marquis of Hamilton was still privy. The raising of arms, the coming to Berwick, the treaty of peace, corroboration of parliament, the king's returning to London, he is still with him; he attends his majesty until he saw no appearance of peace. Then he leaves him in his troubles with the parliament, feigning himself to be sick, and he behoved to come to Scotland for his health, whilk the king beheld, and winked at his proceedings, whereof he had gotten some knowledge, suppose too late. But the earl of Lanerk, secretary for Scotland, and secretary to the Scots council, he left behind him with the king, doubless for an intelligencer, who no question was still careful to acquaint his own brother german (and only upraiser) the marquis of Hamilton, with all the occurrences betwixt the king and parliament. Many wondered at the marquis p. 32 of Hamilton's behaviour frae the beginning of this covenant, or what could move him to deal so politiquely with so good a master; for it was well known he honoured this marquis, he enriched his coffers, and denied him nothing worldly wherein he could any wise avail him, in council, in privy-chamber, in bedchamber, still chiefest in his majesty's secrecy, and yet he would stir against him, and so behave himself under trust, as bred great grief to the king, and much trouble both in Scotland and England, as after does appear, whilk happily might have been prevented, if he had revealed their plots timeously to his majesty, and sought his honour, peace and prosperity, as became a true and loyal subject, both for his highness, and weal of his haill dominions of England, Scotland, and Ireland, who felt and suffered ilk one their own troubles and several vexations, as shall appear more plainly hereafter. However this marquis of Hamilton leaves the king in the beginning of thir troubles, but his brother, as I have said, bade still at court with the king, whereby he had daily intelligence, what was doing at court or abroad. Well, he comes to Hamilton, where he had his meetings with the marquis of Argle, the high chancellor, and other prime lords of the covenant, at his pleasure; syne at the down sitting of the session he came and dwelt at the king's own palace at Holyrood house, attended the council days ordinarily; he had a strait guard about him of his own friends and domestics, and held a great house, as was reported.
The earl of Morton left his majesty also, and came to Scotland to the king's own palace of Dalkeith, where he remained and dwelt all this while. General Lesly (now earl of Leven) brings over his lady to the castle of Edinburgh about this time, therein to dwell together, furnished the same for his own provision, but had no more men in it but what were before, and his own domestics.
It was reported also that there was about 24 noblemen called Banders that conveened in the Canongate of Edinburgh at the foresaid council day, as ye have heard, all malcontents, and were to petition the council, desiring them to keep the covenant and oath of allegiance to p. 33 his majesty, and to defend his royal prerogative, now encroached upon by his English subjects. Of thir or the like terms this petition was framed by the. nobles and others of the weft country, and given in under the subscription of the earl of Montgomery. The council gave no answer, but slighted the same, commanding them to remove, which they did, and went to Glasgow. In the mean time the ministry of Fife, with nobles, barons, and burgesses, gave in also to the council another petition, as ye may see before. They came in with great numbers, as the banders also did. The towns of Edinburgh, Leith, and the council were guarded with about 1000 men in arms.
It was reported that the Irishes were strong, who cannily espied their time to cast off their yoke of obedience; through the incoming of our covenant.
Sunday the 12th of June Alexander Harvie younger, and Alexander Paip taylor, were both excommunicated by Mr. William Strachan, minister at Machar-kirk, for popery.
Wednesday the 15th of June a proclamation printed in the king's name was proclaimed at the cross of New Aberdeen, for levying of 4500 soldiers, to go under the conduct of the earl of Irvine, brother to the marquis of Argyle, for France. Robert Keith, brother to the earl Marischal, was one of his captains, who got some soldiers in this country, and shipped here at Aberdeen.
Ye heard before of the laird of Haddo, how he was pursued criminally before the justices. At that time he was forced to consign before the lords 10,000 merks at the lord Fraser's instance, conform to their decreet, whereupon he relaxed himself frae the horn; and in the meantime by moyan they lifted up his money beyond his expectation, and to his great grief; but he wisely concealed his wrath, while he saw his time, and to the king goes he; but he first sets caution to compear the next parliament, to underly the law for the slaughter of Mr. James Stalker foresaid.
Word came that the parliament of England was by themselves to be adjourned, to order the militia themselves without the king's advice, and to take up arms in their own defence p. 34 against. the king, and to seek him at York, which his majesty courageously resolves to bear out as a noble king, conform to his royal predecessors, or then die like a gentleman, as himself said; and in the meantime goes up and down at his pleasure, miskenning the procedure of the parliament; and being at Beverly Castle, there was there presented to his majesty a petition from the parliament, dated the 16th of July 1642, whereunto his majesty hastily made an answer, whilk petition and answer by the king's command were printed.
About this time there fell out great showers of hailstones here about Aberdeen, marvellous to see, being upon the 9th of July, but lay not long, in respect of the time of the year.
Mr. Andrew Cant minister at Aberdeen, and Mr. John Gregory minister at Drumoak,are chosen commissioners for the presbytery of Aberdeen, and John Lesly elder, to go to the General Assembly, to be holden at St. Andrew's the 27th of July.
Ye heard before how the queen went over to Holland, in company with her daughter, with whom went John Strachan, skipper Strachan's son of our burgh of Aberdeen, who was born, bred and brought up within the said town. This John Strachan is a brave mariner, and stout cavalier; he got charge from his majesty of one of the king's yachts, having 24 brazen pieces upon her, to follow the queen to Holland, and to attend her service. Now the parliament seeing the king daily to stand out, and not to yield to their wills, and fearing this Strachan's employment was not for nought, they therefore sent to him where he was lying, and summoned him to return, with his ship and goods, back to the parliament, under pain of death. He answered, his charge, was frae his majesty, and when he commanded him, he should obey. The king gets word of this charge; whereupon he sends command, under the pain of hanging, that he the said John Strachan should give no obedience to any charge coming from the parliament for that purpose, whilk he gladly obeyed. Then they summoned him a second time, and the king gave a second countermand; whereupon p. 35 the parliament sends out four of the king's royal ships, two to ly at the mouth of the river Humber, and two to ly at the mouth of the river —— by one of which ways they by the Hollanders were surely advised, this Strachan behoved to go, and was hastily to come to England. But the parliamentarians resolved, before he came that length, to have him quick, or dead; of all which Strachan has good intelligence, and resolves to take the sea. He had with him on shipboard the lord Digby and William Murray, who had gone over with the queen, and resolved now to return back with Strachan to England. Well, to the sea goes Strachan; two of the kings ships follows, betwixt whom there was some fight; the other two likewise follows, whilk Strachan espying, and finding himself unable to defend against them all four, made choice to take flight; and being speedier under sail, for that she was of less burden than any of the other four, goes soundly and safely frae them by plain speed, for he was well acquainted with all the sands, creeks, and holes upon the English coast, whereby he wisely took his advantage, and hastily run her ashore, where the great ships durst not follow. Well, he takes out his cannon, and mounts them upon land; he plants his muskets so, that no one pinnace nor boat durst come near his ship, albeit they were sent after him, but were dung back again, both by cannon and musket; in the mean time, Strachan sent word to the king of his landing (who was within 18 miles distance) who hastily sends a guard, conveys the lord Digby, William Murray, himself, and about other 100 persons, to his majesty. They took order with the cannon, muskets, and ammunition, and let the ship ly still there. There came in this ship great sums of money, by the queen's moyan as was said, together with arms for ten thousand men, ammunition and cannon, whereof his majesty was very joyful, received Strachan (whom the parliament had declared traitor for his disobedience) and for his brave service knighted him with his own hand, to the great honour of the burgh of Aberdeen, being one of our townsmen born. p. 36
The earl of Northumberland, high admiral of England, by fee and heritage, about this time, upon his own privy respects, laid down his admiralty, and gave over his charge, and the earl of Warwick at his own hand meddles with his place; whereat the king takes offence.
Now the king is growing to an head, and the parliamentars very strong, kept parliament daily and continually; the earl of Essex is chosen their general, and all such as favour the king are declared incendiaries and malignant parties against the country, therefore the parliament resolves to move, or make the king condescend to their opinions whether he will or not. 1st, That he should ratify their haill acts of parliament, both for church government and policy, albeit contrary to his royal prerogative, and to the utter suppressing of episcopacy. 2nd, That his majesty should indict a General Assembly, for getting a consent of the kirk, that was of their opinion, to the establishing of this new order of church government in England, as is now with us in Scotland; doubtless plotted and desired betwixt England and Scotland, for their own ends, and overthrow of the laws both of England and Scotland, made in favour of bishops, and to his majesty's prejudice, wanting the bishops as the first of the three estates to sit in parliament. 3d, That his majesty should send in the incendiaries and haill malignant parries, to be censured and punished by parliament. The incendiaries are understood to be the king's loyal subjects and faithful followers. Thir points seemed in nowise reasonable in the king's sight, and he utterly denied the same, whereupon both parties went to arms sore against the king's will, as after does appear.
The king seeing no redress anent Hull, lays strait siege thereto, but Sir John Hotham governor thereof, lets out certain flukes of water, whilk overflowed the ground near about the town, so that by land no convenient assault could be made, whereupon the king left the siege, and rode up and down through the country, making his friendship, to whom many of his subjects daily resorted.
Wednesday the 27th of July 1642, the General Assembly sat down in St. Andrew's , Mr. Robert Douglas sometime p. 37 minister of Kirkaldie, translated therefrae to Edinburgh, was moderator of this assembly. The earl o Dunfermling was commissioner for the king, with four assessors, viz. the chancellor, the marquis of Argyle, the earls of Cassilis, Glencairn, Lindsay, Wemyss, and others; divers barons, gentlemen, and ruling elders; the marquis of Hamilton, and earl of Morton were written for, but they came not; and the marquis said, he could now do no service for the king. It is here to be marked, that Argyle sat not only there as assessor to the king's commissioner, but also sat at this assembly as one of the commissioners for the estates of Scotland, who still opposed the king's commissioners, pleading for the king's honour; as in special the assembly received from him a letter frae the king, desiring them not to meddle with the affairs of England, nor so much as mediate, least their quietness might be turned into trouble, whilk they regarded not as became, in the particulars subsequent. A letter came also to this assembly from the parliament of England, desiring them to remember their covenant and unity of religion with England, by their own commissioner, whom they sent with this letter well backed. There also came another commissioner, with a letter subscribed by about 25 puritan London ministers, desiring presbyterian government. Mr. Alexander Spang, minister at Campvere, came also to this assembly, who was well received, and admitted to vote with the brethren. There also came a letter frae our own Scots commissioners lying in England, desiring the assembly to have conformity with England in church government, and that our ecclesiastic form should be written up to England for this effect. Matters are agitate how answers should be sent to thir several letters. The king's commissioner alledged, they could make no answer to any of thir letters, but by the king's own advice, and protested against them. Argyle stood up and opposed him, telling him it was lawful for a free assembly to give their own answers; and first they penned a pleasant answer to the parliament's letter; another to the London ministers letter; thirdly, to their own commissioners, to whom they sent our church government, penned by Mr. Alexander Henderson minister, and concluded to p. 38 solicit his majesty (as they wrote indeed to him) for conforming of the church of England to our church government.
At this assembly Mr. John Guthrie was simpliciter deposed frae the kirk of Duffus, and Mr. Alexander Symmer admitted in his place. Mr. Archibald Johnston was clerk to this assembly, and was named My Lord (being indeed one of the lords of session) but the moderator was named Brother. Strange to see! Mr. Andrew Cant looking to be appointed minister at Edinburgh, was disappointed by Mr. George Gillespie, who was preferred; and he came again to Aberdeen.
Many acts and ordinances were made here at this assembly, whilk is referred here to their own books. They appointed a general fast and prayer, to be kept through all the kirks of Scotland, upon Sunday the 11th of September next, for three several causes. 1st, For the great bloodshed, misery, and calamity of Ireland. 2d, For the divisions and distractions within England, betwixt the king and his people; and that the Lord should bring his majesty's three kingdoms under uniformity of religion and church government. 3d, For fair and seasonable weather, to win and ingather the fruits of the ground.
This general assembly nominated and appointed so many to be constant commissioners for them, to sit at Edinburgh, till the next general assembly, as a committee for the kirk of Scotland, to cognosce in such manner as if the haill assembly were personally sitting; and after appointing the next general assembly to be holden at Edinburgh the 2d day of August 1643, they dissolved and rose up the 6th of August.
This same Wednesday and 27th of July, general Lesly listed 3000 foot and 600 horsed soldiers, well furnished with cannon, field pieces and ammunition, and all other things necessary, and marched towards Ireland. Himself shipped (but he was only estimate to be about 80 horse) and landed all safely in Ireland.
The said day the marquis of Huntly, accompanied with his goodson the lord Drummond, and his lady, the lord Aboyne, Charles and lady Mary, the marquis' bairns, and others being about 80 horse, came frae Strathboggie, rode p. 39 through the Oldtown to New Aberdeen, with sound of trumpet; the laird of Drum, with his two sons, the laird of Pitfoddels, and sundry others, in his company. The marquis, with the lord Drummond and his bairns, lodged in skipper Anderson's house. Upon the morn the town of Aberdeen gave them the wine, &c. and made the lord Drummond burgess. Upon Sunday they came over to the Oldtown, saw the marquis' house and yards, drank with the laird of Corse and doctor Gordon's relict, in their own houses. The marquis stayed in Aberdeen till Saturday the penult of July, convoyed the lord Drummond with his daughter to the bridge of Dee, where they took leave frae other, syne parted, the one going South, the other returning home to Strathboggie. The marquis was not in Aberdeen since the first of January 1642, till this time that he was convoying his goodson to the town.
About this time some tug-whitings were taken, and by God's providence the fishes became larger, for entertainment of the people.
Word came to Aberdeen, that the queen mother departed this life in West Flanders; a great instrument, as was thought, of thir troubles.
In this month of July the young laird of Gight married the laird of Ludquharn's daughter; and (as was thought by his mitigation) fell into some variance with his own mother the lady Gight, daughter to the lord Ogilvie. He craved his evidents from his mother, as he that was put in fee of the lands of Gight by his goodsire, and his father was never infest thereintil, who was now out of the kingdom. The lady answered, she could not deliver these writs (her husband being absent) without his consent; whereupon by Ludquharn's assistance they resolve to take in the place of Gight, which she shortly mans and stoutly defends. They take in barns and laigh bigging, to see if they could get the gates opened, and shot in at the haill windows, where one William Gordon was shot through the shoulder blade. The earl of Airly, hearing of his sister's distress, spake to the marquis, who settled this matter at Legatsden betwixt Gight, who came thither, and his mother. Now Gight returning back frae Legatsden, well content of the p. 40 agreement, John Leisk, one of his own folks, shooting a volley with an hagbut for joy, his hand was shot frae him, and he shortly thereafter died. This hagbut was plundercd by Ludquharn, the said John Leisk being in his company, out of the place of Foveran; so he got his reward, and this siege dissolved.
About this time doctor John Gordon, the deposed minister of Elgin, having got some settling in England, returned to Elgin, sold his plenishing and books, made money of all, and took his wife and children with him to England. Thus is this honest man crossed and compelled to flee his native country, and settled calling, as ye may read before.
Now the king is at York, and understanding of the general assembly's letters written to divers persons, as ye heard before, and that the samen bred great encouragement to the parliamentary faction, thinking surely that all Scotland was with them, and upon their course; this, I say, made them so much the more bold, (standing on such terms with the king as they did) and bred some discouragement to the king's followers and faithful subjects. However he draws to a head, and was estimate to be about 7000 dragooners and 1400 foot, by and attour his trained bands, with brave captains and commanders, having cannon, ammunition, and all other provision necessary in great abundance.
The parliament, on the other part, sits constantly at Westminster, by an established committee; diverse of the lords and members thereof rides frae the parliament to their own countries, making up forces of men of war to bring the haill kingdom under subjection, and to follow their opinion by strong hand, as our covenanters did in the kingdom of Scotland; and to this effect: they used all means possible, and established a committee of war, without authority or warrant of the king's majesty. Yet it was said the parliament was of great power and of better government, ready to meet him with displayed banners.
Word came that the marquis of Hartford, keeper of the young prince, was overthrown by the lord Brooke, one of the parliamentars, and was fled to one of his own castles frae the king's service. p. 41
About this time a committee holden at Elgin upon the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of August. The justice depute, the king's advocate, and justice clerk were there. The marquis of Huntly, the earls of Murray and Findlater, the sheriff of Murray, the laird of Grant, and divers were at this committee, and sundry others absent that should have been there; their business was to take order with the Clangregor, and John Dugar, and other Highland lymmers, and with their recepters. They sat down and fenced their courts daily, albeit there was not a full quorum convened. The poor country people are cited and accused for receipt of thir lawless lymmers, and giving of them meat, drink, and harboury. They answered, it was true, because they durst not deny them entertainment, for fear of their lives and spoilzing of their goods. But no respect was had to the good reason of thir poor bodies, but they were severely fined and punished for their receipt, and the rascals themselves left unpunished or unsought for. Thus this committee dissolved, ilk ane to their own houses, and upon the 14th of August the justice depute, the king's advocate, and justice clerk, with their servants, rode frae Elgin to Inverness, with little good to the country for their coming.
The earl Marischal rides south again for settling of his customs, whilk agreed, as ye may see hereafter, nothing to his mind, and grievous to the burgh of Aberdeen.
About this time the lairds of Banff and Foveran, and some others, leave the kingdom and go to the king, where they remained a while.
Ye have heard before of the king's forces. He resolves now to takes his march, and raise his army, upon Monday the 18th of August, and go forward with displayed banners, and set up his standard at Nottingham, whilk courageously he did.
Prince Rupert his majesty's nephew, being taken by the emperor, and kept by the space of three years in sure custody and keeping, is at this time by the emperor ransom-free put to liberty, who quickly takes journey towards his uncle the king of Britain, where he was joyfully received, and heartily made welcome, and as was said, sent freely by the emperor to our king to help him in thir troubles. p. 42 Well, he is preferred, and made commander over the king's horse. The earl of Crawford likewise comes to him. he is made welcome, and created commander of the volunteers. The king takes order with the commissioners of array, through all the shires and counties (whilk we call weaponshawings) he charges all manner of men to conveen to his standard, conform to the English laws, under the pain of treason, and finding the parliamentars disobeying and not coming to his standard, he forthwith caused discharge their parliament, commanding them to rise up and dissolve, and declared the earls of Essex and Bedford, the lord Brooke, and some others, traitors.
On the other part, the earl of Essex, general of the horse forces, hastily draws to a head with a brave army, and gave out that they had no purpose against the king himself, but only against his counsellors, malignant and incendiary persons, (who indeed were his majesty's most loyal and true subjects, biding by him most faithfully in thir his miserable distresses) and resolved to take them frae the king's back perforce, as they who were enemies to their ungodly and treasonable procedure against his sacred majesty, seeking to defend his royal prerogative with their lives, lands, and goods, against thir rebellious parliamentars.
Upon the 23th of August one Crighton, brother german to the laird of Frendraught, was unhappily slain at —— by Adam Gordon, a young boy, with a pistol. He was son to James Gordon in Fechil, of the folks of Curridon, and servitor to —— Urquhart of Crombie. Dunbar of Burgie, good brother to the laird of Frendraught, had drawn on a meeting betwixt Crombie and Crighton, who then stood not in good terms, where Meldrum of Iden was; but this meeting turned tragical, and Crombie with his boy and Iden hastily fled the country, and wan away safely.
Our gracious king's goodness, is abused, and daily more and more provoked to wrath, by his disloyal parliamentars; for when first his majesty was conditionally content to recal his declarations of treason, and take down his standard, now they will have him to quit his true and loyal subjects, without whom he can have no being; and p. 43 they, with the earl of Strafford, put out of the gate: then the king should stand alone, that they might do with him as they pleased. But his majesty more generously would protect and defend them the better, whom the parliament fought to destroy for his cause, and held and maintained them, as his good subjects, who approved themselves faithful in the troubles which followed. Now the parliamentars must rebelliously begin at their hand to meddle with the king, the queen, the young prince, and all their rents; takes in the ships royal; they leave him nothing in property whereon to live; his castles and towers and strengths they take frae him; the prelates and their dependants, with the papists and their lawful rents, they meddle with. So that in effect this gracious king is robbed of all means, friends, and moyan belonging to him; his queen, the young prince, and of his worthy prelates; all done to him by his own native and unnatural subjects, of purpose to draw him perforce to their lawless opinion. But the Lord disappointed their expectation, albeit his rents and revenues in Scotland pertaining to him and his queen, was in like manner taken frae him by his disloyal subjects, under pretence to pay their debt, contracted in thir troubles, whilk they call the good cause. Notwithstanding of all their grievous afflictions, he raises his standard as ye have heard before, at Nottingham, not passing 2000 men, and as little money to pay them; however the Lord daily more and more prospers him, as ye may see hereafter.
Upon Sunday the 28th of August, Mr. Andrew Cant and Mr. John Oswald, two of the ordinary ministers of Aberdeen, gave the communion, the first in the old kirk, and the second in the new kirk. They gave the bread to one or two nearest them, then the bason by an elder was set before the people down the board, and ilk man took his communion bread with his own hand out of the bason. The minister thereafter gave the cup to one on ilk side sitting nearest him, and so ilk communicant gave the cup to others,sitting at the table, but not kneeling, as was used before, whereat sundry people murmured and grudged, but could not amend it. Upon the 29th of August Dr. Guild, at his own hand, caused brake down the great oaken joists within the bishop's p. 44 house, and transported them therefrae for reparation of this college. Pitiful to see so glorious a building thus thrown down by despiteful soldiers, and then demolished by doctors of divinity! this Dr. Guild being principal, began to preach there, as ye have heard before, but about Lammass he began to weary, and left off any more preaching; whereat his auditors were nowise displeased; for they had no pleasure of his unsavoury sermons, the students wishing rather to be at their lessons, and the town's people at their work, than hearing him.
About the last of August, the laird of Haddo came home frae England knighted. He brought with him some dainty horses.
Upon the 2d day of September lady Henrietta Stuart, marchioness of Huntly, departed this life in France, and was buried in her mother's grave at Lyons: a virtuous reverend lady, born in France, and married in Scotland, where she bare her honourable bairn-time, and in her widowhood and old age, by cruelty of the kirk, for her religion is forced to flee her country, and go into France, where she died, as said is. Her eldest son the marquis succeeded to her liferent lands of the Bog and plough lands; a matter of about sixscore chalders victual, and a good help to his distressed estate; but had no more but the chamberlainry thereof.
The earl Marischal is forced by plain moyan to set Sir William Dick five years tack of the customs of Aberdeen and Banff, and that for payment of 12000 merks, and a tun of French wine, whilk tack the said sir William Dick presently sets to Patrick Lesly, provost, in subtack, and he obliged him to relieve him of the tack-duty at the earl Marischal's hands. Thus (such was the iniquity of the time) Patrick Lesly gets thir customs, against the noble earl and all his enemies in Aberdeen, whereat many marvelled. It was said he gave the earl quietly 1000 dollars for his oversight to this five years tack; however the earl had ten years tack to run (unset) after expiration of the said five years tack, for he had gotten a 15 years tack in all.
Upon Tuesday the 6th of September, Mr. John Gregory minister at Drumoak, at the visitation of the kirk of New Aberdeen, teached most learnedly upon the fourth verse of p. 45 the second chapter of the Colossians, and reprehended the order of our kirk, and new-brought in points. Mr. Andrew Cant, sitting beside the reader, as his use was, offended at this doctrine, quickly closed the reader's book, and laid down the glass before it was run, thinking the minister should the sooner make an end; but he beheld and preached half an hour longer than the time. Sermon being ended, the brethren conveen to their visitation, where Mr. Andrew Cant impunged this doctrine, desiring the said Mr. John to put the same in write. He answered, he would not only write, but print his preaching, if need so required, and abide by all that he had reached, as orthodox doctrine. The brethren heard all, and had their own opinions, but without any more censure they dissolved, somewhat perturbed with Cant's curiosity. Upon Thursday he railed out in his sermon against the said Mr. John Gregory's doctrine, and on Sunday likewise. At last, by mediation of the town's baillies, at a cup of wine, they two were agreed, and settled with small credit to Cant's business.
There came word to Aberdeen, that the English and Scots covenanters residing in Ireland were pitifully distressed, spoilzied of their goods, and rest of their lives. After general Lesly's going into the country the native Irishes declared they would lay down arms at the king's feet, but not to the Scottish and English rebels.
Upon the foresaid 6th of September the master of Lovat, now come from his marriage with general Lesly's second daughter, came with her to Aberdeen, having her eldest brother the lord of Balgouny, the lord Elcho, Sir John Ruthven, and some others in company. They got the banquet frae the town, and little thanks given therefore. They rode to the laird of Frendraught's house, whose eldest son had been married to an elder daughter of the said general Lesly's, now earl of Leven; but she departed this life shortly, leaving an only daughter behind her. There they were well entertained; from that they rode to Murray to the lord Lovat's house, and from that the Highland gate returned to Edinburgh.
About this time there came in quietly to Aberdeen one called Othro Ferrendail, an Irishman, and a skinner to his p. 46 calling, favoured by Mr. Andrew Cant, and by his moyan admitted freeman. He was trapped for preaching on the night in some houses of the town before their families, with close doors, nocturnal doctrine or Brownism, as was said, of whom ye may read more hereafter.
About the 10th of September the earl of Irvine, lawful brother to the marquis of Argyle, taking up a regiment for France, came to the marquis of Huntly, his own good brother, who was well entertained in Strathboggie, and got 40 soldiers frae him to help his regiment. From that he came to Aberdeen, and was blythly banqueted , his soldiers were shipped here at Aberdeen, under the conduct of lieutenant Blair, and thereafter other men were shipped for his regiment, with lieutenant colonel Gordon, brother to the laird of Abergeldie.
Saturday the 10th of September, George Thomson, master mason, new come frae Strathboggie to Aberdeen, suddenly fell over Thomas Thomson's stair, and with the fall became speechless and senseless, and departed this life upon the Thursday thereafter. An excellent mason, of singular device; he builded sundry brave buildings; among the rest he re-edified the steeple of the College kirk of Old Aberdeen.
About the same time Thomas Urquhart, chirurgeon in Aberdeen (being drunk) fell over William Watson's stair in the Nether-kirk-gate of Aberdeen, about seven hours at even, and immediately departed this life, being carried home to his own house. Pitiful accidents in this good cause!
Upon Sunday the 11th of September, and Wednesday thereafter, a fast was solemnly kept in both Aberdeens, and through all the churches of Scotland, by direction of the General Assembly, as ye have before. The motives were, first, the troubles betwixt the king and the parliament of England. Secondly, to pray for uniformity in religion, doctrine, and discipline, through England, Scotland, and Ireland. Thirdly, for settling all malcontents in Scotland, that we may live in peace. Fourthly, for fair weather, to ingather the fruits of the ground. This fast was solemnly kept in both Aberdeens on Sunday and Wednesday p. 47 thereafter, and in new Aberdeen, so precisely, that no booth-door durst be opened on Wednesday till both forenoon and afternoon's sermon were ended that day.
Tuesday the 20th of September, Mr. Alexander Scroggie younger exercised here very learnedly in Old Aberdeen before the presbytery, to his great commendation. He was preferred to be minister at Forglen, albeit deposed from his being regent in the college of Old Aberdeen, as ye have heard before. Mr. William Scroggie, his brother, thereafter exercised likewise learnedly. It is said at this time the presbytery found it expedient, that baptism should be given upon any day, as well as on a preaching day, when the bairns were weak, contrary to the opinion of Mr. Andrew Cant and his associates.
Ye heard before how Dr. Guild took down the fair oaken joists out of the bishop's house; now about this time he likewise causes tirr and take off the slates off of thir houses, and carried them down to theek a song school, newly made up by him, of an house within umquhile Bernard Innes's close; he caused break down beds, boards, and other fine wainscot timber work, and brought them down to the college, to be employed there at his pleasure. He also tirred the latrons in the college, whereby the students had not such natural easement as before, whereupon followed, in despite of him, that both the stairs, chamber doors, and close, were nightly abused; yet some time after this it was theeked again.
About this time the earls of Dunfermling, Kinnoul, Airlie, the lairds of Banff, Foveran, and divers others, came home frae England. The laird of Banff was made lord Banff, and at the same time the young laird of Frendraught was made viscount of —— lord Crighton; but his father would not change his style, but be called laird.
Wednesday the 28th of September, being Michael-even, Patrick Lesly, a strong covenanter, was chosen provost of Aberdeen, Mr. Robert Farquhar, John Lesly, Thomas Mortimer, and Alexander Jaffray, baillies for an year. Sir Alexander Irvine of Drum sheriff principal of Aberdeen, and Thomas Fraser of Strichen sheriff principal of Inverness, by commission. p. 48
About this time Sir John Lesly, eldest son to the deceast laird of Wardhouse, came home out of Germany, but his father's fair estate was delapidated, and little or nothing left him whereupon to live, so that he behoved to shift for himself, and went south to Edinburgh.
Sunday the second of October Alexander Sandison, messenger, swore and subscribed the covenant after sermon in Old Aberdeen, in presence of the congregation, compelled thereto against his will.
Ye heard before how his majesty had raised his standard at Nottingham, with about 2000 men, and very scant of monies, as was reported, pitiful to behold! ilk day news coming to Aberdeen, sometimes of the Ring's victories, whereat his true subjects rejoiced, otherwise that the parliamentars were victorious, whereat the puritans and their faction avowedly rejoiced; but when they heard of the king's victories, they dropped like dead upon the causey.
Word came to Aberdeen about the 27th of September, how prince Rupert had taken in Worcester, after a brave fight. General Essex advancing towards them, sent some troops to keep the gates, and some horsemen of his lifeguard, but they made a foul retreat. There were 700 parliamentarians killed, four colours, and divers prisoners taken, but one colonel Sands did oppose prince Rupert manfully, whereby also some of the king's men were killed and sore hurt. After this victory there flocked daily out of all shires many of his good subjects, whereby he was now growing to an head, and had his army both of horse and foot in good order and posture.
About this time Marshal Ruthven, with some Dutch commanders, came frae Germany and landed in England; he offered his service to his majesty, was well received, and did him singular service.
About this time there were sent to the English parliament the earl of Cassilis, the lord Maitland, Sir Archibald Johnston laick elders, Mr. Alexander Henderson, Mr. Robert Douglas, Mr. George Gillespie, minister at Edinburgh, Mr. Samuel Rutherford minister at St. Andrews, Mr. Eleazer Borthwick minister at to treat upon uniformity in religion and church government, as was spoken before in the parliament-passages. p. 49
Now the long marches for London. General Essex resolves to give him battle before he come there; both armies went on in others sight to Kenton near Banbury, where there was a large plain field fit for the purpose. The king goes to council of war, resolves to fight on Sunday against his will, saying, Then since it is so, let God fight his own battles upon his own day.
Thereafter, while as his majesty was riding up the forefront or head of the army, and immediately before he joined battle, he made a speech, and commanded the 7th psalm (much to the purpose) to be publicly sung, to the great joy of his soldiers, who threw their caps in the air, crying out, God save the king! forward! forward!
Whereupon his majesty gave order to charge; prince
Rupert commanding the right wing, Felt Marshal
Ruthven the left wing, and the earl of Lindsay the main battle.
rince Rupert at the first charge routed the enemy's left
wing, and Ruthven shortly after (tho' with some more
difficulty) did the same to their right wing, and both
pursuing the chace left the main battle naked, so as the
standard being in the van of the king's foot, having long
sustained the haill of the enemy's force, and born down with
numbers, there was killed to the king the earl of Lindsay,
the lord Aubigny, Sir Edward Varwein standard bearer,
and the standard taken, but quickly regained by a private
man called Smith, who was made thereafter the king's
standard-bearer in all fields, and created the first banneret
in all England, and knighted for this piece of service.
Divers other brave gentlemen besides were killed and cruelly
wounded, and sundry taken prisoners, such as the lord
Willoughby, son to the said earl of Lindsay, general of
the foot army, colonel William Vavasour, and others. It
is said, after the taking of the standard, the king with
his reserve came courageously forward, and recovered the
same, by means of the said Smith. By this time prince
Rupert and Ruthven returned frae the chace, which if they
had not followed so far, the standard had not been taken,
and the enemy had been utterly overthrown. But shortly
after their return, the enemy was routed, and all
defeated, the king himself being approved for his valiancy and
p. 50
courage, to the great joy of his army, whom he was still
exhorting; and of the night had not come on, his
majesty's army had cut them all off. Essex fled to the castle
of Warwick. There was killed to him above 5000 men,
and 27 colours, 26 cornets of horsemens colours, eleven
pieces of great ordnance, and thirty waggons full of
ammunition was taken. There were killed to the king about
2000 men, besides the persons above mentioned. It is
said, the king led on his troops very fair, and escaped
the shot of a cannon, within a yard, still crying, Fight
for God and the king, and the protestant religion, and
God will fight for you.
The commanders behaved
themselves bravely; Sir Thomas Austine wan much honour;
the earl of Crawford and Edward Syrton, whose
regiment was last in the field, whereof his majesty took special
notice. This battle was fought upon Sunday the 23d of
October, in a morning, upon a fair muir of heather
betwixt Banbury and London. It is said, before this battle
his majesty went from Shrewsbury, and past by the earl
of Essex, who being advertised, followed with all
diligence, So that the two armies came in sight of one
another the samen Sunday morning, and the king and all his
army stood in battle array the haill night after the battle.
Upon the morrow his majesty went first to Banbury town,
where my lord Peterborough (who fled) had a regiment
against the king for the parliament, and who also resisted
his majesty entrance within the town; he therefore caused
shoot an ordnance over the town, whereupon the mayor
and others came forth. His majesty gave them all, young
and old, quarter for their lives, but gave the pillage of
the town to his soldiers; then his majesty past to the lord
Sey's house, himself being absent, and his lady being
brought out, she went safely, but her house was pillaged.
The lord Saint John, a great man for the parliament, was
likewise in this battle killed.
The king went then to Oxford, where he was most joyfully received with universal acclamations. There was brought: in before him, all the colours and cornets, in triumph of victory. His majesty directed the most part of his horse to a place on the Thames called Feavly, twenty-five p. 51 five miles from London, and sent Sir John Barrow with a proclamation to the citizens of London and Westminster, with pardon to all (28 persons who chiefly did oppose the king, only excepted) upon provision they would yield and come in to his majesty, and that they would neither aid nor assist Essex with men, money nor plate After this Felt Marshal Ruthven is preferred to be general of the king's foot array, in place of the late earl of Lindsay now deceased. Great numbers of people frae all corners of the country, daily after this battle, came unto the king.
It is said, that Essex sent about 16 couriers or posts ilk ane after another to London, to shew the parliament his bad success, whereat they were so afraid, that they left Westminster, where the parliament sat, and went into the city of London for more security, being a mile distant therefrae; they shortly went away and meddled with the king's third son the duke of Gloucester and his sister, in company with the lady Roxburgh their foster-mother, and placed them in the marquis of Worcester's house in Broad-street of London, now pertaining to the lord Crighton. They caused beat down Windsor bridge, with some others, to stop the king's passage, also Kingston bridge. They drew a ditch about Hyde-park, to hold off his forces; and thus all England is in an uproar, whilk I pray God to settle in peace, to the shame and confusion of the plotters, projectors and devisers of this ungodly, unkindly, and unnatural war, to his own glory, and honour of his servant our king, who daily more and more is provoked to wrath and anger by his disobedient and disloyal subjects!
Upon the 3d Tuesday and 18th of October, the provincial assembly sat down in the session-house of the kirk of New Aberdeen. Dr. Guild our principal was chosen moderator, to continue, as use is, to the next provincial assembly. Mr. David Lindsay parson of Belhelvie, last moderator. The deposed Dr. Scroggie preached upon the morn, by appointment of the presbytery, and being thereafter censured by the brethren is found faulty in some points, 1st, For not praying for the distressed kirk and state of Ireland. 2dly, For alledging, that no innovations could be brought p. 52 in by subjects, either in church or policy, against the will and authority of a monarch; but this past quickly without more din.
Thomas Mitchel, parson of Turriff, being accused for adultery in the last provincial assembly, as ye have heard before, produced before the committee appointed for his trials ere, famous testimonials, under the subscriptions of the provost, baillies, minister and reader of Couper of Fife. These women in their own presence had sworn quite contrary to their first deposition, and that they were persuaded and enticed to make up that slander. The testimonials were found sufficient, and besides they took him deeply sworn upon his innocence, whereupon he was absolved frae the scandal, and found a good bairn.
Great business about Brownism in the assembly, lately crept into Aberdeen and other parts in the country, practised by William Maxwell, Thomas Pont, and Othro Ferrendale, preaching in some houses upon the night, as was alledged. Mr. John Ross, minister at Birse, was complained upon, and Gilbert Gordon, appearand of Tilliefroskie, that he, his wife, children and servants and haill family, had. dishaunted his parish kirk of Birse, and had his devotion morning and evening within his dwelling-house. He being conveened, appeared and answered for himself, and find it was true whilk the minister had spoken; and further declared, that the religion he professed was the only true religion, whereupon they demanded him of certain points of religion, whereupon he made his own answer, nowise to the contentment of the brethren; and therefore they ordained his minister to process and excommunicate him, in case of disobedience. Sundry townsmen of this sect are suspected. Mr. Andrew Cant and Mr. John Oswald were thought no great dislikers of it; for by the said Mr. Andrew's moyan, Ferrendale was made freeman, as ye have heard before. In the end, the brethren appointed a committee of a minister and ruling elder out of ilk parish. of this presbytery of Aberdeen, to conveen at Aberdeen the 8th of November next, for trying thir matters.
Mr. William Wedderburn, lately deposed frae the kirk of Bethelnie, having made his repentance to the full, gets p. 53 now oversight to teach and preach here and there, but would not admit him to serve the cure of any kirk. Yet the general assembly reponed him to any kirk he could procure.
This assembly directed Mr. Robert Reid, parson at Banchory, and Mr. William Strachan minister at Old Aberdeen, to go and confer with Dr. Forbes professor; but the brethren had no fruit of this conference, whereupon they sent over again to his own house in Old Aberdeen Mr. Andrew Cant and Mr. John Oswald, two of the ministers of Aberdeen, with the said Mr. William Strachan; they desire him to swear and subscribe the covenant, whereby he might keep his own place; whereunto he answered (as was reported) he could not subscribe the covenant, wherein episcopacy was abjured, but thought bishops lawful and necessary in the church, being able and honest men , but being found faulty and unworthy, to remove them, and put better men in their places, but thought it not expedient to take away their places: further, that private baptism to dying babes was necessary and lawful: that the giving communion to sick persons, lying on death bed, was lawful and necessary; and to give it to heall persons in the kirk, kneeling in modest manner, was not unlawful. Thir and the like heads were among them at their conferences; whereunto the foresaid ministers answered, they looked for a better answer, and said, they found nothing but that he was averse and contrary to the new reformation; and therefore would deal no more with him, but report his answers to the committee of the General Assembly holden at Edinburgh, because he disapproved their new reformation. He answered, he understood not such reformations as bred destruction of the country, and daily brought in grievous sins and offences before the almighty God, such as shedding of innocent blood, murder, theft, rapine, plundering, spoiling, and robbing of honest men's goods, blasphemy, tyranny, adultery, perjury, lying, swearing, and many other grievous sins with uplifted hands without punishment. The conference being ended, they dined together at his desire in Mr. Thomas Lesly's house, where he then lodged; they return to the brethren the doctor's answers , whereupon p. 54 they sent the said Mr. John Oswald to the committee of the General Assembly holden at Edinburgh, with his answers; but they said, let the provincial assembly take order with him and his place both, as most incumbent on them. Thus Oswald comes back with his answer, and Dr. Forbes' place still vakes.
This assembly ordained here morning and evening family prayer in ilk man's house, under the pain of censure. Ilk minister declared this ordinance out of the pulpit through this province or diocese; and having closed their business upon Friday the 21st of October, after the afternoon's meeting they dissolved.
The same 18th of October Alexander Gordon of Birsmoir was married to Isobel Lesly, daughter to Patrick Lesly provost of Aberdeen, in the kirk thereof, by Mr. Oswald minister. The lord Gordon coming from the South to Strathboggie, the lord Saltoun and the lord Kilpont, meet all there by chance, and convoyed thir parties, with many other friends and townsmen to their wedding. They got good chear, and upon the 25th of October he brought over his wife to his own house in the Oldtown, where there was a goodly infare.
Our chancellor, as was said, caused about 30 of our Scots captains and commanders go disguised to the English parliament. They shipped at Leith, for none durst go by land, without the king's pass and parliament's both.
Diverse foul and filthy pamphlets were daily printed and dispersed through the land, tending partly to the disgrace of the king, and partly to the answering these pamphlets in disgraceful and shameful manner, as they deserved.
Upon Monday the last of October, Sir Gilbert Menzies of Pitfoddels at the Crabstane hurt John Forbes of Lesly in the leg, by a shot; there was on both sides about 11 pistols shot, but none got skaith but Lesly. There was some old grudge betwixt them , for Lesly's father killed Pitfoddels goodsire's brother unworthily; likewise there was some controversy betwixt themselves about a moss, where John Forbes of Lesly broke tryst, having appointed to have settled the same; after which they chanced to meet, Lesly coming to the town, and Pitfoddels going out; they met p. 55 and passed by without salutation. Pitfoddels look it unkindly, and pursues, betwixt whom sundry shots were shot. However they parted, and both came into town, Pitfoddels to his own house, and Lesly to Mr. Robert Farquhar's house. He lay under cure while January 1643, and then began to walk upon a staff feebly, and not soundly healed; this good cause brought in the bearing and wearing of guns, whilk bred mickle sorrow and mischief in this land.
Upon Friday, Wednesday and Saturday, thir three days weekly, Mr. Andrew Cant, Mr. John Oswald and Mr. John Row, minister at Aberdeen, began their night about instead of evening prayers, to lecture lessons, chiefly brought in by this Cant; no honest person durst be absent from thir new-begun lectures, but were rebuked and cried out against, whereby they thought this service was thraldome on work days.
Upon the 1st of November our sovereign lord's session sat down in Edinburgh for administration of justice, and sat peaceably; praise be to God.
About the 5th of November, in a seaman's house in Peterhead was heard upon the night beating of drums, other times sounding of trumpets, playing of pipes, and ringing of bells, to the astonishment of the hearers; a token of troubles following.
Upon the 8th of November the viscount of Frendraught, lord Crighton, was married with Irvine, daughter to the laird of Drum, at the kirk of Drumoak. His father was not at this marriage, and would not be called lord or viscount, but held himself with the name of laird; he was before married with general Lesly's daughter, who died shortly thereafter, leaving a daughter behind her. About this time word came that the king of Denmark had sent to our king his own sister's son, some ammunition, powder, and ball, and money, with some captains and commanders, to his great joy.
Saturday the 19th of November about nine hours at even, there fell out an high east wind, with monstrous rains, continued till Sunday at 12 hours. The storm p. 56 came out of the south-east and east; a ship coming frae Norway with timber, loft her mast, and was driven on shire; the men were all saved, praised be God. The wind fell, but the rains continued till Monday at nine hours in the morning. Great storms and tempests followed, whereby there was great skaith by sea, and sundry ships perished upon our coasts betwixt Montrose and Dundee, and upon the coast side of Fife.
Now about this time the king makes the earl of
Newcastle his lieutenant general betwixt the river of Trent in
England and the river of Tweed in cotland; with full
power to raise and press all manner of men, within these
bounds, who hastily levied out of Westmorland,
Cumberland, Northumberland, and the bishoprick of Durham,
about 14,000, whereof 4000 was papists, as was alledged.
Thir were the first papists that rose in the king's service,
not in their default, but that his majesty employed them
not, for fear of suspicion of the parliament's outcrying
against him, as they did indeed; but his majesty answered,
that he craved not their help, nor could they look for any
more benefit at his hands, than they had by the established
laws of the kingdom in the days of queen Elizabeth and
K. James his father, whilk with all rigour he was
content should be prosecute against them; and to that
effect that he had (for saving himself from suspicion) sent out
his proclamations; but this answer could no wise satisfy the
humour of the parliamentars, but taking advantage of the
king's proclamations, they immediately sent out other
proclamations, giving liberty to all papists who would come in
to help and assist them, to repeal whatsoever acts made
against them in any king or queen's time, whereupon the
papists flocked in daily to the parliament in great numbers.
The king hearing of this order, said, Well, seeing the
parliament has given way to receive the papists against the
law, to fight against me, why then should I refuse their
service, who freely offer the same unto me, and that
notwithstanding of the proclamations set out by me against them?
whereupon he resolves to make all papists welcome that
come unto him, and truly sundry and many came in to
him, whereby he had great help and comfort, and who
p. 57
were most loyal and true to him in his great and grievous
Now the earl of Newcastle raises his army, and goes towards Yorkshire, for repressing of certain rebels, who had promised to the king to be his true servants, and had fallen from their obedience, and had taken part with the parliamentars.
Upon Tuesday the 22d of November, the marquis of Huntly came into Aberdeen, with the lord Gordon and the lord Aboyne his two sons, and sundry other friends. He was lodged in skipper Anderson's house, and was served by his own domestics, who bought his meat, and made it ready to him. The occasion of his coming to town was said to be upon some altercations betwixt the marquis and the lord Gordon, since the writing of a contract in Edinburgh betwixt them, anent the disposition of the marquis' haill lands, rents, and living, for yearly payment to himself of ten thousand merks in silver rent, that the lord Gordon should have six thousand merks of yearly rent, and the lord Aboyne to have five thousand merks of yearly rent, with the boarding; the marquis to keep Strathboggie, and his house in the Oldtown, to dwell into, and the lord Gordon to have all the rest; but the lord Gordon not to have power to sell heritably any of his estate, without his consent, and other honourable friends, specially condescended upon. How all ended, was kept secret. He rode out of Aberdeen upon the 5th of December, and went to Strathboggie; during the time he was in Aberdeen he got no bon-accord drunken to him in wine; whether it was refused, or not offered, I cannot tell. The lord Aboyne followed his father home upon the 9th of December.
Report past, that the king of Denmark had sent an ambassador (with Crowner Cochran, who was first against the king, but row returned his true man) to treat of peace betwixt the king and parliament; but before their coming to England, the parliamentars had petitioned the king for accommodation of peace, but no cessation frae war; and in the meantime, before his majesty returned answer, they sent down six barks or cabarrs, full of ammunition, powder, ball, and other furniture, with fix chests full of silver, and p. 58 a company of brave soldiers, and under this treaty to have gone down the Thames, (because they durst not go by land) and to have taken in one of the king's own houses called Kingston, a strong hold, to have manned the same, and kept their commodities safe frae peril; but his majesty being advertised thereof, sent three pieces of cannon to the Thames-side, where they shot and sunk thir cabarrs to the sea bottom, men and all, one whereof being shot at, the bullet lighted on a powder puncheon, fired the ship, and blew ship, men, and all into the air.
Ye heard how the aforesaid ambassador came; thereafter he went first to the king, syne to the parliament, where he and Cochran were both evil intreated, and both warded; whereat the ambassador cried out, saying, it was against the law of nations to be so used: at last he is put to liberty, and Cochran detained; but how he was relieved, or what effect this embassy took, I cannot tell.
The king is now lying at Southampton, and his men quartered here and there through the country, where they might be best accommodated. Prince Rupert is lying at Brenton; now the lord Hellisly, captain of the red regiment of the parliamentars, rencountered with him, but prince Rupert cut them all to pieces, and right swa dressed another regiment called the green or blue regiment, coming to assist the red regiment, to the great grief of the parliamentars, being two of the choicest regiments both of horse and foot which they had. After this fight, which was in the said month of November, prince Rupert returns victoriously to his own quarters; Essex in the meantime comes out of London with the body of his haill army, and being on his march he is advertised, how thir two regiments are clean defeat and destroyed, whereat, sore moved, he halts and stays, thinking prince Rupert might haply follow his victory and meet him; but getting word that he was marched to his quarters back again, he marched no further on, but returned to London.
After this prince Rupert receives orders to go for Kentshire, to repress some rebellions there. The earl of Warwick was directed by the parliamentars, to join with Sir John Hotham younger, and resist the king, and defend the p. 59 country wherever they came; but good prince Rupert encounters thir two champions, defeated and routed themselves and their soldiers. He got six or seven trunks full of money, with their haill cannon and baggage.
Here it is to be noted, no humiliation, praise, nor thanksgiving, falling, nor prayer, nor worship given to God, within any Scottish church, notwithstanding of thir great unlooked-for victories; but we were deaved with fasting, praying and praising, when general Lesly was in the fields, as ye have heard before, but now no word for the king's victories, for his safety and preservation; marvellous to beheld! Upon the last day of November, general Lesly returned, bag and baggage, frae Ireland to Edinburgh, leaving major Monro behind him with his army in garrison.
Now remember, the marquis of Hamilton, the king's dear cousin and greatest minion, has left him, for all his favours, riches and honour his majesty conferred upon him; and in thir his grievous troubles he comes cunningly into Scotland, sports and passes his time, and lets the king (without his good council, help and furtherance, whilk belonged him truly) to do for himself with great labour, nightwatching, trouble, and travel. But if this marquis has proven faithful to his majesty, it may hereafter be seen. Always about the down setting of the session he comes into Edinburgh, takes up house in the king's own palace of Holy-rood-house, keeps carefully ilk council day, where the chancellor himself, the marquis of Argyle, the lord Balmerinoch, and some others, guided or misguided this miserable kingdom. Ilk ane had their own secret moyan and intelligence. The marquis of Hamilton had his brother the earl of Lanark, secretary to the king's council of Scots at court, and daily with his majesty, by whom he had good intelligence; always nightly and secretly thir lords had their meetings and conferences as occasion offered.
Dame Elizabeth Gordon, lady Wardhouse, (thereafter lady Cluny) departed this life at the town of Durham in England, where she and the laird of Cluny her husband had their residence at the time actually dwelling. She died of a cancer, whilk was in one of her paps, and begun two years before. It eat up and consumed her through the bowels, p. 60 as was said. She died upon the second day of December, and was buried honestly out of her own native soil. A woman of suspected chastity, and thought over familiar with Sir Alexander Gordon, laird of Cluny foresaid, this many years bygone, in her husband's time, and thought an evil instrument to the down-throwing of both their fair and flourishing estates, yet few were their life days in their second marriage, being but married not long ago, as you have heard before.
There came from England to Edinburgh, as was said, an hundred and ten thousand pounds sterling, for the midsummer term of brotherly assistance, 1642, conform to acts of parliament. Others said it but 20,000 pounds sterling, to pay our merchants for the victual transported to Ireland. Sir William Dick, Sir John Smith, and Sir William Gray, burgesses of Edinburgh, and Mr. Robert Farquhar burgess of Aberdeen, looked to have gotten payment for their victual and other expences, but they got none, do what they could, to their great miscontentment.
Report past, that the estates of Holland sent to the parliament of England, craving an union with them; and that the prince of Orange, for favouring our king his own ally, was now in disfavour with the estates.
Ye heard before of the earl of Newcastle, how he had raised arms, and supprest the rebels of Yorkshire victoriously. He hears now how Sir John Hotham younger (afore enemy to the king) was plundering and killing his loyal subjects wherever he came; wherefore. Newcastle seeks to find him out. Hotham hearing this, resolves to cross his way, by intaking of a pass or bridge, which Newcastle behoved to march by; but this Hotham is manfully dung frae this pass, and shamefully routed therefrae into Hull, out of the which, if there had not issued some 60 or 80 horsemen for his rescue, he had then been killed. Newcastle being weary in the chace, and seeing him escape, wisely sounded the retreat.
Young Hotham again takes the field, with about 6000 men; Newcastle has about 10,000 men, and goes to seek him out; but Hotham seeing his enemy more in number, entrenched himself craftily, and bigged up a sconce p. 61 strongly for his defence. Newcastle essays to get him out, but could not, without great loss of men, whereupon he began to batter the sconce. In the meantime Hotham quietly by an unseen way convoys himself and his men safely away, Newcastle still battering with cannon while they were all safely gone, bag and baggage, without any skaith, or the loss of a man.
Now the parliament of England had their own ways to move us to raise arms in Scotland against our sovereign lord the king, for their help and assistance, founded upon a pretended act of pacification; and to this effect write with the earl of Lindsay to our council, who declared by the way to his majesty, that he had such commission from the parliament to Scotland, which commission, they having occasion of his being beside them in England, they earnestly desired him to carry; declaring also the chief points of controversy betwixt his majesty and them were about four in number, 1st, That his majesty would ratify and approve their acts of parliament. 2d, Presbyterian government, without bishops or their dependents. 3d. An indiction of a general assembly. 4th, That such as they called incendiaries and malignant persons about his majesty, (who indeed were his faithful and loyal subjects) should be sent in by him to the parliament, to suffer disgrace, indignity, punishing of their persons, and plundering their estates, at their will and pleasure, as was done by them heretofore to the noble earl of Stafford, never enough to be deplored. Now let the indifferent reader judge whether or not these articles were reasonably craved either frae the nature or hands of a king, whereunto his majesty would in no wise condescend, except that he granted to the indiction of a general assembly to be holden at London the 5th of November, where episcopacy and the book of Common Prayer was there approven, as ye may hereafter see. The earl of Lindsay could not win home from the English parliament by land without the king's pass; so he came and got the samen, after he had shown his commission to his majesty.
The earl of Lanerk was sent down with a declaration, from his majesty to our Scots council, and a new council day appointed the 4th and 5th days of January next. p. 62
The parliament had sent down their petition, craving aid of us in men and arms, conform to the treaty of pacification and covenant past betwixt them and us, and the king sends down, to countercheck this petition, a declaration to our council, and both were produced the 22d of December, and a new council day appointed, as is formerly said. Well, the council conveens, the king's declaration, and the parliament's petition, are both publicly read out. It goes to voting, whether we should assist the parliamentars or not; the king by two voices gets it, and so no assistance; whereat the parliament's friends takes exception, alledging their votes were not sufficient, nor could any thing be concluded without a convention of the estates, to wit, nobles, barons and burgesses. Now remember this voting was within the council upon the 22d of December. Thereafter the estates were charged to send their commissioners, and conveen at Edinburgh upon the 4th and 5th of January.
At this first council day the earl of Lanerk desired his majesty's declaration to be printed, and publicly dispersed and published through all Scotland, whereby his good subjects might have full information of the truth. It was agitated pro et contra; in end the king by voicing gets his reasonable desire, and the same was ordained to be printed at Edinburgh, to be dispersed and spread to the effect foresaid, and the raising of men referred to the committee of estates, to conveen the foresaid 5th of January 1643.
In the month of December there came out a paper, set out by Mr. David Lindsay parson of Belhelvie, called Scotland's Hallelujah, printed by Raban at Aberdeen, thought to be better titled than it had stuff and good matter, and which I thought not worthy to take pains upon to insert in this place, albeit it is lying beside myself in print.
The king causes quarter his army for their maintenance most commodiously, both for man and horse, through the country to winter.
The marquis of Huntly in this month of December sends into our college of the Oldtown his fourth son Charles Gordon to learn grammar. He got Dr Lesly (the late deposed principal), his chamber, (who had still kept the samen for his recreation untill this time, for his son, and his pedagogue p. 63 to remain into , and the marquis had the said doctor Lesly with himself to Strathboggie, there to remain and be entertained at his own table, because he saw him a distressed gentleman, violently thrown out of his own place for not subscribing the covenant. Thus the marquis requested this doctor to go with him, and so upon the 15th day of December he left his chamber in the college, who had still kept possession thereof (albeit deposed, as said is) to the foresaid day, and willingly he went with the marquis, to bide his fortune.
Upon the 16th day of December, Dr. Guild and Mr. William Strachan yoked William Charles, wright in Aberdeen, to the down-taking of the back of the high altar, standing upon the east wall of bishop Gavin Dumbar's Isle, as high nearly as the cieling thereof, curiously wrought of fine wainscot, so that within Scotland there was not a better wrought piece. The craftsman would not put his hand to the down-taking thereof, till Mr. William Strachan our minister laid first hand thereto, which he did,and syne the work was begun; and in taking down one of the three timbercrowns, whilk they thought to have gotten down haill and unbroken, beyond their expectation it fell suddenly upon the kirk's great ladder, brake it in three pieces, and itself all in blades, and brake some pavement with the weight thereof, but the people were all safe. Now our minister devised a loft, for ease of the people at sermon, going athwart the kirk south and north, which took away the stately sight and glorious show of the body of the haill kirk, and with this back of the altar and haill ornaments thereupon he decored the foreside and backside of this beastly loft, whereas forty pounds would have cost as mickle timber as would have done the same, if they would have suffered the foresaid ornament to stand. This was done without advice of the Oldtown session, and as some said, without consent of the brethren at the last visitation of our church. It was a well-wrought piece, having three crowns uppermost, and three other kind of crowns beneath, well carved, with golden knops, all now on this loft. There was 2000 merks left by Dr. Scroggie in the kirk-box, with the whilk our minister theeked the toofalls of the kirk, the steeple, and Gavin Dumbar's p. 64 isle, with new slate, and kest with lime that part where the back of the altar stood, that it should not be kent.
In this month of December, and 2d day thereof, dame Elizabeth Gordon, first lady Wardhouse, syne lady Cluny, departed this life at Durham.
Ye heard before of Maxwell and Ferrendale, accused of Brownism. Mr. Andrew Cant favours them, as thought, whereat the brethren were offended, ordaining them to come in before the pulpit, and subscribe the covenant, and deny their tenets; but upon Saturday after sermon, and the last of December, this Ferrendale came in before the pulpit in the old kirk, where he approved of our church, denied the Brownists tenets, subscribed our covenant, and by Mr. Andrew Cant was received as a good bairn; but the brethren were not content with this satisfaction, not done upon a Sabbath day, but a weekday before the communion.
About this time it was said there was some miscontentment betwixt the prince of Orange and the estates of Holland, because he inclined to favour our king, being his good brother, and therefore most kindly; and that in the meantime the estates had sent to the parliament of England, craving an union with them.
About this time Dr. Guild left off from preaching in the College kirk, whereat the people were not displeased, and began ilk night after supper a lecture-lesson in presence of the regents and students, who were little pleased with his discourses.
It is here to be noted that the victuals here in Aberdeen were monstrous dear; for about and after Martinmas, through the haill winter, the malt holden at 15 or 16 merks the boll, the white meal at 8l. the boll, which was the first dear winter heretofore seen in this land, albeit there has been dear summers. There was also great rains, whereby none was able to travel; great storms in the sea, and few fish. gotten, to the great grief of the people. Albeit our sins deserved worse, yet God sent in June, July, and August, excellent weather, which made amends.
Dr. Guild, principal and moderator, at this time refused to give play to the students at Yool-day, but they took p. 65 it at their own hand, and the grammarians both, who at las`t by composition got eight days play.
This year Yool-day fell upon Sunday. Our ministers, and ministers of Aberdeen, preached against all merriness, play and pastime; and the night before by tuck of drum through Aberdeen, the townsmen were commanded to keep themselves sober, and flee all superstitious keeping of days. Upon Monday the bell went through the Oldtown, commanding all manner of men to open their boothdoors and go to work; but the students fell upon the bellman, and took the bell frae him for giving such an unusual charge; so the people made good chear and banqueting, according to their estates, and past their times Monday and Tuesday both, for all thir threatnings.
It is said Mr. Andrew Cant, sitting this same Yool-day at afternoon's sermon, Mr. John Rue preaching in the Old. Kirk, hearing some noise in the kirkyard of bairns and people, he got up suddenly from his seat, sitting as he ordinarily used beside the reader; through the kirk and people goes he, and out at the door, to the great astonishment of the people in the Old Church; and when he came to the kirk-yard the bairns fled, but he chaced into the New Kirk, whereat the people there were offended; at last he returned back to his own place, and the people became settled and pacified; but wondered at his light behaviour.
Anno 1643.
Word came here to Aberdeen that general King came frae Denmark with about five hundred thousand pound sterling to bis majesty, and three or fourscore brave commanders. He was directed frae the king of Denmark, and landed at Newcastle, who was made welcome, and presently preferred to be lieutenant general to the earl of Newcastle's army, consisting of 10,000. The earl thereafter went to his majesty, and returned back, where he directed general King to go up to his majesty with his army, and he would keep Newcastle and the country about with forces enough, p. 66 which he kept beside for that purpose. This King goes up in good order, his majesty receives him graciously, and puts him in service according to his rank and worth, and honourably rewards him for his pains.
Report past that London was distressed, wanting both fire and victual, which bred some discontent and division among themselves, some wishing peace, some wishing war.
Upon Sunday the 8th of January, prayer and fasting in both Aberdeens, and through the kingdom, for a blessing to the convention of estates to be holden at Edinburgh.
The committee of the conservators of peace sits down at Edinburgh upon the 5th day of January, or rather the lords and others commissioners of parliament, for conservation of peace between the two kingdoms.
Ye heard before of the controversy among the council about the printing of the king's letter, and how it was in end granted. It was at the same time thought that the parliament of England their declaration, sent in to our council, should be likewise printed, whereupon the council could not well agree, but there was a petition given unto the saids commissioners of parliament by nobles, barons, gentlemen, and burgesses occasionally met at Edinburgh, and it was printed and dispersed.
It was reported there was great multitudes of people at this convention. The council and conservators of peace had their ordinary place of residence; the nobles, barons, and gentry, called the banders, had their meetings in the abbey; and the nobles, barons, and ministers, and gentry of Fife, had their meetings in the Taylor's-hall in the Cowgate, whilk several places of meeting smelled of discontentment and division amongst themselves. It is said the haill ministers of Fife left their churches upon Sunday the 8th of January, without preachers for them, and came to Edinburgh, crying out before the council for not printing the parliament of England's declaration, as well as they had caused print the king's letter, whilk they were loath to do, without the king's advice or knowledge; and to that effect, and upon other reasons, then sent Mr. Henderson minister at Edinburgh, Mr. Robert Barclay provost of Irvine, and the chancellor of Scotland, as commissioners p. 67 to the king. The report past, that the tenor of their commission was to shew him anent the printing of the said declaration, with other four heads, viz. 1st, The king to bring home his queen, and to convert her from popery. 2d, To return to his English parliament, and adhere to them. 3d, To remove all papists forth of his army. 4th, To indict a general assembly, with a parliament: to follow thereon, and that shortly and hastily, within the limited and prescribed time of parliament. The king granted to the publication of the foresaid declaration, but what answer he gave to the rest I cannot tell, but the Fife ministers were directed home to attend their charge. It was said there was nominate Mr. Archibald Johnstone, clerk to the assembly, to have gone with the other three commissioners, but the earl of Lanerk being at the council, declared, he had no safe-conduct for him, whereupon he bade at home. It was ordered that a great taxation should be taken of the country, their annuity of tiends, and such like, as ye have hereafter. They appoint a new committee to be holden at Edinburgh the 15th day of February, and upon the 24th of January they dissolved in peace. Tuesday the 17th of January, Mr. Alexander Middleton, sub-principal in the college of Old Aberdeen, was married with Gordon, daughter to Mr. Gordon at Kettock's Mill, contrary to the foundation of that college, forbidding marriage to any of the inward members serving therein. There was sundry gifts, cases, and coined gold given by sundry sitters at this bridal, and some gave rings; but coined gold was not in use to be given here in Aberdeen at free bridals.
Upon the 17th of January, John Lesly, baillie, departed this life in Aberdeen, after some few days sickness; (his brother the provost was in Edinburgh) to the great grief of the town's people, being better loved than his brother; he was buried with a brave volley of musketeers.
About this time general Lesly earl of Leven comes to the castle of Edinburgh, and takes up house, and with his lady and family dwells peaceably therein.
Ye heard before of Othro Ferrendale his repentance. The presbytery of Aberdeen were not well content therewith; p. 68 whereupon doctor Guild, moderator, wrote for two ministers and ruling elders out of ilk presbytery within the diocese, and the haill ministers of the presbytery of Aberdeen, as being nearest hand, to meet at New Aberdeen the 24th of January, for taking order with the slighting of this Ferrendale in his obedience and satisfaction, contrary to their last act, which bears him to come in upon a sabbath day after sermon, to deny his haill tenets of Brownism, swear and subscribe the covenant, ratify and approve our kirk, as the true church of God. The brethren and their ruling elders met; Mr. Andrew Cant made his own apology, which was thought frivolous. In end they referred this Ferrendale to the next provincial assembly.
This Mr. Andrew Cant used not oft the saying of the Lord's Prayer, either before or after sermons, as wont in that kirk, but. had prayers extempore long enough; so the rest of the ministers of Aberdeen kept his custom. They brought in upon ilk Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, afternoon lectures taught by ilk minister, time about, (in place of saying of prayers ilk night before); the people is compelled to attend thir lectures, or then cried out against. None on the Sabbath-day durst come out of the Newtown to the Old town, especially in time of sermon, and to that effect the highways were watched ilk Sunday, and who were found, were conveened before their session, and severely punished with shame and derision. In time of preaching on week days no merchant nor craftsmens booth doors durst be opened, that the kirk might be the better kept by the masters and servants. The bairns of the grammar-school were forbidden to keep afternoon's sermons, but to keep the school, where the masters should catechise them upon points of religion. Reading of holy scriptures, and singing of psalms were discharged at lykewakes, by act of the town council of Aberdeen, by persuasion of this Cant and his fellows. The hand-bell should go and proclaim through the town who was dead; but tolling of kirkbells at their burial was discharged; all brought in by this Cant, and followed by the magistrates of Aberdeen, as he commanded or as he daily devised, to the grievous burden of the people, who had never seen the like orders, yet they p. 69 could not get singing of psalms and reading at lykewakes altogether supprest.
Ye heard before of a petition given in by some noblemen, barons, and others to the commissioners of parliament, wherein amongst the rest, they crave the parliament of England's declaration to be printed and published, as well as the king's letters. The king is advertised, and he most graciously gives way to the printing of this declaration, as well as his own letter, whereupon it is shortly printed and divulged through all Scotland.
About this time there came out another new printed
piece, called, A Peaceable Warning, containing diverse
heads, and in special declaring the enemies of religion to
be of three sorts, viz. papists, separatists, and malignant,
malcontent and profane time-servers. It touched the
malignants, who were so from the beginning, and now fallen
backward and disaffected to the reformed religion, warning all
men therefore to beware of their company, who are
described by six or seven circumstances to be known, and to
eschew their counsels and seducements, declaring withal
such as oppose the unity of religion, to be enemies to God,
to the king, to the people, and prosperity of the kingdoms,
with a number of arguments beside, and is entitled, A
necessary warning to the ministry of the church of
Scotland, from the meeting of the commissioners of the general
This warning commanded a fast and
humiliation to be kept through all the kirks of Scotland, upon the
last Sabbath of February, and the next Thursday
thereafter; and there was bound to this warning another
printed piece called A declaration against a cross petition,
spoken of a little before. This with the warning is
ordained to be read out after sermon out of all the pulpits of
Scotland, whilk was done at some churches, and at others
refused by the ministers thereof, such as Stirlingshire,
Perthshire, about 14 presbyteries, alledging they had no orders
from a general assembly to divulge such papers, and
therefor disobeyed the publication, and wrote also against the
commissioners of the general assembly at Edinburgh, for
publishing out of pulpit such pieces, finding fault with
calling the nobles and others (who presented the said petition.
p. 70
to the council) malignant, and that their cross-petition
published at the parish churches should have been done with
consent of a general assembly, being of itself rather a mean
to breed discord and distraction, than to maintain peace in
the kirk and kingdom; they wrote out to this purpose a
paper of eight articles. Thus is this kirk now guided
with the spirit of contradiction.
Upon the last of January Patrick Lesly, provost, came back frae the commissioners of parliament, for conferring the articles of the treaty, &c. with a sore heart for the death of his brother.
Upon Wednesday the 5th of February, there came to the place of Cromarty, where the lady was, Hutcheon Ross of Auchincloch, with two other gentlemen, where they were made welcome, and supped merrily; but unluckily got a collation, which was provided for another, and were all three found dead in their beds upon the morn. Pitiful to behold! It is said the young laird of Colder was married to Cromarty's daughter; he thereafter became mad, and of whom his young lady had no pleasure. Thus he being with her in the place of Cromarty, this poison was in a quart stoup provided for him, but fell otherwise, as ye have heard; whereupon young Calder was hastily removed by his friends out of that place, and never more tried.
Upon the second day of February, being Candlemassday, the bairns of the Oldtown grammar-school came up the gate with candles lighted in their hands, crying and rejoicing, blyth enough, and thus came up to the cross, and round about goes divers times, climbs to the head thereof, and set on a burning torch thereupon. I marvelled at this, being at such time, and whereof I never seen the like , attour they went down frae the cross, convoying John Keith, brother to the earl Marischal, who was their king, to his lodging in the chanonry with lighted candles.
Ye heard of one Maxwell who was also accused of Brownism; a silly wheelwright to his calling; this man was sought for, and all men forbidden out of the pulpit to receipt him, whilk was done by our minister Mr. William Strachan, out of the pulpit, upon Sunday the 5th of February. p. 71
About this time the council ordained the country to pay a great taxation and then annuities of the tiends, and a charge given out and published at the mercat crosses of the boroughs and otherwise, for making payment thereof; whereat the subjects grudged, and were highly offended, to be this way used, without authority of their king, done and devised, as was thought, by the marquis of Hamilton, the chancellor, the marquis of Argyle, the earl of Lindsay, Balmerinoch, and some few others of their faction, without advice or consent of the nobility or country statesmen, who had as great interest there as they; besides the twentieths were taken before; and the tenths and many other fines, both in burgh and land, the king and queen's rents and patrimony of the crown taken up since 1639, whilk was the beginning of these troubles. They had gotten frae England the brotherly assistance, which was about three hundred thousand pounds sterling, (see the 6th act of king Charles' 2d parliament) and no compt nor reckoning how or what way thir moneys were wared and employed; whereat many of the nobles, and haill commons, barons, burgesses, and gentry, grudged and murmured, especially those called the banders; whereupon the earl of Montrose and lord Ogilvie are direct up commissioners from thir banders to his majesty, to complain upon thir grievous oppressions, and to try his will thereanent; who quickly went for relief of this poor distressed kingdom, whereat the king was no wise content, and in the meantime the country was distressed.
In this month of February there is heard at Bankafair, and in the place of Drum, upon the night, tucking of drums and apparitions of armies, as was heard before at —— .
Mr. Andrew Leisk, minister at Ellon, told me, that his wife and family, sitting at supper in his own house, heard tucking of drums vively, sometimes appearing near hand, Sometimes far off, and upon the 7th of February it was written here to Aberdeen, that Kenton battle of Banbury, wherein his majesty was victorious, has been in vision foughten seven sundry times since syne; armies of men upon the 12th of February about: eight hour in the morning, were seen upon the Brymman Hill beside Crabeston. p. 72
There came news to Aberdeen the same 7th of February, that Sir Ralph Hopeton, the king's man, near Plymouth had killed 1000 men, had taken 1500 soldiers prisoners, 1000 arms, and ten pieces of ordnance, and is now made master of the fields in Cornwall and Devonshire. Sir Nicholas Shipning near the fort of Reydens on Falmouth, which commands the town, hath taken twenty-six of the king's ships, which were first seized upon by the parliamentars; he did also take more than 200,000 lb. sterling, of which the soldiers received a month's pay beforehand. Thir ships thus taken, were luckily driven by storm of weather into the harbour. Bendy-Castle in Gloucestershire is taken in by prince Rupert, with the loss of 500 men to the parliament.
Bever-Castle was taken by Sir John Henderson, and the soldiers got 80,000 lb. sterling of coined money and plundering, that was put there by the enemy, with three months provision.
The lord Sey and colonel Goodwin are totally defeat in Oxfordshire by the king's men, having lost 800 men, and forced to run to Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire.
Prince Rupert came to Leicestershire with 7000 men; Sir Hew Shamly got a great defeat from general King; 3000 slain, and 4310 taken prisoners, with two cannons and a great number of arms. This was after the earl of Newcastle beat them from the Stamford-bridge, and general King's first piece of service. The earl of Newcastle and general King marched from York with 9000 men strong, to hurt the Hothamites and other rebels. Prince Maurice shot in grenadoes into the town of Chichester, and fired a house therein, and the people being busy in quenching the fire, he came in and took 1100 prisoners, and carried them to Oxford. That the shire of Essex had petitioned the parliament to take a peace at any rate.
The parliament did petition the king for peace upon certain conditions, but his majesty sent to them certain propositions, without which no treaty, viz. 1. That the king's revenues, forts, and ships be restored. 2d, That whatever has been published against his royal power should be recalled. 3d, That whatsoever illegals hath been used against p. 73 his friends and subjects, by imprisoning them without law, or imposing fines upon their estates, be disclaimed, and that persons so committed be forthwith discharged. 4th, That his majesty will consent to the execution of all laws made or to be made for the suppressing of popery, so his majesty desires that a bill be framed for preserving the book of Common Prayer from scorn of Brownists, Anabaptists, &c. with such clauses for the ease of tender consciences, as his majesty hath formerly offered. 5th, That all such persons as upon treaty shall be excepted out of the general pardon, be tried per pares. 6thly, That a cessation of arms be presently agreed upon. But the parliament thought thir propositions (though most equitable) hard and heavy to be embraced, and so did for themselves in a rebellious way.
Upon Friday the 10th of February the township of Aberdeen, by tuck of drum, conveened in the tolbooth of Aberdeen, to whom provost Lesly made a speech, putting them in mind of their covenant, whilk they had sworn, desiring them constantly to stick to the same; if any new band happened to be offered them to subscribe, to do it upon their own peril. It was then thought and spoken, that the banders were drawing up a band, who would follow the king or the country, whilk bred this speech, but this band came to no effect. However the people of Aberdeen, possessed with their own opinions more with the king than against him, departed home to their own houses.
Ye heard before of apparitions and visions seen here at the Hill of Brymman, four miles from Aberdeen. William Anderson, tenant in Crabeston, told me he saw a great army, as appeared to him, both of horse and foot, about eight hours in the morning, being misty, and visibly continued till sun-rising; syne vanished away in his sight with noise into a moss hard beside. Likewise in the muir of Forfar armies were seen in the air, whilk visions the people thought to be prodigious tokens, as it fell out over true, as may be seen hereafter.
Sunday the 12th of February our minister Mr. William Strachan read out of the pulpit the warning before spoken of, and the next Sunday read out the declaration against the p. 74 cross petition, and made some little speech thereupon, and the wars of England, Ireland, and Germany, and how our country lived in peace, which was likely to come to trouble hastily also, if we amended not our lives. Thereafter he appointed a fast to be kept next. Sunday and Thursday thereafter, conform to the order of the said declaration, which was at our kirk solemnly kept.
About the 13th of February word came to Aberdeen,
that the queen's majesty had sent out of Holland to
Newcastle store of ammunition, powder and ball, with ten tun of
gold, amounting to 120,000 lb. sterling, with officers and
brave commanders of French and Walloons, about 2000.
Thereafter herself takes voyage, accompanied with five
great war ships, at the prince of Orange's direction, having
Martin Harper Trump for her admiral, with charge to
defend her against the parliamentary, if they happened to
impede her passage, or pursue her by the way, but being
landed, had no farther to defend her. The crafty Hollanders
gives way to the prince of Orange' orders, but had a great
malice against the queen, and beyond her expectation laid
down a course for her destruction; which was, when they
understood she was to land at Newcastle, therefore they
privately advised the parliament of her drift, whereupon
they directed six royal ships to ly at the road of Newcastle,
and there, after Martin Harper Trump had taken his leave,
to have the queen dead or quick; but God disappointed
the treacherous designs of all her enemies; for beyond all
expectation she lands at Burlington bay, 12 miles besouth
Newcastle. Thir rebel ships are hastily advertised by a
pinnace of her arrival, whereupon they hoist sail and come
with shot of cannon to the town, sends privately a pinnace
ashore to design the house where the queen was lodged,
whilk being done, her majesty, having mind of no evil, but
glad of rest, now wearied by the sea, is cruelly assaulted;
for this six rebel ships ilk ane by course sets their broadside
to her lodging, batters the house, dings down the roof, ere
she wist of herself; but she gets up out of her naked bed in
her night walycoat, bare-footed and barelegged, with her
maids of honour, whereof one for plain fear went straight
mad, being a nobleman of England's daughter. She gets
p. 75
safely out of the house, albeit the stones were falling about
her head, yet courageously she goes out, they shooting still,
and by providence of the almighty she escapes, with all her
company (except the maid of honour) and goes to a den
which the cannons could not reach, and on the bare fields
she rested, instead of stately lodgings clad with curious
tapestry. It is said she offered to the captains of those war
ships which convoyed her (before their parting) rich
rewards for their service, but they altogether refused the
samen, saying, the prince of Orange had forbidden them,.
under the pain of death, to take her money. Well then,
says she, take here ilk ane of you captains a chain of gold
to wear for my sake, which I conceive is not under the
compass of his command,
which they in all humility
accepted and received. It is said thir rebels shot 80 pieces of
cannon before they left off, syne went their way to the sea.
Now let the good reader judge of the cruel tyranny and
oppression that thir rebels used against the person of so
noble a queen, unmatchable in this age for her many shining
virtues, and unspeakable love to her royal king, who for his
honour had undergone those miseries both by sea and land,
and who by her industry had furnished men, money,
ammunition, powder and ball, and arms for forty thousand
men. Consider also what news this volley of cannon
was to the king, when he heard of her so dangerous
welcome. Now there comes to her majesty upon the morn
the earl of Newcastle, with a brave company, and
convoyed the queen safely to Newcastle. It is said, when she
went over to Holland, she craftily conveyed out of the
Tower of London the haill Jewells and ornaments of the
crown, and engaged them at Amsterdam, and other places,
for money to provide the king's army in this his most
grievious troubles and distress,. commended and praised
through all christendom, except by the king's enemies, who falsely
disapproved her doings, and traiterously traduced her by
many infamous lies, pasquils, and libels, as was reported.
Thus through great hazard, the Lord brought her from
Holland to Newcastle about the day of January;
always she is convoyed, where she is made welcome with
joy and mirth, and there remained till the 18th of June.
p. 76
It was further reported, that there came frae the queen to
Newcastle four ships with some of her maids of honour,
having within them 60 Dutch horse, and as many
commanders, and 900 old beaten soldiers, and that herself at
that time with the rest of her navy that was with her were
by storm of weather driven back to Holland, and
thereafter she came forward as is before noted, having with her
above ten millions of dollars.
About this 13th of February there came a letter from England to the marquis of Huntly, shewing that prince Rupert had totally defeated the parliament's forces at Tuxford, and that Mr. Hastings had done the like in Derbyshire; also that the earl of Newcastle had committed to prison the late governor of York, and the sheriff, together with the earl of Newport, the last two at Pomfret, and the first at Newark upon Trent, and that Sir Thomas Glemond is now governor of York.
The laird of Craigie Cordon, Donald Farquharson, and —— Gordon younger of Arradoul, brought in to Old Aberdeen about the 16th of February 80 soldiers, who shipped at Aberdeen with the laird of Craigie for France.
Upon the 18th of February the laird of Cluny, with Mrs. Lesly his good daughter, and another English gentlewoman, returned from Durham home to his own house in Old Aberdeen, leaving his lady dead and buried behind him. It was said, he had purchased frae the lords a supersedere, with consent of his creditors, for four months space, to pay his debt.
Colonel Hurrie, upon some miscontentment, left the parliament and came unto the king, who did him good service, as after does appear. Sir James Ramsay, brother to the laird of Balmain, of whom ye have heard before, likewise leaves the parliament, and comes into Scotland about this month of February.
Sunday the 26th of February, fast and humiliation was solemnly kept at our Oldtown church, and the remanent kirks of our diocese, at command and for the causes therein contained, in the declaration given by the commissioners of the General Assembly, as ye have heard before; and likewise on Thursday thereafter fast and prayer in both p. 77 Aberdeens, and through the diocese, and in New Aberdeen preaching before and afternoon, so precisely kept, that no merchant, tradesmen or craftsman's booth door was seen opened, yea, not a load of peats, nor other commodities durst be brought in to sell, under pain of confiscation, this day was so highly kept; but never fasting and praying for the king, nor thanksgiving for his victory; as the church pleased, the people behoved to obey, albeit wearied heavily therewith, and withal great crying out of pulpits against papists, and incoming of popery, which they made to be one of their greatest grounds whereon their failings proceeded.
The marquis of Hamilton, hearing of the queen's arrival, about the first of March went to salute her at Newcastle. The earls of Montrose, Traquahy and the lord Ogilvie, followed to see her majesty also. However there was some; speeches of controversy betwixt Hamilton and Montrose in presence of the queen, as was said: in end ilk ane returned home as they went out.
Now thundering daily out of pulpits against papists in Aberdeen. None durst be seen, but searched and sought for, sicas Thomas Menzies of Balgowny, his wife and children. Mr. George Anderson, Robert Irvine and John Forbes, who had commission for this parish, accompanied with Mr. John Lundie and James Innes, baillies of Old Aberdeen, went out upon' a Sabbath-day after the afternoon's sermon with caption to take Alexander Harvey in Grandhome for popery, who was lying bedfast in the gout, to have taken him as an excommunicate papist, but they could not find him; his son they saw upon horseback, excommunicate also, but they had no commission against him,and so they came back again without more ado. Strange stirring to see that thir commissions, by instigation of Mr. Andrew Cant and remanent ministers of both Aberdeens, should be execute upon a Sunday, expressly prohibited in other cases by the laws of this kingdom; and upon the 18th of April the young laird of Birkenbog by commission, accompanied with the baillies of Banff, brought into Aberdeen a priest called —— Robertson, who was taken by the sheriff out of —— Forbes of Blacktown*s house, and first had to Banff, and straitly warded, and thereafter p. 78 transported to Aberdeen by the sheriff and baillies of Banff, and brought into the provincial assembly of New Aberdeen . He was put again into the tolbooth, and shortly thereafter transported to Edinburgh to the council, and after some trials, in the end he was dismissed to West Flanders, obliged under the pain of death never to return back to Scotland again.
Upon the 5th of March and second Sunday of Lentron, the communion was celebrated in Old Aberdeen. The minister, when the first table was full of people, upon his knees said a prayer; the people at the table part sitting, part kneeling. Thereafter, and after some short exhortation, he gave the communion to the people, all sitting at the table, and all the rest that day and Sunday thereafter, ilk ane giving the cup to others.
Tuesday the 7th of March —— Morison, spouse to William Lamb baxter in Aberdeen, lying in childbed bout 12 days space, rose up quietly without knowledge of any, and desperately drowned herself in the water of Dee, beside the Trinity Church, to the admiration of her husband and neighbours in Aberdeen. She was called a discreet woman, except that she was inclined to swearing, and no cause of her miscontentment known, but tempted by the devil in thir troublesome times! Lamentable to see!
Now Monro lies still in Ireland, victuals from Scotland being daily transported to him, and the remanent of our Scots regiments, to the breeding of great dearth here, and little good service done by them against the Irishes there. Upon Sunday the 21st of March at night, John Dugar his men came to the Garioch, and took out of John Forbes of Lesly's bounds one of his tenants called James Anderson, an honest yeoman. The cry goes; young Lesly, with a servant called James Dunbar, follows upon horse, kills one of the lymmars, takes another, and sends him to the council, where he was hanged, and James Anderson was rescue; and wan safely home.
John Dugar hearing this news, or more truly Duncan Dugar hearing of the same, came upon the 27th of March to the town of Birkenbreul, with two servants, where he p. 79 met with Mr. William Forbes of the folk of Brux, he having two men with him also, holden both pretty men; but this Mr. William was a brave gentleman. They entered in drinking; his two men fell asleep, thinking upon no evil; then there fell out some speeches betwixt him and this Dugar, and he suddenly bends a pistol and holds to his breast, but Dugar chops up the pistol, whereby he shoots him through the shoulder, but he behind the hand with a durk sticks this Forbes through the body dead; syne with his own hands killed his two servants sleeping, and safely goes to the door, and without any more ado wins away with his hurt through his shoulder, without any more revenge; Lamentable to behold! Thir Dugars bore the Forbeses, by any other name, a great indignation.
There came news from York, dated the 27th of March, shewing, that his majesty had written to the queen, that he had upon strict muster now at Oxford 12,000 foot, and of horse and dragoons 6000. The lord Herbert from Wales had assured the king of 6000 men, horse and foot, to attend his majesty at Oxford; and Ralph Hopeton has between 7 and 8000 men ready to march into Shropshire. There are 3000 horse and foot under the command of the lord Capel; in Worcester 1000 horse ready to march to Oxford, and the king's army is duly paid: 40,000 pound weight of plate, and 15,000 pound weight of ingots of gold were brought to the Minthouse at Oxford, delivered for the king's use. The earl of Northampton took in Stamford for the king's own use, where the earl of Stamford himself was killed, as an enemy to the king.
The merchants of Bristol have rigged out 14 ships, under Sir John Pennington, the king's admiral, and that the famous Sir Nicolas —— has set out eight ships, so that the king was to have such share against the parliament upon the sea, as he has upon land, and his army daily increasing.
The earl of Derby has eleven companies of horse and 19 companies of foot, well armed, and 3000 clubmen, for whom he has lent for arms and ammunition. He took in the town of Lancaster by assault. p. 80
Scarborough is surrounded by Sir Hugh Chumly to the king; Whitby brought in four foot companies, two troops of horse, and three of dragoons.
Greison lieutenant at Grantham, with his haill troops, came over to Henderson the king's man, when he was at Newark, and the night after the town was surprised, and 400 men taken in it.
There is some divisions in London. Our countrymen Balfour and Hurrie have laid down their commissions; our Scotsmen got no payment, and daily affronted by the English, which they cannot bear: now commissioners were going from the parliament to the king with much fairer proportions, and many began to hope an accommodation. The lord Aboyne in the month of March went from Strathboggie, accompanied with some twelve gentlemen, whereof agent Gordon was one, towards York, to see the queen.
To remember this month of March; it was very unseasonable, frosts, sleets, snow, hailstones, and the wind still northerly.
About the first of April word came to Aberdeen, that prince Rupert had taken in Windsor with great bloodshed.
The queen is lying still at York, well guarded with about 10,000 soldiers, who still is drawing friends to her, who promised to get them remissions for bygones, upon their loyalty in time to come.
Ye heard before how our commissioners were directed to
the king by the conservators for preserving of peace. No
word comes from them all this time, because the ways were
straitly kept, letters broken up, which were found, and use
made of them; but it is said his majesty about the 7th of
April, and not till then, demanded wherefore they were
come, who answered, they were directed from the
conservators of peace for conserving of peace between the two
kingdoms; and to contribute their best endeavours for
unity of religion and uniformity of church government, and
removal of all differences between his majesty and
both houses of parliament; whereunto his majesty made the
answer subsequent: We have considered your propositions
p. 81
and commission by which you are authorised to come hither,
for the commissioners for conserving of the peace between
both kingdoms. We have likewise duly and carefully
weighed and examined the acts of pacification between our
two kingdoms, upon which you seem to ground your
commission, and to hold yourselves warranted and obliged to
contribute your endeavours, for unity of religion, and
uniformity of church government within all our dominions,
and removal of all differences between us and two houses
of parliament. There is nothing in that treaty (by our act)
which we shall not solemnly and withal constantly observe
always, and we hope it shall be the care of all our loving
subjects in both kingdoms to do so too, that the peace may
be perpetually kept between them, neither is there any
mean we would not use to remove such unhappy differences
between us and our two houses of parliament, as we have
done to prevent them. But we do not understand, that
you or the commissioners for conserving the peace for both
kingdoms are warranted and obliged to interpose in the
affairs and differences of our kingdom of England; and
therefore we cannot, in a business that so much
concerns the honour and interest. of the nation, admit you under that
capacity, or consent that you go qualified for such a
mediation to our two houses of parliament, till you make it
appear unto us, upon which breach of that act this warrant
and obligation of yours, and of them that sent you,is
With this answer our commissioners took their leave,
and had safe conduct to come home.
Tuesday the 18th of April, and third Tuesday thereof, our provincial assembly sat down in New Aberdeen. Mr. William Douglas, minister at Forgue, with great joining was chosen moderator; ilk ane striving for this place. Strange orders against the papists. Othro Ferrendale was found to have given sufficient satisfaction, and he sware the covenant now whilk he had subscribed before; two ministers were sent for the laird of Corse to come over to this assembly, where the brethren conferred publicly with him; he kept still his tenets, and could not be dissuaded therefrae, neither for fear nor force, and stoutly alledged he was wrongously and unjustly deposed, without any lawful p. 82 ground; done more by James Murray, clerk to the general assembly, than otherwise by good order. He answered all their queries worthily and pertinently; at last the brethren conclude and declare his place, as professor, to continue in dependence, while the next succeeding provincial assembly; and in the interim to advise with the next general assembly.
Horribly uncouth and unkindly weather at this time, frosty and cold, marvellous to see in April; fishes, fowls, and all other commodities scarce gettable in Aberdeen. Malt at 16 merk; white meal at nine pound, household meal at 11 or 12 merks the boll. Marvellous to see! notwithstanding this assembly did not proclaim a fast, whereby we might crave God's mercy for our sins, and that he would remove this tempestuous weather, now in the very spring; but many days of fast and humiliation were ordained before, and days of thanksgiving for lighter causes. Upon Friday the 21st of April the brethren dissolved, and ilk man home.
Upon the 4th of May a great convention was holden at Edinburgh, to the whilk meeting our commissioners, viz. the chancellor, Mr. Alexander Henderson, and Mr. Robert Barclay came down frae the king; the earls of Roxburgh and Lindsay came likewise down; but at this meeting there was little or nothing done, but all continued to the 22d of June.
Ye heard before how Hamilton, Montrose, Traquair, and Ogilvie, went up to Newcastle to visit the queen. They in several companies came shortly down, leaving her majesty at Newcastle.
Upon the 29th of May a ship loaded with victual, lying in Ythan, a plank struck out of her side, and filled with salt water; the meal was put afloat, a great part perished, which was the country people's malison, and God heard the samen; for Mr. Robert Farquhar and other merchants had cost all the victual they could get in Buchan, Marr, Garioch, Boyn, Enzie, Murray, Ross, Sutherland, South and North, gave great prices therefore, upon condition to receive greater prices again for their own particular commodity; and to have been transported into Ireland to the wreck of our country, giving nine pound for the ball, p. 83 whereas it might have been sold for the half. Sic as was recovered of this meal was had away in small barks, but this ship lay still while she was mended, and scared away the salmon fishes, as was thought.
About this time a number of pirates, Dunkirkers and Irishes, frequented thir coasts, about the number of 16. They did great skaith to our ships and barks, some they took and let the men ashore; they set a bark ladened with coals on fire, in sight of the owners, whom they had set on shore at Peterhead.
General Major Monro about this time had taken the earl of Antrim, upon whom he had found several letters very suspicious; he writes to the council of Scotland of this purpose, and to the general, and therewith sends the letters unto them, which with the manner of the earl's taking, was discovered by an imprinted paper set out by the house of commons.
The earl of Nithsdale and viscount of Aboyne are summoned at their dwelling-places and mercat crosses to compear before the lords of council under the pain of treason, at the meeting to be kept at Edinburgh the 22d of June; but thir lords gave no obedience to this summonds, standing to their innocence, and alledged this was but a forged draught, to cause them compear, syne abuse them by warding, fining, or other punition as they pleased best, and being in their hands they could not flee their intentions good or bad.
Ye heard before of a meeting at Edinburgh, and how all was continued to the 22d of June; the cause of this convention was grounded upon false rumours, and improbable tales sent down by the parliament of England to our Scottish council, saying, they would prove that his majesty had written to the pope (thereby to withdraw the hearts of his loyal subjects) that he should bring his three kingdoms under the Roman religion, or lose his three crowns, with many other odious speeches against his majesty, which they offered to prove by the king's own letter, written to the pope, thereby to withdraw the hearts of his loyal subjects from their loyal obedience to his majesty, and withal did crave aid and assistance of 10,000 men. Always the p. 84 council thought it good to conveen the conservators of peace, and haill estates of this kingdom, at Edinburgh the 22d of June, to capitulate upon thir and other urgent business.
The king, hearing of thir false calumnies, dispersed and spread against his royal majesty, quickly takes occasion to purge himself from these vile aspersions, by sending down a missive to several of our nobility, and one among the rest to the lord marquis of Huntly, whereof the tenor fellows.
Right trusty and right well beloved cousin, and right trusty and well beloved, we greet you well. Since nothing on earth can be more dear unto us than the preservation of the affection of our people, and among them none more than of those of our native kingdom, which, as the long and uninterrupted government of us and our predecessors over them, doth give us just reason, in a more near and special manner, to challenge from them; so may they justly expect a particular tenderness from us, in every thing which may contribute to their happiness. But knowing what industry is used (by scattering seditious pamphlets, and employing private agents and ministers) to give bad impressions of us and our proceedings; and under a pretence of danger to religion and government, to corrupt their fidelities and affections, and to engage them in an unjust quarrel against us their king, we cannot therefore but remove these jealousies, and secure their fears from all possibility of any hazard to either of these from us. We have therefore thought fit to require you to call together your friends, vassals, tenants, and such others as have any dependence upon you, and in our name to shew them our willingness to give all assurances they can deserve, or we possibly grant (if more can be given than already is) of preserving inviolably all these graces and favours, which of late we granted to that our kingdom; and we do wish God so to bless our proceedings and posterity, as we do really make good and perform this promise. We hope this will give so full satisfaction of this our solemn protestation, that no such persons as study division, or go about to weaken the confidence betwixt us and our people, and justly deserve the name and. punishment of incendiaries, p. 85 shall be sheltered from the hand of justice; and all such others as shall endeavour peace and unity, and obedience to us and our laws, may expect that protection and increase of favours from us, which their fidelity deserves. So expecting your care hereof, we bid you heartily farewell.
From our court at Oxford, 21st April 1643.
This paper would appear to give content to all his majesty's good subjects, and to clear himself frae all these foul aspersions said out against him by his enemies. How soon the marquis of Huntly receives his majesty's letter, with all diligence he comes to George Middleton's house in Old Aberdeen, upon Friday the 2d of June, and with all possible speed sends over another letter of the same contents (whilk was within the marquis' pacquet) to Patrick Lesly, provost, desiring the same to be publicly read before the town's people of Aberdeen, who upon the morn being Saturday, hastily conveened the council, and their minister Mr. Andrew Cant. The letter is broken up and read in their audience, and the township ordained to be warned to compear within the tolbooth at 10 hours on Monday next, by tuck of drum, for hearing the same publicly read. After their meeting the provost declared, that his majesty's letter came within the marquis' paquet, to be read in Aberdeen, whilk letter he caused the clerk read publicly, and the people said, God save the king, and so dissolved in peace.
The king sent sundry of the like letters to his nobility and good subjects, to be divulged and spread throughout the kingdom.
Now the marquis coming to Aberdeen, as said is, in quiet manner, he upon the morn, being Saturday, directs the lord Aboyne to meet the marquis of Montrose and the lord Ogilvie, who convoyed them to his father; they supped and lodged together that night. The morn being Sunday, they heard devotion before and afternoon; stayed all night together. On Monday the marquis, being chancellor of the university, elected by the members thereof, and ratified by the king, since the abolishing of bishops, came down to visit the said college, and returned to the lords back again. Tuesday the marquis and they parted, and he rode down to Kelly that night; upon the morn the earl of Marischal and the earl of Montrose, with the lord Ogilvie and p. 86 lord Banff, having met with others, came altogether to the said place of Kelly, where the marquis was, and bade all that night in joyful manner. Upon the morn they parted company. The marquis rode to Strathboggie; the earl Marischal rode to Inverurie; the lord Banff to Raittie; Montrose and the lord Ogilvie came back to George Middleton's house, and from thence they rode south to the king.
The marquis, according to the direction of his majesty's letter, conveened his friends at Inverurie upon the i5th of June, and there publicly read the same in their audience, and so departed, But thir meetings bred no little fear in the hearts of the covenanters.
A meeting among the clergy at London, without any bishops except the bishop of Armagh, primate of Ireland, upon the first of June, for ordering their kirk, where episcopacy and common prayer books was found lawful, as was reported.
Sunday the 11th of June, and Wednesday thereafter, both fasting days appointed by the committee of the General Assembly at Edinburgh, through all the parish kirks of Scotland, for a happy success to the ensuing meeting to be holden at Edinburgh. It was solemnly kept in both Aberdeens; no booth-door durst be opened in New Aberdeen upon Saturday before, because of the preparation sermon, and charged so by tuck of drum.
The earl Marischal rides south to this meeting, the laird of Drum and the laird of Philorth as commissioners for the shire of Aberdeen; Patrick Lesly, as commissioner for the town; Mr. Andrew Cant and Mr. James Martine, minister at Peterhead, was written for; and Dr. Guild for the college affairs, went over altogether.
Mr. David Lindsay parson of Belhelvie, and Mr. John Oswald minister at Aberdeen, went as commissioners for the presbytery of Aberdeen, to the General Assembly to be holden at Edinburgh the 2d day of August next, and Thomas Mowat, burgess of Aberdeen, as ruling elder; they went off about the 15th day of June.
About this time Sir. George Gordon elder of Gight, came home out of Germany, where he had been since he was taken out of Mr. Thomas Lesly's house, as ye have heard before. p. 87
About the 18th of June the queen's majesty comes to Oxford, where the king was, frae York, where she had remained since her coming from Newcastle, as ye have heard. She is convoyed with Crowner Alexander Lesly of Auchintoul, Crowner Henderson, and several other commanders, with an army of 5000 men, well armed and furnished with all things necessary. In her way to Nottingham, she is beset with an army by the lord Gray, of purpose to have taken her prisoner. It is stoutly foughten (in his majesty's own presence, standing looking on) by Crowner Henderson, where the lord Gray was shamefully routed, and put to flight, and her majesty (having the duke of Lennox all the time of her absence) goes safely on towards the king, where he made her heartily welcome, as she well deserved.
Upon the —— day of June Alexander Gordon of Brassmore, through evil counsel pitifully hurt and sore wounded John Gordon his own and only brother german, in his hand and divers parts of his body, upon a slight occasion, at the bishop's back yett, and thereafter would not entertain him, so that he lived in great misery, and in end was forced to leave the country, and go in service with captain Hepburn into France.
Upon the 22d day of June, the lords of his majesty's privy council and the commissioners for conserving the articles of the treaty, and haill estates, conveened in Edinburgh upon some grave respects and considerations. The roll of the commissioners names was the first day read, and the next day their commissions were read, whereof some thorough informality was repelled. Among other matters that were handled, the earl of Carnwath, sometime called Sir Robert Dalziel, was publickly accused upon some speeches, as was said, whereunto he made his own answer in presence of the lords of council. They rise up, and ilk man goes to his own lodging, as the custom is, to dinner. Carnwath goes also to his dinner, but he returned not back again in the afternoon to the council, as they expected; always they sent a man to charge him at his lodging, to compear before the council, but he disobeys; thereafter he is charged at the mercat cross of Edinburgh by an herald, to p. 88 compear, but no obedience; whereupon the lords sent to Sir William Dick directly, who they knew was debitor to the said earl in 40,000l. Scots money, and presently desired him to bring 10,0001. to pay for the said earl's contempt and contumacy, without further process, but that he was charged in form aforesaid, to compear under the pain of 10,000 pound, whilk they exacted, and truly took up; but the earl fearing warding, held out of hands, and to the king goes he.
To this convention there came from the English parliament six commissioners, viz. the earl of Rutland, Mr. Hatchet, Sir Harry Vane, both of the house of commons, Mr. Nye preacher, and —— —— but the earl of Rutland fell sick by the way, and came not with the rest. They durst not come by land, but came by sea in [one] of the ships royal called the Antelope; they were honourably received, and made heartily welcome. It was said their commission was uniformity of religion in Scotland and England, agreeable with our profession, but more chiefly for aid and support of men to assist the parliament against the king (now daily growing more and more strong at the pleasure of God) under pretext of popery and papists, which was their aim to suppress by violence of arms, as they alledged, but the contrary was seen. Howsoever matters went, it was found needful that a new covenant should be made up by a committee of the honourable convention of estates, and of the church and houses of parliament their commissioners in England, as ye may see hereafter the order and progress of this covenant, intending to have the same subscribed, as well in England as in Scotland; and being under one religion, to join together in, arms against one gracious king, under colour to suppress prelates and papists, as hereafter more evidently appears. But I leave the council and conservators both sitting for a while, counselling daily with thir English commissioners, how to make up an army, and to lift money to that effect, and gave it out to mediate peace betwixt the king and his parliament, as was teached daily out of pulpits, suppose against the king's will.
Upon Saturday the 1st of July, Sir George Gordon of Haddo unhappily hurt Alexander Jaffray, late baillie, and p. 89 John Jaffray their father, at Broom-end, in coming frae the good man of Brakay's burial, because the said Alexander Jaffray being a baillie, had caused ward the said Sir George's servant for hurting another fellow. This was no just quarrel, to pursue a judge for doing justice; however they gat some blood, but did no skaith. They parted, and Haddo immediately thereafter came to the town, and rode about the cross in contempt, but the Jaffrays were not yet come to town. The town thought evil of Haddo's behaviour, to ride so pridefully about the cross, after hurting of their baillie, and his brother; but this matter was otherwise handled, and laid upon a higher shelf, as may be seen afterwards.
Word came here about the 10th of July, that Sir John Hotham, governor of Hull, and Sir John Hotham his son, were both had under suspicion, and that the parliament had sent for them to come to London, who went, and were there accused.
Word came also that the earl of Newcastle had defeated the lord Fairfax, killed 1500 men, taken 2000 arms and five piece of cannon, drove them to Bedford, took his lady prisoner, and besieged himself.
Prince Maurice and Sir Ralph Hopetoun gave the rebels in the west a great defeat, and killed Harridown their chief commander, for whom great lamentation was made. He gave thereafter another defeat, killed and routed seven seven troops of horse, and killed 2000 men, and took eight pieces of cannon.
Sir William Waller, alias the conqueror, and general to the earl of Essex' foot army, was bravely defeated and routed by the earl of Crawford, commissary Wilmot, and Sir John Byron. There was killed to this bastard conqueror, 600 men, and 800 taken prisoners, with seven piece of cannon and all their colours and coronets. Prince Rupert by convoy of our townsman Hurry, did great feats against Essex; for the whilk the king knighted Hurry with his own hand.
The English parliament sent Sir Harry Vane and other commissioners to Kentshire, but they were laid fast in prison. The parliament hearing that their commissioners were so p. 90 abused and imprisoned, sent shortly forces to be revenged of this high injury; but the Kentshire men shortly went to arms, and made them retire back again.
The king hearing of this, sent quickly to Kent 2000 riders, and horses, to assist them against the parliament; and that they were in readiness, besides the king's forces, 10000 strong, to attend the king's service.
The lord Newcastle is strong; the lord Kingston, general of Lincoln, is taking up for the king 8000 horse and foot, and the queen has in garrison about her 5000 horse and foot.
There was a sickness in Essex's army, very fearful, and not ordinary before, where dieth daily eighty persons. So the finger of God may be seen here also.
Banburgh in Lincolnmire was lately betrayed to the lord Willoughby. He took the lord Kingston, a brave nobleman for the king, prisoner, and was sending him in a pinnace to Hull; but colonel Candish came presently with 24 troops of horse, and general King came also with some hundred musketeers; they took this pinnace as she was going forth, where unfortunately the lord Kingston was slain (much, to be lamented) by a shot coming from the king's men, and Banbury is straitly besieged by the king's forces. The earl of Newcastle honourably set at liberty the lady Fairfax, (whom he took prisoner) freely, any ransom, or exchange of any prisoner for her. Forces in Cumberland and Westmoreland, both of horse and foot, daily raising for the king. The earl of Essex keepeth himself in fast places, so that he cannot be fought with, and is under suspicion. The lord Gray is committed to the Tower, for refusing to be commissioner from the parliament to Scotland. They are mightily distressed in London for want of coals, and no trade nor handy work used, but all to desolation. General King beat all the Northampton forces, and killed the most special men there, that were for the parliament. The General Assembly at London had approved episcopacy, and the book of common prayer. All thir things were done in this month of July.
Upon the day of July, Adam Abercrombie killed his wife's son, called George Leith, brother german to p. 91 the good man of Harthill, and who also was married to the said Adam's own daughter. Thus in a combat the father-in-law slays the son-in-law, and wins away unpunished; marvellous in those days, without respect of birth or blood, to see slaughter and bloodshed daily committed. Mr. Andrew Cant came home from this meeting to Aberdeen upon the 20th of July, and upon the 25th of July there was a committee holden at Kintore, by the said Mr. Andrew Cant, Mr. David Lindsay, Mr. Thomas Mitchell parson of Turriff, Mr. John Paterson minister at Foveran, Mr. John Cheyne minister at Kintore, Mr. John Seaton minister at Kemnay, and several others. Thir persons had power from the committee of the kirk at Edinburgh to meet, sit and cognosce Mr. Andrew Logie minister at Rayne, upon a delation given in against him to the said committee of the kirk or general assembly holden at Edinburgh, for unsound doctrine, whilk Mr. John Abercrombie (his mortal enemy) alledged he heard him teach at his own parish church of Rayne. Well, the brethren conveens according to their order, day and place foresaid. Mr. Andrew Logie compears, falls in some dispute; he alledged he would bide by what he had said that day to be orthodox doctrine, free of error and heresy; but the brethren, especially Cant, bearing extreme hatred and malice against him,, as he who was not a sincere covenanter in his heart, could not be satisfied with the said Mr. Andrew's lawful arguments; and he seeing their partiality, produced an appellation in write, appealing frae their judgment to the presbytery of Garioch, according to the old form; but their brethren disdained to admit this appellation, or to hear the reasons thereof read, but shortly dissolved, charging him to compear before the general assembly the 9th of August, whilk he did not keep, but unwisely sent over the reasons of his appellation, being 29 in number, to Mr. Alexander Henderson, in whom he had some confidence, looking he would be moderator, as it fell forth so; but he got small friendship, being absent himself; for thir foresaid brethren wrote over to the General Assembly, declaring the said Mr. Logie's carriage to be worse than it was. p. 92 Upon thir and other respects his appellation was not read, whilk. was divinely grounded, and learnedly let down, as was thought.
Upon the 17th of July the lord Rae ships at Aberdeen, and went to Denmark, who had lyen a long time at Torry; he was the king's man; see more of him hereafter.
Upon the second day of August, the General Assembly sat down in Edinburgh. Sir Thomas Hope, advocate, is commissioner for the king, by his letters patent. He took the place proudly upon him, for the honours were daily carried, when he went out and into this assembly, before him , and at preaching he sat in the king's loft in St. Giles' kirk. To this assembly went commissioners, and their laic elders from ilk presbytery within the kingdom; amongst whom went for the presbytery of Aberdeen Mr. David Lindsay of Belhelvie, and Mr. John Oswald one of the ministers of Aberdeen, and Thomas Mowat, burgess of the said burgh, as a laic or ruling elder. Mr. Alexander Henderson minister at Edinburgh was chosen moderator,. This assembly sat down ilk day by eight hours in the morning, and continued till 12 hours, syne went to dinner at two hours. They advised and counselled with the conservators of peace, or convention of estates, and secret council, of what they had been doing while six hours at even, syne dissolved and went home. Thus the assembly had with them the convention of estates, the conservators of the treaty, and secret council, all sitting with them in their own meeting-rooms, for giving and taking advice and counsel of one another in matters that past. There was divers matters agitated in this assembly, amongst the which Mr. Andrew Logie was called, but not compearing, he was simpliciter deprived, and his kirk declared vacant without any further process, which was thought very summary dealing without any proven offence; and thereafter his kirk was planted with another minister, as ye may see hereafter. Dr. Forbes' place was filled with Mr. William Douglas, minister at Forgue, as ye have hereafter; and he and Dr. Lesly, sometime principal of the King's College of Aberdeen, to be warned to swear and subscribe the covenant, otherwise to be excommunicated, but little process p. 93 followed thereupon against any of them. Mr. William Wedderburn, minister at Bethelnie, deposed for fornication, as ye have before, gets now liberty to preach upon his repentance, how soon he might be provided in a kirk. The rest of their assembly acts is to be found in their own books, to the which I refer myself; but here I may not forget a supplication given in to this reverend assembly, produced by the commissioners sent by the English parliament. This supplication was set down in write under the hands of 72 English ministers, as was reported, and signeted with their seals, of the whilk the tenor follows.
Reverend and beloved,
The experience, which we have had of your forwardness in receiving, and faithfulness in weighing, our former addresses, hath given us abundant encouragement to take hold of this present opportunity of breaking out some of our sorrows, which your love and our necessity commands us to present to your consideration and compassion. Much we know we may commit to the wisdom and fidelity of our brethren, these messengers unto you, to impart to you concerning our miserable condition, and unto them we shall leave the rest. Your own national, but especially Christian interest, will not permit you to hide your eyes from the bleeding condition of your poor distressed brethren in England, should neither letters nor messengers be sent unto you; but messengers coming, we should at once neglect ourselves, should we not a little ease our burdened hearts by pouring them out into your bosom, and seem ungrateful unto you, of whose readiness to suffer with us, and to do for us, we have so great and ample testimonies.
Surely, if ever a poor nation was on the edge of a desperate precipice; if ever a poor kirk was ready to be swallowed up by satan and his instruments; we are that nation, we are that church: and in both respects so much the more miserable, by how much we expected not a preservation only, but an augmentation also of happiness in the one, and glory in the other. We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of healing, but behold trouble! our God, who in his former judgments was a moth and rottenness p. 94 (and yet had of late began to send us health and cure) is now turned a lyon to us, and threatens to rend the very calves of our hearts; from above he has sent a fire into our bones, and it prevails against us; from our own bowels he has called forth and strengthened an adversary against us, a generation of brutish hellish men, the rod of his anger, the staff of his indignation, under whose cruelties we bleed, and if present mercy step not in, we die. Righteous art thou, O Lord! and just are thy judgments; but oh! the barbarous carriage of our enemies, wherever God gives up any of his hidden ones into their hands! we need not express it unto you, who know the inveterate and deadly malice of the antichristian faction against the members of our Lord Jesus. And it is well known; we need not express it to you; in truth we cannot. Your own thoughts can tell you better than any words of ours, what the mercy of papists is towards the ministers and servants of our Lord Jesus Christ; but the Lord knows we are not troubled so much for their rage against us, or our own miseries and dangers; but that which breaks our hearts, is the danger we behold the protestant religion in all she reformed churches at this time, through that too great and formidable strength the popish faction is now raised to. If our God will lay our bodies as the ground, and as the street under their feet, and pour our blood as dust before their fury, the will of the Lord be done. Might our blood be a sacrifice to ransom the rest of the saints and churches of Christ from antichristian fury, we would offer it up upon this service gladly, but we know their rage is insatiable, and will not be quenched with our bloods. It is immortal, and will not die with us; armed against us, not as men, but as Christians, but as protestants, and as men desiring to reform ourselves, and to draw ourselves and others yet nearer unto God. And if God give us up to be devoured by this rage, it will take more strength and courage (at least) to attempt the like, against all the protestant and reformed churches. In a deeper sense of this extreme danger, threatning us and you, and all other churches reformed, than we can express, we have made this address unto you, in the bowels of our Lord Jesus p. 95 Christ, humbly imploring your most fervent prayers to God, who hears prayers, who, if we should judge by providences, seems to be angry with our prayers, though we trust he doth but seem so; and though he kill us, yet will we trust in him. Oh! give us the brotherly aid of our reinforced tears and prayers, that the blessings of truth and peace, which our prayers alone hath not obtained, yours conjoyned may; and give us, reverend and much honoured in the Lord, your advice what remaineth for us further to do, for making of our own and kingdom's peace with God. We have lyen in the dust before him; we have poured out our hearts in humiliation before him; we have in sincerity endeavoured to reform ourselves, and with no less sincerity desired, studied, and laboured the public reformation: nevertheless the Lord has not as yet turned himself from the fierceness of his anger. Be pleased to advise us further, what may be the happiest course for uniting the protestant party more firmly, that we may all serve God with one consent, and stand up against antichrist as one man; that our God, who now hides himself from his people, may return unto us, delight in us, scatter and subdue his and our enemies, and cause his face to shine upon us. The Lord prosper you, and preserve you, so that the great work of these latter ages may be finished, to his honour, and our own and the church's happiness, through Jesus Christ.
It is said this long-tailed supplication was well heard of by the brethren of the General Assembly; and having the council and estates and conservators of the treaty all within the town, sitting at their consultations daily, they advised altogether upon this supplication, and what was spoken by word, or brought by the saids messengers to the council, estates or conservators foresaid; and after long consideration they all in one voice finding the quarrel, as they thought, standing presently betwixt the king and his parliament, was the reformation of religion, and miskent any other deeds done against the king's authority and royal prerogative (as if they saw not the same) resolves and concludes to make up a new covenant, and send it into England to be sworn and subscribed; whilk if they did, that then it should be p. 96 sworn and subscribed by us all in Scotland, and then to take them by the hand for defence and maintenance of religion, who stood still in rebellion against the king in their unlawful parliament, and all deeds of hostility. This being concluded upon, (without the advice, consent, or knowledge of the king) by the council, estates and assembly foresaid, or at least by a committee from the said general assembly, by an imprinted act dated the 14th of August, the samen was approven by another imprinted act by the convention of estates, dated the 17th of August.
There followed another ordinance frae the commissioners of the General Assembly, for the receiving and solemnly swearing and subscribing of the said league and covenant, and another ordinance from the convention of estates, which copied is thus:
Forasmickleas by an act of the convention of estates holden at Edinburgh the 15th day of August 1643 years, for the loan and tax, it is statute and ordained, that for the wants and necessities of the Scots army in Ireland, and other causes contained in the said act, the sum of twelve hundred thousand merks Scots money, with a hundred thousand merks, as allowance to the collectors for ingathering the same, together also with six score thousand pounds Scots for levying the men, horse, and foot contained in the said act, should be uplifted by way of tax and loan, out of the several sheriffdoms and burrows of this kingdom, conform to a roll to be set down by the conveeners of ilk sheriffdom, both of spiritual and temporal lands, conform to the whilk act the lairds of Drum and Philorth are appointed to be conveeners for the first meeting of the sheriffdom of Aberdeen, (and thereafter those of the shire to choose their own conveeners) Robert Farquharson of Innercauld, John Irvine of Belty, Alexander Strachan of Glenkindy, Sir William Forbes of Craigievar, Mr. William Davidson of Cairny, Sir Gilbert Menzies of Pitfoddels, Thomas Erskine of Pittodry, Mr. Robert Farquhar of Munie, Mr. Robert Gordon of Pitlurg, George Gordon of Coclairachie, John Udny of that ilk, James Hay of Muiriefold, Robert Irvine of Feddret, and John Keith of Clockreach, who shall conveen with the haill heritors, p. 97 liferenters, tacks men of teinds, titulars, proper wadsetters, pensioners, conjunct fiars, ladies terces, and others within the said sheriffdom, upon the first Tuesday of October next 1643, as the first day of their meeting, within the tolbooth of Aberdeen, and that the same be intimate at the mercat cross of the head burgh of the shire and every parish kirk thereof, immediately after divine service; and the saids conveeners, with such other commissioners as shall conveen for the time, shall cause call by name and sirname the heritors, liferenters, titulars, tacksmen of teinds, and others foresaid, who bruik any benefit to landward, whereby profit or commodity ariseth, and by consent of them, or the most part, shall make, select and choose eight persons, to be adjoined to the saids commissioners, who shall make choice of a clerk, and give up a just rental and true worth of every person or persons their present year's rent, of this cropt and year of God 1643, to landward, as well of land and teinds, as of any other thing whereby yearly profit and commodity ariseth. With certification, if they compear not, the saids conveeners shall value and give up such rental of the saids persons their lands, teinds, and others foresaid, as they shall think expedient, and the saids heritors and others foresaid compelled to pay conform thereto before the term of Candlemass next, as in the said act is at length contained, conform to the said act and instruction direct for that effect; intimates to all and sundry titulars, tacksmen of teinds, proper wadsetters, ladies terces, and others within the said sheriffdom of Aberdeen, that they and ilk ane of them conveen within the tolbooth of Aberdeen upon the first Tuesday of October next 1643 years, with the saids conveeners and commissioners foresaid, and there give up and set down ane perfect rental and roll of ilk person's rents within the said sheriffdom of Aberdeen and parishes thereof, with certification as contained in the said act, &c.
Now when this act was intimate to the king's lieges, of such grievous burdens and taxations, whereof the like was never heard of in any king's reign, and now imposed without warrant of the king, by subjects upon subjects, let any discreet man judge, how the loyal subjects of this poor kingdom were born down and daily opprest. p. 98
Now as thir works are a working in sight of the English commissioners, and to their great joy, and gladness of the brethren of the assembly, who all this time are sitting; the king's advocate and his commissioner carried himself as a good patriot for the country; but how the king was pleased, I cannot tell. The assembly indicts another general assembly to be holden at Edinburgh the last Wednesday of May 1644, and about the 29th of August, rose up and dissolved, leaving the council and conservators of the treaty at their meetings and consultations.
In the mean time the lord Maitland, and the said Mr. Alexander Henderson, and Mr. George Gillespie, two of the ministers of Edinburgh, were sent immediately after rising of the said assembly to the parliament of England, with the league and covenant, there to be subscribed and sworn. Some of the English commissioners went also with them, as was said, and others bade behind, attending their return. Our commissioners before named went by sea to London; for by land they had no peaceable passage. As this is doing, Berwick is taken in by the estates, by device of the English parliament, as ye shall hereafter hear, contrary to the treaty, as the king alledged.
Ye heard before how the laird of Haddo hurt Alexander and John Jaffrays; they go over with their father, recommended by the burgh of Aberdeen, to the burghs of Scotland, and makes them all their friends, and raises letters, charging Haddo to compear before the council, justice, commissioners of estates, at Edinburgh, the 2d day of August, to answer at the instance of the saids complainers, and of the king's advocate for his interest. Haddo seeks peace, friendly, but no agreeance at home nor abroad; he resolves to sit at home, seeing the iniquity of the times: wherefore he is fined in 20,000 merks, whereof 5000 to the complainers, and 15000 to the public, and to make payment under the pain of horning; likeas he was charged, denounced, and registrate, for not payment thereof. However the Jaffrays repented somewhat of their going on so busily, since their part of the fine was so little, and thought the public should have taken no part hereof, resolving by that means to settle more fairly with Haddo, if p. 99 the haill fine had been at their command; but the estates thought this gear well won. A monstrous unheard of fine, for so small a fault, not being slaughter nor mutilation, nor other criminal crime!—But Haddo beheld all, and whereupon sorrow fell, as ye may see hereafter.
As thir things are a doing, the convention of estates sends a messenger to the marquis of Huntly, charging him, as a peer of the land, to compear before them, but he disobeyed that charge. Thereafter they sent an herald, to charge him, under the pain of treason, to compear, but he bides at home , whereupon he is denounced and registrate at the horn, thinking after an illegal manner to take him by caption, and to use him at their pleasure; whereupon the marquis writes to the council and estates, shewing it was well known his estate was under burden, and he was labouring to pay his debts, as he might, against Martinmass next, so that conveniently he could not come over to this convention. 2d, He declared, his rent was not able to maintain him six weeks in Edinburgh, which might sustain him a whole year at home. 3d, He said he was offensive to none, but peaceably set, and no wise mindful to perturb the country, but should underly what was lawfully said upon him, or his ground; and for their better assurance, sent over a blank bond subscribed with his hand, to keep thir conditions, under what penalty they pleased themselves to put in. With thir letters the laird of Cluny was sent to Edinburgh, but the estates disdainfully rejected his letters and bond, and would not hear thereof, but resolved to take order with him shortly. The marquis hearing of this, and having a troubled estate, glad to live in peace, and could not get it, sent over to the estates, desiring letters patent that he might go out of the country to France, there to serve with fifty gentlemen, in his own place of Gens d'Armes; but this is refused also, whereat the marquis is highly offended, and brought almost under despair, not knowing what course to take for keeping his loyalty to his master the king, of whom you may hear some more hereafter, and which made him to take up arms at last.
As the convention of estates are handling the marquis p. 100 of Huntly at this rate, so to grieve the country more intolerably, they set out a charge, whilk copied is this.
Carolus Rex.
Charles, by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, to our lovites — — — — — — — messengers, in that part conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, greeting. Forasmickleas the estates of our kingdom of Scotland, presently conveened, taking into their most serious consideration the great and imminent danger of the true protestant religion, and of the peace of thir kingdoms, from the treacherous and bloody plots, conspiracies, and attempts of the papists and prelates, malignants and their adherents; have, after mature deliberation, thought expedient to enter into a mutual league and covenant with our kingdom of England, for the defence of the true protestant reformed religion in the kirk of Scotland, and the reformation of religion in the kirk of England, according to the word of God, the example of the best reformed churches, and as may bring the kirks of both kingdoms to the nearest conjunction and uniformity of religion and church government. And siklike to preserve and defend the rights and privileges of our parliament, and liberties of our kingdoms, respectively, and to preserve and defend our person and authority, in the preservation of the said true religion and liberties of our kingdoms, and to observe the articles of the late treaty and peace between the two nations, and to assist and defend all that shall enter into this covenant, in the maintaining and pursuing thereof, as the samen more fully purports: which, as it will be a comfort and encouragement to all Christians who fear God and love religion, to all good and loyal subjects who truly honour us, and to all true patriots who tender the liberty of the country, so doubtless it will exasperate and enrage the said papists, prelates, malignants, and their adherents, to practice and execute all the mischief and cruelty they can against this kirk and kingdom, as they have done in our kingdoms of England and Ireland.
For preventing whereof, the estates of this our said kingdom (according to the practice of our council, convention p. 101 of our estates, and our parliaments in former times, in the like exigences) have resolved to put this our kingdom with all possible speed in a present posture of defence; and for the better safety and security thereof, have statute and ordained, and hereby statutes and ordains, that immediately after publication hereof, all the fencible persons within this our kingdom of Scotland, betwixt sixty and sixteen years of age, of whatsomever quality, rank, or degree, shall provide themselves with forty days provision, and with ammunition, arms, and other warlike provision of all sorts, in the most substantious manner, for horse and foot, with tents and other furnishings requisite, and that horsemen be armed with pistols, broad swords, and steel caps; and where these arms cannot be had, that they provide jacks, lances and steel bonnets; and that the footmen be armed with musket and sword, or pikes and sword, and where these cannot be had, that they be furnished with halberts, Lochaber axes, or Jedburgh staves and swords. Our will is herefore, and we straitly charge and command, that incontinent thir our letters seen, ye pass to the mercat cross of Edinburgh, and several burrows of this our kingdom of Scotland, and parish kirks thereof, wherethrough none may pretend ignorance of the same, and that ye command, and charge all and sundry our subjects foresaid, being fencible persons, betwixt sixty and sixteen years, to provide themselves in manner foresaid, and to be in readiness to make their rendezvous, thus armed, at the places appointed by our estates and committees, having power from them, within 48 hours after they shall be lawfully warned by order from them to that effect, as they will certify their affection to the protestant religion, the liberties of our kingdoms, our own honours, and the peace and safety of that their native country, and under the pain to be esteemed as enemies to religion, us, and our kingdoms; and their haill goods to be confiscate to the use of the public. Given under our signet at Edinburgh, the 18th day of August, and or our reign the 19th year 1643.
Per actum Dominorum concilii (sic sub.)
Arch. Prymrose Clk. Con.
This piece came out with the league and covenant, and; act for loan and taxation,, which you have heard before, p. 102 to the great annoyance of the king's subjects when it was published; but is strange to see the conveyance of this odd piece, hatched and made up narrative in the king's name, and in the assumption would carry no less; but the estates and the rest might set out such proclamations; so, whether it be the king's proclamation, or the estates proclamation, it is hard to say; save that the conclusion is in the king's name. However it be, this proclamation is set out without the king's knowledge or consent, as was the use before, yea, expressly against his will.
Thus is the king's haill loyal subjects brought daily more and more under subjection and slavery, without authority or warrant frae the king.
About this time, many witches are taken in Anstruther, Dysart, Culross, St. Andrews, and sundry other parts on the coast-side of Fife; they made strange confessions, and were burnt to the death.
About this time —— Gordon younger of Tilliefroskie, was taken upon the causey of Edinburgh, and warded in the tolbooth thereof, for maintaining some points of Brownism..
Ye heard before how the earl of Nithsdale and viscount of Aboyne were summoned to compear before the council and conservators of peace, anent negotiating with the earl of Antrim. Word came about the I2th of August, that they were both forfeited at the cross of Edinburgh for their non-compearance, and declared traitors, without warrant, consent, or authority of the king; and they are both forced to flee the land, and seek the king's help, for at home they durst not abide.
About the 12th of August, haill families, man, wife,, and children, flees out of London for safety of their lives, some to one kingdom and some to another, and some came to Scotland, occasioned by thir troubles; pitiful to behold! Bristol, the third richest burgh in all England, is now about this time taken in by the king's men with great slaughter on both sides. The king himself was lying at Oxford, and not at the intaking thereof. There was gotten 80 pieces of ordnance, store of ammunition, arms, powder and ball, with abundance of victuals, gold and silver plate, p. 103 with other riches. Three of the king's ships lying in the river were also taken, with diverse others able to carry cannon. The king getting word, comes hastily from Oxford to Bristol, creates the lord Hopetoun, a brave commander, governor of this great city, to the contentment of the young prince, and marquis of Hartford, who for their places of war were contending to put in a governor in the said town. Thereafter the king returns back to Oxford.
In this month of August, the marquis' sister Jean Gordon, lady and relict of umquhile lord Strathbrane, came here to the North, and took up her house in Lesmoir.
In this month many news came to Aberdeen. Exeter was straitly besieged, and the earl of Warwick seeking to relieve it, was routed and defeated.
That 500 Kentmen left the parliament, and came in to the king; and at Chatham disarmed such as were against his majesty, and took some ordnance and some of the king's ships: That Sir John Hotham accused Mr. Pym before the English parliament, for gathering together 100,000l.. sterling to his own use, against the public weal, whereof the trial was fashious to the parliament; see hereafter where that traitor Pym dyed before he was hanged: That Gainsburgh is taken by the king. Lincoln yielded to his majesty, where his excellency the earl of Newcastle had got store of victuals, 800 muskets and eight pieces of ordnance, and that he has advanced his cannon over Trent. Sir John Henderson made lord general of the horse, and colonel Byron made governor of Newark. That the earls of Northumberland, Bedford, Lincoln, and diverse other noblemen, had left the parliament and come to the king, and left few of the nobles in the upper house, and the lower house also daily diminishing. That the lord Willoughby fled, and taken the rout to Boston; his haill baggage lost, and not 300 men in his company, and that the town was under treaty. That Glocester is besieged, and many men lost on both sides. This was the news that came to Aberdeen at this time.
Saturday the 2d of September the proclamation anent all manner of men, betwixt 60 and 16, to be in readiness, was made at the cross of Aberdeen, by tuck of drum, of p. 104 which ye heard before, like as the samen proclamation was twice read and proclaimed thereafter at the cross, but little obedience was given in thir parts thereto.
Sunday the third of September, the communion was given here in Old Aberdeen, as it was last. Sermon ended, this proclamation was read also at the outgoing of the people at the kirk door, by Alexander Wildgoose reader. This communion was thought to be untimeously given here, being in the height of harvest. Communion the second time was given here upon the 10th of September, being Sunday. Now it was concluded by our council and estates, to raise an army to go into England, in defence of the good cause, the true protestant reformed religion, rights of parliament, and the liberties of the kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, and to defend the king against all prelates, papists, and malignant persons. This is strange to see, how our army shall rise in defence of the king, without his own consent, and under colour of religion to aid and assist the kingless parliament of England, now standing rebelliously in arms against the king; and it may be marvelled with what reason justly we could do so, getting all our wills according to the unjust desire of our hearts, at his majesty's hands; or what interest we had to interpone ourselves betwixt the king and his subjects of England, since reason would say, we had gotten our wills; and therefore we might live in rest and peace. No, no, it must be otherwise; England has gotten our turn done, and we must help them to get their turn done also, in all things, both in kirk and police, like unto our government, wherein if England happened not to prevail, then our grounds so surely established was to be feared, and the king might come back upon us, and revoke what he had done. Upon this ground we will raise an army, (as was thought) and makes general Lesly to take the charge upon him of this service, who cheerfully accepted the same, and began now to work upon the ordering of this war, as ye shall hereafter hear, and nothing heard but tucking of drums and proclamations.
It was said, some of the nobles had a meeting at Aberdeen, with whom the marquis of Hamilton happened to be (as one who pretended to favour the king) and laid compt p. 105 to stop any raising of arms against his majesty, but all for nought; it turned to finall effect. Their meeting was September, about 14 noblemen.
Upon the 14th of September James Anderson, an honest burgess of Aberdeen, caused bring to the kirk a bairn whilk his wife had new born, to be baptized, because it was weak, about two afternoon, and conveened his gossips and comers, as the custom is. Then the father goes to the ministers to come and baptize his bairn, being weak, but ilk ane after other answered, they would not baptize till after the leclure was done. The bairn grows weaker; the father goes again, but still refused; at last the father causes ring the bell the sooner, to make them come to their lecture, but they sat still till the hour came; but before the lecture was done the silly infant deceases in the comers arms at the pulpit foot, without benefit of baptism. The people fell all in murmuring and amazement at the doings of their ministers; and the father and friends conveened waxed wonderful sorrowful; but Mr. John Oswald, who said the leclure, perceiving the bairn to be dead, said, since the bairn is dead in the kirk, cause bury it in the kirk; whilk was instantly done, whereat sundry godly persons were not well content at this church government. In like manner Thomas Blackhall, a burgess of the town, caused bring his lawful bairn to the kirk to be baptized upon the 10th of April before, and held up the bairn in his own hand, as the custom is; but Mr. Andrew Cant would not give the bairn baptism in the father's hand, till a gossip got the bairn in his hand, alledging he was a papist.
About this 4th of September, trial was gotten of some 5 or 600 merks stolen out of Mr. John Ray, one of the regents of the Newtown's chest. It was found that Mr. Andrew Cant, the holy minister's son, drew the nails of the chest, and fastened the same with new nails, having another holy brother's son in his company, called Strachan, and student with himself, son to Mr. William Strachan, parson of Daviot. Their prodigal spending, drinking and debauching, made it to be tried, after this regent had tane a boy of his called Mathison, who kept his chamber, and tormented him most pitifully for the samen, being innocent, p. 106 but the two rich fathers paid for their sons theft. A great scandal to scholars, they being both students, and so the matter was silenced; but if any other student had done the same, Cant would have cried out. against the same maliciously in the pulpit, and seen them put to the college yetts, wherein they without punition were creditably kept.
Upon Monday the 11th of September, proclamation was made at the cross of Aberdeen, for in gathering of the taxation and levy money by way of loan, extending to 1,200,000 merks Scots money, and 100,000 merks to the collectors for ingathering of the same, and six score thousand pound for levying of men and horse to be uplifted by way of loan, conform to an act of the convention of estates.
Ye heard before of the intaking of Berwick. It was as is reported after this manner; while the heedless parliamentars were negotiating with our Scots, as ye heard before, about the beginning of September there came five of the king's own ships, now at this parliament's service, to Berwick, and landed 300 soldiers, whom the major received like a traitor, and we being desired to send forces to defend this town against the king if occasion offered, sent shortly a supply of men to keep and defend the same, upon all adventures, whereat the king was offended.
Ye heard before how the earl of Nithsdale and lord Aboyne went to the king. The earl of Montrose and lord Ogilvie likewise fled the land, and past to the king.
Upon the 11th of September there came to Aberdeen a baillie and a deacon, commissioners from Edinburgh to Aberdeen, desiring that Mr. John Oswald, one of their ministers, should be transported to their burgh of Edinburgh, for serving the cure there; whilk was granted, and he removed out of Aberdeen to Edinburgh upon the 23d of October thereafter, leaving our town to be served with Mr. Andrew Cant and Mr. John Rue, till his room was filled.
Ye heard before of our general assembly, and of the supplication given in to them by the parliamentars divines and commissioners, and of the league and covenant that was then made. How soon the king heard of this, he was highly moved, and shortly writes to the council of Scotland, which copied is thus. p. 107
C. R.
Right trusty and well beloved; whereas we have been informed, that the late general assembly of our kirk of Scotland have thought fit our subjects there should enter into a mutual league and covenant with these our two houses of parliament of England, who are, and in long time have been in rebellion against us; a motion we never could have expected to proceed from so grave and pious persons as that meeting did consist of: therefore we do require you, publicly by proclamation, to intimate our pleasure, that no such oath or covenant be pressed upon our Scots subjects, or by them entered into with any other persons, in name of our houses of parliament, or any other of our subjects of England, until we be first acquainted therewith and approve thereof; and this our letter we desire you to put in record, which shall be a sufficient warrant to all our good subjects not to give obedience to any command, under any pretence, from what pretended power soever, to the contrary hereof. We bid you heartily farewell. Given at our court of Evesham, the `4th day of September, and 19th year of our reign. 1643.
But the king gets no obedience, nor did the council set out any such proclamation as is here required. His majesty also writes letters to the chancellor and to the conservators of peace, to the foresaid effect; but no obedience nor publication of the king's pleasure to the lieges, but forward goes the General Assembly, the convention of estates, and conservators of the treaty, all hand in hand, for levying of an army, lifting of taxations and loan-money, whether the king would or not, in manner before set down. The convention of estates having closed and concluded all, among the rest they made an act, as reported, that no coals should be transported to any burgh of Scotland, or to any foreign country, but all to be winn and sent to London, to furnish them fire, who now were in great distress for want of coals. By this act may seen clearly the covenanters keeping of faith to the king, and their kindness to their own country, for the coals sold in Edinburgh and in Fife and Lothian, was raised to double the price they paid before, to the great grief of the king's lieges; and so thir estates p. 108 rose and dissolved upon the day of September, who had sitten since the 2d day of June before; and our smiths of Aberdeen were forced to work their work with peat, for no coals came to Aberdeen, by reason of this act.
Upon Sunday the 17th of September, the communion in New Aberdeen was given for the first, and upon the 24th for the second time, not after the old fashion kneeling, but sitting, nor the people suffered to pray, when Mr. Andrew Cant prayed, as their custom was before; but all to be silent and dumb; nor their communion-bread baken and distribute as was wont, but after a new fashion of bread, for it was baken in a round loaf, like a trencher, syne cutted out in long shives, hanging by a tack; and first the minister takes a shive after the blessing, and breaks a piece, and gives to him who was nearest, and he gives the shive to his neighbour, who takes a piece, syne gives it to his neighbour, till it be spent; syne an elder gives in another shive, where the first shive left, and so forth. The like bread and service was never seen in Aberdeen before the coming of Mr. Andrew Cant to be their minister.
Now great preparation for raising of men and arms. General Lesly sends to Holland, France, and Sweden, for commanders and officers, who came to him daily, and resolves to go into England, with an army of 10000 foot and horse. The order for lifting of thir men, colonels, and commanders, sent down through all the shires of Scotland by a committee of estates, and amongst the rest for the sheriffdoms of Aberdeen and Banff, as ye shall see hereafter. Upon Sunday the 17th of September, after sermon, there was read out the intimation of the act of the convention of estates, at the kirk door of Old Aberdeen, anent the uplifting of the taxation and loan money, dated the 15th of August, to the great grief of the auditors.
Tuesday the 21st of September, a committee was holden in Aberdeen by the earl Marischal, the tutor of Pitsligo, the lairds of Drum, Philorth, Straloch, Kermuck, and diverse other barons, anent the levying of soldiers. Order was given that the drum should go through Aberdeen, commanding all apprentices, servants, and fials, not to change their masters while Martinmas next, with certification that they p. 109 should be taken frae such masters as they feed with, and the master not be freer in furnishing a man. There were diverse other acts made, and so this committee dissolved, and was continued to the third of October.
Wednesday the 27th of September before Michaelmas, Patrick Lesly was chosen provost of Aberdeen, Mr. Thomas Gray, Mr. Matthew Lumsden, Mr. William Moir, and Robert Crookshank, chosen baillies. Sir Alexander Irvine of Drum continued sheriff principal of Aberdeen, Mr. William Davidson sheriff-depute, and Thomas Fraser of Strichen sheriff of Inverness.
Upon Tuesday the 3d of October, the committee sat down in New Aberdeen, in the tolbooth thereof, where the lairds of Drum and Philorth, conveeners, were; the tutor of Pitsligo, the laird of Tolquhon, and diverse other barons were conveened; they fell upon the division of the sheriffdom between the earl Marischal and lord Gordon, both being absent, and no place was left to the lord Forbes to be crowner with the other two, for causes moving the committee of estates of Edinburgh; but they found the lord Gordon had gotten more bounds than the earl Marischal; whereat it was thought Marischal was not well content, nor yet the lord Forbes, who by order of the committee at Edinburgh was put upon the list with the lord viscount of Crighton, which should be chosen third crowner with the earl Marischal and the lord Gordon. It fell by voice the lord Forbes to be third crowner, yet both were disappointed. The lord Forbes himself was not present, but still in Edinburgh.
News comes to Aberdeen about the 5th of October, of a great battle fought between the king and the earl of Essex upon Salisbury-plain, where was much bloodshed, but the king still victorious, praised be God! and likewise he had a great victory over that rebels of Reading; the Londoners were routed that came to the rescue thereof; there was killed to the king a marquis of France, and three other lords.
Now the haill ministers of our landward sessions begins to take up the number of the haill fencible men within the several parishes, betwixt 60 and 16, so that herd and p. 110 hire-man were precisely noted, to the effect the fourth man might be listed; and upon Sunday the 8th of October, after the afternoon's sermon, our minister Mr. William Strachan, with the sessioners, took the roll of the communicants within Machar parish and Old Aberdeen, and made up an number out thereof of the fencible persons, as said is, whilk was not wisely done, if this order had not been mitigated. Notice was also taken of the rents of the said parish, conform to the act of the convention of estates, dated the 15th of August, for uptaking of taxation and loan, and ilk minister ordained to give up their rents, as ye have heard before.
Upon the samen Sunday and 8th of October Mr. Thomas Blackhall and his wife were both excommunicate, and likewise —— Menzies, spouse to Thomas Collison, was excommunicate as a papist; strange to see, the wife excommunicate, and the husband not to keep society with her! Mr. Andrew Cant was minister to these excommunications.
About this time word came, that the king caused take the earl of Lothian, and ward him in close ward within the castle of —— for going to France by direction of the committee of estates, and doing some matters with the queen regent of France, and Monsieur, captain of the militia, whereat the king was offended.
There came, at the same time when Lothian was taken, a French ambassador to his majesty, who sent likewise a Frenchman commissioner to our estates. This ambassador was honourably received, first by the parliament; his commission was to travel betwixt the king and parliament for peace, but they dealt politiquely with this ambassador, and held him still beside themselves, abiding an answer, and as was said, would not suffer him to go see the king, as he was directed; howsoever it was, he got no contented answer, and so returned home again.
Now this ambassador having directed a commissioner to Scotland, the committee of estates desired him to produce his commission, which he refused, saying, he had warrant to produce it before the council, whereupon followed a great council day, His commission was, to renew the p. 111 league, upon condition that we should not raise arms in help of the English parliament; to let our Scots papists lift their rents peaceably; and some other articles; but he had no good answer granted unto him, except he gat father Robertson, of whom ye heard before, put to liberty, and had him with himself to France.
Upon Sunday the i5th of October, warning was given out of the pulpit by Mr. William Strachan minister, to all heritors, life-renters, freeholders, &c. within the parish, to conveen before the committee of New Aberdeen, upon the 19th of October next, for upgiving of their rentals, to proportion the taxation and loan imposed upon the country, as ye have heard before; as also appointed a fast to be kept this day eight days, for conducting our army, to be raised against the English papists (alias the king himself) as we were obliged by treaty or covenant to help and assist them.
Dr. Forbes of Corse prepares himself to leave the land; provides a ship lying in the harbour, with his necessaries, and upon the 16th of October takes his leave, with Mr. John Lesly his servitor, frae Old Aberdeen, and to Torrie goes he, abiding the tide to ship; but certain of his friends and of the ministry dissuaded him frae his voyage, whilk he was loth to do; but upon condition that the presbytery of Aberdeen should use no progress of excommunication against him, at their desire he would return home, whilk was granted, and so he came back to his own house upon the 19th of October; but he was forced to go when all was done, as ye have hereafter.
Men gathering fast through Fife, Lothian, Merse, and all be-south, to make up an army to go into England. Edinburgh and Leith more straitly watched nor before.
Upon the 3d Tuesday, and 17th of October, the provincial assembly sat down in the Gray Friar kirk of Aberdeen, where it never sat before. Ilk minister came in with his laick elder, and brought in a roll of the fencible men of his parish, and a note of the heritors rents. Mr. David Lindsay parson of Belhelvie is chosen moderator till the next provincial assembly , Mr. Andrew Logie, minister at Rayne, who was deprived, as ye have heard before, p. 112 came in and requested the brethren to write to the committee of the general assembly at Edinburgh, to continue his place unprovided with another, while he were first heard and discussed before them himself, but there was no hearing, and in the mean time great contestation about his kirk betwixt Mr. John Middleton minister at Lesly, and Mr. William Robertson minister at Footdee, because it had a fine stipend. However Middleton carried it. Mr. Andrew Logie beheld all patiently, and bade constantly by his doctrine, offering to prove the same orthodox, free of error and heresy, but it availed not, nor no hearing at all. When this kirk is thus provided, over the honest man's head, the assembly fills up the professor's place, and elected Mr. William Douglas minister at Forgue, as a man most worthy to be professor in Dr. Forbes' place, whilk being done, as he had gotten his place, so he should get his house according to his own mortification; wherein Dr. Forbes unwisely had not reserved his own liferent, thinking himself sure of being professor during his lifetime. After other consultations this provincial assembly dissolved upon Friday afternoon; but remember this Mr. William Douglas is a great covenanter.
Ye heard before of the league and covenant how it was sent to England by the lord Maitland, Mr. George Gillespie, and Mr. Alexander Henderson, commissioners, who carried the same. This league and covenant was graciously received, sworn, and subscribed in England, and sent back to the commissioners of the General Assembly frae thir brethren before named, whereupon followed an act of the General Assembly and convention of the estates, ordaining the said league and covenant to be sworn by all persons in Scotland.
Both thir acts, with the league and covenant, were hastily pretended, dispersed and spread with all diligence, to the haill ministers and parish churches within the kingdom, in manner and to the effect foresaid.
Likeas there was another paper printed called, the
good news of England's approving of the covenant sent
from Scotland,
and some reasons for assisting the
parliament of England against the papists and prelatical army.
p. 113
This paper bears the manner of subscribing this covenant
the 4th of September. The covenant, which was sent
up from the General Assembly and convention of estates,
was approven unanimously by the assembly of divines, on
Friday the first; by the house of commons on Saturday the
2nd; and by the house of peers on Monday the 4th of
September, nemine contradicente, as both the printed diurnals
and written letters report, with a great and happy
change of the countenance of the people, and face of
affairs thereupon; blessed be the name of God
This paper bears neither date nor author, nor is the reasons alledged of any force, since what is alledged may be easily answered. Subjects may not raise arms against foreigners, without the authority of the king; much less against himself; and because of the weakness of thir frivolous pretended reasons, I have omitted them of purpose, as unworthy to be written; yet they are imprinted beside me, wanting both date and author.
Upon Sunday the 2nd of October, a solemn fast was kept here in Old Aberdeen, and in New Aberdeen also, for conducting of our army against the papists, and for blessing our enterprise at our forthgoing, with diverse other reasons. After sermon, our minister Mr. William Strachan read out the haill forenamed acts, with the new covenant, earnestly persuading the people to prepare themselves to swear and subscribe the samen, whilk was also done in New Aberdeen^ and likewise done or to be done through all the parish kirks of Scotland, and to be sworn and subscribed both by men and women, and such as could not subscribe of the men, to be subscribed by the readers at ilk parish kirk for them, which should be as sufficient as if subscribed by a notary; there being at the end of ilk copy of the covenant clean paper bound to that effect, and the women to hold up their hands in ilk kirk after sermon, signifying their oath, but their subscriptions were not craved.
About this time word came, that there was a cessation of war concluded by the king's command betwixt the English. and Irishes in Ireland, to endure for a year, and that his majesty had made the marquis of Ormond deputy of Ireland. p. 114
Upon the 26th of October the tolbooth of Aberdeen was broken on the night, by a miller called Copland, whereby himself escaped, also William Gordon in Malyngside, and Alexander Lesly, son to George Lesly at Birsacks Mill, who was under trust treacherously taken out of the house of Bogheads, by virtue of letters raised against him and his father, for troubling of Mr. James Clerk, as ye have heard before. The gentleman winning at liberty, addrest himself unwisely to his father's house at Birsacks Mill, who was made welcome. Tolquhon (who had now taken the protection of Mr. James Clerk) hearing how he had broken ward, was highly offended, and hastily conveens the lairds of Echt, Skene, and divers friends and gentlemen, with whom the said Mr. James Clerk himself . was also, about the number of thirty persons, and upon the 28th of October, about the breaking of the sky in the morning, came to the said George Lesly's dwellinghouse at Birsacks Mill, where himself and his son were, without any friend or good fellow beside them, and cruelly beset the house round about, having warrant to raise fire and sword against them, while they were tane or slain. The poor single gentlemen having some shots, defended themselves courageously, and would on no wise be tane, whereupon Tolquhon sets fire to the house, and forced them to come out, with his wife and bairns. They shot two horse to him worth 400 merks, and burnt to powder his haill insight plenishing, goods, and gear of good worth, and in end, after some debate, they hurt the said Mr. George Lesly with a shot athwart the ribs, and hurt him in the head. His wife also got a fore stroke in the head. They defended themselves, being only two persons, from about the breaking of the sky till three afternoon, against about 30 persons; at last when their powder and lead was spent, they could do no more, but were both taken together per force, for upon no condition they would yield or come in will, and thus were both had to Tolquhon, where they remained, while upon Thursday the 23d of November that Mr. George was cured of his wounds, whilk day Tolquhon caused about 14 of his friends and servants to transport them both south to Edinburgh, where they were p. 115 shortly accused before the justice upon sundry articles, concerning the abusing Mr. Jarnes Clerk foresaid, and taking of his goods, and were in no less danger than their life; however by the old lady Marischal's advice, who was the said Mr. George's landlady, the laird of Panmuir had purchase a remission past through the seals, for all the friendship and moyan Tolquhon could make in Edinburgh, having his brother. Mr. William Forbes, advocate in Edinburgh, a violent agent in the said cause; yet he wan this point, that they should both remain in ward in the tolbooth of Edinburgh, while they let sufficient caution and lawburrows to Tolquhon and his complices, and to the said Mr. James Clerk, that they should be harmless and skaithless, under great pains; whilk caution they were unable to set, and so remained still in ward to their utter overthrow; for his wife cast up all labouring, he having five ploughs under labouring, and shortly after his wife deceases; but he and his son were both set at liberty, and safely wan home.
Upon Sunday the 29th of October, our covenant was again read out of pulpit in Old Aberdeen, by Mr. William. Strachan, minister. He exponed the same not to be against the king, but against the malignant prelates and papists of England; he first himself sware, and subscribed the same to be lawful and just with God. His reader right sua, syne Dr. Guild principal, Mr. Alexander Middleton subprincipal, Mr. Alexander Garden, Mr. Patrick Gordon, and Mr. George Middleton, regents, came down from the loft where they were sitting, to a table set before the pulpit for that purpose, and sware and subscribed the covenant. Mr. John Forbes, Mr. William Rait, and Mr. John Lundie, Oldtown baillies, came next, with the elders and deacons, as they were called upon, and for the most part sware and subscribed, except William Gordon of Gordon's Mill, and Mr. Thomas Gordon at Kettock's Mill, who took to be a advised; at last they on another day came in, sware and subscribed; others, crafts and commons, sware and subscribed that day; and in a word such was our minister's care and diligence, that he made the haill parish swear and subscribe, and the women to hold up their p. 116 hands, very few excepted. This was our order for the parish of Old Machar, and such as could not subscribe of the men, Alexander Wildgoose reader subscribed for them; but all was done after sermon; and in like manner Mr. Andrew Cant and Mr. John Rue, after sermon in New Aberdeen, first read, sware, and subscribed the covenant, and next their readers caused the women hold up their hands, and ordained the men to come in quarterly, as the town is divided in four quarters, upon Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, to swear and subscribe the covenant within the session house, whilk was obeyed, and as said is, upon the foresaid Sunday and thereafter, the covenant was subscribed and sworn in form foresaid.
It is said the laird of Haddo, at his parish kirk at Methlick, protested against the minister and subscribants, and declared it was against the king's will, and read his majesty's letter which ye have before, which bred such a fear in the parishioners, that they knew not whom to obey.
Upon the last of October the earl Marischal came frae Inverurie to Aberdeen with about 50 horse, and lodged in skipper Anderson's house. The lord Gordon upon the morn came frae Edinburgh; he wrote for some friends to meet him at the bridge of Dee; he came into the town about 100 horse, and lodged in Mr. Alexander Reid's house. They met in the laigh council house, go to a committee, where the lord Forbes is born by his colonel's place; then it falls in question anent the division of the shires of the Mearns, Aberdeen, and Banff, betwixt the earl Marischal and the lord Gordon, (because by Marischal's moyan, as was thought, the lord Forbes was put by his regiment) who could not agree thereupon. They met again upon the morn, having diverse barons with them at their committee, where they could not agree about their division. It was thought fit to acquaint the committee of estates herewith, and so all was continued to another committee to be holden at Aberdeen the 22d of November. In the meantime some ministers came in with the rolls of the fencible men of their parishes, and such as came not in were desired to come in the foresaid 22d of November, with a perfect p. 117 roll of their men. Thus this meeting dissolved; Marischal rode back to Inverurie, and the lord Gordon stayed in the town. It is said the lord Forbes and his friends were highly offended at the committee of estates for not giving him a regiment with the other two, which bred, as was said, a band of combination betwixt the marquis of Huntly and him, and some of his friends, as ye may see hereafter. It is true the marquis is informed that the committee of estates was using all means possible to take him and bring him in per force to the town of Edinburgh; such as the earl Marischal, and sheriffs of Aberdeen and Banff. He sent to Marischal, demanding him if he was upon such course, who absolutely refused; nevertheless he began to look about him, and make as many friends as he could get. The lord Gordon came over to the Oldtown upon Sunday, heard devotion, stayed in George Middleton's house all night, he rode to Straloch upon the morn, returned back upon Wednesday to the same house; he desired the lairds of Drum, Straloch, Udny and Kemnay, to go speak to the marquis, and see if he would receive his son, and make him welcome; whilk he simpliciter refused, except he would send a note under his hand, quitting and disclaiming the covenant, and such service he had undertaken, which the young lord could not creditably do, because he had sworn and subscribed the covenant already in Edinburgh before he came here. However the most the marquis could be moved to do, was to give him his house in Old Aberdeen to dwell in, and burn the peats led and standing in the close, and let himself provide for plenishing and his own maintanance for his sustentation as pleased him best to do; and albeit the said young lord thought hard of this order, yet he is forced and compelled to accept of his father's offer, and dwell in his father's house, as ye shall hereafter hear. It was this last covenant the marquis was offended at, whilk his son had subscribed. Upon the first of November our sovereign Lord's session sat down for administration of justice, as all other inferior judicatories did, but the session by sound of trumpet was ordained to rise upon the 28th of December, to the effect men might be more easily levied and raised, and to sit down again the 17th of p. 118 January, 1644, but no process against such as happened to be with the army, whilk day it sat down again, and was prorogued to the 2d of February, as ye shall hear hereafter.
Upon Saturday the 11th of November, James Conn in Knockie Miln was brought in to Aberdeen by the sheriff of Banff, called the laird of Birkenbog. He had been taken and warded in the tolbooth of Banff nine weeks before, for his religion only, being an excommunicate papist, and that day was convoyed to Aberdeen, where he was warded in the tolbooth, and delivered to Mr. William Davidson sheriff depute. He remained there till the 17th of November, and then was transported by the sheriff depute to the sheriff of the Mearns, and so forth frae shire to shire till he came to Edinburgh, where he was received and warded.
Upon the 16th of November there came to Aberdeen a baillie of Edinburgh, with a deacon, who caused publish an edict at the kirk door of Old Aberdeen upon Sunday the 19th of November, summoning our elders and parishioners to compear before the committee of the General Assembly at Edinburgh the 6th day of December next, to hear and see Mr. William Strachan, our minister, transplanted frae this kirk to Edinburgh, to serve in the ministry there; and himself was also summoned to that day; to whom they gave also letters directed to him from the committee of the General Assembly. Thir commissioners heard him preach the foresaid Sunday, and without more ado with session and presbytery, rode south to Edinburgh, where Mr. Thomas Gordon at Kettock's Mill, an elder, and Mr. James Sandilands, common procurator for the King's College, (because our minister was a stipendiary minister, put in by the said college, to serve at our kirk, out of the deanry of Aberdeen annexed to the same university) were sent south to the committee of the General Assembly at Edinburgh, with an ample commission, subscribed by the parish and members of the college, and laboured so as our minister got liberty to bide at home, to the contentment of himself and of his flock; for he had written a plain refusal to go to Edinburgh, and sent an ample commission to appeal from p. 119 the committee of the kirk to the General Assembly ensuing. So they did not prevail, as they thought to have done.
Ye heard before how the earl of Antrim was treacherously taken by Monro in Ireland. He was straitly warded, or kept by tour, or night and day by his captains. Now it fell captain Wallace a great puritan to keep him, who was as great a papist. He had one —— Gordon to his lieutenant, who was son to Sir Alexander Gordon, and uncle to the now earl of Sutherland; this captain Wallace with his lieutenant had also a strong guard about the earl of Antrim in a strong castle; but this lieutenant Gordon craftily convoyed up unespied, in his breeches, certain tows, by the whilk the earl escaped and wan freely away, to Wallace's great grief; and the lieutenant followed and fled also. His escape was wrought in October, whereat major Monro leugh not a word.
About the 18th of November, divers news came to Aberdeen; such as, the king's admiral Sir John Pennington upon the 25th of September had six rich prizes of the parliament's ships coming from the Indies; that there came out of France to the king 6000 arms, with store of good pistols; that the king of Denmark had sent 60,000 pound sterling; that the lords and others called the Banders had subscribed the last covenant with limitation, to maintain religion and the king's royal authority.
Followed amongst them, a meeting at Peebles, about 40 nobles, knights, and barons; amongst whom was the marquis of Hamilton. It was there reasoned, that since the country was upon raising an army, whether or no they should go to arms, to impede their rising, or going into England against the king. Hamilton reasoned against their rising at all; it goes to voicing, and by plurality of voices found, that no man should be raised against the country. The earl of Traquair being there with the rest, asked Hamilton whether or not he had given assurance to the king, that Scotland should not raise arms? he answered, he had given assurance to his majesty but for the last summer; however this meeting dissolved without more ado, and the earl of Traquair with another lord past therefrae to the king.
About this time this marquis, by the king's patent, was created duke of Hamilton, and set himself to follow the p. 120 earl of Traquair to court, as ye may hereafter see, who had bidden frae the king in Scotland, whilst he was in great distress in England, as ye may see before.
In this month of November, there came to Aberdeen one doctor Pont, who had some stage plays, whilk drew the people to behold the sport; syne upon the stage sells certain balms, oils, and other physical ointments, whereof he made great gain. Thereafter he went north to other burrows, and did the like.
Upon the 22d of November, the lord Gordon came out of Drum, (where he had been lodged the night before) to the Cruives, where certain friends met him, whom he had written for, and were about 100 horse. He came riding through the Oldtown to New Aberdeen, to hold the committee according to the last act; he went in at the Justice-Port, and rode up through the street, and lighted at Mr. Alexander Reid's house in the Gallowgate. The earl Marischal came not to this meeting, as was expected; the lord Gordon, after his lighting, went down to the Laigh Council-house, and had some conference with the lairds of Drum, Fedret, Kermuck, Kemnay, and some others of the committee; the provost was there also. In the mean time Mr. Andrew Cant, minister, came up to the council-house, and presented to the lord Gordon the covenant to be subscribed, and to all the rest, whilk willingly they did, except the lairds of Drum and Fedret, who said, it was sufficient to subscribe at their own parish churches, and not in Aberdeen, at their commitees. Mr. Andrew went to the door with this answer; but the lord Gordon and some others stayed holding their meetings Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday he heard devotion, Monday and Tuesday held their committees, and all was continued while a new committee to be holden the 20th of December, and upon Wednesday the 29th of November the lord Gordon rode up to Lesmoir, where his father's filter the lady Strathbrane was for the time remaining, to salute and visit her; she was his father's sister, as said is.
Upon the 26th of November the committee of estates sets out an imprinted act anent the raising men and arms, whilk copied is thus: p. 121
Act of the committee of estates for contriving the several troops appointed to come out of the Shires, into regiments.
The committee of estates considering, that for the present service of the country there are divers troops appointed to be levied and brought forth of the several Shires of this kingdom, which are not as yet formed into regiments, nor designed for any colonels to have command over them; therefore, and for the better ordering and making thir troops serviceable, the committee of estates hath ordained them to be divided into seven regiments, each regiment consisting of eight troops, and each troop of sixty troopers, besides the officers. And of the said regiments, one to be commanded by the lord general's excellency; for making up whereof two troops to be brought out of Ireland, viz. the troops of major Bannantyne and Sir Robert Adair, for that end; as also the 240 horse appointed to come out of the sheriffdom of Roxburgh, Selkirk, and Peebles, which will make up four troops.
One to be commanded by general Lesly, to consist of the three troops already levied, the laird of Polmais' troop appointed to come out of the sheriffdom of Stirling, and four troops to be levied, and levy money to be granted.
One to be commanded by the earl of Eglinton, and to consist of 240 horse, appointed to come out of the sheriffdom of Air and Renfrew, which will make up four troops; the 200 appointed to come out of the sheriffdom of Lanerk, which will make up three troops, and 20 horse to be levied.
One to be commanded by the earl of Dalhousie and to consist of 120 appointed to come out of the sheriffdom of Berwick, which will make two troops; the 120 appointed to come out of the sheriffdom of Haddington, to make up other two; the 120 appointed to come from the sheriffdom of Edinburgh, to make up other two; one of the troops appointed to come out of the sheriffdom of Stirling, viz. that whereof Sir William Bruce is rout master, and the troop appointed to come out of the sheriffdom of Linlithgow.
One to be commanded by the lord Gordon, and to consist of the 240 horse appointed to come out of Aberdeen and Banff, which will make up four troops, the 120 p. 122 appointed to come out of Elgin, Nairn, and Inverness, on this side of the Ness, which will make up two; and (in regard there are 140 appointed to come out of the sheriffdom of Forfar,) of 120 thereof, which will make two troops.
One to be commanded by the lord Kircudbright, and to consist of the sixscore appointed to come out of Wigtown and Kircudbright, the 120 appointed to come out of Dumfries, and the 240 appointed to come out of Perth, all which will make eight troops.
One to be commanded by the lord Balcarras, and to consist of the 240 appointed to come out of Fife; of two troops to be levied; the 200 horse appointed to come out of Kincardine, and the earl Marischal's part of Aberdeen, and the 200 horse out of Forfar, before reserved from the lord Gordon. (Sic sub.) Arch. Prymrose, Cler. Com.
This uncouth act, scarce understandable, bred great fear and perturbation amongst the king's loyal subjects; but howsoever thir troops were levied in other shires, they got small obedience here, as after does appear, partly by the earl Marischal's miscontentment anent the division, alledging the lord Gordon to have gotten more than he got, and partly because he kept not the committee with the lord Gordon and the rest, and partly by the marquis of Huntly's rising; as ye shall see hereafter.
Now ye heard before of the marquis, or rather duke of Hamilton, how he was to follow the earl of Traquair to court; there was a pretty slight devised, to make him to be the more welcome to the king; which was, the estates resolved to have this covenant sworn and subscribed through all Scotland, among the rest they desire the duke and his brother the earl of Lanerk, secretary of Scotland, and of the Scots council in England, to swear and subscribe the covenant, whilk they both simulately refused; whereupon the committee of estates as deceitfully gave order to their own good brother the earl of Lindsay, presently to meddle with the duke's estates, land, and livings, for his disobedience, and to meddle with the dues and commodities of the signet pertaining to his brother, as secretary foresaid, and that without horning, forfeiture, process, or other summons, as was used against other non-subscribers, to the p. 123 effect they might shew the king how they were handled for refusing to subscribe the covenant, as his majesty had expressly forbidden his good subjects to do; thereby to insinuate them more and more in his highness' favour. But this was a short cloak in the eyes of the beholders; for their mother was drawing and drilling soldiers in the duke's absence upon his estates and rents, as busily as if she had been a man, notwithstanding the same had been appointed to be ingathered by the foresaid earl of Lindsay. But the duke and his brother's doings are more and more discovered; in the mean time they are getting this cloak of excuse, to shew the king how the committee of estates had bereft them of their rents, as is formerly said; and thus the duke and his brother well convoyed, having store of monies, take journey about the last of November, and to England go they; of whom ye shall hear hereafter.
About the 27th of November letters of intercommuning were published at the mercat cross of Aberdeen at the instance of Mr. Alexander Jaffray, Alexander and John Jaffrays his sons, against the laird of Haddo, and published at the kirks of Methlick, Fyvie, Tarves, and Bellie, the marquis of Huntly's own parish-kirk of the Bog; likeas the said marquis was charged by a messenger by virtue of the said letters, not to intercommune with Haddo, help nor supply him, whereat the marquis was discontent, and thir charges did no good, as after ye shall hear. The laird of Haddo could get no peace, except he paid the foresaid fine of 20,000 merks. He seeing the rigorous dealing, and that he heard the estates were to send forces to uplift the same per force, went about legally to defend himself, and made an assignation of his haill goods and gear, sums of money, debts, and others pertaining to him, to his cousin Gilbert Gordon of Knaven.
Ye heard before how the lord Gordon rode to Lesmoir, to visit his father's sister; he past therefrae to Strathboggie, but the marquis was flitted to the bog, making preparation for the marriage of his daughter lady Mary to Alexander Irvine, young laird of Drum; and in the mean time was furnishing the place of Auchindown with all necessaries. The lord Gordon lodged in Tulliesoul, and p. 124 staid no longer there, only exhorting the Strathboggie men to be ready upon their own peril, and so rode his way, being in malgrace with his father, and returned to Aberdeen.
Upon Thursday the 7th of December, the young laird of Drum foresaid was married to the foresaid lady Mary Gordon, with a great solemnity, mirth and merriness enough in the Bog, at their bridal, but the lord Gordon was not at his sister's bridal, through miscontentment betwixt his father and him.
Upon Wednesday the 6th of December, Gilbert Breck, one of the town's officers, caused bring a bairn born to him of his wife, called Silver, to the lecture lesson, where Mr. John Rae the minister had taught, to be baptised; but because this bairn was not brought to him when he was baptising some other bairns, he would not give baptism to this young infant, whereupon the simple man was forced to bring back his child unbaptized frae the kirk to his own house. The wife lying in childbed, hearing her child was not baptized, was so angry, that she turned her face to the wall and deceased immediately through plain displeasure; and the bairn also ere the morn; and the mother and her bairn in her oxter were both buried together. Lamentable to see how the people are thus abused!
Thir lecture lessons were brought in by Mr. Andrew Cant, upon Wednesday and Friday weekly, in place of evening prayers, which many people thought no wark nor thir lessons.
Thir lectures had no prayer, but a psalm sung at the beginning, and a prayer at the ending. This form was brought in for to make their stipend better, likeas ilk minister had 500 merks yearly of augmentation. Thus is this novelty brought in upon the town's expences, where the evening prayers were used before, and better service done by the minister then nor now.
The estates are busy to cause every nobleman swear and subscribe the covenant; and such as refused were summoned to compear before the next parliament, or before the committee of estates of parliament, under the pain of forfeiture. Strange to see forfeiture without authority of a king! p. 125
About the 1st of December word came to Aberdeen that the earl of Lothian was taken in England,, at the king's command, for going to France, and negotiating with the protestants there, for help and support of our covenanters, and other unlawful causes, as was reported, for the whilk he was committed to strait prison.
Upon Sunday the 10th of December the women of our parish of St. Machar after sermon were caused hold up their hands, and swear to the maintenance of religion, presently professed in Scotland, and to abide by the covenant; likeas at the same kirk-door letters of intercommuning were published against the laird of Haddo, at the Jaffray's instance, to make him odious, which did little good, as does appear.
Now the lord general Lesly is fast growing to an head, and has conveened about 2000 foot and 3000 horse, well armed with field pieces and all engines of war necessary, and about the day of December, began his march towards Newcastle; and in the meantime soldiers are daily raised and sent after the army, for the better strengthening thereof. He had the marquis of Argyle, president of the army, the earl of Lindsay, the lord Balmerinoch, with divers other nobles, captains, and commanders in his army, yet the truth is, he had but 15 regiments of horse and foot into England, and five regiments shortly followed him, amounting to about 10,000 men, besides such as was raised thereafter.
Ye heard before of the lord Gordon; he comes to Aberdeen, and upon Tuesday the 19th of December there was a committee of war holden in the laigh council house of the tolbooth, by the earl Marischal, the said lord Gordon, the laird of Drum, sheriff, the lairds of Kermuck, Glenkindy, and divers other barons, with the provost and baillies of Aberdeen. David Gordon of Knaven compeared before this committee, and produced an assignation made to him by the laird of Haddo, of his haill moveable goods, gear, debts, sums of money; and made intimation to them thereof, and took instruments thereupon in two notars hands. In the mean time the foresaid laird of Drum, sheriff, (as he had gotten order frae the estates) caused a messenger charge the foresaid earl Marischal, lord p. 126 Gordon, and haill persons of the committee, personally conveened, to rife, concur and assist him as sheriff of Aberdeen, to search, seek, take, and apprehend the said laird of Haddo; and failing thereof, to meddle and intromit with his lands, rents and goods and gear, conform to the letters raised thereanent. At this charge the committee goes to a consultation, and resolves to send over to the committee of estates the copy of the foresaid assignation, with the intimation following thereupon, and to take their advice what was best to be done thereanent. Thus this committee sat Tuesday and Wednesday; they considered the roll of fencible men of the parishes, given by such ministers as came, and were found not given up orderly; wherefore they were commanded to give a perfect roll of all manner of men within their parishes, betwixt 60 and 16; continued their committee of war to the 2d of January next 1644, and ordained the haill ministers to be charged, under the pain of 100 lb. to keep this committee, and bring in perfect rolls within this diocese or province,in form foresaid.
It was also ordered by the committee of estates, that ilk minister should furnish out a man to this service, whilk would draw to 1000 men, because there is 1000 ministers; whilk some here did furnish, others were overlooked; and so they dissolved.
The estates, seeing the laird of Haddo's assignation, took it to be plain scorn and delusion, and therefore raised new charges against the laird of Drum, sheriff, and others, to go upon Haddo, as ye shall hear hereafter.
Now as this committee of war dissolved, there sat down another committee of valuation, for uptaking the rents of the lands, for levying of the soldiers within this sheriffdom. Thus day and night the poor country people is opprest and vext, without authority of the king.
Upon the 18th of December, a proclamation was made at the cross of Aberdeen, charging the commissioners of the late parliament within the shire of Aberdeen to be at Edinburgh the 3d day of January 1644, as well nobles, and barons, as burrows, to sit and cognosce upon such matters as belong to a parliament, in the interim betwixt parliaments, conform to the act of parliament. p. 127
Ye heard before, how duke Hamilton with his brother took journey towards court, with store of monies, about 12 horse load as was reported. Now by the way, it is said, the earl of Lanerk, his brother, went to Newcastle, where he had some dealing with Sir John Morrall, governor of Newcastle, to betray the town to our general Lesly. This treason is discovered; he is removed and warded, and another governor put in his place. Upon this dealling, and other reasons, it is said the duke and his brother were convoyed to Oxford politicly. At his lighting he intended to see the king, but he was stayed by Sir Jacob Ashly, appointed to take him and his brother both, and upon the morn he (without sight of the king) was had to a strong hold, and committed to close prison in the castle of Woodstock, and therefrae transported to Cornwall. It is said his brother also was warded, but wan away by a flight, and to the parliament of England (wanting a king) goes he for his refuge; a sign, surely, of a guilty conscience! Thus was our royal king served by Hamilton and his brother, who was his secretary; from England he came thereafter to Scotland, is made welcome, and goes on in service with the rest of the covenanters (hard for the king, he being his secretary, as said is) with all his might; but duke Hamilton is transported to Bristol.
Upon the 19th and 20th days of December, Dr. Guild goes on most maliciously, and causes cast down the stately wall standing within the bishop's close, curiously builded with hewn stone, and took the stones down to the college, for such vain uses as he thought most expedient, (such was the iniquity of the times) and brake down the ashlar work about the turrets, raised the pavement of the hall, and caused lead them down, to lay the floor of the common school.
About this time Sir Gilbert Menzies of Pitfoddels leaves the country, and goes to France, fearing the troubles to come. He purchased letters patent frae the committee of estates at Edinburgh, to go, upon condition his men, tenants, and servants, should rise with the publick, and his grounds and rents liable to loan and taxation, and other levy money. His lady shortly follows him. p. 128
Upon Thursday 21st of December, Mr. William Douglas, minister at Forgue, who was chosen professor at the last provincial assembly, gave in theses in the college kirk of Old Aberdeen; he defended the samen against all opposition of the brethren there conveened, such as Mr. David Lindsay, parson of Belhelvie, moderator to the next general assembly, Doctor Guild, Mr. John Rue, Mr. John Logie, Mr. Robert Cheyne, and some others; for the eight presbyteries of Aberdeen were warned to send in two or three commissioners out of ilk presbytery, to have kept this day, whereof some came, others came not; in respect whereof Mr. William Douglas is ordained to come again upon the 24th of January 1644, to abide his last trial, and the commissioners of ilk presbytery ordained to be present, whilk was done, and he admitted professor, in a more worthy man's place, unjustly put therefrae by the tyranny of this church; whereat he never was offended, but gladly began to repair his dwelling house, whilk he had mortified to the professor, and removed therefrae, as ye shall hereafter hear, to the great grief and grudge of the town of Old Aberdeen, among the poor of which he was most charitable.
Monday the 25th of December, and good Yool-day, no work wrought in Old Aberdeen, nor yet upon St. James' day, nor Stephen's day, for all the thundering the ministers could do against it; and upon the 27th of December the Oldtown collegioners got eight days play, whether the masters would or not.
Upon Sunday the 24th of December, the communion was given here in Old Aberdeen, to the collegioners who were absent frae the communion before, and to such persons as were sick and unable to come; they were about a boardful of such people.
Ye heard before of the down-sitting of our sovereign lord's session upon Saturday the 21st of December; it was raised by sound of trumpet at the cross of Edinburgh, and ordained to sit down the 16th of January next, to the effect men might be hastily listed, and had to the bowl road; but inferior judicatories sat still, administring justice; likeas upon the 16th of January it sat down again, and was prorogate to the 2d of February, and sat down that day. p. 120 Upon Sunday the 31st of December it was declared out of pulpit, that the committee of the kirk at Edinburgh had ordained a fast to be kept on Sunday the 7th of January 1644, and upon Wednesday thereafter, throughout all the parish kirks of Scotland, for a happy success to our army. 2d, The danger of religion. 3d, The sins of the land. 4th, For a blessing upon our commissioners travails, lying in England; whilk fast was solemnly kept the foresaid days, and the covenant read out upon the Sunday.
Upon Tuesday the 26th of December, Mr. James Guthrie minister at Urquhart, Mr. Alexander Spence parson of Birnie, and Mr. Alexander Symmer, parson of Duffus, came to the Bog, (by direction of the presbytery of Elgin,) and in name of the committee of the General Assembly at Edinburgh desired the marquis of Huntly to swear and subscribe the late covenant. He answered he would not subscribe any such covenant, without the king's command, for he had once subscribed a covenant at his majesty's command before, and he would subscribe no more without his authority; whereupon the three ministers took their leave, and wrote back his answer to the foresaid committee. Thus this nobleman is daily pointed at, and cannot get rest, whilk bred trouble, as after ye shall hear.
About this time word came to Aberdeen that Mr. Pym, that arch traitor in the lower house, was departed this life in London, which was to be lamented that he had died before he was hanged to the death.
Many news was daily coming to Aberdeen of the king's victories over his English enemies, himself being at Oxford, wintering the cold season, where all winter he bade still. That he had indicted a parliament to be holden at Oxford in January 1644; and to that effect had sent out proclamations to the nobles and peers of parliament to come to their own places, to whom he granted full and free remission for all bygones, except some arch-traitors, specially denominated, whom his majesty could nowise remit. Upon this gracious proclamation many nobles and peers came in to the king, and were well received.
Great diligence and expedition made through all the shires of Scotland for raising of men to send after our army, p. 130 which is now lying at Morpeth, having sundry noblemen, such as the marquis of Argyle, president of the army, the earl of Lindsay, the lord Balmerinoch, the earl of Eglinton, the viscount of Dudhope, and divers other colonels and captains.
There was listed out of the town of Edinburgh 1,200 men, out of Dundee 180 men, out of Brechin and Montrose no men, and out of Aberdeen there was appointed to be raised 120 men, with their officers.
There came out a printed paper, dated the 12th of June 1643, bearing an ordinance of the lords and commons in parliament, for the calling of an assembly of learned and godly divines, to be consulted with by the parliament, for the settling of the government and liturgy of the church of England; declaring also the present church government by archbishops, bishops, and other ecclesiastical officers depending upon that hierarchy, an evil, and justly offensive and burthensome to the kingdom, &c. and that therefore they are resolved the same shall be taken away, and that such a church government shall be settled in the church, as shall be most agreeable with God's holy word, and most apt to preserve and procure the peace of the church at home, and nearer agreement with the church of Scotland, &c.
Anno 1644.
Ye heard before of the committee of war holden at Aberdeen. The earl Marischal rode to Dunnotter, and from that to Inverury. The lord Gordon rode out of Aberdeen likewise, but returned back upon the first of January, to his lodging at Mr. Alexander Reid's house, where he stayed till the 11th of January.
Upon the 3d of January he held a committee of war, with some barons, but the earl Marischal came not to this committee. It sat still while the 11th of January; the ministry came in, and produced under their hands, and by virtue of their oaths, the rolls of the fencible men betwixt 60 and 16 in their parishes. There was before p. 131 this committee sundry other matters agitated, and so dissolved upon the foresaid 11th of January. It was said the earl Marischal miskent thir committees, because he had no contentment in the division.
Upon the 4th of January a committee was holden upon the valuations of the shire of Aberdeen, for lifting of men. The sheriffdom of Aberdeen was valued at one hundred thousand merks, whereof Aberdeen should pay eighteen thousand four hundred merks.
Upon Sunday the 7th of January a fast precisely kept, as ye have before, and upon Wednesday thereafter the minister went not out of pulpit till the people reconveened to the afternoon's sermon, at the ringing of the hindmost bell allenarly, and no blessing was said after the forenoon's sermon upon Sunday, till first the afternoon's preaching was done; and so one blessing served for both sermons. The covenant was read out upon Sunday, declaring and exponing the same to be nowise against the king, but against the papists about him. Thus the minister seemed to persuade the people to believe this exposition, but they would never in their hearts be persuaded thereof.
In new Aberdeen such merchants as were at sea, and now come home, subscribed the said covenant upon Sunday on their knees with uplifted hands.
The laird of Drum, sheriff principal of Aberdeen, is charged with letters direct out in the king's name (but God knows if they were with his majesty's will) to charge the barons of the shire to conveen, and the town of Aberdeen to raise 48, horsemen for the most part, and two commanders, to go search, seek, take, and apprehend the laird of Haddo, or to take his house, and meddle with his rents. Conform to the whilk charges the laird of Drum causes charge the town of Aberdeen to raise their men, and wrote to sundry barons to meet him; and so upon the 17th day of January, the laird of Drum marches out of Aberdeen, having with him the said company of men and commanders, with Mr. Alexander Jaffray, John and Alexander Jaffrays his sons, well armed altogether, with swords, pistols, carabines, and muskets, being for the most part all horsemen; and at the green of Udny there meets the p. 132 sheriff the lairds of Pittodrie, Monymusk, Echt, Federet, Udny, Skene, and divers other barons, with whom was Mr. William Davidson sheriff depute. They go to consultation, and send before them the said sheriff-depute with John Spence, Rothsay herald, David Kemp, messenger, and two notaries, with commission to charge such as were within, to render the house in the king's name; and the sheriff followed with his company. Conform to the whilk commission they went forward, and charged them within, being about 40 men, to render the house, being but laigh bigging, wherein Haddo dwelt. It was answered, this house pertained not to Haddo, but his son, to whom he had disponed the same, and so could not with reason render the son's house for the father's fault; and for his rents, goods, and gear, they were assigned to David Gordon, and lawfully intimate. Then they charged them to make open gates, whereby they might seek, search, take, and apprehend that rebel the laird of Haddo. They answered, he was not within, and for their better assurance keist open the gates and doors, and suffered none to enter but the foresaid sheriff depute, Rothsay Herald, David Kemp messenger, and the two notars. They made a business of searching the house, but missing him, they took instrument in the notars hands of their diligence. Thereafter they drank kindly, and parted in peace, and came to the sheriff and his complices standing hard beside, and told what they had done. In the mean time there was shot frae the place of Kelly, hard at their heels, ten or twelve hagbutts, whilk sleyed all this people, and scattered them so that ilk man took the gate, returning home but more ado. It was said Haddo himself, with about 40 horse, was lying near hand at the back of a know, beholding the sport, but appeared not that day.
The Jaffrays paid for meat and drink coming and going to Aberdeen, for the townsmen only, and got little service. The sheriff seeing thir men break ranks at the shot of thir hagbutts, resolved to go no further on, but to write to the estates, and shew his diligence, as indeed he did; and so this matter ceased.
It was said the marquis of Huntly sent William Gordon of Arradoul, John Gordon of Colpnay, Sheils, and Peter p. 133 Lesly a nottar, to the Jaffrays and people of Aberdeen, desiring them not to come out against Haddo, after such a violent manner; but he gat no contented answer. Strange in this country, to see the marquis of Huntly's desire so vilipended with such people! but sorrow hastily followed upon this pride, as ye have hereafter, bred through the ambition of the burgesses.
Upon Wednesday the foresaid 17th of January, David Kemp, messenger, charged the said laird of Drum, sheriff principal of Aberdeen, to convocate the king's lieges, and go search, seek, take, and apprehend the marquis of Huntly for his disobedience to the estates; likeas the sheriff of Banff was charged to take him also, if he was dwelling within that sheriffdom, of whom ye may see hereafter. But the sheriff of Aberdeen had a good excuse, because the marquis dwelt in the Bog, out of the sheriffdom of Aberdeen, and so made no search or seeking for this noble and most loyal subject: in Scotland, as ye may perceive by his own declarations; but he is so abused by the tyranny of thir newcome estates, as he could get neither peace nor rest, but charges daily threatning him to come in their wills and follow their councils, contrary to his own conscience, or otherwise to lose his liberty, his lands and rents, and all that he had; for thir charges bore no less than to meddle with his estate, if they mist himself, because the estates thought he was not able to stand out against their power, and that he would be forced to flee and leave the same; whilk being considered by the marquis, contrary to their expectation, he uses a mean for his own preservation, as after ye shall hear, and would not suffer the lord Gordon to lift a man within his ground.
Upon Friday the 19th of January, a committee was holden in Aberdeen, by the lord Gordon and some barons, (but Marischal was not there), for lifting of money to raise soldiers. There was an ordinance made that none of the committee should remove out of Aberdeen, while matters were settled, and so they sat still while the first of March.
Ye heard before how his majesty was lying all winter at Oxford. It is said upon the 20th day of January he p. 134 indicted a parliament. Strange! to see the king to have a parliament, and the country to have another parliament, both sitting in England! Our army now being in England, a missive letter was written frae general Lesly, the marquis of Argyle, earl of Lindsay, and remanent of the committee of our Scotch army encamped at Morpeth, twelve miles distant from Newcastle, dated the 25th of January 1644, and directed to Sir Thomas Glenham, now governour of Newcastle, in the place of the deposed traitor Sir John Morrall, with another letter written from them to the gentry, the which letters nor copies thereof I did not see, but the copy of the answer thereto made, comprehending the substance of the said letters, written frae our camp, may fully inform the grounds of their unlawful desires and unreasonable demands. The copy of the governor of Newcastle's letter, and gentry under subscribing, and now copied, is this:
My lords,
I have this day received yours, together with one to the gentlemen of the country; and having communicated with them, we return you this answer, that without the sight of that letter we could not have been induced by any flying rumour to believe that the Scottish nation, or a prevalent party for the present in that nation, would have attempted an invasion of England, so contrary to the law of God, of nations, of both kingdoms, and especially to the late act of pacification; so opposite to your allegiance and gratitude to his majesty, to that neighbourly love which you pretend, to that discreet care which you should have of your own safety.
We could not have imagined that they who thro' his majesty's goodness enjoy a settlement of their church and state according to their own desires, should needlessly and ungratefully embroil themselves in a business that concerns them not, forfeit their rights and disoblige his authority, and hazard the loss of their present happiness. No order of any committee or committees whatsoever of men or angels can give them power to march into the bowels of another kingdom, to make offensive war against their natural sovereign, upon the empty pretence of evil councilors that could p. 135 never yet be named; and for the English agents, we can never believe them to be any commissioners lawfully authorized either by the parliament, nor by the two houses, nor by the house of commons, whence so many members are expelled by partial votes, so many banished by seditious tumults, so many voluntarily absent, or absent themselves out of conscience; when desperation or the want of opportunity to depart, or fear of certain plundering, are the chiefest bands which hold the little remnant together, from discovering where the venerable name of parliament is made a state to countenance pernicious counsel, and also of a close committee for subjects to make foreign confederacies without their sovereign's consent, to invade the territories of their undoubted king. To go about by force to change the religion and laws established, is gross treason without all contradiction, and in this case it argues strongly who have been the fomenters and contrivers of all our troubles; no covenant whatsomever, or with whomsoever, can justify these proceedings, or oblige a subject to run such disloyal courses. If any man out of ignorance, fear, or incredulity hath entered into such a covenant, it binds him not, except it be to repentance, neither is there any necessity, as is pretended, of your present posture. Yourselves cannot allege that you are anywise provoked by us, nor are we conscious to ourselves of the least intention to molest you. The ends which you propose are plausible indeed to them that do not understand them, the blackest designs did never want the same pretences. If by the protestant religion you intend our articles, which are the public confession of our church, and book of common prayer established by act of parliament, you need not trouble yourselves, we be ready to defend them with our blood. If it be otherwise, it is plain to all the world that it is not the preservation but the innovation of religion which you seek, howsoever stiled by you reformation, and what calling have you to reform us with the sword? We dont remember that ever the like indignity was offered by one nation to another, the less to the greater, that those men who hitherto have pleaded so vehemently for liberty of conscience against all oaths and subscriptions, should now assume a power to p. 136 themselves by arms to impose a law upon the consciences of their fellow subjects. A vanquished nation would scarce endure such terms from their conquerors: but this we are sure of, that it is the way to make the protestant religion odious to all monarchs, christians, and pagans. Your other two ends, that is the honour and happiness of the king, and the public peace and liberty of his dominions, are so manifestly contrary to your practice, that there needs no other motive to withdraw you from such a course, as tends so directly to make his majesty contemptible at home and abroad, and fill his dominions with rapine, blood, and murder. In any army all have not the same intentions; we have seen the articles agreed upon, and vast sums and conditions contained in them, as if your countrymen thought indeed that England was a well that never could be drawn dry, and therefore you decline all disputation about it. It is an easy thing to pretend the cause of God, as the Jews did the temple of the Lord, but this is far from the evident demonstrations ye often offer, but never make. Consider that there must be an account given to the Lord of all the blood that shall be shed in this quarrel. The way to prevent it is not by such innovations, but to return before the sword be unleashed, and the breach be made too wide. You cannot think that we are grown so feeble creatures as to desert our religion, our laws, our estates, upon the command of foreigners, and to suffer ourselves and our posterity to be made beggars and slaves without any opposition, if any of us should join with you in this action, we cannot look upon them otherwise than as traitors to their king, vipers to their country, and such as have been plotters and promoters of this design from the beginning. But if information or fear has drawn any of yours ignorantly or unwillingly into this course, we desire them to withdraw themselves at last, and not make themselves accessary to that deluge of mischief which that second voyage is like to bring upon both kingdoms. Sic sub.
Your servants,
Jacob Munday Francis Ker Richard Tempest Robert Boswell Ralph Millot Charles Bradling Edward Polen Robert Clavering Francis Carnegie Francis Anderson Edward Gray Thomas Twidale Thomas Glenham George Mushans Alex. Widdermill.
p. 137 There was also at the end of this letter a postscript, saying,,
My lords, we have sent you here inclosed his majesty's declaration.
But the copy had no date. Now I refer the consideration of this answer to all godly and loyal subjects, whether our army had found reason to go on in so deplorable a course, upon the pretended reasons which are chiefly pointed at in the letter, 1st, For the religion. 2d, For the honour and happiness of the king. 3d, For the public peace and liberty of his dominions, which three reasons are punctually and pithily answered unto, as their letter bears, and. subscribed by the hand of Sir Thomas Glenham, governor of Newcastle, and 14 others of the gentry, as you see before; but oh for pity! our army would not hear this wide counsel, but go forward in their rebellion.
Upon Tuesday the 30th of January the magistrates of Aberdeen pressed and violently took upon the night, about 28 persons of the crafts, apprentices and servants, to make up their number of 120 soldiers, with a captain and officers.
About this time there came to Aberdeen a copy of a letter from certain English peers, written to our Scots army, whilk copied is thus:
Our very good lords,
If for no other reason, yet that posterity may know we have done our duties, and not sit still while our brethren of Scotland were transported with a dangerous and fatal understanding, that the resolution now taken amongst you for an expedition into England, is agreeable to your obligation by the late treaty, and to the wishes and desires of this kingdom, expressed by the two houses of parliament, we have thought it necessary to let your lordships know, that if we had dissented from that act, it would never have been made a law; and when you have considered and examined the names of us who have subscribed this letter, who as we hope are too well known to your lordships, and to both kingdoms, to be suspected to want affection to religion, or to the laws of the country, or liberties of the subject; and when you are informed, that the earls of Arundel and Thaner, the lords Stanhope, Stafford, and Coventry, p. 138 Goring and Craven are in the parts beyond the seas, and the earls of Chesterfield, Westmorland, and the lords Montague and Broughton, under restraint at London, for their loyalty and duty to their sovereign, and the kingdom, your lordships will easily conclude how very few now make up the peers of Westminster, there being in truth not above 25 lords present, or privy to these counsellors, or being absent, concurring or consenting with them; whereas the house of peers consisteth of an hundred, besides minors and recusant lords, neither of which keep us company in this address to your lordships. How we and the major part of the house of commons come to be absent from thence, it is so notorious to all the world, that we believe your lordships cannot be strangers to it, how several times during our sitting there, multitudes of the meanest sort of people, with weapons not agreeing to their condition or custom, in a manner very contrary and destructive to the privilege of parliament, filled up the way betwixt both houses, offering injury both by words and actions, laying violent hands on several members, and crying out many hours together in a most tumultuous and menacing way; how no remedy would be submitted to for preventing those tumults; after which, and other unlawful and unparliamentary actions, many things received and settled (upon solemn debate of the house of peers) were again after many threats and menaces refused and determined, contrary to the law of parliament, and so many of us withdrew ourselves from thence, where we could not sit, speak, and vote with honour, freedom, and safety, and are now put from thence for our duty and loyalty to his majesty; and must therefore protest against any invitation which hath been made to our brethren in the kingdom of Scotland to enter into this kingdom with any army, the same being as much against the desires as against the duties of the lords and commons in England; and we do conjure your lordships, by our common allegiance and subjection under our gracious sovereign, by the amity and affection betwixt the two nations, by the treaty of pacification (which by any such act is absolutely abolished) and by all obligations both divine and human, which can preserve peace upon earth, to use your utmost endeavour to prevent p. 139 the effusion of so much christian blood, and the confusion and desolation which must follow the unjust invasion of this kingdom; which we are confident all true Englishmen may interpret as a design of conquest, and to impose upon us new laws; and therefore your lordships may be assured we shall not so forget our old interest and honour of our nation, as not to expose our lives and fortunes in the just and necessary defence of the kingdom; but if your lordships in truth have any doubts or apprehensions that there is now or hereafter may be a purpose to infringe your laws or liberties, by any attempt of this kingdom, we do engage our honours to your lordships, to be ourselves most religious observers of the act of pacification; and if the breach and violation do not first begin within that kingdom, we are confident you shall never have cause to complain of us; and having thus far expressed ourselves unto your lordships, we hope to receive such an answer from you as may be a mean to preserve a right understanding betwixt the two nations, and lay an obligation upon us to continue your lordships affectionate humble servants.
Et subscribitur,
p. 140
Lord Mohun Lord Keeper Lord Rich Lord Treasurer Lord Cobham Duke of Richmond Lord Rivers Marquis of Hartford Lord Savil Earl Lindsay Lord Dunsmore Earl Southampton Lord Dernett Earl Huntington Lord Darley Earl Northampton Lord Cogniers Earl Dorset Lord Herbert Earl Worcester Lord Wentworth Earl Bath Lord Paullet Earl Berkshire Lord Pagett Earl Bristol Lord Percy Earl Kingston Lord Capell Earl Cleveland Lord Carbellie Earl Peterburrow Lord Hopetoun Earl Portland Lord Widdrington Earl Newport Lord Leigh Earl Moubray Lord Kattoun Earl Marleburrow Lord Lovelace Vis. Falconbridge Lord Wilmot Lord Maltravers Lord Byron Lord Howard Lord Langburrow Lord Seymour Lord Cromwell Lord Digby.
This letter had no date, but it appears it had been sent by thir noblemen to our committee of the army, before the shedding of blood. What answer was sent, I do not know, but it appears by the remaining of our army in England thereafter, we were not to follow the good and godly council of this witty letter, but follow our own designs, notwithstanding of the king's royal power backed with thir his powerful subjects, as with many others and at Newcastle also.
There was an act and ordinance of the convention of estates of the kingdom of Scotland for the speedy raising of monies by way of excise, for supplying the forces raised in this kingdom for the defence of religion, crown and kingdoms, and payment of the debts which the public faith shall be engaged to that end, dated at Edinburgh the last of January, 1644.
On every pint of ale and small beer to be sold, to be paid by the brewer or maker thereof, and to be allowed to him in the payment of the price, or which any house-keeper breweth for his own spending, to be paid by every such house-keeper 4 d. Beer or ale exported for provision of ships is to pay no excise. On foreign imported beer, every pint 1 s. On every pint of strong beer, to be payed siklike by the brewer or house-keeper 6 d. On every pint of French wine already imported, or to be imported, to be paid by the first buyer thereof, (the buyer being a vintner) after the sale of the same, providing it sell before Lammas next,, or by the buyer for private use 1 s. 4 d. On every pint of Spanish wine in like manner 2 s. 8 d. On every pint of aquavitæ or strong waters sold in the country 2 s. 8 d.. On every pound of tobacco 6 d. On every Slaughtered ox, bull, or cow, of sixteen pound price or above, to be paid by the buyer or slayer, 20 s. and of every one under that price, 13 s. 4 d. On all oxen, bulls, or kine, transported, to be paid by the transporter for the piece 4 s. On all sheep slaughtered or transported, at or above 40 shillings price, to be payed by the transporter or slayer 4 s. And under that price 2 s. On all slaughtered stirks of 8 lb. price or above, 6s. 4 d. On every such stirk beneath that price 4 s. On all calves or goats of 40 s. price per piece, or above, sold, or for private use 4 s. On each of them under that price 2 s. On all swine 6 d. On all lambs and kids 2 s. On the merchandize of ilk ell of silk stuff, from five merks value to ten, to be paid by the buyer 6s. 4 d. And every ell thereof above ten merks 10 s. On every ell of plush or pan velvet 20 s. On every ell of satin 13 s. 4 d. On every ounce of silk or gold lace 13 s. 4 d. One every ell of silver or gold cloth 3 l. On every beaver hat 12 s. On every pair of silk stockings 13 s. 4 d. On every ell of broad cloth, not exceeding seven pound, retailed 6 s. On every ell of cloth exceeding that price 12 s. On ilk ell of narrow cloth, serges, and other worset or hair stuffs imported, at or above forty shillings the ell 2 s. On the ell of baize or freezes at or above 30 shilling the ell 1 s. On all cambrick, lawn or Holland cloth, for the value of every 20 shillings 1 s. On every ell of imported pearling, made of thread, or of silk betwixt three and six pounds 12 s. On the ells betwixt six and twelve pound, and so forth proportionally 1 l. 4 s. On coal transported on Scots or English bottoms, to the value of twelve pounds 6 s. On all coal of the same value, exported in foreign bottoms, 12 s. On every twelve pound value of made work, brought home, of whatsomever kind 13s. 4d. All manner of made work within the kingdom to be free of excise.
There was some opposition made by some town's people of Edinburgh against this ungodly, unlawful and unusual act of excise; but all for nought: the estates carried it. It was also enacted, that this excise should begin the 10th of February next to come, and to endure so long as the necessity of the army should require, and at the farthest but for an year; and if the parliament at their next meeting shall in place hereof find out and appoint a better and more expedite way, to provide money for supplying the armies, and paying the provision made to them in the interim, then this way of excise is to cease. And it is hereby declared, that the remainder of the brotherly assistance, the arrears due to the army in Ireland, and what shall be due for maintenance of this army, and all other sums addebted to the kingdom of England, being paid, and therewith all publick debts and burdens of this kingdom, with what shall be due to the armies being defrayed, the remainder thereof, over and above this defrayment, shall be employed for repayment of the excise in manner following, viz. whatever shall be the proportion of the excise gotten within the town of Edinburgh and liberties thereof, the equal half thereof shall be paid to the magistrates and town council for the behoof of the town, and every burgh shall have repetition of the two part of the proportion of excise furnished by them, and the remainder, not allowed to the burghs in manner foresaid, shall be given proportionably for the publick use of the several shires, according to the quantity of excise paid by them.
Thir acts, with the excise, I copied truly from the print that was sent here to Aberdeen. The goodly device whereof, laid out for an ease to the people both of burgh and land, I refer to the judicious reader, seeming rather to delude and scorn the country, than to do them any good. Thus is this miserable country outburthened with grievous p. 143 taxations, following the footsteps of Holland in their excises, whilk this land was unable to bear, nor durst the country people complain, neither knew they to whom they should complain for redress, because their king was in no better case than openly rebelled against, whole authority should have wisely ruled all; and surely the people murmured mightily against thir orders
Upon the back of this excise, followed an act of the convention of estates, made at Edinburgh the first of February 1644, for putting the kingdom in a posture of defence, for strengthening the army, and providing arms and ammunition to the kingdom.
That colonels and committees of war be appointed in each shire to muster all the fencible persons within the shire upon one day; that a list be taken up of the fencible persons armed and unarmed, and how many and what sort of arms are wanting, and to be provided for every shire.
The musters of these besouth Dee to be betwixt and the last of February next, and the report thereof to the committee of estates betwixt and the 15th day of March thereafter; and the musters benorth Dee, to be betwixt and the l0th of March, and the report to the committee betwixt and the last of the said month; that burrows make their musters and reports accordingly.
That there shall be as many arms furnished as is sent forth with the army; that the colonels and committees send some persons to the committee of estates, with money or surety for providing as many muskets, swords, pikes and pistols as is sent forth in this present expedition, together with three pound weight of powder, three pound weight of ball, and six pound weight of match for every musket, or else give assurance at the said day of report that they shall provide the same themselves betwixt and a competent day to be assigned by the committee of estates.
That there be a sufficient number of trained men, who can exercise their arms in each shire or burgh for the ends foresaid.
The colonels, committees, and magistrates of burrows are ordained to reduce their haill fencible men within their bounds into regiments, foot companies, and horse troops, p. 144 for putting the kingdoms in a posture of defence; and that sic as are appointed to come out in the present expedition, be drilled up in handling of their arms, ilk regiment once in the month, ilk troop and company once in the week, at the places to be appointed by the said colonels and committees, and magistrates of burrows, and that every shire and burgh shall entertain an able and expert soldier, who shall have the care and inspection of exercising the regiments and companies of that shire or burgh, and that they take course for inferior officers to exercise the men.
Ilk captain to be provided with colours, drums; rickmasters with trumpets and cornets, who are to be in readiness, upon orders from the committee of estates, to bring forth such number and proportion of their regiments, with sufficient furniture, arms, and provisions, as they shall be required.
And whereas the army is now marched into England, it is ordained that these in the northern parts, who have not gone forth in this present expedition, shall be presently put forth, on horse and foot, provided with arms, ammunition, and baggage, and all sorts of furniture, as follows, viz. out of Banffshire, and that part of the sheriffdom of Aberdeen that is not under the earl Marischal's command, one thousand six hundred foot and two hundred and forty horse, whereof the lord Gordon is colonel, together also with an hundred and twenty horse out of the sheriffdoms of Elgin, Nairn, and that part of Inverness on this side of the Ness, and 120 horse out of the earl of Seaforth's division of Inverness, and 120 of the earl of Sutherland's part in Inverness and Caithness, which are also under the command of the said lord Gordon; and out of that part of the sheriffdom of Aberdeen in the earl Marischal's division, the proportion of men laid upon the same to come out under the said earl their colonel; and out of the said sheriffdoms of Elgin, Nairn, and part of Inverness on this fide of the Ness, one thousand five hundred foot, under the command of the earl of Murray their colonel; out of the earl of lord Seaforth and lord Lovat's division of Inverness 1000 foot, under the command of Thomas M'Kenzie of Pluscardine their colonel; out of the earl of Sutherland's part of Inverness p. 145 and Caithness, 1600 foot, under the command of the earl of Sutherland their colonel; and out of the sheriffdom of Orkney, 1000 foot, under the command of ——;
The committee of war, and colonels, with all speed to bring forth the numbers of men, horse and foot, armed and furnished with bag and baggage, and all provision necessary, and to have their rendezvous at Berwick upon the tenth of March, where they shall have further directions from the lord general, &c.
It is ordained that the number formerly appointed to come out of the shires, burghs, and divisions thereof, in this present expedition, shall now be brought out of the samen, sufficiently provided, horse and foot, with baggage horses, ammunition horses, and all other furniture, and to be in readiness to march upon four days warning, and to be levied and transported upon the tax and loan within each shire, if the same be not exhausted upon the former levies, and where there is none of the loan, that they be levied and transported as the committee of estates shall direct, to be an auxiliary supply to the army.
Item, orders anent the choosing of colonels and officers, and committees to have power to choose sub-committees in the several presbyteries, and to punish all transgressors of their orders, and to fine those who have not or shall not thereafter put out their footmen, in an hundred pounds, and their horsemen, baggage horse, and ammunition horses, in four hundred merks, and to direct their precepts to messengers at arms, to poind and distrinzie for the same.
Thir articles, with divers other orders, were contained in this act; but I omitted sundry, and let down such as is above written, as most fitting to be copied. This piece was also subscribed by Archibald Prymrose their clerk.
Follows a third act of the convention of estates of Scotland, for raising of monies for a present supply to the armies sent into England and Ireland, made at Edinburgh the second of February 1644, copied frae the print, under the subscription of the said Archibald Prymrose their clerk.
It is ordained, that all persons having money within this kingdom, or by their credit and surety can best and soonest raise money, to lend the same to the estates, or their p. 146 committees, for the relief of the army sent into England, and of the Scots army in Ireland, who shall have assurance of repayment from the public, out of the monies due to them by the kingdom of England, to the army, according to the proportion to be advanced to either of them respectively, or that shall be raised upon this excise, which the collector and his depute shall be bound to pay to them out of the first of his intromissions thereof; or by any other manner of security, private or public, they shall desire; and in case any shall desire private security, it is hereby ordained, that the persons, whom the lenders shall desire to be bound to them, shall either oblige themselves to the lenders, or furnish the money themselves; and in either case shall have public security foresaid for their relief; and the parties thus obliged to the lenders in a private security, shall have such others that have any estate in town or shire, where the money is to be borrowed, joined with them, as they shall desire; and for the better prosecuting hereof, the estates gives power to their committee, in such exigency, and upon warrandice of repayment foresaid, to call before them all such persons as are known to be able, by themselves or their credit, to lend or raise money; and to require and ordain them to lend and give such security as will presently raise the sums of money the committee shall require frae them, upon the assurance above written; and if any shall refuse, with power to the committee to take such course with them, as in a time of so pressing necessity they shall think fitting, to make them advance monies, as said is. But if any will be pleased upon this security willingly to offer money, it shall be esteemed and embraced as a real testimony of their affection to religion, and the cause in hand; and further the estates gives hereby power and command to the committee of war in the shires, to take such course within their several bounds for procuring of money, in manner foresaid, as above written, or from time to time shall be directed from the committee of estates to them, and to report. See subsc. Arch. Prymrose.
This was the substance of thir three several acts, one for excise, another for men and arms, and a third for levying monies. p. 147
Followed after this a band devised by the estates, commonly called The Blind Band, which every wealthy honest man within Edinburgh, or coming to Edinburgh, were urged to subscribe, and ordained by the estates to be subscribed through all Scotland, whereby ilk man was compelled to subscribe the same, obliging him to contribute to the good cause, such a certain sum of money, equivalent to his estate, and to the contentment of these persons, the presenters of this blind band, and no otherwise, at such days and places as was therein contained.
Thus is this poor country daily more and more opprest with tyrannical orders, set down by the estates without warrant of the king.
Ye heard before how Mr. William Douglas, minister at Forgue, was chosen professor in that learned reverend man's place Dr. Forbes of Corse; and because he had mortified his house in the chaplainry to his successor, without reservation of his own life-rent, he causes remove his plenishing and books, whereof he sold part, delivered the keys, and came upon the first of February to John Forbes his cousin's house, where he remained; syne went over to Torrie, where he stayed while a ship should be clear, and about the 4th of April to the sea goes he for Holland, there to remain in thir dolorous days. Surely this was an excellent religious man, who feared God, charitable to the poor, and a singular scholar, yet was put frae his calling, country, friends, and all, for not subscribing the covenant, to the grudge and grief of the best.
The earl Marischal, for his own reasons, rides south to the estates or committee of estates, and miskent all our committees of war, and valuation holden here in Aberdeen by the lord Gordon and other barons, where he stayed while the second of March that he came to Aberdeen.
Upon Friday the 3d of February Thomas Nicolson, burgess of Aberdeen, having letters of caption against some of the laird of Cluny's tenants, for his own debts, sent out David Kemp messenger with a file of musketeers, 18 in number, with William Scot their captain, then lying in Aberdeen, to be sent to the army of the townsmen. The messenger went forward, accompanied as said is, and took p. 148 a tenant called John Brown. He is rescued by some of the laird's servants, but unhappily is shot through the thigh in his rescue, of the whilk he instantly died. The laird being then in Cluny, hearing of this slaughter, comes in upon the morn, being Saturday, to Aberdeen, and takes three of the soldiers, who had been at the deed doing, and brings them over to his own house in the Oldtown, and keeps them while Wednesday, syne rode and delivered thir three men to Mr. Robert Reid, sheriff depute of Aberdeen. The lord Gordon went first to the town, Cluny rode in the back of the town with about 24 horse, came in at the Justice Port, and met the lord Gordon at the tolbooth, went up to the tolbooth, delivered the men, and took instrument thereupon; and at his incoming and outgoing the Newtown soldiers were standing besouth the cross, with their captain John Strachan, with cocked guns, in good order; and if the lord Gordon had not been there, it might have fared worse with Cluny, because the town took his doings in evil part, and caused deprive John Forbes and his son, James Innes, and Mr. Thomas Gordon, of their burgership, because they convoyed the laird of Cluny for that errand, being provost of Old Aberdeen, which the gentlemen counted little for their burgership or freedom, being all present in presence of the council, when they were deprived without great reason. Thomas Nicolson, seeing thir men warded, rides hastily to Edinburgh, and returns back to Aberdeen upon the 23d of February with warrant to put the men to liberty, which was so done; so they followed the rest of the army without satisfaction or punishing the deed and slaughter committed. However Thomas Nicolson had caused summon the laird of Cluny to compear before the convention of estates, for taking of thir three men in the king's service; and upon Friday the 10th of February he rode south; but how soon he came to Edinburgh, he was arraigned by a baillie, and charged to ward at the instance of Sir Thomas Nicolson, advocate, for payment of 2000 merks. Cluny produces a protection with a suspension; the baillie lets him go; Sir Thomas means himself to the chancellor, and declared he was an incendiary and main informer of the marquis of Huntly to stand out; whereupon he p. 149 is warded at Sir Thomas Nicolson's instance, done by instigation of Thomas Nicolson foresaid, whereat sundry of Cluny's friends took offence, and he remained in ward for all he could do, till he was relieved by his excellency the lord Marquis of Montrose.
Ye heard before of the ingoing of our army into England; they march fairly on towards Morpeth under general Lesly his excellency, with a well ordered army, horse and foot, of the best sort he could get through all the kingdom. The marquis of Argyle was president of the army; the earl of Lindsay, the lord Balmerinoch, with divers other brave captains and commanders, went also with him; he had many field pieces, ball, and arms, in abundance, with baggage and other provision necessary, having an army of horse and foot of 20,000 men, dragoons, bag and baggage, some saying less, some saying more, and went into Morpeth within 12 miles of Newcastle, where there was a letter written and answered of the 25th of January, as ye have heard before. The town of Newcastle burnt up the suburbs, lest the enemy should take advantage thereof; and, as was reported, our army had gotten the worst once or twice, and so many hurt, that chyrurgions were sent out of Edinburgh to cure them, by and attour the surgeons of the camp.
Ye heard before how the sheriffs of Aberdeen and Banff had gotten charges from the estates to go search, seek, take, and apprehend the marquis of Huntly, by virtue of letters of caption, directed out in the king's name (sore against his will, and without his highness' knowledge, such was the policy of this time of iniquity) upon letters of horning used and execute against him, as a traitor to his country, for not subscribing this last covenant, and adhering to the estates, which the marquis thought was both against his conscience and his master the king. By virtue of this forged caption; the foresaid sheriffs were charged to take him, as I have said. Whereupon the sheriff of Banff, called —— Abercrombie, upon the 6th day of February, lap on with some few horse, came to the Bog, sent in his depute Robert Wilson to the marquis, to shew his commission; but the marquis vilipended the same, and commanded p. 150 him and the sheriff both to be gone, for he was not to be tane. The sheriff rode back without more ado, and wrote over his diligence to the estates. Thus you may see how this noble marquis is vexed daily with his fellow subjects, without authority of a king, and whilk compelled him to draw to an head for defence of himself and his kin, as ye may see hereafter; and in the mean time straitly commanded none of his ground, friends nor followers, men, tenants, and servants, that they should not answer nor obey men or arms, taxations or loans, siller excises, or any other impositions whatsomever.
Upon Friday the 16th of February, captain Strachan marched out of Aberdeen with 130 soldiers, captains, and commanders, furnished out by the said burgh, upon their own charges and expences. Ilk soldier was furnished with twa sarks, coat, breeks, hose and bonnet, bands and shoone, a sword and musket, powder and ball for so many, and other some a sword and pike, according to order; and ilk soldier to have six shilling every day for the space of 40 days, of loan silver; ilk twelve of them had a baggage-horse, worth 50 pound, a stoup, a pan, a pot for their meat and drink, together also with their hire or levy or loan money, ilk soldier estimate to 10 dollars; in furnishing and all to 100 merks, whilk stood to Aberdeen for their expences, by and attour their captains and commanders' furniture, above ten thousand pound Scots, whilk, with 18,400 merks of taxation, was no small burden to the burgh of Aberdeen. The three warded soldiers followed this captain.
The poor Oldtown of Aberdeen was forced to furnish out 12 soldiers after the same manner, under the lord Gordon's division, and sent under captain Knab, with a company of about 60 men, to the army, as captain Strachan also went for the town of Aberdeen. Sore was the poor people of the Oldtown plucked and poinded to make up thir 12 soldiers' charges, whereas some of them had not to buy a loaf. And as New Aberdeen was pressed and wrecked, first, in finding the men, and next their maintenance, so the landward was not free of the like persecution; for ilk heritor was compelled to furnish out a man, or two or three according to his rent. He came upon the tenant of p. 151 the ground, who were forced for his relief to go himself, or contribute with his master for furnishing a man, because the master or heritor alledged the tenant out of his means should contribute with him, in respect the master was liable for the fifth part of his estate to the taxation, by and attour furnishing men. Thus is this land, rich and poor, pitifully plagued, without authority of a king. See before how Aberdeen's men is pressed. The soldiers of both Aberdeens had two part muskets, and third part pikes. Old Aberdeen was stented in 800 merks, for rigging out of 12 soldiers, so that neither herd nor hireman was left untaxed, and upon the 24th of February captain Knab marched forward to the army with his company, and our Oldtown men, under the lord Gordon's division, as said is. Then followed the rigging out of horsemen, ilk horseman's horse, furniture and expences estimate at 180 pounds, and there was 240 horse laid upon the shires of Aberdeen and Banff.
Upon Wednesday the 21st of February the drum went through, charging all heritors, liferenters, &c. in the name of William earl Marischal, and George lord Gordon, and the rest of the committee of Aberdeen, to present their soldiers under ilk ane of their divisions in the lands, there to be received by their captains. Sundry came in, whereof captain Knab's company, with the twelve Oldtown soldiers, being 60 footmen, was made up under the lord Gordon's division, as said is.
Upon the 23d of February, lieutenant James Forbes, second son to —— Forbes of Campfield, under the earl Marischal's division, had orders from the committee of Aberdeen (Marischal being absent himself) to go with about 40 musketeers upon the laird of Tibbertie's lands, Mr. William Seaton of Randistoun's lands, as two outstanders, and not subscribers of the covenant; and upon the good wife of Artrochie's lands, as she that is an excommunicate papist, and to plunder the same. But the young laird of Gight, the young laird of Haddo, the laird of Shethin, the laird of Tibbertie himself, Ardloggie and Nathaniel Gordon, with about 80 horse, came to the bounds of Tartie, pertaining to Dr. Dun in Aberdeen, which they were also plundering. p. 152 But they were shamefully dung back, their arms tane frae them, and routed pitifully, except the captain, who was there, called Forbes, and his brother also the lieutenant, whose arms they took not. And so thir soldiers returned in twos, in threes, and fours, and not in a body, shamefully back again to Aberdeen with their captains and officers, who were spared and not disarmed. Whereat our committee of Aberdeen, and the earl Marischal, when he heard of it, was highly offended, and bred some fear to the burgh of Aberdeen.
Ye heard before anent the excise; the same was proclaimed at the cross of Aberdeen upon the 24th of February, to the great grief both of burgh and land.
The town of Aberdeen begins to think that this perturbation made at Tartie, was upon some ground, and that the Gordons should grow to an head; and therefore upon Thursday the last of February, began to watch their town, close their ports, and make up their catbands upon all adventures, for their own security; but this did little good, as ye may see hereafter. However, they drill daily in the links, about 120 men, and the covenanters began to hide their goods.
Upon the 1st of March, the earl Marischal returns back from Edinburgh to Aberdeen, and upon the morn, being Saturday, he comes over to the Oldtown, confers with the lord Gordon, who convoys the earl to the Bridge of Don, being going to Inverury; but before he came out of Aberdeen, there came about 250 soldiers that samen night he came to Aberdeen, on horse and foot, without any arms, because they were informed that the Gordons were set to plunder them by the way. The earl directs them to march to Dunnotter the same Saturday, and their arms were brought about frae Buchan by sea. Thir soldiers came from Buchan our of the earl's own grounds, to Aberdeen.
Upon the foresaid 1st of March provost Lesly returned back frae the convention of estates to Aberdeen. The convention being dissolved, it is said he had got a commission for lifting of this excise for his own profit, and for payment of certain sums of money therefore.
The lord Fraser also, being under fear, caused cast his p. 153 oats upon unlaboured ground, thereafter to till the same, rather than to have them in barns or flacks, for fear of plundering. He causes translate his victual of the barony of Stonywood out of the girnels of Watertown by night to Muchalls. He sends and brings his children frae the schools in Aberdeen, and down to Cairnbulg goes he out of the gate, leaving some men to keep the place of Muchalls, with all furnishing necessary.
How soon the earl Marischal comes to Inverugy, he takes his haill insight, plenishing, goods and gear forth thereof, and sends them about by sea to Dunnotter, and he sends his children, with some of his servants, before him to Aberdeen, upon the 15th of March, to go before him, unto that place; and himself with his lady and about 24 horse, came to Aberdeen upon Wednesday the 20th of March from Inverugy. He staid all night with his lady in skipper Anderson's house, heard devotion upon the morn, and so to Dunnotter, leaving any more taking up of soldiers in this country, or holding of committees in Aberdeen at this time. The lord Gordon spake with him in the town before he went, and he returned back again home to the Oldtown.
Upon the 7th of March the earl of Murray rode through the Oldtown home to Murray, who had come from the south. He staid short while, but returned back again, and left direction and orders with the laird of Grant, his own good brother, to raise the haill men under two divisions, as ye have before, who conveened at Elgin, as was said, about 1000 foot and horse. Some alledged that this town and country of Elgin was fearing the rising of the Gordons.
Ye heard before of the excise, and an act set out for men and arms, and another act for raising monies. Thir three acts upon Sunday the 10th of March, after sermon, were read out by Mr. Alexander Wildgoose, reader, at Machar kirk-door. Likeas Mr. William Strachan our minister declared a fast to be kept there, and at all other parish churches upon Wednesday thereafter the 13th of March, whilk was solemnly kept in both Aberdeens, fore and afternoon, and no blessing given while after the afternoon's sermon, for p. 154 both preachings. The cause of this fast was, for craving pardon for our sins, and a happy success to our army gone into England; and albeit no means was left unessayed, both Sunday and work-day, for lifting and raising of men and monies, yet betwixt the earl of Marischal, the lord Gordon, and the burgh of Aberdeen, there was but five companies for the shire thereof and shire of Banff at this time. There was a committee holden at Aberdeen the 14th of March, where order was given out to raise the eighth man to send to the army, but there was no more committees holden here thereafter, upon the incoming of the Gordons.
The town of Aberdeen is under great fear, watch day and night, and the ports closed at ten hours, and in the morning opened at six. The provost Lesly causes masterfully take from John Anderson skipper his ship, four iron pieces of ordnance, and set them upon the causey, for defence of their town, but they were not long kept there: for he got back his ordnance about the 25th of March, and it was thereafter plundered frae him by the Gordons.
Upon Tuesday the 19th of March, the young laird of Drum, Robert Irvine his brother, the lairds of Haddo, Gight, Tibbertie, Shethin, the goodman of Ardlogie, major Nathaniel Gordon his brother, the goodman of Iden, with some others, about the number of 60 horse, about seven hours in the morning came galloping through the Oldtown to New Aberdeen, and suddenly took provost Lesly, Mr. Robert Farquhar and Alexander Jaffray, late baillies, and John Jaffray, dean of Guild, his brother, out of their houses, and had them to skipper Anderson's house. It was said there was plundered out of Alexander Jaffray's house, some gold rings and chains, but gat little money , they mist Mr. Alexander Jaffray, for he was not in town. They plundered the land of Pittodrie's saddle horse, another from rickmaster Murray, servitor to the lord Gordon, and four other horses. Thereafter they go to horse shortly, and comes back through the Oldtown about ten hours in the morning, with their four captives, and but 60 to their blanket. They rode down through the Gallowgate and came back up through the Gallowgate, none daring p. 155 to say it was evil done. Surely it is to be marked, the like seldom has been seen, that so few men so pertly and publicly should have disgraced such a brave burgh, by taking away their provost and the rest, men of note, without any kind of contradiction or obstacle. However they are brought through the Oldtown, where the laird of Haddo takes his young bairns at the school home, behind some of his servants, and sent them home upon the morn, except his eldest son. They rode through the Lochwynd, drink in Kintore, and lodges all night at Legatsden, and upon the morn being Wednesday, they were had to Strathboggie. In the meantime, Mr. William Moir, one of the present baillies, was sent away to the committee of estates at Edinburgh, to complain upon this abuse, and crave redress, who went and returned back to Dunnotter, for he durst not come to Aberdeen. Mr. Thomas Mercer, Walter Cochran, Alexander Burnet, Mr. Alexander Jaffray, Thomas Montgomery, Thomas Mowat, William Blackburn, and his eldest son, Leonard Lesly, Alexander Lesly son to provost Lesly, James Collison and divers other covenanters, about 48 persons first and last, fled frae the town and hid their goods the best way they could; some went to Dunnotter, some to Stonehaven, some to Montrose, some to Dundee, here and there, through Mearns and Angus. It is said this provost Patrick Lesly, being a commissioner for one of the principal burrows of Scotland, was an evil statesman for the commonweal; for he consented (amongst other evils) to the excise foresaid, for the whilk he got the collection thereof for payment of a certain sum to the estates, greatly tending to his own particular interest; but that he should not be seen herein, he causes draw up a list of burgesses within the town, out of the whilk one man should take up this excise, where Alexander Ramsay, Walter Cochran, and Adam Gordon, were found meetest, three of his own wyling and choice; and out of this three one to be nominate for collecting of this excise, which the provost most politicly would not take upon himself, as seeming to have no interest thereintil; but sent over to the estates the three mens names, that they might choose out one, and give him orders thereanent; but he was well enough seen, and p. 156 also interrupted by an unlooked-for stratagem, as ye have heard before. Now at the taking of our town's men, the lord Gordon was in the Oldtown, caused draw out his horse out of the stables into the transe, and beheld all.
There came word to Aberdeen of a bloody fight betwixt the king's men at Newcastle and our army lying there upon the 14th of March, where our men had the worse.
It is said the earls of Crawford, Montrose, Nithsdale, Traquair, Kinnoul, the viscount of Aboyne, lord Ogilvie, and some others, gave in a remonstrance to both houses of the king's parliament where himself was sitting, at Oxford, whereof the tenor follows:
As it cannot be but all good men and loyal subjects are much afflicted with the present lamentable and distraced state of all his majesty's dominions, so we that are his majesty's subjects of the kingdom of Scotland, have great reason above all others to be grieved thereat; for besides the common resentment that every one born under his majesty ought to have of his undeserved sufferings, and the evils wherewith his kingdoms are so long afflicted, we must be more particularly touched for the honour and reputation of that our native country, that is so deeply wounded by the perfidious treachery of her unnatural brood, whose base and disloyal proceedings reflect upon the whole, as if all were alike guilty of the same, and no marvel that some be mistaken in this point, when they consider, that all their most treasonable actions are countenanced with public authority, and so may seem to carry along with them approbation to all. To take off this prejudice, which in the opinion of some (who are strangers to our affairs) may ly upon the general body of our kingdom, so many of us his majesty's faithful servants as are here present, think ourselves bound, for satisfying the world, but especially the honourable members of both houses conveened here at this time, of whose justice and wisdom we may expect that they will distinguish faction and nation, and in all results make it appear, to emit a declaration of our judgments concerning the proceedings of that pretended convention of estates in Scotland; and that since it may be seen how much we loath and abhor the same, and are resolved never to aver p. 157 any thing that hath issued from them as an act of any lawful or warrantable judicatory, we do therefore, for ourselves, and in name of all his majesty's faithful subjects of Scotland, that have an hatred and detestation of the said traitorous convention, with all that has followed thereupon, utterly renounce and disclaim the said pretended meeting, as presumptuous and illegal, and called for no other end but sedition and rebellion in that kingdom, with all committees, general and particular, flowing from the same, and all acts, ordinances and decrees, made and given therein, and especially that act concerning that traitorous and damnable covenant, drawn up and taken betwixt them and the rebels here, which we most heartily detest, and shall never enter therein by force, persuasion, or any other respect whatsomever; as also all acts and orders authorising the levying of armies, under colour whereof the present rebellious army is gathered together, which, we esteem an act of high treason, and hold ourselves obliged, by virtue of our allegiance and act of pacification, to oppose and withstand. Likeas we faithfully promise upon our honour, every one of us, to leave no means unattempted to suppress the said rebels, now in arms against his majesty and crown of England, from all the faithful subjects whereof, but especially the honourable members of the two houses here conveened, we will expect such countenance, encouragement and assistance, as will better enable us thereby to prevail against their and our enemies; and thereby it may be seen that they will not suffer those rebels on both sides to go before them, in this present, and leave nothing undone in so bad a cause, to strengthen one another , and because we will take all such of our countrymen, who will not join with us in this declaration, and in the course to be taken for the prosecution thereof, for enemies, both to his majesty and us, for such of them as are here, it were expedient how to esteem of them, the honourable members of both the houses maybe pleased to take into their consideration. Our desire is, that the honourable members of both houses here conveened, should join with us in a request to his majesty, that what Scotsman soever shall refuse to set his hand to this declaration subscribed by us, may not be p. 158 permitted to live under his majesty's protection, but be chased from among his majesty's subjects, as partaker, in affection at least, with the odious rebellion of both the kingdoms.
This paper was graciously received by both houses, and the king himself; whereupon followed raising of arms, to come with thir distressed noblemen, (who durst not keep their own country, but fled unto his majesty in England, for aid and support) against the covenanters in Scotland, who had their own friends and followers there ready also to assist them; and upon hope of this the king's assistance, surely signified unto the marquis of Huntly, made him and his friends to rise here in the north, as ye shall hereafter hear.
Upon Wednesday the 20th of March, albeit provost Lesly and the rest were taken and had to Strathboggie, as ye have heard, yet the town of Aberdeen kept a strait watch day and night, and drilled their men in the links; their ports were closed and kept, and their cannons removed off the causeway to the tolbooth. Thus the town is straitly watched to little effect.
It is said the marquis of Huntly had sent to the earl of Findlater for 500 stand of arms, which he rescued of the king's arms, upon a convenient price, but the earl sent not the arms but money, as was said, to the marquis for them. Saturday 23d of March, captain John Forbes, of the family of Blacktown, went out of Aberdeen south to the army, with about 60 soldiers, under the lord Gordon's division.
It is said the lord Gordon, hearing the marquis his father was growing to an head, and coming to Aberdeen, he sent to him the lairds of Strathloch, Federet, and Cultur, with some commission, but it appears got no good answer, and therefore upon Monday the 25th of March, after dinner in the Oldtown, he lap on about 5 or 6 horse, rode to Blackhall, and from that to Murray, leaving his master of household, George Abercrombie, with some servants here behind him in Old Aberdeen, and by the way he compelled William Gordon of Muirake, one of the four collectors of the taxation for the shire of Banff, to give him 2000 merks. p. 159 He took also from George Geddes, another of the said collectors, l000l.. or thereby of taxation and loan money, whereunto he alledged he had good right, for lifting of men under his division in the Shire of Banff. Indeed he was put to live upon his purchase, because he would not follow his father's course. Thus he travelled to Banff, to Murray, here and there, while his father lay here in Aberdeen.
About this time word came to Aberdeen that our army was lying at Sunderland, partly over Tyne, and partly on this fide the river; that they were destroyed with great hunger and famine among them, and that they were dying daily.
About this same time and 23d of March the marquis of Argyle came from the army to Scotland, and sitting daily in Edinburgh with the committee of estates, who came to Dunotter, as ye shall hear, to the great sorrow and oppression of thir North parts.
Upon Tuesday the 26th of March the marquis came frae Strathboggie to Kintore, where his friends and followers meet him; from that he came in the same night to Aberdeen, with sound of trumpet. About 240 horse partly came in with him, and partly rode the over gate about 40 horse. Himself comes with about 160 horse through the Oldtown; there was also about 250 footmen in his company. The young laird of Drum, lately married to the marquis' daughter, and Robert Irvine his brother, were with him; but the old laird of Drum bade still at home, and miskent all. The lairds of Gight, elder and younger, the laird of Haddo, the lairds of Foveran elder and younger, the laird of Abergeldie, the laird of Newtown elder, and the young laird, with his second son the laird of Balvenie, the laird of Shethin, the laird of Invermarkie, the laird of Tibbertie, the laird of Fetterneir younger, and divers other landed gentlemen, such as the good man of Cairnburrow, Letterfurie, Arradoul, Ardloggie, and Nathaniel Gordon his brother, Iden, Harthill, Mr. Thomas Gordon of Pittendriech, and some of the earl Marischal's men, came out of Kintore also with him to Aberdeen, where he had his entrance peaceably; p. 160 the ports made open, and the catbands casten loose. He entered in at the Justice port; rode up through the streets to the Gallowgate, and lighted at Mr. Alexander Reid's house. It is true the town of Aberdeen was not able to hold him out; albeit he had some friends, yet he had many foes; and it was marked, that first and last there fled out of the town about 48 covenanters, such as Mr. Alexander Jaffray late provost, Mr. William Moir present baillie, Alexander Burnet elder, Walter Cochran and Alexander Lesly son to provost Lesly, and Leonard Lesly son to Gilbert Lesly.
The marquis left the four captives at Strathboggie, who were transported therefrae to Auchindown upon the second of April, viz. provost Lesly, Mr. Robert Farquhar, Alexander and John Jaffrays. The old goodman of Birkenburn was captain, who with 16 soldiers kept the house and captives both upon their own expences, so that they not only sustained themselves, but this captain also, 16 soldiers, porters, cooks, and other inferior officers, upon their own charges and expences; right after the same order as the marquis himself was used in the castle of Edinburgh, as ye may read before; and so he could not be blamed justly to do as himself was done to.
The marquis gave strict orders, that no wrong should be done within the Newtown or Oldtown, but live upon their own expences and wages. Wednesday the 27th of March he goes to a council of war in the lower councilhouse of the town, where it was concluded that he should go through the north with a flying army of horse and foot, and make the country people to rise and follow him, or otherwise to plunder their goods, and live upon their estates. He also took notice of the barons and gentry, how many men they would furnish, and upon their own expences sustain them so long as he remained in Aberdeen. He sent the laird of Foveran commissioner to Dunnotter to the earl Marischal, to see what would be his part as was thought, who answered, he minded not to stir unless he was compelled thereto.
Upon Thursday the 28th of March he goes to council again; sends for the townsmen, and desires them to bring their arms, whilk (suppose some were well willed to do) for p. 161 plain fear of the covenanters they refused; whereupon the marquis directed to search and seek houses, and plunder all such arms as they could get, whilk they did, and got sundry good arms, muskets, hagbutts, swords, carabines, pistols, spears, jacks, corslets, powder, ball, and the like. Then he permitted the town's people to go home to their houses. He directed also the laird of Haddo and James Gordon of Letterfurie to go to Torry, with a rate of muskeeters, and bring back John Anderson's four piece of ordnance off of his ship lying in the water, with such other arms as they could get. Thereafter the marquis goes to horse with about 12 horse, leaving behind the young laird of Drum, Gight, Haddo, and divers others to keep the town, where for a time I will continue this progress, whilk I make manifest the marquis of Huntly's reasons of his thus rising and procedure, as is contained in his own declarations set out to that effect, whilk copied is this.
16th March, 1644.
I George marquis of Huntly. Whereas the committee of estates hath (without his majesty's approbation) directed. the Sheriffs of Aberdeen and Banff for seizing upon my person, houses, rents and goods, contrary not only to the established order of law, which requireth all men to be legally accused before they be condemned, and to be criminally condemned ere any such commission be directed against them; but also reflecting upon his majesty's subjects their lawful privileges of this kingdom, no less than the late published act for the collecting of an unusual excise, and for enforcing a general loan of monies throughout the country, and finding some stop in the execution of this commission by those who were entrusted therewith, have now prepared some forces from the south, whereby to press their designs against me, for no other cause but that I refuse to concur with them in the levy of men and money, for assisting the present invasion of England, contrary to my conscience, incompatible with my humble loyalty to our gracious sovereign, and so destructive to the late pacification, solemnly ratified by his majesty, and parliaments of both kingdoms, as no honest Christian (being of this my opinion) can willingly condescend to be contained in p. 162 it. Therefore I the said George marquis of Huntly, do hereby declare and protest, that (if in that just defence of myself and friends from these unlawful violences, or in the repairing of them according to our weak abilities) any acts of hostility shall be committed by us against our invaders, and their confederates and abettors, they may not be imputed unto us, otherwise. than as payments of the debts we owe to nature, loyalty and honour, and to which no lower interest could enforce us; which being, as I hope, a sufficient evidence to all the world of my fair intentions for rendering the sincere and humble duties I owe to religion, his majesty's honour and safety, and to the laws and liberties of the kingdom, I humbly entreat and expect approbation from all good men in this so equitable and so necessitate a case; withal imploring (upon my bended knees) such heavenly assistance from God almighty, and such earthly protection from the king's majesty, against all enemies of peace and loyalty, as in their mercy and justice may seem fit.
Follows another declaration of the said marquis of
Huntly, 20th March, 1644.
I George marquis of Huntly. Whereas since my declaration of the 16th of this month, the seizing upon the persons of Patrick Lesly, provost of Aberdeen, Mr. Robert Farquhar, collector for the north parishes of this kingdom of the present taxation, imposed upon his majesty's subjects by the committee of estates, Alexander Jaffray baillie, and John Jaffray dean of Guild, hath fallen out; and that the intentions of me the said marquis of Huntly, and of my friends who have been actors therein, may perhaps be misconceived by some who knew them not, or misinterpreted by others who are disaffected to them; find myself obliged, in my own name and theirs who have been actors as said is, hereby to declare, that it hath been done so far from any private end, that neither particular spleen against the parties, nor any vanity in ourselves, hath moved us to it; but only in regard that the foresaid persons are too well known to have been sedulous fomenters of a dangerous distraction amongst us, by countenancing and assisting some men unhappily diverted, in their p. 163 neglect of the duties they owe both to conscience, loyalty and nature, and by menacing others under their jurisdiction from rendering those lawful civilities which ought to be expected from them, and all for making us obnoxious to the rigours of other men, to whose ends they concur, whilk if they should be effectuated, could not but ruin us, and perhaps leave no great safety to themselves. For preventing of which, we have been necessitate to endeavour the removal of such obstacles as ly in our proposed way for maintaining our conscience toward God, our loyalty towards our gracious sovereign, and our own particular lives and fortunes from destruction. And for verifying that our intentions are only for peace, I the said George marquis of Huntly and my friends above specified, do further declare, that upon assurance, given of no violence to be used against us and our adherents, in our persons nor fortunes, for not rendering obedience unto any new act, until such time as it shall be ratified in parliament, not only shall the foresaid persons seized be restored to their liberties, but we shall likewise be ready and willing to give such security for legal and peaceable carriage as the laws of the kingdom do require.
Here may be seen the reasons of his rising and taking our townsmen. Besides, he was now confident of the assistance of sundry noblemen, such as the earls of Airly, Southesk, Athol, Seaforth, and divers others south and north, frae he came to an head; and likewise had the assurance of the incoming out of England of the earls of Montrose, Crawford, Kinnoul, Nithsdale, the viscount of Aboyne, the lord Ogilvie, and some others, with forces, and they to have gone on upon the south and west parts of Scotland with their own friends that they could raise, and he being up was able to subdue the north with his own power and friends, and stand out, looking surely that no power from the south should come against him, because they should have their handsful at home, as I have said.
Now upon thir grounds, and assurances, before all, of the king's favour, and letters patent, for raising of fire and sword, and daily looking for them, this noble marquis p. 164 draws to an head, as I have said, makes a band disclaiming the last covenant, obliging ilk man by his sworn oath to serve the king in this expedition, to the hazard of life, land, and goods, against all opposers of the same, and to follow his majesty's deputes and lieutenants, whom he would appoint to have charge. This band himself and his friends sware and subscribed first, and such as came in to him daily did the like, the success whereof hereafter may appear; where I will cease for a time, and begin where I left off, at the taking of the ordnance off of John's Anderson's ship and arms out of Torry, and how the marquis rode out of Aberdeen. Upon Thursday the 28th of March he lighted by the gate at Kintore, and took a drink; syne went to horse, but unhappily a brave gentleman called Patrick Dalgarno biding behind him at Kintore, riding the water, happened to perish, to the great grief of the marquis and all his company. The marquis rides forward to Strathboggie.
The earl Marischal, contrary to the marquis' expectation, upon Sunday the 29th of March had a meeting with the committees of Angus and Mearns, where Mr. William Moir also was, after he had returned from the committee of estates at Edinburgh, as ye have before, from whom he had received orders, after he had given in his complaint, how the Gordons had taken their provost and other townsmen, and that himself with many others were forced to flee the town; and surely the committee of estates began quickly to drill up an army for repressing thir uproars, who came to Aberdeen as ye shall hear. Mr. William Moir comes back frae Edinburgh to Dunnotter, and was at this meeting in the Mearns, but durst not come to Aberdeen.
About this time the country of Murray began to be feared at the rising of the Gordons, and therefore they held their committees daily at Elgin, and began to draw up forces.
Likewise about this time Lewis Gordon, the marquis' third son, happened to come to Edinburgh, where he met with his sister the lady Haddington, but he was apprehended and forced to set caution not to go out of the town, while the marquis of Argyle came to the town of Edinburgh; but when the marquis of Huntly heard this, he p. 165 took little thought of him, for he had not seen him since he went away with his jewels. He remained in free ward within the town of Edinburgh for a while; and when Argyle came he was put to liberty, of whom ye have sundry passages hereafter noted.
Now while as the marquis rode from Aberdeen, the drum went through both Aberdeens, desiring all gentlemen and soldiers that was willing to serve in defence of our religion, and oath of allegiance to our king, and liberties of our country, that they should come to the laird of Drum younger, and receive good pay, whereupon divers daily took on.
The lairds of Haddo, Shethin and Tibberty, rode from Aberdeen with about 20 horse, and 80 musketeers; they plundered some arms out of Turriff, Towie Barclay, and took the laird of Meldrum and his horse, with many others. Young Drum rode out and plundered his own cousin John Irvine of Kincausie's arms out of Aquhorthies, and James Burnet of Craigmyle's arms out of Blackhalls. There was likewise plundered from some honest men about the town, work nags to be baggage horse, and sundry other gentlemens horse and arms plundered in the country. Mr. Thomas Mitchell parson of Turriff's horse was plundered; they took the laird of Meldrum upon Sunday at the kirk of Bethelnie, and brought him in to the marquis, where upon conditions he gat liberty home, for he was a precise puritan, and would not follow the marquis.
Upon Monday the 4th of April, there was a singular combat betwixt the lairds of Haddo and Elsick, both cousins german, upon the hill of Tulliegrig; where they fought for the first blood, whilk Haddo lost, and Elsick was victor; and so they parted.
Ye heard before how the marquis rode out of Aberdeen. He returned upon Wednesday the 3d of April to the town, and lighted at Mr. Alexander Reid's house, his own lodging, and at his lighting there came four commissioners to him, two from the committee of Angus, viz. William Durham of Grange of Monyfeith, and Francis Ogilvie of Newgrange, and two from the committee of the Mearns, viz. the lord Halkertown and James Burnet of p. 166 Craigmyle. The occasion of the coming of thir commissioners proceeded thus; the marquis of Huntly hearing there was a gathering both in Mearns and Angus, he thought it meet to send to thir committees John Gordon of Invermarkie, to signify unto them the cause of his rising was for defence of his person, and of his friends, their goods and gear, from the invasion of the estates, who were to raise arms against him, as they had given before commission to the sheriffs of Banff and Aberdeen to take him unjustly and illegally, and abuse his friends; that he had no intention to offend or injure any man, but only seeking peace and security; so that Mearns nor Angus need not be offended nor afraid, since if he were necessitate to ride through their country, he should do no wrong unless he was forced thereto. Now the committees of Angus and Mearns (where the earl Marischal sat daily) hearing this commission, they sent back with the said John Gordon of Invermarkie, the four commissioners above written to deliver their answer to the said marquis; whilk was desiring him to disband his forces, and to make no more gatherings, and they should do the like, that the countries might rest in peace. To whom the marquis answered, he was compelled for his own defence to draw to an head; and had no reason at their desire to leave off, at his own seeing prejudice and peril, but it was more fitting for them, who were in no danger, to dissolve their gatherings, and let the country be in quiet, because he had no mind to molest any within their countries, and said he should send Sir Walter Innes of Balveny, knight, and William Gordon of Arradoul, with them to the said committees, to declare his mind further.
Thus the four commissioners took their leave; lodged in Old Aberdeen, and upon Friday the 5th of April rode with the other two all together to Cowie, where the committees of Angus and Mearns both held at this time, with about 800 men of both shires, where the earls of Marischal and Kinghorn, the lord Arbuthnot, with many other barons, were there conveened also , the commissioners declared the marquis' mind, which contented not their minds, nor did good to the marquis, for the earl Marischal did nothing but by advice of the committee of estates, who directed him p. 167 and the committees both of Angus and Mearns, to hold the marquis under trysting, while they should raise up forces to go upon him, whilk surely came to pass, and so his unhappy trusting them, stayed him from going upon Angus and Mearns, and to have driven them from drawing to an head, while he had looked better about him; and surely was sore against the will and liking of his haill friends, who loved not such. fruitless delays, and feared the thing that came to pass; but the marquis would hear no good council of his true friends, but followed his own opinion, which did him no good.
It was reasoned by diverse, that the marquis unhappily and unwisely brake loose, without any farther friendship in the country; for the Forbesses and Frasers, with many barons in Buchan, Mar, and Garioch, were against him; at least would not rise with him; and that he wanted monies, arms, ammunition, powder and ball, without which in abundance he could not long subsist against the power of the contrary party; others said, as for monies, the marquis had an hundred thousand pounds to sustain such soldiers as he wanted , and as for the barons, ilk barons should sustain his own men, and ilk gentleman should sustain himself; and as for arms, powder, and ball, there was enough to be got in burgh and land, and if any want were, there was victual girnelled in store, to help to find the soldiers by way of plundering; and further that the marquis might well defend himself, seeing there was an army coming out of England, with the earls of Montrose, Crawford, and Nithsdale, and whilk would give the southland men enough ado, and stop their coming here; besides this the marquis had assurance of divers earls, lords and barons, to rise and assist him; but all thir arguments misgave this noble marquis; for the earls came in, and were dung back again, and such as he trusted in deceived him, and fled the cause, and left him in the mire, as ye shall hear. Others say they were not dung back, but recalled.
Ye heard how the marquis lighted at Mr. Alexander Reid's house; he came from Aboyne, where he had many Highlandmen and footmen there, and in the country about, attending his service, and came into Aberdeen about 200 p. 168 horse and about 800 foot, which were reckoned in the links, when they were drilled, but they came not all in with himself at this time. He had few commanders beside himself, Crowner King and major Nathaniel Gordon. James Grant was also one, and major Hay; he caused quarter his soldiers upon their own charges, and began to exercise them in dreilling them in the links daily; he went out and caused ding down some houses besouth the bridge of Dee, and made safeguards upon the one and the other.
Upon Saturday the 6th of April, Robert Irvine causes take the place of Durvis, pertaining to the lord Fraser, and set soldiers to keep the girnels untransported. They lived upon his nolt and sheep, and other commodities; but the girnels was not broken upon, whereof there was eighteen score bolls in girnels, and at last they shamefully left the same at the incoming of the army, as ye may see hereafter. Sunday the 7th of April the marquis came over to the Old town, and heard Mr. William Strachan our minister teach, dined in George Middleton's house, syne after the afternoon's sermon he returned to his own lodging in Aberdeen.
Now nothing but plundering of horse and arms of such as stand out, to the great grief of the country, following the footsteps and oppression of major Monro, as ye have before. The lord Forbes flees with Glenkindy and other friends to Kildrummie; the lord Fraser goes to Cairnbulg; the laird of Craigievar takes to Craigievar, and transports his haill victuals of Fintray to the place, there to be kept from plundering; the lairds of Echt and Skene take in Skene; the laird of Talquhon takes in Talquhon; the laird of Watertown takes in Waltertown; and the laird of Kermuck keeps his house of Kermuck; the tutor of Pitsligo keeps Pitsligo; the laird of Philorth keeps Philorth; and the laird of Monymusk keeps Monymusk; but how soon the army came in, they took the fields and left their houses. Thus the name of Forbes closes up themselves in strengths, to save their persons and houses from plundering by the Gordons, for they would on no wise rise with them.
Upon Friday the 5th of April the marquis sent over to the laird of Cluny's house, and took 50 pikes out thereof p. 169 to this service; likewise the laird of Drum younger sent over for Dr. Guild's saddle-horses, whilk he durst not refuse.
This samen Friday Nathaniel Gordon went to the road of Aberdeen, with about 20 musketeers, and took a bark loaded with herrings, pertaining to the kingdom of Denmark; the bark was taken by an English pirate, with another bark also of that same nation, by virtue of a letter of marque given out to some of their ships, to take such ships as pertained to Denmark and to Ireland also. Now this bark loaded with herrings being thus taken, the Englishman has the one following her, causes take off some men off her, and put in the ship as many of their men, (as seafaring fashion is) that she should not go from her. This bark, I say, comes through change of wind to the road of Aberdeen, whom the said Nathaniel or major Nathaniel Gordon took, and brings into the harbour of Aberdeen, and after trial takes the Englishmen, and wards them in Aberdeen. The pirate who had taken this prize, missing her, came to the road of Aberdeen, and set ashore the pilot and skipper, to try if she came to the harbour; but upon the 6th of April they were taken and warded with the rest; but rather more truly, it was not the men of the pirate, but two men of another parliamentary warrior ship of England, who came on land as said is, having nothing ado with the herring prize. This ship seeing their skipper and pilot not come abroad, they apprehended they were taken, whereupon they hoisted sail and go about the nook; but upon Monday the 8th of April she returns to this road, took three of our fishers boat with 24 men, chased other two in at Don-mouth with her cock boat, and another north. She landed also at Belhelvie, and took two bolls of malt from the countrymen, carrying it to the town, and had the samen aboard their ship. The marquis was very angry, because he had commanded the fishers that they should not go to sea, lest they should be taken, and he should sustain them lying upon land; but foolishly they went on, whereby the marquis' expectation was disappointed, thinking, for setting thir two men to liberty, to have gotten some cast pieces out of their ship. Always she lies p. 170 still at anchor, and shot all day divers great shots on land, but did no skaith. The fisher wives wanting their men, ran crying upon the marquis, who in end sent James Brown, skipper in Aberdeen, with a letter frae their skipper and pilot, desiring them to set ashore the fishermen, and the malt, and keep this skipper Brown while they came to their ship, whilk was done; and ilk ane got their own, set up sails, and to the sea goes she without more trouble. In the meantime the English pirate, who had taken the herring bark, hearing that she was taken and had into Aberdeen, he unhappily lights upon skipper Walker his bark, one of our town's sailors, anent Peterhead, upon the 11th of April, coming from Caithness to Aberdeen, leadened with salt beef, tallow, skin hides, and such commodities pertaining to Caithness merchants. They tirred skipper Walker out of his cloaths, and clad him in rags, and set him on shore, who in a pitiful manner came to Aberdeen, and told the marquis, shewing he could not get his ship nor goods again, while his prize of herring was restored, being his lawful prize taken from the Danes, by virtue of a letter of marque, as said is; whereat the marquis was highly offended for the honest man's loss, but could not help him. Upon the back of this, comes to the road upon the 16th of April this samen pirate, and chases our haill fisher boats, and lets ashore two of their own men, Declaring since their prize of herring was taken, they would content themselves with skipper Walker's ship (which was valued at 20,000 merks, and far above the herring prize) and keep her, and let Aberdeen keep the herring bark, and go their way without more offence, providing they would send their men aboard whilk they had warded in Aberdeen, and receive their herring men, which they had taken from their ship; which was agreed upon; ilk ship received her own men, and to the sea goes he, having still skipper Walker's ship fast, to the great grief and overthrow of the honest men. The Danes gets back their own bark, with such herrings as major Nathaniel Gordon had left unsold, and the marquis reproved the said Nathaniel very bitterly for taking of the said herring, without his command, breeding also sic great fear and skaith up our coast side. Whereat this Nathaniel p. 171 Gordon was so angry, that he hastily took his leave, and left the marquis' service, as ye shall hereafter hear.
Sunday the 7th of April the marquis heard devotion before and afternoon here in Old Aberdeen. Mr. William Strachan preached. Syne dined in George Middleton's house, and returned back to his lodging in New Aberdeen.
Monday the 8th of April our towns people were commanded to muster in the Links. The marquis viewed them, and saw them a silly weak people, wanting arms; albeit he resolved to take 35 persons, and arm them himself, but yet he took not one man out of the Oldtown. Thereafter he went out to the bridge of Dee, and caused big up safeguards at ilk end of the said bridge, to no purpose.
Upon Tuesday the 9th of April, James Grant, with his Highlandmen and divers companies of Lowlandmen, were sent out to plunder and spoilzie the place of Kemnay, pertaining sometime to umquhile Sir Thomas Crombie, a faithful fervant to the house of Huntly, and to his name, where they brake up gates and doors, gat 6000 merks of money, spoilzied and destroyed the haill plenishing, plundering his girnels and ground rigorously. They did the like to Pittodrie, plundered sheep off Bennochie, and the grounds and lands of Mounie, pertaining to Mr. Robert Farquhar, and through the country they went, plundering likewise arms and horse wheresoever they could be gotten, to the wreck and hairship of the land; following the covenanters footsteps, that began the plundering in Scotland.
About this time there was found swimming upon the Loch of Aberdeen, powder rolled in balls, which had been casten there, lest the marquis should have got the same. Great trial was made, but none of the persons found.
Word came also of a bloody battle foughten upon the 14th of March, betwixt the king's men and our Scots army, where we had the worst, and that the marquis of Argyle had left the army, and come by sea to Edinburgh.
There were parties sent down to Banff and Buchan, where Auchnagatt, pertaining to the laird of Glenkindy, his girnels, goods and grounds, were pitifully plundered, his p. 172 brother, Patrick Strachan of Kinaldie, was plundered and spoilzied in his bigging, visual, and all; syne took himself prisoner, and had him to Kelly, where he remained upon his own expences. There went down to Banff the lairds of Gight, Newtown, and Ardlogie, with a party of 40 horse and musketeers; . brave gentlemen. They took in the town, without contradiction, meddled with the keys of the tolbooth, took free quarters and plundered all the arms they could get, buffcoats, pikes, swords, carabines, pistols, yea and money also. They took frae Alexander Winchester, one of the baillies, 700 merks, whilk he had as one of the collectors of the taxations and loan silver of Banff; and siklike took frae him 400 merks of his own gear; and frae —— Shand in Down, they plundered some monies. They caused their baillies (for Dr. Douglas their provost had fled) and townsmen subscribe and swear the band, denying the last covenant, and obliging them to follow the king and his deputes in his service, as ye have before. They took also frae George Geddes, another of the said four collectors, 500 merks of taxation and loan-silver; and Gight keeped all the monies.
Thereafter they rode to Muiresk, pursued the place, and being rendered, they took the laird with them, syne returned to Inverurie, where they met with the marquis, as ye have hereafter. They plundered nothing out of the earl Marischal's ground in Buchan.
Upon the 10th of April the marquis craves the roll of taxation of 18,400 merks imposed by the estates upon the town of Aberdeen, from Mr. Patrick Chalmers their town clerk, who was loath to give the same without command of the council, but the marquis alledged he had as good right to lift the same as the estates, and took order therewith, as ye shall hear.
Upon the 11th of April he lap on with about 80 horse, and rode from Aberdeen to Strathboggie. Upon Saturday he returned to Inverurie, where many of his friends met him, footmen and Highlandmen; the lairds of Gight, Newtown and their companies came there, and were estimate to about 2500 men, whereof there was 400 horse. He missed some of the Strathboggie men uncome there, whereupon he directed M'Ronald to go plunder and bring p. 173 them in. At this meeting the tutor of Struan came out of Athol with about 60 footmen to the marquis; he stayed at Inverurie Saturday and Sunday, and lodged in umquhile William Fergus's house, and his men were quartered within and about the town.
Upon Monday the 15th of April he returned, about six.
hours at even, to Aberdeen; he caused make some
ensigns, where upon ilk side was drawn a red rampant lion,
having a crown of gold, above his head a C.R. for Charles
Rex, having the motto For God, the king, and against
all traitors,
and beneath God save the king.
were divers others made for the barons. The marquis
and his followers were a black taffata about their craig,
whilk was a sign to fight to the death; but it proved
Upon Sunday the i4th of April (by ordinance of the committee of the kirk or General Assembly at Edinburgh) the marquis of Huntly, the laird of Drum younger, Robert Irvine his brother, the laird of Haddo, the laird of Shethin, the laird of Tibbertie, Thomas Hay servitor to Haddo, and Mr. James Kennedy, secretary to the marquis, were all excommunicate at St. Giles' kirk in Edinburgh, and ordained the next ensuing Sunday to be excommunicate (although Pasch-day) throughout all the rest of the kirks of Scotland. This is to be noted, that this committee of the kirk, without citation, probation, process, or sentence, according to their own discipline of kirk, went on most maliciously to excommunicate this nobleman and some of his friends without lawful process, or any reason, but for his loyalty to his master the king; doing all they could to make him odious in the sight of the people; but the marquis wisely beheld all. See the very act of the committee of the General Assembly made thereanent.
Upon Tuesday the 16th of April the Marquis caused carry to Strathboggie two of John Anderson's ship cart-pieces to stock, as was said, and that same day conveened the council of Aberdeen and haill inhabitants, commanding them against Saturday next to provide their taxation of 14,400 merks. The baillies answered, the people p. 374 would in no wise pay the samen, except they themselves gave their band to the town's people to warrant them from paying of the same over again, which they said they could not do, as a matter tending to their wreck, if the town were put at again by the estates. The marquis answered, if the town would receive 250 soldiers, and further as necessity required, upon frae quarters, and they to be paid out of the common good for their entertainment, he would hold them; whereunto the town condescended, thinking it the best way, rather than to pay out the taxation altogether. So they gat upon the 18th of April 240 soldiers on free quarters, and thereafter upon the 24th of April 280 more, making in the haill 520 soldiers, whilk the treasurer of Aberdeen gat compt of, to sustain upon free quarters. The said treasurer of Aberdeen was commanded to pay the charges of thir soldiers to the town's people, who entertained them, besides the marquis entertaining upon his own expences his own men of Strathboggie, Strathaven, and Enzie. Likewise the burrows sustained their own men, whom they had brought in, and ilk gentleman freeholder did the like as long as their monies lasted; and when they wanted, they were forced to take free quarters with the rest in Aberdeen. The marquis himself debursed above 500 merks daily upon his own soldiers, which drew to much money, whereof it is said he had about 100,000 pounds when he began, lying beside him in ready money, which shortly was consumed.
The town of Aberdeen began to repent them of their bargain, thinking it better to have paid the taxation, than to sustain soldiers daily as they came in upon free quarters,, if they continued long.
However the marquis was forced to take Aberdeen as the fittest part for his rendezvouz, and for their better ease, daily sent out parties to plunder girnels of those who would not come in to him, amongst whom the laird of Lesly's girnels in Banchory, and the laird of Udny's girnels, such as was left uncarried to Urie was plundered out of Bauchory,. and this was done upon the 16th of April.
There was found yearded in Mr. Robert Farquhar's close two fine brazen pieces, pertaining to the lord Sinclair,. whilk the marquis meddled with about this time in Aberdeen, and was glad of the getting thereof.
Tuesday the 16th of April was the day of the provincial assembly at Aberdeen; but the ministers in thir troublesome times durst not keep the same, for fear of plundering their horse; but such of the brethren as conveened continued this assembly to Tuesday the 14th of May, whilk was kept, as ye may see after.
There came word to Aberdeen upon Wednesday the 17th of April, that the lord Elcho was come to Dundee, with 800 Fifemen; that the earls of Kinghorn and Southesk and others, had raised 800 men; that the marquis of Argyle had raised out of Perthshire 800 men; and that there was coming out of Argyle 1000 men; by and attour, 800 men coming out of Ireland of the earl of Lothian and laird of Lauder's regiments , and that the earl Marischal and viscount Arbuthnot had raised out of the Mearns 500 men, and were drawing hastily to an head against the marquis of Huntly, his friends and followers; and that there was committees daily at Forfar for Angus, and at Fordoun for the Mearns, whilk over truly came to pass; but the marquis seemed to take little heed thereof, albeit his kin was more forwardly set, whereupon followed sorrow, shame, and skaith.
Now the marquis being informed of this preparation, caused warn by sound of trumpet at the cross of Aberdeen, all such as had gotten his protection to meet him at Inverurie the 18th of April; with certification, his protection should be null. He appointed major Hay, with some troops and foot, to keep Aberdeen, and upon the foresaid 17th of April rides from Aberdeen to Inverury; his good son Alexander Irvine younger of Drum, with about 40 horse, followed him in the afternoon. He rode through the Oldtown, having two colours, one having, the king's arms, the other having the Irvine's arms; the marquis at his lighting caused quarter his men there conveened at Inverurie, Kintore and Muchalls. Himself stayed Wednesday and Thursday at umquhile William Fergusson's house in Inverurie; he directed out Donald Farquharson, M'Ronald the tutor of Struan, with their followers and some p. 176 lowland footmen, and about 240 persons, to attend some horse troops going upon an expedition into Angus, and so left Inverurie and came back again to Aberdeen upon Friday the 19th of April.
Upon Saturday he caused drill up in the Links such men as he had within the town, estimate to about 160 horse and betwixt 7 and 800 foot; and about 4 afternoon the marquis returned from the Links to the town, and immediately thereafter Alexander Irvine younger of Drum, Robert Irvine his brother, (who had engaged themselves in this business against their father's will, as was said) mdash;— Gordon of Gight younger, John Gordon his father's brother, John Gordon of Ardloggie, major Nathaniel Gordon, —— Urquhart of Craighouse, William Innes of Tibbertie, Alexander Irvine of Kincausie, and some others rode that samen night out of Aberdeen up Dee-side, about 72 horse, commanders and all. They gave orders to the footmen foresaid, and upon Monday the 22d of April they past all over Dee, intending only to go to Montrose, and take the two brazen cartows lying there, whilk was most dangerous and desperate in respect of a gathering of Fordoun and another at Forfar, and others before specified. However forward they went, being of all foot and horse about 300 men, and upon Wednesday the 24th of April by two hours in the morning, with found of trumpet they came to the town, who had set on fires in their steeple, to waken the country, and were in arms themselves, and rang the common bell; but all for nought. They boldly entered Montrose, dang the town's people from the causey to their houses, who out of their forestairs shot desperately, but they were forced to yield by many fearful shots shot against them, where unhappily Alexander Paterson, one of their baillies, was slain, some say by Nathaniel Gordon, others hold by a Highlandman, whom the baillie also slew. Thereafter it was said they intended to ship thir cartows in a ship lying in Montrose water, pertaining to Alexander Burnett his son, who happened to be there, and had promised no less, being an anticovenanter; but by this Burnet's knowledge James Scot, now provost of Montrose, with certain of his neighbours, had p. 177 quietly convoyed themselves with their best goods into the said ship. When she began to float, she draws near the shore, where young Drum and his men were thinking to ship thir cartows, according to Alexander Burnett's promise foresaid, and to have had them about by sea to Aberdeen, but far by their expectation this ship shot five or six piece of ordnance desperately amongst them, with about 40 muskets, where by the great providence of God there was but only two men killed, and some hurt. Drum seeing this they retired themselves, brake the wheels of the cartows, for more they could not do; yet break them they might, and throw them over the shore to make them unserviceable; but they were brought to Aberdeen, as ye have hereafter.
Drum returns to the town and begins to break up merchants booths, plunder and cruelly spoilzie rich merchandise, cloaths, silks, velvets, and other costly wares, silver, gold, and silver work, arms, and other things, whereat the Highlandsmen. were nor slow. They brake up a pipe of Spanish wine, and drank heartily; they took Patrick Leighton late provost, and Andrew Gray, prisoners; they left Montrose in a woeful case about afternoon, and that same night went to Cortachie, to meet with the earl of Airly, who hearing of the marquis of Argyle's coming, would not give them entry, contrary to their expectation. They returned therefrae to Aberdeen, but by the way there was taken 32 Highland men, some say 52, who had unwisely bidden behind the rest, plundering the Montrose goods, and were taken and shackled and sent to Edinburgh, to pay for their faults. Major Gordon came back to Aberdeen upon Sunday the 26th of April, and young Drum went to the place thereof, to see his lady. Patrick Leighton and Andrew Gray came in with major Gordon, who declared the great forces that was gathering, and that the marquis of Argyle was come to Dunnotter quietly, whilk was over true. It is here to be noted, that notwithstanding the many shots shot within the town and out of the ship, yet it pleased God that few was killed of Drum's side except two or three persons. Marvellous to see! and as few to the other side, except Alexander Paterson baillie, who was shot by Gordon. Their intention was to have shipped p. 178 the cartows within the foresaid ship, to be brought about when she came with her loading to Aberdeen, but they got a cruel assault, and were mightily disappointed. The tutor of Struan, with some Highlandmen, did brave service with their short guns. It is said that Drum caused raise fire two several times in Montrose, yet major Gordon still quenched and put out the same.
After this ungodly and grievous oppression, the young laird of Drum returned, as I have said, not with the body of a well governed army as he went on, but ilk ane after another, draggling; and upon Saturday the 27th of April he came to Aberdeen, where the marquis was lying still, to his great unhap, shame and disgrace.
Ye heard of the marquis of Argyle's coming to Dunnotter. He came quietly with about 32 horse upon the 26th of April, attending there the coming of the Perthshire men, and of the earl of Lothian and laird of Lare's regiment, coming out of Ireland, of whom ye shall hear more shortly. The lord Forbes and the master of Forbes his son, sir William Forbes of Craigievar, Alexander Strachan of Glenkindy, —— Forbes of Echt, —— Skene of that ilk, —— Forbes of Lesly, —— Calder of Astoun, —— Forbes of Tolquhon, —— Forbes of Watertown, John Kennedy of Kermuck, —— Forbes tutor of Pitsligo, and sundry others, such as Andrew lord Fraser, —— Fraser of Philorth, and sir William Forbes of Monymusk, who had tane themselves to strengths, came now to the fields, but the lord Forbes, master of Forbes, Craigievar, Glenkindy, Echt, Skene, and some others, went to the committees of Angus and Mearns before the coming of Argyle; and the rest kept their houses.
Upon Sunday the 21st of April the marquis heard sermon in Old Aberdeen before and afternoon, dined in George Middleton's; there came over a guard out of the town, about 60 musketeers, with prisoners and two colours, a drum and a bagpipe; they attended the marquis' lodging, syne returned back, and the marquis following upon horseback to Aberdeen.
John Kennedy of Kermuck, a main covenanter, was in April first plundered by Robert Irvine the laird of Drum's son, where his best horse and some arms were taken frae p. 179 him; thereafter sir John Gordon of Haddo plundered some work horse frae his poor tenants. He would eat none of Kermuck's meat, but bade with Mr. Andrew Leach minister his table, and lay in the place of Kermuck all night. His soldiers lay in Ellon, who got meat from the place, and cast in a little stack of bear for their horsemen. They stayed there 24 hours, syne rode their ways.
Patrick Strachan of Kinaldie at this same time was plundered and tane captive, syne had to Kelly, because he would not pay the said Sir John Gordon a fine; but frae Kelly he was transported to Towie, where he fairly wan away. Upon Wednesday the 24th of April the marquis sent sir John Turing of Foveran quietly to Dunnotter, commissioner to the earl Marischal. He upon the morn returned timeously to the marquis, with an answer not to his contentment, whilk bred a sudden alteration.
Now nothing but plundering of poor men's work horses, and forced to redeem their own beasts back again by payment of money, and glad to get them so. There was a nag plundered frae the parson of Belhelvie, and another frae the chamberlain.
Alexander Gordon of Prasmoir leaves the marquis' service and goes to the lord Gordon, who had few before of the name of Gordon, except James Gordon of Rothemay and John Gordon of Park, and was about 32 horse in all his company. This Alexander Gordon was married to provost Patrick Lesly's daughter, who wrought upon the lord Gordon and some others to get the prisoners out of Auchindown, by whose persuasion he rides and charges —— Gordon of Birkenburn, captain of Auchindown, to render him the house, because his father the marquis was fled and away. He answered he had no warrant from him to render his house, and while he saw himself he would keep it, and shortly shot out some hagbutts, and brake ground before him, but did no more skaith. Whereupon the lord Gordon left the house. This happened upon the — day of April.
The earls of Montrose, Crawford, Nithsdale, Traquair, Kinnoul, Carnwath, the viscount of Aboyne, and lord Ogilvie, came with a company of horse and foot to Dumfries in p. 180 this same month of April, but did no vassalage, and upon their own reasons hastened back to Carlisle. In the mean time James Lesly, son to John Lesly of Pitcaple, —— Ruthven, and other three gentlemen sitting carelessly drinking behind the company in Dumfries, were suddenly taken, had to Edinburgh and straitly warded in the tolbooth thereof, but they were relieved afterwards.
Upon Saturday afternoon the 27th of April, there was 44 soldiers pertaining to William Seton of Shethin, Mr. James Buchan of Auchmacoy, and James Seton of Pitmedden, who lay in Aberdeen till Wednesday thereafter, upon the charges of the poor Old town people.
Sunday the 28th of April the marquis heard devotion in Old Aberdeen, dined in George Middleton's house, wrote missive letters in the time of the afternoon's sermon; he had a guard with one colour attending upon him, but neither drum nor pipe as before. He returned back to Aberdeen to his lodging.
Upon Monday the 29th of April the marquis' friends begin to grudge and murmur at his delays, seeing his enemies grow to a great number, and his forces daily decreasing and growing fewer and fewer, and desired him hastily to go to Angus and the Mearns and break their forces, otherwise they were all lost. He heard all, and went to a council of war, where the marquis alledged, if he should leave Aberdeen and go to the Mearns, then he was sure the Forbeses and Frasers, and other covenanters, should come in and take in the town, and follow him hard at the heels to the Mearns, to his seeing peril and great danger; and he declared he had reason to delay, in respect of his hopes, whilk was now likely to deceive him; for first he was informed most credibly by his own servant John Gordon (alias John of Berwick) that his majesty should have a commission at him for raising of arms before he should rise. 2d, That his majesty should have an army in Scotland before the last of March for his further assurance; whilk the said John Gordon by his great oath told him, because he durst not carry letters out of England to him, lest they should be intercepted. 3d, He had hopes of the lord Forbes and his vassals of that name, and divers other lords and p. 181 earls, south and north, to have risen as soon as he rose, whereupon he lay still, attending their rising. 4th, The good opinion of the country people, both in burgh and land, grievously groaning under the tyranny of the estates, lifting men, money, horse, levy money, arms, excises, and such like cruelties, to their unspeakable sorrow. Upon thir reasons, he said, he had too rashly engaged himself and his friends, whilk he perceived had clearly fallen out, and they had failed him, and he knew well that he and his friends were not able to give battle to the invincible army coming against him, taking God to witness it was sore against his will, and if he could see the least spark of likelihood of outgate, he should bide it to the last man. His friends hearing this discourse (whilk was most true) became sorrowful, however they fell, upon the next best course, whilk was, seeing they were unable to give battle, that the marquis should hold his friends together go with a fleeing army, wait upon the wings of the enemy's forces, live upon their enemies country goods, and in the time of need draw to Strathboggie, Auchindown, or the Bog, to the wearying of the enemy, and bide a better fortune, if any help should come from the king for their relief. This council was approved, and because the southland army was at hand, they resolved to meet at Strathboggie with all the forces they could make. But major Nathaniel Gordon, who was rebuked for the herring prize, as ye heard before, miscontented with this course, quits the marquis' service, and goes to the lord Gordon, who would not hear of him, and so he lived by himself, of whom ye may see hereafter.
Upon Tuesday the 30th of April the marquis of Huntly was informed that his son the lord Gordon was at the town of Banff, growing to an head; therefore he lifts John Anderson's two cart-pieces, and the two brazen pieces found in Mr. Robert Farquhar's close, and sent them to Strathboggie, and immediately goes to horse for Banff; but his son had no such intention as to grow to an head against him.
Upon the 1st of May Andrew Gray was sent back frae Aberdeen to Montrose, haill and sound , but Patrick Leighton was sent to Auchindown, to bide with our Aberdeen's p. 182 prisoners; and therewith Sir George Gordon of Gight, Alexander Irvine younger of Drum, Robert Irvine his brother, with about 60 horse, rode through the Oldtown with new white lances in their hands to Strathboggie. The marquis left all his friends in Aberdeen when he rode to Banff, under great fear, as they had cause. From Banff he goes to Strathboggie, where his friends meet him, and was a brave company, about 300 horse and 1500 foot.
Upon the 8th day of May Sir John Gordon of Haddo,
Alexander Irvine of Drum younger, Sir George Gordon
of Gight, and the principal of his friend there, deal with
the marquis to give orders for his flying army. He changes
resolution, seeing he was not able to give battle. It was
said they answered, We have shown ourselves foolishly, and
will leave the fields shamefully; we thought never better
of it.
Young Drum staid the marquis once or twice well
roughly ungone to horse, whereat he was offended. Now
thir gentlemen parts with sore hearts, and whereupon
meikle sorrow followed thereafter. The marquis rides in
anger upon the morn to Ardclach, where he was all night.
Upon the morn, whilk was the 7th of May, he rides to
Auchindown, and immediately sets Patrick Lesly provost, Mr.
Robert Farquhar, Alexander and John Jaffrays, and the said
Patrick Leighton, to liberty; who came to Aberdeen with
greater credit than they were taken out of it. He seeks
about for his own safety, and bides quietly in Auchindown.
Ye heard how the marquis of Huntly had left the town
of Aberdeen, contrary to the expectation of many, upon the
last of April, leaving his haill friends within the town in great
fear and melancholy of a southland army to come shortly, as
it did; for upon Thursday thereafter the 2d of May, there
came to Aberdeen the lord Burleigh and lord Elcho, with
the men of Fife, — — — — — —
with the Perthshire men, the earl Marischal and lord Arbuthnot,
with the men of the Mearns, the earl of Kinghorn and lord
Carnegie with the Angus men. There came out of thir
four shires about the number of 2000 foot and 400 horse,
besides baggage men and horses; they were well furnished
with ammunition, powder, match, ball, muskets, carabines,
pikes, swords, colours, carrying this motto, For the
p. 183
covenant, religion, the crown and the kingdom,
with pistols,
putterlings, and other arms; ilk several company had their
captains and commanders, with their trumpeters and drums.
They came all in good order of battle, terrible to their enemies,
and joyful to their friends; they took up their
rendezvous in the Links, and beyond the water of Torry, and
fed upon their own provision, which was carried with them.
The marquis of Argyle, who had come to Dunnotter, as ye have heard before, rides therefrae to the place of Drum, with about 400 horse, and came not into Aberdeen with the rest of the army. The earl Marischal came not in neither with the Mearns men, but was with Argyle, and followed him to Drum. There came also to him the earl of Lothian, and laird of Lare's regiment out of Ireland, about 500 brave soldiers. Sir Alexander Irvine of Drum was not at home, when Argyle and the rest came, but his lady and his good daughter lady Mary Gordon, and sister's daughter to Argyle, were present. He and his company were all made welcome, according to the time; there was other 500 soldiers coming out of Argyle to him also; by and attour the hail north was at his command. He caused shortly put the ladies to the yetts, their haill men servants and women servants also. The ladies came out with two gray plaids, and gat two work naigs, which bore them into Aberdeen. Thir runnagate Irish soldiers thereafter fell to, and pitifully plundered and abused this noble house.
Now at the incoming of this army to Aberdeen, the Covenanters were no less blyth, nor the anti-covenanters were woe; for the one faction cropped the causey courageously, pridefully and disdainfully; the other faction was forced to walk humbly, and suffer the pride of their town's neighbours, who rejoiced in their misery. Some fled the town, others conveyed their goods out of the way, and ilk anti-covenanter did for himself the best way he could. Howsoever this army, foot and horse, Highland and Lowlandmen, and Irish regiment, was estimate, bag and baggage, to be about 6000 men; unhappily raised by the unfortunate marquis of Huntly's rising, to the great hurt and wreck of the north parts, as after ye shall hear, and yet no wise the marquis' fault, as ye heard before.
Ye heard of the marquis of Argyle's. coming to Drum; p. 184 and of the earl Marischal's coming to him, and of the Irish regiment, whilk regiment lived upon the laird of Drum's victual and goods. The marquis shortly removed the two ladies, and shut them out at the yetts per force (albeit the young lady was his own sister's daughter) with two gray plaids about their heads. Their haill servants were also put. to the yett, but the ladies came in upon twa wark nags, in a pitiful manner, to New Aberdeen, and took their lodging in the goodwife of Auchluncart's lodging, then dwelling in the town. Then the Irish soldiers fell to and plundered the place of Drum, wherein was store of insight plenishing and timber work; they killed and destroyed the bestial, nolt, sheep and kine, for their meat; they brake up girnels, where they had meal and malt. They found yerded in the yard of Drum, a trunk filled with silver wark, plate, goldsmith's work, jewels, chains, rings, and other ornaments of great worth, and estimate about 20,000 pounds, whereof some was seen in Aberdeen. Thus thir ladies being removed with their servants, and all things plundered by thir Irish rogues, then the marquis appointed a captain with 50 musketeers of thir people to keep this house, and left two pieces of ordnance also with them, where they lived upon the laird's girnels and goods while they were removed, and others put in their place. There was following this Irish regiment about 51 women, with some young children; thir women were quartered in Old Aberdeen; they got nothing but house-room, for they received weekly out of the girnels of Drum, ilk woman two pecks of meal, whereon they lived, and was punctually brought to the Oldtown and paid. They had a captain over them, to see them weekly paid, and that they did no wrong; so thir women remained in Old Aberdeen as long as the men staid in Drum, and when they removed therefrae, they removed out of the Oldtown without doing any wrong. Thus is this ancient house of Drum opprest, spoilzied, and pitifully plundered, without any fault committed by the old laird thereof, but only for his two sons following of the house of Huntly, and as was thought sore against his will also. Always this to be noted for the marquis of Argyle's first piece of service in this play, without love or respect of his sister's daughter, or the innocence of the old p. 185 laird of Drum; where for a while I will leave him, doubtless in grief and distress.
Upon Saturday the 4th of May the earl of Kinghorn is established governor in Aberdeen, having a garrison to attend him; and about 2 afternoon, the army begins to march out of Aberdeen, and both the towns sent out and furnished baggage horse to follow them. They had the viscount of Arbuthnot, the lord Elcho, the lord Burleigh, with other captains and commanders of good worth. There was 25 colours, cart-pieces, trumpeters and drums in good order; they marched this night to Christ's Green at Udny, where they lay.
And that same 4th of May the marquis of Argyle (having distressed the place of Drum, as ye have heard) with the earl Marischal and the Irish regiment marches from the said house towards Kintore and Inverurie, where provision was sent out of Aberdeen upon the horses of both the towns, and there they encamped. The innocent old laird of Drum came to thir lords in humble manner, accompanied only with Mr. William Davidson, sheriff depute of Aberdeen; he had some speeches with them, but found little comfort: at last he took his leave, and gat licence to go to Frendraught, where his daughter was married with the viscount of Frendraught.
It is said, while as this army is lying at Inverurie, the marquis of Argyle sent a trumpeter with a letter to the marquis of Huntly, being in Strathboggie; but what it was, or what answer it received, I cannot tell; for the young laird of Drum and his brother, with some few others, was with him in Strathboggie, with whom he appeared very joyful all that day; and upon the morn thereafter he went to Auchindown, where I will leave him a little while.
Upon Monday the 6th of May, the army marches frae Udny towards the place of Kelly, whereon there was no roof, but the walls strongly built, standing on a vault; for the laird dwelt in laigh bigging beside the house, and had fortified the walls with feal, whereby one might stand and defend the house. The laird had some friends, tenants, and servants within the house, well furnished with meat, drink, and all other necessary provisions, and store of p. 186 ammunition, such as hagbuts, muskets, carabines, pikes, swords, pistols, powder, ball, and such like. He caused burn up his own stables, barns, byres, and other laigh bigging, lest the samen should be a sconce or refuge to his enemies; and at their approach shot divers hagbutts and muskets to keep them off, who was also attending the coming of the marquis of Argyle and earl Marischal, who came from Inverurie to Kelly, accompanied with the lord Gordon, the lord Fraser, the master of Forbes, and divers other barons, leaving his regiment of Irishes lying at Inverurie. The marquis seeing this house could not be won but by much effusion of blood, sends a trumpeter, summoning the laird of Haddo to render the house, otherwise such as would willingly come out and yield, should have condition of their lives and goods, and they that should stand out should have no mercy. This charge seemed very strange; and withal his cannoneer, Walter Richardson, lap the walls of Kellie, and stole away to the camp, to all their great griefs that were within the house. The laird and the rest goes to council, where his men declared they would bide by him, providing he would shew them a way how to stand out, otherwise they would rather yield now upon conditions, than yield per force without any conditions. The laird of Haddo was now put to great extremity, and could by no means draw them from their opinion, whilk doubtless was their best; seeing a fearful army before them, and no kind of appearance of relief to raise them; neither was it wisdom to take the keeping of a house against an army, except they knew of relief by the coming of another army; otherwise it is not possible for any strength to hold out long, but at last must yield. The laird of Haddo now out of time finds his own folly, and hastily hangs out a sign of parley, and calls for his young chief the lord Gordon, to whom he offers to render his house, upon condition that himself, his men and soldiers within the samen, should be safe in their lives, lands, and goods, which the lord Gordon could not get granted; then he sent for the earl Marischal, craving thir conditions, whilk was plainly refused, and the most that was granted was that he should render his house, come out himself, and his men. to the marquis of Argyle and p. 187 lords and captains of the army, and humbly submit themselves, lives, lands, and goods in the will of the estates, and order of the army. This was the most the earl Marischal could work, albeit indeed the haill men wan away safe and sound, except some few. The laird of Haddo yields to the earl Marischal, being his blood-friend, and lately come of his house, upon thir conditions, whereat he took some exception, as was thought. Now the yetts are all casten up, the laird of Haddo comes out, and all his soldiers yields themselves, their lands, lives, and goods to the marquis of Argyle, and rest of the nobles and commanders of the army. They kept Haddo in the camp, and immediately sends into the tolbooth John Logie, son of Mr. Andrew Logie minister at Rayne, John and Alexander Gordons, sons to —— Gordon at the mill of Kelly, —— Chalmers, son to Alexander Chalmers of Drymness, and —— Dalgardno his soldiers, and quitted all the rest to go home in peace. Then they let in about 36 soldiers to keep the place of Kellie, which they found well furnished to their hands with meat and drink, whereon they fed lustily, with about 180 chalders of victual in his girnels; for he had kept up muckle of three years rent for a dearth, and now gat nothing for it. Stately was the plenishing within this house, and pleasant yards and planting about the same. Now the soldiers brake loose and burn the haill tenants bigging of Meikle Kellie for the most part, the bigging of Overhill, and some part of Thornhill, and other bigging. They tirred and took down the timber, and made huts thereof, and likewise brake down and cutted the pleasant planting to be hutts, and destroyed the green growing hedges out at the ground. They entered to the haill bestial, nolt, sheep, and kine pertaining to the laird, on his Mains, and his tenants there, wherever they could be found, eat up and destroyed all. The earl Marischal himself meddled with five or six saddle horses of good worth pertaining to the laird of Haddo; his haill arms within the house, whereof there were plenty, were plundered. There was not a lock, key, band, nor window left unbroken down daily to the tenants, cottars and grassmen, who for fear of their lives had fled here and there through the country frae their p. 188 dwellings, and conveyed sic gear as they could get out of the way. They brake down beds, boards, ambries, and other timber work, and made fire of the samen. Thus is the country on one hand and other grievously oppressed, and the people crying daily to God for vengeance upon thir cruel Covenanters for their unrighteous works, without authority of the king. That house of Kellie was rendered upon Wednesday the 8th of May with little siege and less skaith, there being but two persons slain to the assailants.
The same night that Kellie was rendered, the camp rode to Gight both horse and foot; but the same was also rendered upon the morn the 9th of May, by the laird of Gight elder. His son the young laird escapes with two or three,, and being well horsed, lap the park dykes, and wan safely away in presence of the soldiers lying about the place, who followed, but came no speed, to their great grief. The old laird is kept beside Haddo, and his soldiers set at liberty. There was a captain with about 24 soldiers put in the place of Gight, whilk was well provided with meat and drink and other necessaries, and wherein there was store of ammunition, powder and ball, with victual in girnels abundantly.
Ye heard before how Haddo had plundered and taken Patrick Strachan, a discreet gentleman, and warded him in Kellie. Fifteen days thereafter he sent him to the place of Towie Barclay, which was taken in by the marquis of Huntly, and Hugh Gordon made captain over 16 soldiers appointed to be keepers thereof; but this Patrick Strachan made quiet friendship amongst the soldiers, took the captain, and kept the house manfully while the army came, and syne came bravely out, and gat his horse and arms again, whilk Haddo had plundered from him.
Now as the marquis of Argyle is about thir houses, the Irish regiment lies still at Inverurie, of whom ye have heard before.
Upon their back came, to Cromar-Braes, Aboyne, Strachan, and the countries about, 800 Highlandmen of Argyleshire, where they had an allowance ilk day, to be taken off the country, 24 bolls meal, 120 wedders and —— marts, with 60 dollars of money. Let the wiser sort judge now how this poor land is sore opprest, by incoming of thir p. 189 armies, against the king's authority. But I leave them taking up their rents and monies, and living upon the marquis of Huntly's lands in Cromar, Glenmuck, and Glentanner, and upon the laird of Drum's lands of Cromar, Strachan, and the lands of Birie, frae their coming, whilk was upon the — day of May, while the 3d day of June.
Ye heard before of the marquis of Huntly's going to Auchindown. How soon he came there, he set to liberty Patrick Lesly provost, Mr. Robert Farquhar, Alexander and John Jaffrays, and Patrick Leighton of Montrose,upon Tuesday the 7th of May, with greater credit than they were taken; and they, blyth of this good luck, came all riding through the Oldtown to Aberdeen courageously, and lighted in the town with great joy, upon Thursday the 9th of May, about eight hours at even.
Upon Saturday the 11th of May the lord Gordon comes in to Old Aberdeen with his own domestics, and lodged in George Middleton's house; and upon the morrow after the afternoon's sermon he rode out of the town again.
Upon Sunday the 12th of May, Mr. William Strachan, after sermon, read out of the pulpit of Old Aberdeen the two acts following.
Where by virtue of a commission, dated at Edinburgh the 16th day of April 1644, the convention of estates has appointed us Archibald, marquis of Argyle, &c. chief commander of the haill horse and foot forces, to be levied for the present rebellion in the north, with power also to us to command in chief all other forces in the north during this expedition, and to draw together, with the advice of the committee of estates come along with the army, the haill fencible men in the north, as we shall think fitting for the present service. We therefore, according to that commission, and with advice foresaid, do hereby require all the heritors and freeholders whatsoever (of what superior soever they hold) within the sheriffdom of Aberdeen and Banff, to repair to the town of Turriff against the 16th day of this instant month of May, by 10 o'clock in the forenoon, with their best horses and horseman's arms, bringing also with them 48 hours provision, that by common advice the best way may be thought upon for the peace and security of this p. 190 country: certifying by thir presents, all and every heritors and freeholder foresaid, that shall not appear at the day and place foresaid, that they shall be esteemed and used as enemies to religion, king and country; and that none may pretend ignorance thereof, we ordain that thir presents be read at all the parish kirks of thir shires on Sunday next the 12th of this instant, and that every minister send to the rendezvouz at the day and place above named a roll of the haill heritors and freeholders names within their parishes, with a testificate that thir presents were read at their churches; recommending also to the moderator of ilk presbytery within the said sheriffdoms, to direct to the several ministers within their presbyteries an authentic double of this order of ours, with the moderator's testimonial declaring the same to be such, that this our order may be the better read and published in the several churches, and this we require to be diligently and carefully performed by all having interest, as they will be answerable to the parliament, convention of estates, their committees, or us their commissioner for this effect. Subscribed with our hand at Inverurie, the 6th of May 1644.
Sic subsc. ARGYLE.
Follows the other act also read out of the pulpit.
Edinburgh, 12 April 1644.
Forasmickleas George marquis of Huntly, and his adherents and followers, viz. Alexander Irvine younger of Drum, Robert Irvine his brother, Sir John Gordon of Haddo, William Seaton of Shethin, William Innes of Tibbertie, Mr. James Kennedy, servitor to the said marquis of Huntly, and Thomas Hay servitor to the said Sir John Gordon, have not only refused to join with this kirk and kingdom in the solemn league and covenant for the reformation and defence of religion, the honour and happiness of the king, the peace and safety of the kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ireland; but have now also put themselves in posture of war, and with some forces collected together displayed an open banner against the honourable estates of this kingdom, joined together by solemn oaths and subscriptions in the said league and covenant, and in this rebellion have already begun to take his majesty's good subjects out of p. 191 their own houses, detain them in firmance, rob and spoilzie them of their goods and means of livelihood; by threats, oppressions, and other violent ways to force them to join in this insurrection, invade and possess themselves of free burghs, compel and induce shires to dishonourable and disloyal capitulations and conditions, and by false pretences of authority and the ease of the subject, emitted in public declarations, whilk they cause read in kirks and other public places, delude and abuse the people, and reproach all the means used by this kirk and kingdom, in pursuance of the said happy covenant, and the ends expressed therein: therefore the commissioners to the General Assembly, taking the premises to their serious consideration, and finding the rebellious conspiracy and insurrection against this kirk and kingdom, to be an heinous offence against God, and an high contempt of all ecclesiastical and civil authority, and that the samen agreeing in all the particular circumstances thereof, is public and notour throughout this kirk, according to the example of former times, in the like cases, ordains the said George marquis of Huntly and his adherents in this rebellion particularly above mentioned, to be excommunicate summarily upon the next Sabbath day the 14th of this instant month of April, by Mr John Adamson, in the East Kirk of this burgh of Edinburgh, and that public intimation be made of the said sentence upon Sabbath-day beforenoon after sermon, in all the kirks of this kingdom, so soon as advertisement mail come unto them.
Thir two acts were read out of the kirk of New Aberdeen the samen day also, where by and attour intimation was made there of the excommunication of the earls of Montrose, Nithsdale, Traquair, Carnwath, Kinnoul, the viscount of Aboyne, and the lord Ogilvie. Thir persons had been excommunicate after the same order, and for the same cause, that the marquis of Huntly and his followers were excommunicate, some space before thir lords were excommunicate at Edinburgh, but intimation was not made thereof here at our Oldtown church. However the lord Gordon came not to the forenoon's preaching to hear his father's excommunication intimate, but came afternoon, syne rode out of the town, as is before said. p. 192
Upon Monday the 13th of May the marquis of Argyle, the earl Marischal, the lord Gordon, the viscount of Arbuthnot, the lord Burleigh, with divers other brave gentlemen, about 100 horse, came frae the camp lying at Kellie, leaving the lord Elcho behind them, and came to Aberdeen through the Links; and following in another company there came in Sir George Gordon elder of Gight, John Gordon his brother german, and Sir John Gordon of Haddo. They stayed in Aberdeen while Wednesday the 15th of May, that they were sent south to Edinburgh, with a troop of horse; likewise was sent with him the goodman of Mill of Kellie's two sons, called John and Alexander Gordons, —— Chalmers, son to Alexander Chalmers of Drymness, John Logie and —— Dalgardno.
Upon Tuesday the 14th of May the provincial assembly sits down in Aberdeen, being prorogate to this day, as ye heard before. The parson of Belhelvie being last moderator, as the custom is, preached this day. The marquis of Argyle, the earl of Kinghorn, with the rest, were there, whilk made up a fair auditory. After sermon the brethren conveened, and with them the marquis of Argyle. Mr. Andrew Cant is chosen moderator to the next provincial assembly. The said marquis had his own instructions, no doubt, to give to this province before the coming of the next General Assembly; and withal he began to regret the coldness of some of the ministry, who would not boldly ilk man out of his own pulpit declare the odiousness of this rebellion of the Gordons, and what danger, shame, and sorrow might follow thereupon; whilk if ilk minister within his parish had powerfully declared, it might have been a mean to have staid many from rising in such a desperate business; but withal he said, it was to be feared there was some of themselves disaffected to this good cause, and not so sound as appertained. For remedy whereof he desired the moderator to voice out 12 of their brethren to sit with him and the rest of the nobility at their committee afternoon, and they to receive some order therefrae; whereof one article was, that Mr. Andrew Cant, now moderator, should this same afternoon take oaths of the hail moderators and ministers within the diocese, in ample form; that they were p. 193 soundly affected to the good cause, according to the tenor of the covenant. 2d, That ilk moderator should take the oaths of such ministers as were absent within his presbytery. 3d, That ilk minister, upon his sworn oath, in all haste shall condescend and give up a roll, under his subscription, of the malignant ministers within this diocese, or disaffected ministers, according to his knowledge, and ilk minister within his own parish to declare, siklike, the malignant persons who are laicks by roll within his parish. 4th, Ilk minister to give up in roll the names of such persons as rose with the Gordons. 5th, That ilk minister should give up in roll the names of the heritors and freeholders, and also of the papists within his parish, with a testificate that the act made thereanent before written was publicly read at their kirks, according to the desire thereof; and ilk minister before they dissolve deliver to the saids 12 ministers, called a sub-committee, his own roll, subscribed with his hand, to the effect that they should bring these rolls with them to Turriff the 16th day of May. Thir orders bred both fear and fashery to the brethren of this assembly, but no remead; ilk minister began to censure his parishioners upon the points aforesaid, made up and subscribed their rolls, and delivered them to the sub-committee of 12 ministers foresaid, to the effect above specified, upon Wednesday the 15th of May afternoon, that they might keep Turriff; and so this assembly dissolved this samen day. But remember they gave up the names of all excommunicate papists within their parishes also in their said rolls.
Upon Tuesday the 14th of May, the two cartows were brought about frae Montrose to Aberdeen by sea, but their wheels were hacked and hewn by the Gordons, as ye have heard. There came also two other iron cart pieces to the shore, where they were all laid on (carried by three boats about) and that same day there came to Aberdeen out of one of the parliament's ships lying in the road, six fisher boats loaded with muskets, powder, ball, and match, and ilk boat had 180 muskets within her, with their materials. Thir wares were sent ashore in one of our fisher boats to the marquis of Argyle, out of the ship, who had order from the said parliament of England so to do. Thir muskets were received and put up in houses to be kept. p. 194
This same Tuesday and 14th of May the laird of Drum directed a rate of musketeers to Mr. William Lumsden's house in Old Aberdeen, himself and his wife both being excommunicate papists. They fed upon her expences, because her husband was quietly at home, and escaped. Upon the morn she was compelled to give 400 merks to be quit of thir soldiers, for a protection to have her house unplundered, and her tenants undistressed, subscribed by the earl of Kinghorn; besides they plundered out of the house some guns, swords, and other things, and a riding nag or a wark nag out of the stable.
Upon Wednesday the 15th of May the marquis of Argyle, the earl Marischal, the earl of Kinghorn, the viscount of Arbuthnot, the lord Gordon, and the lord Burleigh came riding through the Oldtown about 12 hours, with sound of two trumpets, about 200 horse, and set themselves for Turriff, to keep their meeting the 16th of May; but the day before, thir nobles came over and visited our Oldtown College about 6 hours at even, syne returned back to New Aberdeen again. So they came from Aberdeen as aforesaid, and upon Thursday the 16th day of May the Marquis of Argyle, the earls of Marischal and Kinghorn, the viscount of Arbuthnot, the lord Gordon, and the lord Burleigh came to Turriff. The lord Elcho came from the leagure lying at Gight and Kellie, to this meeting; and siklike the earl of Findlater, the viscount of Frendraught, the lords of Forbes, Fraser, and Banff, with many barons, heritors and freeholders within the shires of Aberdeen and Banff. There came also out of the shire of Murray the laird of Innes, the laird of Grant, the sheriff of Murray, and diverse other gentlemen. They meet altogether upon the Inch of Turriff, and were estimate about 700 horse and 1300 foot. They had ten colours, ten drums, 6 trumpeters, with brave captains and commanders, and well armed soldiers. The names of all the freeholders of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff are called by the sheriff clerk of Aberdeen, Mr. Patrick Chalmers. off of the rolls. The burghs lent their commissioners whilk were within the two shires; the names of the absents were presently noted; the moderators and ministers p. 195 of the diocese of Aberdeen were called, and there compeared the 12 ministers of the sub-committee, and in their rolls produced the names of all excommunicate papists, disaffected ministers, all malignant laicks, the names of sic persons as rose with the Gordons, the names of all heritors and freeholders. Now ilk minister had given up under his hand the names of sic persons as is abovewritten, and ilk presbytery had given up under their hand the names of the disaffected ministry within their presbytery, and delivered the same to the sub-committee foresaid, to produce in their names, whilk held in their travels frae coming to Turriff to the meeting. Thir rolls being produced, and all men called, and the absents noted, then they went to muster their men upon the foresaid inch, estimate to about 2000 horse and foot, as said is, which came out of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff allenarly. After muster they were all charged by sound of trumpet not to depart out of Turriff while upon the morn, that they received their orders, whilk being come they muster again , then the marquis of Argyle, in name of the public, gave them all thanks openly for this their obedient meeting out of the three shires of Banff, Aberdeen, and Murray, warning withal those of the two former shires to be at a committee to be holden in Aberdeen upon the 24th of May, for taking order with the horsemen, footmen, and arms to be levied, loan money, levy money, and other taxations. He declared likewise that there was a general muster of the shires of Aberdeen, Banff, and Mearns, to be kept the 4th of June next within the Links of Aberdeen, and charged them all to be there; but few compeared or none at all that day. So upon Friday the 17th of May, afternoon, this meeting dissolved at Turriff, and the marquis of Argyle sent some troops of horse to Elgin, charging them to arrest the boats on their coasts, that no boats should go to sea while his further pleasure, fearing the marquis should flee by sea, as he did indeed. In the meantime he came frae Turriff to Cullen of Boyne, where he supped with the earl of Findlater, his cousin german, upon Saturday the 18th of May, where I will leave him while hereafter.
The marquis of Huntly lying quietly at this time at Auchand having his own intelligence how all matters p. 196 past at Turriff, he takes occasion, and shortly leaves the strength, and quietly conveys himself to the Bog of Gight, having in his company James Gordon of Letterfurrie, John Gordon son to John Gordon of Auchmunziel, and John Gordon alias John of Berwick, and takes out of this place some trunks of gold and silver, whereof he had plenty, and some costly rich apparel; thereafter sends the keys to his son the lord Gordon, with his stately saddle horses, syne rides the water of Spey, being clad in coat and trews, with a black bonnet on his head. He comes to Salterhill, where one Alexander Gordon dwelt; takes a sleep; directed the said James Gordon and John of Berwick with his trunks to Cowsie, and provide a boat, where they found a Caithness boat by chance, ships the trunks, and takes the sea shortly, and lands in Caithness, leaving the marquis behind them, to his own hazard, with John Gordon of Auchmunziell's son only with him. He leaves 1000 dollars with this Alexander Gordon in his keeping, because he could not get them carried, whilk he thereafter revealed, and delivered to the lord Gordon, and by moyan of James Gordon, sometime his servitor, gets a boat quickly at Cowsie, ships and lands in Sutherland himself, John Gordon and the said James Gordon. The boat returns with the said James, and he goes to his own house. The marquis with his man spiers for an ale-house, calls for a drink, and sends for —— Gordon of Syddra, dwelling hard beside; he comes and lodged him in his house hard beside all night. Upon the morn he with his man rides to Caithness, stays with his cousin german Francis Sinclair that night, meets with James Gordon of Letterfurrie, and gave him no thanks for leaving of him behind; takes order with his trunks, and dismisses him home, and himself with his man upon the morn horses and to Strathnaver goes he by sea, where he remained sore against his will, while the 4th of October 1645. Thir calamities he did patiently suffer for his loyalty to his master the king.
Ye heard on the other side, how the marquis of Argyle came to Cullen upon Sunday. He would not bide after supper to take a bed, but rode all night, and came to the p. 197 laird of Innes' house in Elgin, where he lodged, and heard devotion upon the morn being Sunday. The provincial assembly happened at this very time to sit down in Elgin, which Argyle carefully attended, and gave the brethren such instructions to attend the ensuing general assembly, as he did at our provincial assembly here in Aberdeen; but hearing of the marquis of Huntly's escape in an open fisher boat, he was highly offended, sent shortly for the boatman, James Gordon in Kinedder, and the said Alexander Gordon in Salterhill, and before the committee in Elgin they are severely sworn and examined anent the conveying away of the said marquis. They all confessed the verity of his embarking and landing, and who were with him; they were all called evil countrymen, and so letten go; but the said Alexander Gordon is ordained to compear before the committee at Aberdeen the 24th of May, and bring the 1000 dollars with him, whilk he did, and had orders to deliver the dollars to the lord Gordon, and so was letten go.
In the mean time Argyle bides in Elgin three days, and shortly directs the Irish regiment to take in Auchindown, there to remain, where they had store of provision, meat and drink enough in great plenty; syne leaves Elgin, and returns back to Aberdeen, upon the 24th of May, where the said Alexander Gordon was ordered, as ye have heard.
A little before this time there was seen in the town of Gellen, pertaining to the earl Marischal, within the parish of Strachan, a fearful unnatural fire whilk kindled of itself, and burnt the bigging of this town only. When the people saw this fire, they ran to quench and stamp it out, but when it was quenched in one part, it brake out in another part. It burnt up a byre with nolt and oxen, none knowing from whence it came. It seemed to be a prognostick of a far greater fire raised on this earl's lands, as ye shall hear hereafter.
Ye heard before how the places of Gight and Kellie were rendered. There was some bigging burnt to the tenants about Kellie, because the laird for his own defence had burnt up some of his barns and byres; he had six children within the place, which when it was rendered were all put to the p. 198 gate, safe and sound. Friends took three of them, and the other three were sent into Old Aberdeen for learning at the schools, but had not a penny of their father's estate bestowed upon them; but thir lawless soldiers lived wealthily upon their father's means, and there, and in the place of Gight also, they destroyed up all, as ye have before, and during their residence at thir two places they sat not idle, but plundered them both, and first they took out the stately insight and plenishing, sic as bedding, napery, vessels, cauldrons, chandlers, fire vessels, whereof there was plenty, kists, coffers, cabinets, trunks, and all other plenishing and armour (whereof there was plenty in both thir houses) whilk they could get carried on horse or foot, and was taken away south, together with the haill horse, mares, oxen, nolt, kine, and sheep, whilk were upon the said mains of Haddo and Gight, and not a four-footed beast left that they could get. When thir commodities were plundered and spoilzied, then they begin to work upon the timber work whilk was fixed; and there they cruelly broke down the wainscot, boards, beds, ambries, timber walls, ceiling, toom girnels, and the like, and made fire of all. They took out the iron yetts, iron stenchions of the windows, broke down the glazed windows, and left neither yett, door nor window unbroken down, and in effect left them desolate before they removed.
Ye heard before of the meeting at Turriff, and of the rolls given up by the sub-committee of the ministry of all excommunicate papists, disaffected ministers and malignant laiks. Order was given at Turriff to James Douglas macer in Edinburgh, attending this service, to summon thir persons, and the marquis of Huntly, the laird of Drum his brother, and their remanent followers, at the mercat cross of Aberdeen, to compear before the said committee, to be holden there the 24th of May, to answer to sic points as were contained in his letters, dated at Turriff, which the said James Douglas used at the said mercat cross of Aberdeen upon the 22d of May, which was thought over short and summary a charge.
Now William Seton of Shethin and William Innes of Tibbertie, as followers of the marquis of Huntly, had both p. 199 their houses pitifully plundered, and their ground spoilzied, nothing left them; and Tibbertie's mill burnt by fire masterfully by the soldiers of the said army.
Word came here of a great overthrow given to our Scotsmen lying at Morpeth by the king's forces. That the earl of Calendar was lying at Dunse with about 4000 men, attending the making of an army of 16,000 foot and 2000 horse, whilk was lifting diligently through all Scotland, to be a recruit to general Lesly's army, now lying at York, to whom came the earl of Fairfax with 3000 horse and foot, whilk betwixt them made up a strong army, with help of the earl of Manchester against our royal king; whilk was foughten, prince Rupert routed, and York taken.
Upon the 24th of May there was a committee holden in the tolbooth of Aberdeen by the earl of Kinghorn, the lord Forbes, the lord Burleigh, the lord Elcho, the lord Fraser, the laird of Drum elder, and sundry other barons. They caused call in the forenoon the rolls of the excommunicate papists, and such of the marquis' friends as were at the plundering of the towns of Banff and Montrose, as ye heard before, and all such persons as rose and assisted the said marquis of Huntly, all such persons as were nonsubscribants, and disaffected to the good cause; such as subscribed, and yet were disaffected; and lastly such as were malignant, or reasoned or spoke any thing privately or publicly against this good cause. These six sorts of people were given up, with the disaffected ministers, throughout the parishes and presbyteries of Aberdeen and Banff, by the ministers themselves at Turriff, as ye have heard; and at Aberdeen thir rolls were called. As this was in doing, the marquis of Argyle lights and comes to the tolbooth, where the absents were noted, and such as were present ordained to compear the morn at 8 hours. The ports are straitly watched night and day; all men had entry, but none wan out without a pass. Upon Saturday the 25th of May ilk person compeared, and was compelled to give bond under the pain of 5000 pounds, to compear before the next parliament, and there to underly the law for their transgressions and for sic as was to be laid to their charges, and in the mean time to p. 200 keep the king's peace , and to this effect they set caution by bond. Such as might get caution, obeyed and wan home; others who could not get caution were warded in the tolbooth of Aberdeen. Sunday they heard devotion; Monday the 27th of May the earl Marischal came in frae Dunnotter to this committee; Tuesday they are made burgesses of Aberdeen, such as the marquis of Argyle, the lord Burleigh, the lord Elcho, and got the wine liberally; Wednesday the 27th of May the town of Aberdeen were warned in the provost and baillies name, by tuck of drum, to conveen in the Gray-friar kirk of Aberdeen, where the samen day provost Patrick Lesly made a speech in presence of them all; first, purging himself by his great oath, that he was safe and free of any delation of his neighbours, their wealth, or affection to the marquis of Argyle or any other; but what was done or delated was by the envy and malice of the neighbours amongst themselves. 2d, He declared the marquis of Argyle his good opinion he conceived of the people of Aberdeen, taking them to be worse exponed than they were indeed. 3d, He told the marquis was to use no rigorous dealing against Aberdeen, but that they should bear a like burden with the rest of the burrows, according to their strength, and no otherwise, and conform to the judgment of the next ensuing parliament, whilk they should see; and because the burgh of Dundee had advanced 1000 pounds sterling in this expedition, it was great reason the town of Aberdeen should advance as meikle upon bond. That if the estates carried this cause, they should be paid with annuals; if otherwise, they should get no payment; yea and besides they would be forced to lend 10,000 pounds sterling upon the like sort of bond. This speech ended, the Dean of Guild with the burgesses of guild went to consultation privately amongst themselves, and presently condescended to lend and advance 1000 pounds sterling, for the whilk ilk man, free and unfree, was soundly taxed.
Now divers troops are daily coming frae the army lying at Kellie and Gight; the earl Marischal and earl of Kinghorn's regiments were disbanded, and it was appointed that the marquis. of Argyle's regiment of Argyle highlandmen p. 201 should be still in Birse, Cromar, and bounds thereabout; the lord Elcho's regiment of Fife should ly still in New Aberdeen, consisting of about 700 foot, with a troop of Argyle's horsemen, and that the Irish regiment should also disband.
About this time and month of May the earl of Lothian came to Edinburgh from England, where he was warded, as ye may see before. He gat liberty by exchange of another lord of the king's, who was taken prisoner by the parliament of England.
Ye heard before how the laird of Gight, the laird of Haddo, John and Alexander Gordons, sons to Gordon at Mill of Kellie, —— Chalmers, son to Chalmers of Drymness, John Logie and —— Dalgardno were brought into Aberdeen. Now it is said the laird of Haddo and the Jaffrays drank together by mediation of some friends, and that they had past from their part of his fine; but the truth is, there was no such agreement between them. Thereafter upon the 15th of May they were transported from Aberdeen with a guard to Edinburgh, and there warded most shamefully in the tolbooth, and straitly kept, to their great grief and displeasure; where I will leave them amongst their enemies hands, abiding trials while hereafter.
The horse troops now daily are coming frae the camp to both Aberdeens, leaving the foot army behind them at Kellie and Gight, who also came upon Thursday the 30th of May from these bounds, and quartered that night upon the laird of Balgownie's bounds, called Thomas Menzies, a papist, and out of the country for his religion. There they lay that night (while the earl of Kinghorn's regiment was removed out of Aberdeen, that they might get their room) plundering the ground and destroying the green growing timber, and corns, at their pleasure. Upon Friday the last of May they marched into Aberdeen, and were quartered there and in Old Aberdeen. Also there was slain that samen day by some of Kinghorn's regiment, a man called John Martin, a lax-fisher on Dee, and servitor to Mr. Matthew Lumsden, and another hurt, for the whilk the malefactors were apprehended at the earl of Kinghorn's command, and warded in the tolbooth of Aberdeen, but p. 202 afterwards wan free, and he and his regiment removed out of Aberdeen upon Saturday the 1st of June, after the town gat good payment for their quarters; and in their places came in the lord Elcho's regiment, consisting of about 700 foot, and an horse troop of the marquis of Argyle's, consisting of 60 men, who were ordered to ly in Aberdeen upon all hazard, in case of rising again in this country, whilk did little good, but wrecked the town of Aberdeen with their quartering. Sic men as were put into the place of Drum pertained to the earl of Lothian and laird of Lare's regiment; they were removed, and as many of the lord Elcho's regiment were put in their places, at this time, to keep that house.
Ye heard how the committees were daily holding in Aberdeen. They are curious to try every man's estate. and being fully informed of their means and wealth both in burgh and land, then they were summoned to compear before their committee in Aberdeen, where the marquis of Argyle daily sat in the tolbooth with the rest, and there they desired of ilk man such a certain sum as they knew they might lift or advance to the estates,, upon band of repayment again, whilk if the people disobey, they were enacted for the samen; and if they disobeyed, no more but sending out parties to plunder them, at least to put them to the horn. Thus ministers nor laicks were not spared, that had any money; and such as were not acted before the committee were urged in Aberdeen to subscribe a band, called a blind band, where ilk man was obliged to lend the estates sic a sum blank, the term of payment blank, otherwise to became cautioners for the estates to any other man who had money (if they wanted money of their own to lend) for sic a sum blank, the term of payment blank, and the estates to be obliged to relieve them of their cautionary. Thus such as had monies were forced to lend the same, without hope ever to get repayment back again, and such as had no monies upon bank, yet responsal and powerful beside, is compelled to become cautioner for the estates to sic as had monies; and yet they knew not how much they were cautioners for, nor to whom they were obliged, nor what was the term of payment, by which means the king's p. 203 subjects were brought under such conditions that they knew not what to do nor how to live, seeing their means were daily taken frae them, whilk they had made sore travel for, to the impoverishing of themselves, their wives and bairns, and neither covenanter nor anti-covenanter, minister nor countryman, were spared; whilk doubtless was the just judgment of God for beginning sic a covenant with open rebellion against so good and gracious a king; and surely there was many covenanters wished it had not been begun, and grievously murmured against their proceedings; but they durst not speak nor yet complain.
There were many acts made at this committee, before Argyle departed, amongst which it was enacted, that he should have 18,000 merks for inbringing of the marquis of Huntly to the estates quick or dead, and as meikle for inbringing the laird of Drum, and such other sums for his brother young Gight, Nathaniel Gordon, and divers other persons who followed the said marquis.
Thir things done, the marquis of Argyle upon Friday the last of May took his leave of Aberdeen, where all this time he was lodged in provost Patrick Lesly's house, most honourably, and when he went to horse was convoyed with nobles, barons, burgesses, bare-headed for the most part, so highly was he exalted in thir days, little inferior to a king, who promised to return back to Aberdeen, to the great committee to be holden the 24th of July. He went that night to Dunnotter, leaving orders behind him for holding of committees for ingathering of men, money, horses, and victuals, to be sent to our army in England, so that sic victual as was left unplundered, eaten and destroyed, was shipped here and there through all the north parts, so that neither covenanter nor anti-covenanters girnels were spared, but the covenanters had condition of payment from the general commissary, John Denham, of eight merks for the boll, whereas they kept up their victual, looking for ten pound the boll frae the country people.. The just judgment of God upon the covenanters!
About this time the lord Banff and master of Banff's grounds were plundered, and the master (his father being in Edinburgh) unhappily hurt a serjeant, who was wrongously p. 204 plundering his father's bounds, whereupon followed that his house of Raittie was pitifully plundered and abused, and his girnels broken up, and victual destroyed. The master himself fled, and durst not be seen in the country, whilk no doubt was grievous to his father, now summoned over to the parliament and attending the same, and seeing his house and ground sore opprest. This was done by soldiers of the Irish regiment.
Our sovereign lord's session sat not down in Edinburgh upon the first of June; but in respect of thir troubles was continued to the first of November, whereby the king's lieges were frustrated of justice in this session; yet inferior courts sat daily after the old manner, and began the first of June.
Ye heard before of the incoming of the foot army frae Gight and Kellie, leaving both the houses well manned for keeping of the same. They came in with flying colours, trumpeters and drums, in good order, with their ammunition, cart pieces, and other arms, but there was no cannons; both burgh and land was plagued to furnish them baggage horse, from the aforesaid bounds to Aberdeen, and from that South.
Now the Irish regiment pertaining to the earl of Lothian and Laird of Lares, resolves to come to Aberdeen, to plunder the samen, unless they got good payment of their wages, promised to them before they came out of Ireland, and that whether the Fife regiment lying in Aberdeen would or not. This regiment, by direction, had been at Banff, Turriff, Auchindown, and other parts in the country, and now was come to Drum. The town of Aberdeen, hearing of this resolution of this rascal merciless regiment, went shortly and condescended amongst themselves to lift 20,000 pounds, to lend the samen to the provost, baillies, and town of Aberdeen's treasurer, who by their band, in name of the estates, became obliged to repay back again the said sum to the town of Aberdeen, to be divided amongst them ilk ane for their own part. This band being made, and the money lifted, the same was delivered to Mr. Robert Farquhar, to be distribute to them according to his order, and first he payed to the Irish regiment, now lying at p. 205 Drum, Drum, upon the 3d day of June, being about 800 brave footmen, beside their commanders, 4000 merks; after receipt whereof, they took the highgate south frae Drum. By and attour the country and town furnished horse to carry their baggage, which came by sea to Aberdeen, and sent their wives out of Old Aberdeen, who had lyen here since the —— day of March, to overtake them at Fettercairn; and so Aberdeen was well quit of this regiment with the rest, suppose upon their own expences, and no regiment was left, except the lord Elcho's regiment of Fifemen in Aberdeen, and a regiment of Argyle's highlandmen called the Cleansers, who lay in Birse, Cromar, Glentanner, Glenmuck, Abergeldie, Aboyne, and other places about, where indeed they cleansed all frae their coming there, which was upon the —— day of May, till the first of July that they departed, leaving only behind them a captain with 80 soldiers. This regiment of Argyle's men, was counted 800 footmen, with their commanders; they neither spared covenanter nor anti-covenanter, minister nor laick. The haill country people fled that could flee, and left their houses desolate. They plundered and spoilzied the house of Aboyne and house of Abergeldie, with their ground; they spoilzied and plundered the haill Birse, Cromar, Glentanner, Glenmuick, and left neither horse, sheep, nolt, ky, nor four-footed beast in all these brave countries, nor victuals, corn, goods, or gear, that they might lay their hands upon; and seeing they could not live longer in these harried bounds, they got orders and removed home over again upon the foresaid first of July, leaving only one of the captains with 80 men. But this vengeance which fell on thir countries, upon the covenanters and ministers, was doubtless the just judgment of God foe beginning sic a play against their royal king; for they were compelled to furnish. out troops and footmen upon their own expences, as well as non-covenanters; they behoved to pay their levy money, loan money, taxations, and to lend money to the estates, or become cautioners therefore, by and attour this grievous plundering of their goods and gear by merciless soldiers; whilk doubtless thir covenanters from their hearts lamented, and sore repented the beginning of this p. 206 covenant, never looking to have suffered the smart thereof, as they did, till they were all drawn in an hose-net, frae the whilk they could not fly, nor now durst speak against the same, nor give any disobedience, under the pain of plundering.
Ye heard of the lifting of 20,000 pounds out of Aberdeen; whereof there was sent to the Irish regiment, lying at Drum, 1000 dollars or 4000 merks; and siklike there was paid out thereof to the town's people the quartering of the earl of Kinghorn's soldiers during their residence in Aberdeen, and what was over to ly in Mr. Robert Farquhar's hands. Thus Aberdeen paid first 18,000 merks, and now lent 20,000 pounds (but the Lord sent them good payment) and this by and attour the vexation and quartering of the marquis of Huntly's friends and followers, as ye have before.
Ye heard before of orders given out at Turriff, for a general muster to be holden in the Links of Aberdeen upon the 4th of June, out of the shires of Banff, Aberdeen, Kincardine, or Mearns; but this day was slightly keeped, and very few conveened. The cause of this convention was said to be for making up the earl Marischal's and lord Gordon's regiments compleat.
Great preparations south and north for raising a recruit to general Lesly's army in England, and that the earl of Calendar was lying at Kelso with 4000 men, intending there to collect an army of 16,000 foot and 2000 horse, to march into England, whilk with Lesly's army would be about 4O,000 men; for rigging of whilk this poor country was cruelly opprest. Others reported that his army was devised to take in Newcastle, and not to be a recruit.
Upon the —— day of June, the general assembly sat down in Edinburgh. Mr. James Bonner, minister of Maybole in Galloway, is chosen moderator. No commissioner comes frae the king. They not the less go on; the ministry of the shires of Aberdeen, Banff, Murray, Nairn, and Inverness, had orders to present before this assembly in write all the names of such persons as rose with and assisted the marquis of Huntly, ilk minister within his own parochin; whilk they did. Whereupon an act of the General Assembly was made, ordaining ilk minister, within p. 207 his own parish, to cause thir persons to make public repentance upon the stool for this their rising with the said marquis, or otherwise to excommunicate them for their disobedience; and this to be done both in burgh and land. There were divers other acts, and an assembly indited to be holden at Edinburgh the last Thursday of May 1645, and so dissolved; but thir acts got no obedience.
Upon the first Tuesday of the month of June, being the 4th day, our parliament sat down in Edinburgh, wanting the king or his viceroy, as depending from the last parliament in anno 1641. The earl of Lauderdale is chosen president of this parliament. Sundry Aberdeen's men were called, such as Mr. Alexander Davidson, Mr. Alexander Reid, Mr. Patrick Chalmers, Mr. John Chalmers, Thomas Nicolson, Richard Alexander, George Gordon, George Morison, and divers others. But they were all ordained by parliament, with such as had let caution, to compear before the parliament, that they should answer before the committee at Aberdeen the 11th of July next, there to abide trial and censure. But this committee was adjourned to the 25th of July, for causes moving the parliament, by proclamation at the Cross of Aberdeen; and that same day John Denham, general commissary to the collections, rode south to Edinburgh in haste.
Old Aberdeen, with certain heritors lying about the same, is ordered to furnish out an horseman and arms, called a trooper, to the lord Gordon, and the baillies ordained to pay for the town's part of the said trooper, 52 pound or thereby; and to collect off the heritors of cornfield lands lying about, the sum of —.— —.— making up in the haill 186 pounds, thirteen millings and four pennies, and to pay the same, under the pain of plundering; and to that effect upon the 8th of June, quartered on the poor town a troop of horsemen, while the monies were paid. The Oldtown baillies taxed their own town, and advanced the rest out of their own purses, while they collected the same, as is formerly said, and so this troop was shortly removed.
None were spared, and who refused thir orders p. 208 nothing but sending out of parties upon them to live upon their rents and goods, without authority or law from the king.
About this time there went out of the lord Elcho's regiment lying in Aberdeen, an horse troop confining of 60 horse, and 60 foot musketeers, down to Haddo and Gight, living there, and in the country about, idle, without doing of any good service, and spared not to take their meat, ass well from covenanter as non-covenanter, daily oppressing the king's lieges, and feeding their horses in the pleasant orchards and yards of the said houses.
Upon Sunday the 9th of June, being Whitsunday, an imprinted act of committee after sermon was read out at our kirk-door in Old Aberdeen, charging all heritors, feuers, and gentlemen who had saddle horses within 160 pounds of price, to bring them to the Links of Aberdeen the 21st of June next, where they should be appraised by indifferent men, and paid for, to serve the troops within this shire. It was also published through the rest of the parishes within the diocese. Some compeared, but little was done this day. Now in this month of June there is divers foot companies and horse troops sending south to make up the earl Marischal's and lord Gordon's regiments, and that with great diligence.
The covenanters, as well as non-covenanters, are compelled to furnish out foot and horse, loan money, levy money, taxations, lending of money, subscribing of the blind band, and so forth, where, if they failed, then parties to be sent out to live upon their estates; which seemed to be the just judgments of God against the Covenanters, beginners of this bargain against their royal king, whereof no doubt they had great repentance, if they could any wise mend it.
There was a fight about Morpeth, where divers of our Scots foot soldiers were overcome by the banders, stripped out of their cloaths and arms, and sent home naked about this time; and in another skirmish about York, major Bellendine, with about 15 soldiers, were killed to general Lesly.
The town of Edinburgh, for causes moving them, caused p. 209 transport eighteen pieces of cannon out of the Castle, and planted them upon the causey, in the beginning of June, at the guard house, betwixt the Cross and the Tron.
Ye heard before how the marquis of Argyle rode south. It was said he was the worse thought of, for missing the marquis of Huntly untaken prisoner.
Upon the 15th of June, Alexander Irvine younger of Drum, Mary Gordon his lady, Robert Irvine his brother, Mr. Alexander Irvine sent to John Irvine of Artamford, and Robert Irvine town's officer, with two gentlewomen: attending the young lady, shipped at Frasersburgh, and to the sea go they; but the lady was sore troubled with seasickness, as the rest was. They unhappily landed in Caithness, within two miles of Wick, where a committee happened to be sitting. They are taken and tried by Francis Sinclair, son to the earl of Caithness, and second and third of kin with this young lady Drum, and all warded together in the castle of Keith, as like wile he sent word to the general committee of estates and parliament, now sitting at Edinburgh, that he had taken thir persons prisoners, whereat the estates were marvellous blyth for getting such a rich prey, and gave order for their transportation, as ye shall see hereafter. But here it is to be wondered at, how unnatural this Francis Sinclair was, to go and take and apprehend his blood friend, and her husband, with his few followers, who in a manner had tane shelter and protection of him in his country, in the time of their pitiful distress, but rather might have advertised them to have gone again to sea, and do for themselves, which unkindly he did not, albeit it stood to the peril of the gentlemens lives, because he hoped to get payment of 18,000 merks for taking of young Drum, 9000 for his brother, 3000 for Mr. Alexander Irvine, and 1000 merks for Robert Irvine, as was promised by the estates. Thus this miserable man, looking to this worldly pelf, forgot his honour and his blood, to the great, discomfort and great grief of thir honourable persons, as ye may see hereafter.
It is true the lord Forbes received good payment from the estates, of 3000 merks, for taking —.— Irvine of Lenturk; and warding him in the tolbooth of Aberdeen, where p. 210 Alexander Garden, servitor to the laird of Drum, was also warded, all for one cause.
Upon the 11th of June, Lewis Gordon, third son to the marquis, came frae his sister the lady Haddington to Aberdeen, and fell in company with the lord Gordon his brother, who made him colonel to his foot company. Now divers companies of horse and foot are sending south under the earl Marischal and Lord Gordon's regiments, to compleat their numbers.
The town of Edinburgh is now under great fear, and some cannons taken out of the castle, and planted anent the guardhouse, as was said before.
Now parties are setting out daily upon covenanters as well as non-covenanters, to furnish out horse and foot, loan money and levy money, arms, and all other things, according to the order set down by the committee at Aberdeen, otherwise thir parties to ly feeding upon their estates and goods, both night and day; the just judgments of God upon the Covenanters, who began thir vexations, and doubtless they sore repented it now, though they durst not shew it.
Upon Monday the 17th of June the colleginers in Old Aberdeen were laureat, and the Newtown colleginers long before, whilk used not to be laureat while Lammass; for fear of thir troubles.
The lord Gordon was straitly charged by the estates of parliament, not to receive any of such in his regiments as were at Banff or Montrose, or any landed gentlemen that rose with the marquis his father, except such common people as had no goods to tine.
Upon Sunday the 23d of June, after the forenoon sermon sermon, Mr. William Strachan, minister at Old Aberdeen, made intimation out of pulpit of the excommunication of the earls of Montrose, Crawford and Nithsdale, the viscount of Aboyne, the lord Kerest and the lord Ogilvie, for breaking out on our borders in serving the king, and that they were all excommunicate by order of the General Assembly through all the kirks of Edinburgh, and that the same was ordained to be intimate throughout all the kirks cf Scotland. p. 211 About the last of June the earl of Calendar marched forward from Kelso with a goodly army both of horse and foot towards England. Upon the first of July the Argyle soldiers removed out of Glentanner, Cromar, Birse, and the bounds about, which they had altogether spoilzied, and home they go, except only a captain and 80 men, who also shortly followed.
Word came of a great battle fought betwixt prince Rupert, the earl of Manchester, and general Lesly, and the earl of Fairfax, where much blood was shed, the viscount of Dudhop sore bruised, whereof he died, and his corps brought to Scotland. See hereafter. That York was rendered to the English, and not to the Scotch, whilk presaged a national quarrel betwixt the two nations; and the same day the battle was fought, being the 2d of July, there was heard through all thir parts the noise of a cannon shot, terrible to hear, and whilk was thought no shot, but an advertisement from God, as may well be seen hereafter.
There came out a printed paper, declaring the causes of a public fast, whilk copied is this:
Causes of a solemn fast and humiliation, to be kept by ordinance of the late General Assembly, upon the first sabbath of July next in this instant year 1644, and he Thursday next immediately following.
1st, A not answerable walking to our covenant with God; for first, former zeal is wanting in the best, and many who seemed forward, are now either become neutral, or secret underminers, or avowed adversaries and apostates.
2d, A great guiltiness lieth on this land, that temporizing enemies, especially ministers, are received too suddenly into the covenant, who mind nothing but their own ends; although it hath pleased the Lord of his free love to multiply upon this nation unparalleled favours, in the plenty of truth and peace, notwithstanding of all the secret conspiracies and open violences of enemies, both within and without, and that upon so easy a rate (in comparison of our dear brethren about us, who are swimming in blood for purchasing and attaining unto the like, and the same precious truth and peace) yet such is our monstrous ingratitude, p. 214 that the haill land is overflowed with a speat of formality and profanity, as appeareth by our unbelief, manifold oaths, Sabbath-breaking, oppressions, uncleanness, drunkenness, and all other sorts of sins, against the laws of God and our covenant, for the which great wrath is threatened and imminent, and we have just reason to fear a deeper draught of that cup, than our brethren or neighbours have tasted of.
3d, We have matter to supplicate the God of heaven, to bless and prosper all means used and intended for the establishing and finishing of this work among ourselves, and advancing thereof in the neighbour kingdoms, such as parliaments and assemblies of divines, and committees from them, and armies already in the fields, and going to the fields.
4th, Because of the unhappy and lamentable division between our king and his kingdoms, begun and fomented by delinquents, malignants, jesuits, and papists, and unnatural countrymen. We have great reason to wrestle with God (who has the hearts of kings in his own hand) that he would deliver our king from their company and counsel, and fill his heart with love of reformation, and thoughts of love and peace towards his loyal subjects.
5th, That our gracious Lord will be pleased to turn the troubles and commotions not only of thir three kingdoms, but elsewhere, to the accomplishing and fulfilling, all the desires and wishes of God's saints concerning the advancement of the kingdom of the son of God, and the utter ruin of that man of sin and his kingdoms.
> Sic subscr.
This fast was appointed to be keeped the first Sunday of July, and Thursday thereafter, as ye have heard. So here in Old Aberdeen upon the 7th of July we had a fast, entering the church by 9 hours, and continuing praying and preaching while two hours. After sermon, the people sat still, hearing reading while afternoon's sermon began, and ended, whilk continued till within half an hour to six; then the prayer bell rang to the evening prayers, and continued till 7. Thus was the people, wearied with fasting and praying, under colour of zeal, whilk rather appeared p. 213 a plain mockery of God. So Thursday thereafter the like was kept here. The king and his posterity prayed for, the queen prayed for, but none prayed to confound the armies raised against him, but rather prayed for their good success. Strange to see sic prayers and fasts!
Upon the back of this humiliation, and about the 12th of July, there came word to Aberdeen that general Lesly, with the assistance of the earl of Fairfax and the earl of Manchester, growing to an army of about 38,000 foot and horse (whereof Lesly had prest many out of Yorkshire, lying now at the siege thereof, sore against their wills) always prince Rupert hearing of this, comes with a brave army of horse and foot, nothing inferior to his enemies, to raise the siege; and upon Tuesday the 2d of July, that day a battle was foughten, as ye have heard. The victory with great blood inclined to the parliament's side, and prince Rupert fearfully routed, as was declared out of our pulpit by Mr. William Strachan, saying, the Lord prevented our sitting by giving our army the victory before our humiliation, and that the army the same day of our fast was giving thanks to God for their victory. Howsoever it was, it was reported that general Lesly was not the occasion of this victory, because he fled the battle to Leeds, 18 miles frae the army, and none of our Scots army bade, except three regiments, one under the earl of Lindsay, another under Sir David Lesly, and the third under colonel Lumsden, who fought it out stoutly. York rendered to the earls of Fairfax and Manchester, upon condition that no Scotsman should enter within the same, and Sir Thomas Fairfax is made governor. There was store of money lent out of the town to the Scots army, whereby they should have some content, and depart. Lesly was evil thought of by the English for this day's service, and some thought they were now beginning to lightly our Scots, tending to an national quarrel, there was much blood on both sides and prisoners taken, amongst whom the viscount of Dudhop was one, who died, and his corps was brought about by licence to Scotland, to be buried among his honourable ancestors.
It is said prince Rupert rebuked the earl of Newcastle, then governor of York, and general King both, in whom p. 214 the king had too much confidence, for their slow service at this fight; and that they were more given for gathering of gear unjustly, than for the king's honour. They feared themselves; shipped at Scarborough quietly, with abundance of monies, and to Hamburgh go they. Prince Rupert departs his own ways, and general Lesly returns to Newcastle, where the earl of Calendar came also, to besiege the same by land, and ten of the parliament's ships came also into the river, to besiege the same by sea, so that no men nor provision should come that way.
Our parliament establishes a constant committee of estates to sit in Edinburgh, for ruling of the country, prorogues the parliament to the 8th of January 1645, without warrant of, or commissioner from the king, and upon the —.— day of July dissolves, whilk had sitten since the 4th of June, as ye have before.
The committee appointed to be holden at Aberdeen the 11th of July, is, by open proclamation at the mercat cross, prorogued to the 25th of July next.
Ye have heard in many places before, how the earl of Montrose was heard with the earl of Argyle, anent some speeches alledged spoken by Mr. John Steuart, for the whilk he was execute; how it followed that Argyle intercepted some letters which Montrose had sent to the king; how himself with the lord Napier, the lairds of Keir and Blackhall, were warded in Edinburgh; how the lord Sinclair brake up Montrose' trunks, and carried letters to the estates , how he is brought before the committee at Edinburgh; how he was more strictly overwatched; he and Napier, Ker and Blackhall, are summoned to the parliament as incendiaries and plotters; how he is counted one of the five incendiaries by act of parliament; how he writes frae the castle to the king, being in Edinburgh, a missive of much importance; how he, Traquair, Keir, and Blackhall, were handled before the parliament; how they are set at liberty; how they are troubled as incendiaries before the parliament, and continued; how Montrose rode to the king, but had no presence; how he rode again to the king; and the intimation of his excommunication. Montrose by thir deeds, and diverse others, was grievously p. 215 vexed by Argyle and the estates, whereof he was the ringleader, and was forced to flee his native country to the king's majesty for redress; and after he had shewn his mind amply to the king, he thought wisely upon the same, and found thir estates had made the marquis of Huntly flee his native country likewise, and his haill loyal subjects in Scotland opprest pitifully, under the pretext of religion, which his majesty maintained, viz. the true protestant religion, with his just and sacred authority; the fundamental laws and privileges of parliaments; and the peace and freedom of the thralled subject; and considered, if the marquis of Huntly had come in to the estates, and joined his power with theirs, he was likely to lose his authority over this nation. The king having thought upon thir and divers other grounds, made the earl of Montrose marquis, and gives him his letters patent to be lieutenant general of Scotland, which gladly was accepted by Montrose, and faithfully prosecuted, as in many places hereafter ye may see. The king furnishes him with about 1500 Irishes, brought up in West Flanders, expert soldiers, with a year's pay, amongst whom Alaster M'Donald was a valiant captain, born in the isles (who had fled Argyle's tyranny, who had warded his father and two brethren, and took their lands and possessions from them) a man resolved to revenge thir injuries against Argyle, if he might, and gladly took this occasion to hazard with the marquis of Montrose in this service, who was no less glad of his service and assistance. This mighty Montrose having gotten the king's patent to go upon the covenanting rebels in Scotland, with fire and sword, and either bring them under subjection and obedience, or otherwise destroy them all, their lives, lands, and goods; he, I say, gives order to this Alaster M'Donald to ship his soldiers, and land them in Ardnamurchan, an island belonging to Argyle, and destroy his country, and promised to meet him in Scotland, and likewise gave order to this captain of his carriage and travels while they met, being confident that the king had some good subjects in Scotland. M'Donald takes the sea, and the 8th of July lands in the foresaid Isle of Ardnamurchan, plunders the haul goods and gear, kills the inhabitants, and burns p. 216 the haill country, takes in a strong castle, and mans the same with all provision necessary.
Thereafter he takes in another island and castle thereof, burns, kills and plunders all. Argyle now in Edinburgh, and hearing and knowing of this business, hastily provides some parliament ships, and some of our own Scots ships, to keep the seas, that he should not escape, and himself came in by land with an army, that he should not win away that gate; but this wise and valiant McDonald, hearing of this preparation, gives order to keep thir two strong castles for his use, syne suddenly ships and lands in the Isle of Sky, safely marches therefrae into Kintail and Abertarf, wrote to the committee of Murray then sitting in Auldearn a charge, with a fiery cross of timber, whereof every point was learned and burnt with fire, commanding all manner of men within that country to rise and follow the king's lieutenant the lord marquis of Montrose, under the pain of fire and sword. The burgh of Inverness was under great fear , but he past by, and did no wrong but took their meat, and marched into Badenoch. The committee of Murray hastily writes to the committee of Aberdeen, and sends the same fiery cross to them, whilk they kept; syne writes to the committee of Edinburgh, who sent orders that Murray, Ross, Caithness, and Sutherland should be in arms, and that proclamation should be made at the parish kirks and mercat crosses within the shires of Aberdeen and Banff, that all manner of men betwixt 60 and 16, horse and foot, should be in their best arms, and at their rendezvouz in Aberdeen, upon the 11th day of August, and that the shires of Kincardine, Elgin and Forres, should have their rendezvouz likewise here the 14th of August. This proclamation was printed and published diligently.
Here ye may see the inbringing of thir committees were to hold out the king; for neither he nor none in his majesty's name could light in any part of this country, but advertisements past to raise all manner of men in arms, to maintain their covenant against them that fought their overthrow; where I will cease while hereafter.
In the month of July queen Mary shipped and passed for France, where she was royally entertained. p. 217
Upon the 24th of July, the lord Elcho and the lord Burleigh returned to Aberdeen, to whom came the earl Marischal, the earl of Findlater, the viscount of Arbuthnot, the viscount of Frendraught, the lord Fraser, the lord Carnegie, with sundry barons and gentlemen, who held their committees in Aberdeen, their time about; but the lord Burleigh sat constantly as president. Argyle, as he promised, and was expected, came not to this committee. Mr. James Baird, directed by the estates, attended, who gave no good counsel for the country, as was thought.
This samen 24th of July, there came in to thir committees out of the shires of Aberdeen, Banff, and Kincardine, certain gentlemen, who had set caution, under great sums, to compear, for sic causes as was to be laid to their charge; but such as were within the shire of Banff were referred to the committee holden at Elgin, and such as were within the shire of Aberdeen to the committee thereof, who sat upon them only, and the rest returned home to the committees foresaid.
Ye heard before how the lairds of Gight, Haddo, with some others, were had to Edinburgh. The parliament begins first with Haddo, and John Logie his man; accusing Haddo for helping to take Patrick Lesly provost, Mr. Robert Farquhar, Alexander and John Jaffrays, out of Aberdeen, as ye have heard before. Haddo answered, he was there indeed, but did no wrong in taking thir men, they being avowed incendiaries against the king, factious and seditious both in burgh and land. 2d, He was accused for rising with the marquis of Huntly in arms against the country; he answered, Not so, but against the king's enemies. 3d, He was accused for the slaughter of Mr. James Stalker at Turriff, as ye have heard before. This he denied simpliciter. 4th, He was accused for killing two men at his house of Kelly, when the samen was besieged at the command of the estates; he answered, what he did was done in his own defence, against his enemies, coming without the king's authority to oppress him. He was accused upon sundry other points; such as were true he boldly confessed, and such as were false he stoutly denied.
Then John Logie was accused upon some points; and
p. 218
after much trial and inquisition, the parliament referred
them both to underly the law before the justice and his
assessors, viz. four nobles, four barons, and four burgesses,
who were adjoined to them; where, after much plead of
law, they are referred to the trial of an assize, and Haddo
is convicted, 1st, For being at the taking of the provost of
Aberdeen and the rest. 2d, For raising of arms with the
marquis of Huntly against the country, 3d, For killing of
two soldiers at his house of Kelly, and for some other points,
as was said. In like manner John Logie was convict, and
both condemned to be beheaded at the cross of Edinburgh,
whilk conviction the parliament immediately thereafter
approved to be good and lawful, and therewith ordained him
to be forfeited as a traitor. It is said the earl Marischal
laboured meikle for his life, but came no speed, through the
malice of the kirk, the burrows and some noblemen, which
made Marischal the more cold in the good cause, as ye may
hereafter hear. Haddo's friends within the town desired
licence to convoy him to his death and burial, whilk the
parliament refused, except they granted to give up a list of
sic friends as they would have, and the parliament to choose
out only six of the number, upon condition that there
should be no speech betwixt Haddo and them, coming from
the tolbooth to the scaffold, nor yet upon the scaffold,
whilk was condescended and kept. The estates directs the
provost and baillies of Edinburgh to convoy him and John
Logie, with a strong guard, to the scaffold, and to attend
the execution. Haddo prepared himself nobly for death,
and caused make a syde holland cloth sark, luckned at the
head, for his winding sheet. He had on his head a white
pearled mutch; he had no coat, but a pair of black breeks,
white socks, and a pair of mools on his feet. Thus is he
and John Logie brought to the scaffold, with his six friends,
from the tolbooth, guarded as said is, upon the 19th of
July. Some of the town's ministers came, desiring him
to confess his sins before God, and to trust in his mercy.
He answered, he did humbly confess he was a grievous
sinner before God, and craved him mercy, and was assured to
be loved by Jesus Christ. Then one of the ministers cried
out to the people, saying, Haddo confessed himself guilty in
p. 219
raising of arms against the country, but he answered,.
Not so; I confessed myself a great sinner against God,
but never transgressed against the country, but against sic
as were disloyal subjects to the king; and what I did, I
thought good service.
Then the haill ministers railed out
pitifully against him, whilk he patiently beheld, and desired
to be relaxed from excommunication, after confession
of his sins, now going to death. The ministers, with some
little grudge, granted the same, and loosed him upon the
scaffold from the sentence. Then upon his knees he
prayed to God, and one of the ministers prayed for him; and
in the meantime while he is praying fervently in prayer with
God, they in his face caused strike off John Logie's head
most cruelly and despitefully. But Haddo was no whit
terrified at this sight, but constantly continued in his prayer.
After John Logie's death, immediately there came up to
the scaffold two heralds in their coat arms, one of them
having a paper in his hand, containing some articles, and
likewise another paper, wherein his arms were painted and
drawn. Then this herald with a loud voice cried out
before the people (whereof there were great multitudes
standing about the scaffold) and read these articles. The
parliament has found thee Sir John Gordon of Haddo,
worthy of death, and thy head to be striken from thy
shoulders. 2d, The. parliament declares thee John
Gordon of Haddo to be a villain and traitor to the king and to
the country, and therefore I here rive thy arms in thy own
whilk he did indeed rive and rent, as ye shall hear.
The haill people standing beside, were astonished at this
uncouth declaration out of an herald's mouth, clad in his
coat of arms upon the scaffold. None durst say against the
parliament's declaration, but most part of the auditors
thought it was well done, and Haddo deferred all. Then
the herald said, 3. These arms, which thy forebears
through their virtue has conquest and won for their honour,
I declare, for thy treason, never to be worn hereafter by
thy posterity,
and with these words the herald in
Haddo's own face rive his arms, and keist them over the
scaffold, whilk he patiently beheld, sitting on his knees all the
time. The herald having ended, then he begins a little
p. 220
short prayer, and ends, saying, I recommend my soul to
God, and my six children to his majesty's care, for whose
sake I die this day.
Then he turns to the place of
execution. The executioner craved him pardon to do his
office, he gives him out of his pocket a double angel,
saying, do thy office, man,
and shortly with a maiden he
was beheaded. The six gentlemen received his head with
woeful hearts, which with the corps was shortly put in a
kist, as John Logie's head was first kisted, and both
together were convoyed to the Gray Friar kirk-yard, and
buried. Thus ended this worshipful gentleman, born down
by the burrows of Scotland, ministers of Edinburgh, and
parliament of this land, especially by the marquis of
Argyle, the lord Balmerinoch, and the kirk, because he would
never subscribe the covenant, but stoutly followed the king
in thir troublesome times, and lived
and died a good protestant.
It is true, the Jaffrays in Aberdeen, whom as ye heard he fell in odds with, did him no good, but were the ground cf his death, as by the progress of that discourse herein set down, does appear; and albeit the beginning of this business was of small value, yet it grew to a great height, and incensed the burrows mightily against Haddo at his death, and bred some fashery to the country before. However this valiant worshipful knight is done to death after this manner, to the great grief of his kin and friends, and of his six children, now both fatherless and motherless, and but young bairns also. The Jaffrays, through his death, fand not themselves the more secure, but held under continual fear of his friends, as indeed they had just reason. And albeit Haddo was an ancient baron, of a good estate, and still a loyal subject to the king, hardy, stout and bold in all hazards, a friend to his friends, and terrible to his enemies, of a good life and conversation, temperate, moderate and religious, loath and unwilling still to give offence, and as loath to take offence, and withal a good neighbour, loving and kind to his tenants and friends; yet thus he ended nevertheless, without authority or warrant from the king; his life is taken from him, and his estate forfeited, being abut fourscore chalders of yearly rent; his house of Kelly p. 221 abused, his costly plenishing plundered, his girnels, wherein there was ninescore chalders victual to the fore, for three years rents, by soldiers taken; his corns, cattle, horses, nolt, sheep, goods, and gear, whereof he had great abundance, altogether plucked and rest frae him by merciless rascals and runnagate soldiers, sent down by the estates of our parliament upon his ground, without the king's authority, and no part of his estate appointed by them to sustain his six fatherless children, but sustained (not according to their birth) with some friends in this country. It is true, his death was pitifully bemoaned and lamented, and some thought it would not go unrevenged.
John and Alexander Gordons, sons to —— Gordon at mill of Kelly, who were had over with him, were set to liberty thereafter.
Shortly after his death, the provost of Dumfries, called Sir James Maxwell, was headed likewise at the cross of Edinburgh, for receiving some of the banders within the town; a true king's man, and hater of his enemies, for the which he suffered likewise death, as has been said.
Now the parliament goes on against sir George Gordon of Gight, and John Gordon his brother, who was also had over with him to Edinburgh. He is accused upon divers matters, but denies all; he is accused upon the plundering of Banff, whilk he denied, except some monies he received in borrowing, upon promise of restitution. It is referred to his oath; he depones conform, and subscribes his deposition; they craftily summoned over witnesses out of Banff to prove him perjured, and thereby guilty of death; at last his process is continued to the 8th of January 1645, that the parliament should sit down, through whilk delay he escaped prison, as ye have hereafter.
Nathaniel Gordon, cousin german to this laird of Gight, seeing him so straitly handled, and Haddo done to the death, looked for no better himself if he happened to come in hands, for rising with the marquis of Huntly, and being at the abusing of Montrose, as ye have heard; he therefore resolved to stand out and defend himself as long as he could, and waits upon St. James' Fair, yearly holden at Elgin of Murray,. the 24th of July, and having his cousin —— p. 222 Leith younger of Harthill, and some few others of his faction in his company, he waited upon the coming of the merchants of Dundee and Aberdeen to this fair, and reft and spoilzied the harmless merchants of about 14000 merks of money, to their great hurt and skaith. But the spoilzied burgesses of Aberdeen came into the town where the committee was sitting for the time, and made an heavy complaint upon this oppression; whereupon they sent out the Lord Gordon, with other parties, to take the said Nathaniel Gordon and his complices; but they returned wanting their prey, and the honest men gat no amends.
About this time, captain Alexander Keith, brother to the earl Marischal, raised an horse troop, and Sir William Forbes of Craigievar another horse troop, to attend this country , but sore was Old Aberdeen opprested with the first troop, which came upon the last of July, had free quarters two days, and cut down the green growing bear to their horses; pitiful to behold!
Ye heard before of the down sitting of the committee at Aberdeen. They go on, grievously fining the marquis of Huntly's friends within the sheriffdom, such as came in; and upon the last of July they set out a proclamation at the Cross of Aberdeen, charging all such as had not yet come, within this shire, to compear yet upon the 8th of August next (whilk time they had most graciously granted unto them) otherwise they should be declared fugitives. Like order was given to the shire of Banff, to compear before their committee holden at Elgin. In the mean time they are curious in trying ilk man's estate in Aberdeen, and within the shire. They brought with them blank letters of horning, raised in the king's name, without his knowledge, against his loyal subjects; they fill up their letters with sic responsal mens names as they tried out; directs out messengers, and charges them to compear sic a certain day before their committees, under the pain of horning; both burgh and land who was responsal were charged, and their names well given up in a roll to the officers, besides the letters; such as compeared were demanded before the committee what they would willingly lend to the public; if p. 223 they offered sic sums as were agreeable to their estate, and found reasonable, then at the receipts of their monies there was a band drawn up in sic debitors names, lord, baron, or burgess, as the creditor thought most responsal, conjunctly and severally, obliging them to pay to the creditor sic a sum (blank and not filled up) whilk they had borrowed frae the creditor, and whilk they had received in name of the public, and obliged them to pay the same sum blank to the creditor, at what time the public received moneys frae the parliament of England, or from the malignant papists of Scotland, or from the excise. Now all thir bands are made beforehand blank; and when the money is delivered, then the debitors name, the creditors name, and the sum, with annual rent, is filled up; but no term of payment nor date is contained in this band. This is the security that honest men gat for their moneys, and they durst not say against, nor refuse the samen. So is his majesty's loyal subjects goods and gear stolen and taken frae them, upon feigned and fraudulent causes.
2. If they compeared, and made not a gracious offer to their contentment; then the committee by the mouth of the lord Burleigh their president, ordained them to pay sic sums as they thought good; and caused charge them, under the pain of horning, to make payment, syne followed caption.
3. If they compeared that were responsal men, and yet had no moneys beside them to lend out, then the committee presently furnished them monies upon their band of repayment, with the annuals at Martinmass next, under failzies; syne gat the siller to themselves and the good cause.
4. If they compeared not at all, then they were denounced to the horn, by virtue of letters written in Edinburgh, and brought blank to Aberdeen, and filled up and subscribed by Archibald marquis of Argyle, the lord Burleigh, the lord Elcho, and by these letters they are denounced to the horn for not lending such sums to the public as were insert in the letters, under the hand of the said lord Burleigh; and upon this horning, caption with all rigour followed, by and attour the warding of their persons in the tolbooth of Aberdeen, while payment was made. p. 224 It was reported that this was not extended to those who had a sufficient calling, and were worth 6000 merks of stock allenarly.
There was also brought out of Edinburgh a number of blank bonds subscribed by Argyle, Burleigh, Elcho, Patrick Lesly provost of Aberdeen, and other three persons,, bound all conjunctly and severally to pay the creditor, lender of money to the good cause, sic sums as should be filled up in the same by the president's device. Hell never hatched sic pieces for wreck of the country, and that none should escape.
Upon Sunday the 4th of August, a thanksgiving in Old Aberdeen, appointed by the committee of the kirk to be through all Scotland for general Lesly's victory over prince Rupert, as ye have heard before. Our minister Mr. William Strachan declared out of pulpit, that this victory was miraculous, wrought by the finger of God. None of the people durst pray, but follow the minister in their hearts, neither did the minister sit down upon his knees when he came to the pulpit, but directly stood up to his prayer. New in-come customs! He prayed for the king, wishing God to give him an heart to take his subjects by the hand, who were the workers of this great work of the reformation, and declared openly the goodness of the covenant betwixt us and England, and that we were obliged to help our brethren, lest they being overcome, we might be overthrown also.
Our ministers are became prideful, and great railers out of pulpit, without respect of persons; and so rigorous in their discipline, that the people not bide their pridful behaviour, and none durst find fault with their disorders.
Upon the 9th of August proclamation was made at the Cross of Aberdeen,, by sound of trumpet, declaring the castles and houses of Abergeldie, Aboyne, Drum, Whitehouse of Cromar, Aughterfoul, Schethin, Tibbertie, and divers other houses (except Gight and Kelly, which the estates thought to be their own already) thir houses by the parliament were ordained to be casten down to the ground; nevertheless it was the gracious good will of the general estates of Edinburgh, that of any if their responsal friends p. 225 (who wished the said houses to be undemolished) would set caution before the committee at Aberdeen, under great sums, within six days after this proclamation, that none of the country's enemies should be recept within them in all time coming, that then they should not be casten down, but no friend came in to this effect, thinking verily it was a snare devised to draw gentlemen under failzies, and so beheld this proclamation, and the estates doings both, come what may come: yet it pleased God that the houses were not casten down, but yet stand frill; albeit it would appear very strange how subjects, without authority of a king, should set down laws upon their fellow subjects for destroying the policy of the country.
Upon Sunday the 11th of August our elders were chosen in the kirk of St. Machar before the pulpit; but Mr. William Strachan our minister, by himself and without our knowledge, had drawn up certain articles in write, which he caused every elder to stand up and swear to with his hand holden up, and first he took their oath, that they should have morning and. evening prayers in their houses, for example of the parish to do the like. 2d, To rebuke sin in general, and in particular profaners of the Sabbath-day, swearing, drinking, whoring, and such like, as occasion offered, 3d, To keep themselves free of such vice, and go before the people in holiness of life. 4th, To attend the session weekly, without a great reason; and some other articles, which the elders and deacons wondered at, never seeing the like before. Yet they were man by man sworn to the samen, suppose against their wills; and that the minister and they baith knew that they were unable to keep the foresaid oath; yet such was the pride of our minister, to charge mens consciences after his fantasy.
Upon the 14th of August Forbes, tutor of Pitsligo, brought John and Alexander Gordons, sons to Gordon at Mill of Kelly to Aberdeen from Edinburgh, who were had there with umquhile Sir John Gordon of Haddo, as ye have heard.
Upon the 15th of August, Sir William Forbes of Craigievar, rickmaster, went to the place of Harthill, and there cruelly took the good wife, her bairns and servants, and p. 226 most inhumanly shot them to the yetts, at command of our committee of Aberdeen, as was thought (her husband lying warded in the tolbooth of Edinburgh, without just reason, these divers years bygone). Some thought this was done because her son was with Nathaniel Gordon at the taking of the merchants money, as ye have heard before; yet she wan to her own house again thereafter.
Upon the 17th of August, the lord Gordon coming to Aberdeen, saw the Lord Crighton riding the same way, who went by and gave not a salutation, which was evil manners, and rode to Aberdeen. The lord Gordon took some offence, and follows into the town, but the committee takes presently order therewith, and causes ilk ane let caution for keeping of the peace, whilk the estates themselves were daily breaking.
About this time Thomas Boyes' ship, richly ladened with Aberdeen's goods, going for Holland, and worth 200,000 merles, was taken by an Irish frigate, to the great hurt of Aberdeen.
Upon Saturday the 17th of August, about 11 hours at even, Alexander Irvine of Kingcausie coming quietly to Aberdeen, (because he could not ride upon daylight, for being at the robbing of Montrose, as ye have heard) William Forbes, natural son to John Forbes of Lesly, happened to be coming out of Aberdeen going to Banchory, where his father was dwelling, and met with him about the Crabestone, who would have taken him and had him per force to Aberdeen, looking to get for him five thousand merks, conform to an ordinance of the estates, that who should take him should get the same dum. Kingcausie being a fine gentleman, scorned to be tane with the like of him, and under speaking this William Forbes shoots this gentleman dead with a pistol, and therewith strikes him cruelly two strokes en the head. Thus is this brave gentleman misfortunately murthered under silence of night, (never winning to his arms to defend himself), for greed of this gain, set out by the estates, without ground of godliness. Many were sorrowful at his death, being marvellously well beloved both in burgh and land; he left behind him his dolourous wife and five fatherless children. p. 227 Upon the morn he is taken up and buried within the laird of Drum's Isle in St. Nicholas' church in New Aberdeen, with great mourning and lamentation. This innocent blood is no way punished according to the law of God and man, but is esteemed and publicly approved, as good and loyal service, in manifest contempt of our dreadful God and the king's law; for upon the 21st of the said month of August, four days immediately after the bloody murther, the said William Forbes is avowedly brought in before the committee of Aberdeen and found to be a volunteer in Sir William Forbes of Craigievar's company of troopers, and declared him to have done good service to the public for murthering of this gentleman, for no other reason but because he was at Montrose with his young chief the laird of Drum, drawn there against his will, as some said. For this fault the taking of his life is approved good service, and absolved there frae, like as the said committee sent a trumpeter to the Cross of Aberdeen, and by open proclamation absolved him frae this murder freely, and ordained 5000 merks to be lifted off his estate, being about 12 chalders vicinal, whereof 2000 merks should be given to the malefactor, and 3000 to Craigievar, rickmaster, conform to an ordinance set out by the general committee -of estates; likeas of new again he was declared thereafter to have done good service, and to get his reward, strictly charging and commanding that no manner of man should speak or say against the samen, but laudably. But the Lord looked to their presumptuous sins and bloodshed; for in August 1645, the said William Forbes being keeping his father's house of Licklyhead, shooting a musket, shot his hand frae himself; a token that the Lord thought not this innocent blood good service.
Upon the 17th of August, the lord Elcho and his lieutenant Arnot, left his regiment in Aberdeen, and the lord Burleigh daily holding committees, and hastily rode south; he returned not, but Arnot came again.
Upon the 19th of August Alexander Irvine younger of Drum, his lady, and her two gentlewomen, Robert Irvine his brother, Mr. Alexander Irvine son to John Irvine of Artamford, and Robert Irvine messenger, came to Aberdeen. p. 228 They were convoyed out of Caithness from shire to shire, with a strong guard to Aberdeen; with whom came also Francis Sinclair all the way with 16 gentlemen in his train. They lodged that night in skipper Anderson's house with a strong guard, and might not go see the lady Drum dwelling in the town; they desired to see her, and to stay another night in Aberdeen to get clean linen, whilk was refused simpliciter. Upon the morn they are all convoyed south, except Robert Irvine, who gat liberty to bide at home, because it was found that he followed them against his will. They were all warded in the tolbooth of Edinburgh; but the said Francis Sinclair bade still in Aberdeen, with his own servants, to get payment of 18,000 merks for taking of young Drum, and 5000 merks for his brother, dishonourably acquired, and as evil paid, albeit ordained by the general committee of estates at Edinburgh to have been paid.
Doctor Guild, fully set to destroy the bishop's house, upon the 30th of August, began to raise the pavement of the hall and chamber, and to break down the great joists and stately timber work, hewn doors and windows, with the haill slates, and caused carry them down to the college. With the pavement he laid the floor of the common school. He took down the rigging stones, corner stones, with the rest. Sundry thought that he was not wise in doing the same.
Ye heard before of the incoming of the Irishes, and proclamations made at kirks and crosses, like thunder, as upon the 26th of August, all manner of man betwixt 60 and 16 was charged to be in readiness with their best armour, and whoso wanted armour to be served in Aberdeen, where there was lying 1000 muskets, powder and ball, brought in before, as ye have heard, upon their band for restitution, or to pay 18 pound for the piece.
Upon the said 26th of August the township of Aberdeen was conveened within the Gray Friar kirk, where the lord Burleigh made a speech, desiring the lord provost, baillies and community, to stand constantly to the covenant and work of reformation, and to defend our lives, wives, and children, and goods, against the Irish rebels and vagabond p. 229 people, who were come to destroy our country. The people heard his speech, whereof some had small pleasure, thinking in their minds that this covenant and work of reformation had bred them great sorrow, travel, and expences, for furnishing out men, money, horses, arms, quartering, and taxations, which they might well been free of, if we had wanted this covenant and work of reformation, and lived as our predecessors had done, and likewise had been free of thir Irishes hanging over their heads. Others, zealous of the good cause, shewed themselves hardy and stout, albeit they had their own knelling consciences, and did little good. Burleigh having ended, they part all in peace.
Now the committee of Aberdeen made the lord Gordon lieutenant general of the North, beginning at the burgh of Aberdeen, having under his division betwixt Dee and Don, and the haill shire of Aberdeen, sheriffdom of Banff, and some part of Murray; whereupon the lord Gordon rides to Strathboggie, raises his friends and followers, and appointed his rendezvous to be at Kildrummy the 2d of September, who conveened there about 3000 horse and foot; and there was sent to him out of Aberdeen about 300 muskets to arm his naked soldiers, with powder, match, and ball.
But lord Forbes, lord Fraser, and lord Crighton, could on no wise with their friends and followers condescend to follow the lord Gordon as lieutenant in this business, and came not to this meeting at Kildrummy, as he looked for; but they plainly declared before the committee they would follow no man but the lord Forbes; the lord Gordon having conveened about 3000 men as lieutenant at Kildrummy, and seeing thir lords absent, grudged therewith, and his friends and followers not liking well the cause, went ilk ane a sundry gate, and left him lying at Kildrummie with, about 400 men that durst not go from him at this time.
The committee, loath to want the friendship of the Forbeses, Frazers, and Crightons, and their followers, chooses the lord Forbes to be crowner, and they to follow him, wherewith they were content; but the lord Gordon was offended, seeing it touched him deeply in his honour, whilk. p. 230 made him also grow cold in the service, as after does appear, and at the last left it simpliciter, and joined with Montrose, as ye shall hear hereafter.
The committee begins to discuss the wealthy widows in Aberdeen, and to borrow money from them upon band, as well as frae the men. As thir matters are in hand,excises, dinging down of castles, borrowing of monies, taxations, and other daily vexations, the committee gat some other labour ado shortly, albeit they were still busy; for upon the 2d of September they caused denounce to the horn 23 honest responsal burgesses of Aberdeen, for not lending of sic monies as they themselves set down, whilk the honest men thought hard to obey, and upon this horning, caption was to be raised, and their persons to be taken and warded while payment was made, without law of God or authority of the king. But this committee, givers out of thir laws, gat other labour ado shortly, and the honest men some redress of this oppression, as hereafter does appear.
Upon the 4th of September there was direct by the committee a proclamation to be made at the Cross of Aberdeen, by found of trumpet, declaring Francis Sinclair to have made good and faithful service to the public, in taking of Alexander Irvine younger of Drum, Robert Irvine his brother, Mr. Alexander Irvine and Robert Irvine messenger, and therefore ordained him to receive from the public 18000 merks for the said Alexander Irvine younger; and 5000 merks for the said Robert Irvine his brother, as a remembrance of his service, conform to an act given out by the general committee at Edinburgh, ordaining such sums to be paid to the takers of thir persons.
And as ye heard before, William Forbes was of new again declared to be good and loyal, for murdering of Alexander Irvine of Kincausie, and to get his reward formerly said, strictly charging and commanding that no man should speak or say against thir persons, but laudably to praise and approve the samen, in all places and conferences, as occasion docs offer, under great pain. Yet the godly had their own thoughts. Francis Sinclair gat no more at this time but 5000 merks for his unnatural service, whilk was little enough to bear his expences home with 16 gentlemen p. 231 of train. But behold the Lord's doings! this William Forbes in August 1645, with shooting a musket, shot his right hand off, for all his good service.
About this time John lord Loudon, chancellor of Scotland, part to London to sea.
Mr. Andrew Cant got a letter from Nathaniel Gordon, whilk flyed him to the heart, and caused him remove out of the town, and bide while the marquis of Argyle's coming here.
Mr. William Rait, one of our Oldtown baillies, brought in a drill master to learn our poor bodies to handle their arms, who had more need to hold the plough, and win their living. The town was evil vexed; it was divided in three quarters, and ilk quarter went out with their baillies time about, and began the 3d of September. This gouked gyse was begun by our baillie, to shew his love to the good cause, being a main covenanter. The town was forced to pay their drill-master daily 24s. of fee, wherewith they greatly grudged; but it lasted not long. The baillies brought out of Aberdeen 38 muskets, upon band to restore or pay the value of them, done chiefly by this Mr. William Rait.
Notwithstanding of thir fears and business, our committee sits daily in Aberdeen, Burleigh being president, and following the wicked counsel of provost Lesly, Mr. Alexander Jaffray, Mr. Robert Farquhar, Mr. William Moir, and other prime covenanters, and mortal enemies to the king's loyal subjects in Aberdeen.
Ye heard before of imprinted proclamations set out. Now our committee of Aberdeen upon the 6th of September gives out order to the sheriffdoms of Aberdeen, Kincardine and Banff, to have their rendezvous at Aberdeen, horse and foot, in their best arms, upon the 9th and 10th days of September next, and the sheriff of Murray to be in like manner here upon the 12th and 13th days of September, but none came out of Kincardine, nor out of Murray, and few out of Banff. But some principal men out of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff came as follows, viz. the earl of Errol's men in Buchan under the leading of James Hay of Muiryfold, himself being but a bairn; the earl p. 232 Marischal's men in Buchan (but himself kept Dunnotter) under the leading of —— Keith of Clachrioch; the earl of Kinghorn's men of Belhelvie, under the leading of John Udny; the lord Forbes, the lord Fraser, the lord Crighton, the tutor of Pitsligo, Alexander Keith, brother to the earl Marischal, with a horse troop; Lewis Gordon son to the marquis, with a horse troop (his brother the lord Gordon being absent) Sir William Forbes of Craigievar, with an horse troop , Sir William Forbes of Tolquhon, Thomas Forbes of Watertown, John Kennedy of Kermuck, —— Ogilvie of Boyne, John Udny of that ilk, Sir William Forbes of Monymusk, John Forbes of Lesly, —— Skene of that ilk, —— Forbes of Echt, —— Forbes of Corsindae, —— Forbes of Largie, Alexander Strachan of Glenkindy, Thomas Erskine of Balhaggertie, —— Baird of Auchmedden, with their friends and followers; diverse others also, out of the burgh of Banff, and countries thereabout came to this rendezvous, with the laird of Birkenbog. Siklike the lord Burleigh and lieutenant Arnot was in the town with about 400 of the Fife regiment; but the earl Marischal with his Mearns men bade at home, and the lord Gordon with his friends came not to this rendezvous, alledging he had gotten wrong by the committee at Aberdeen, in choosing the lord Forbes to be colonel over sic persons as were under his division, as ye have heard before.
Ye heard before of M'Donald's taking service with Montrose, his landing and progress with the Irishes, and what order the estates took in setting forth proclamations. As M'Donald marched in through Badenoch, M'Donald of Keppach and his forces came willingly unto him, with diverse others; the tutor of Struan, with his friends and followers, at his coming to Athol, came unto him; and here likewise James marquis of Montrose trysted with this M'Donald and Irishes. He came secretly from England, accompanied only with Crowner Hay and Crowner Sibbald, as was said; and, clad in coat and trews, upon his foot he came to Athol, where divers gentlemen of that country met him, especially the Stuarts of Athol, and offered their service to him. The lord Kilpont came there, with some friends. This mighty marquis of Montrose, p. 233 clad now with the king's commission and authority, calling now to mind the manifold injuries and oppressions done to hi, by the estates, especially by Argyle, since the beginning of this covenant, and resolving to revenge the king's quarrel and his own both, against the king's rebels and his mortal enemies, to the utmost of his power (which indeed he did after a miraculous manner in several battles, as ye shall hear, to the great fear and terrour of all Scotland) he marches from Athol above St. Johnston. The general committee of estates at Edinburgh, hearing of the Irish progress, hastily raises out of the shires of Fife, Perth, and Angus, an army of about 6000 foot and 800 horse, with expert officers and commanders, ammunition, powder, ball, and four field pieces, to go upon thir Irishes. They were well in order both horse and foot; they march forward, and upon Sunday the 1st of September both parties meet upon a muir four miles bewest St. Johnston, called Tibbermuir; but the lieutenant foresaid Montrose, routed and defeated their haill forces with great slaughter, killed 1300, some say 1500 of their men, and took 800 prisoners, whom they made to serve in their wars. They gat plenty of arms, powder, ball, their cannon, and some horse, bag and baggage, with little loss for themselves. Lieutenant Montrose atchieved the victory with few men, not exceeding 3000 foot, with few or no horsemen at all, and with loss of some, but not many men, and none of note except the lord Kilpont, who was by one of his own men, suddenly and unhappily slain, to the lieutenant's grief. After this conflict, he upon the morn being Monday the 2d of September, takes in the burgh of St. Johnston, with little debate, and small blood. They plunder the town for goods, monies, arms, ammunition, and such of their men as they thought meet to serve in the wars, with all the horse they could get, whereof this lieutenant was scarce, as I have said.
After this business, divers gentlemen who had followed the marquis of Huntly, and had been at Montrose, and durst not be seen for fear of their lives, came to this lieutenant, glad to hazard their lives and fortunes in his p. 234 service rather than to live in sic misery, whereof Nathaniel Gordon was one, accompanied with about 30 well horsed gentlemen, who were well received according to their worths. See hereafter how he stole away.
There came also in to him James earl of Airly, Alexander lord Spynie, —— lord Duplin, Sir John Drummond, brother to the lord Drummond, the laird of Fintray Graham, the laird of Inverquharitie, the lord of Ogil Ramsay, the laird of Drumkilbo, two of the earl of Airly's sons, Sir Thomas and Sir David Ogilvies, and divers others, and as they came in the lieutenant caused them swear and subscribe the king's prerogative, and oath of allegiance. Crowner Hay and Crowner Sibbald came with Montrose from England.
The committee of Aberdeen, hearing of thir troubles,, conveens the Fife regiment, lying in the country, and in Aberdeen, and sends for lieutenant Arnot, who came. They sent for the soldiers lying in Auchmedden, Gight,. Kelly, and Drum, and makes up about 500 men, and sends the committee money and best gear to Dunnotter.
Upon Sunday the 8th of September, warning made at our Oldtown kirk after forenoon's sermon, that all manner of men betwixt 60 and 16 within this parish (excepting sic as is under the lord Gordon's division) to be in readiness the morn with 15 days loan, under the pain of death, according to an ordinance of the committee, and this order to be observed through all the parish churches within the shires of Kincardine, Banff, and Aberdeen; but little obedience was given to thir untimely warnings.
In the mean time the lieutenant comes through Angus from St. Johnston, and upon the 6th of September encamps near Dundee, where many of the country people fled before his coming, and some regiments came also, whereby the town was strong enough. Nevertheless the lieutenant summoned it to surrender, but they stood out stoutly; whereupon he lifts his camp, being now about 3000 foot and 160 horse, besides baggage horse. He marches frae Dundee through the Mearns, writes a letter to the earl Marischal, now lying at Dunnotter, and incloses within the same a letter written frae the king to him; p. 235 he declared his intention was nowise to disturb the peace of his majesty's loyal subjects, but to be against the traitors of the land, enemies to his royal prerogative; and desired him to rise, concur, and assist with him his majesty's lieutenant, as he would be answerable upon his own peril. Marischal wrote back no answer, but sent his mind by words, and syne sends in the lieutenant's letters to the committee at Aberdeen, showing his fidelity to the country; but he lays still in Dunnotter when most was ado.
Ye heard before of the incoming of the shires of Banff and Aberdeen-; they were reckoned about 1500 foot and 300,troopers, and about 400 Fifemen and other dispersed soldiers; and both the towns of Aberdeen estimate to about 500 foot. They begin to watch the Bridge of Dee, and makes some safeguards and fortifications to little effect; the town of Aberdeen chooses four captains for the four quarters thereof, viz. Patrick Lesly, younger son to the provost, Alexander Lumsden, Alexander Burnett, and Thomas Melvine, with other officers, and major Arthur Forbes to be their chief leader; and thus was our people betwixt 60 and 16 put to drilling in the Links, and carrying of arms, and sent their wealth and committee monies to Dunnotter to be kept. The lieutenant in the meantime miskens the bridge of Dee, and upon Wednesday the 11th of September he crossed the water at the Mills of Drum, and encamped about Crathes; but the lieutenant himself supped with the laird of Leys, together with his guard after he had summoned him to surrender his house. He did no harm, but took some arms and horse, and promises of some men. Leys offered him 5000 merks of money, which he nobly refused.
As he is thus lying at Crathes, our army lyes at watch all night in arms, and many town's people and country people steal away for fear, whereupon proclamation was given out, forbidding any to stir frae the camp without order, under the pain of death, and whoso happened to apprehend and kill them in their flight, should have 500 merks for his pains, whilk bred great fear, yet many did hazard and stole away frae the camp, albeit the ways and bridges of Don and Dee was straitly watched day and night. p. 236
Upon Wednesday the 11th of September our army marched out of the town to the Two Mile Cross; but upon Thursday they returned back to the town at night.
The enemy marches down Dee-side, and comes that samen night to that same place of Two Mile Cross, where they set down their camp.
Upon Friday the 13th of September, about 11 hours, our army begins to march out of the town. Lieutenant Montrose writes a letter to the provost and baillies of Aberdeen, sends a drummer to tuck a parley, and a commissioner to deliver the letter, whilk bare a command and charge to render the town to him as lieutenant to his majesty, and in the king's name, whereby he might have peaceable entertainment to use his majesty's proclamations, and sic orders as he thought fit; promising assurance that no more harm or prejudice should be done to the town, but to take their entertainment that night; otherwise if they would disobey, he desired them to remove old aged men, women and children, out of the gate, and to stand to their peril. This letter was delivered to the provost; he conveens his council at the Bow Bridge in Alexander Findlater's house, where the lord Burleigh, the lieutenant Arnot, Mr. James Baird, and some others was. They caused the commissioner and drummer drink heartily, and sends an answer (by the way the drummer was unhappily slain). Montrose fand their answer was to stand out and defend themselves to the uttermost, and finding his drummer, against the law of nations, most inhumanly slain, he grew mad and furious, and impatient, our army being upon their march when he was slain, about 11 hours, towards the Justice Mills. At the receipt of whilk answer the lieutenant comes quickly, marching frae the Twa Mile Cross to meet us, charging his men to kill all, and pardon none.
Our cannon begins the play; our troopers pursues hastily; the enemy shot their cannon, and defend stoutly also with musketeers; the fight continues during the space of two hours; at last we take the flight, our troops upon horseback wan safely away, except Sir William Forbes of Craigievar, and John Forbes of Largie, who were taken prisoners. There was little slaughter in. the fight; p. 237 but horrible was the slaughter in the flight fleeing back to the town, which was our townsmens destruction; whereas if they had fled, and not come near the town, they might have been in better security, but being commanded by Patrick Lesly provost to take the town, they were undone. Yet himself and the prime covenanters being on horseback, wan away safely. The lieutenant follows the chace into Aberdeen, his men hewing and cutting all manner of men they could overtake within the town, upon the streets, or in their houses, or round about the town as our men were flying, with broad swords, without mercy or remead. Thir cruel Irishes seeing a man well clad, would first tirr him to save his cloaths unspoiled, syne kill the man. We lost three piece of cannon with much good armour, besides the plundering of our town, houses, merchants booths, and all, which was pitiful to see. The Lord Burleigh, Mr. Alexander; Jaffray and his sons, Mr Robert Farquhur, Walter Cochran, Mr. James Baird advocate in Edinburgh, and diverse other covenanters, wan away. Montrose follows the chase into the town, leaving the body of his army standing close unbroken while his return, excepting such as fought the field. He had promised them the plundering of the town for their good service, but he stayed not, but returned back from Aberdeen to the camp this samen Friday at night, leaving the Irishes killing, robbing and plundering of this town at their pleasure, and nothing was heard but pitiful howling, crying, and weeping and mourning through all the streets. Thus thir Irishes continued Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Some women they pressed to deflower, and others they took per force to serve them in the camp. It is lamentable to hear how thir Irishes, who had gotten the spoil of the town, did abuse the same, the men they killed they would not suffer to be buried, but tirred their cloaths off them, syne left the naked bodies lying above the ground. The wife durst not cry nor weep at her husband's slaughter before her eyes, nor the daughter for the father, which if they did and were heard, then they were presently slain also.
As thir savage Irishes are at this work, the lieutenant p. 238 gave orders to the body of the army to march upon Saturday the 14th of September (except sic Irishes as were plundering the town and killing our men, which went not with them) forwards to Kintore, Inverury, and Garioch. Upon which Saturday the marquis of Montrose comes into the town, accompanied with James earl of Airly, the lord Spynie, the lord Duplin, Sir John Drummond son to the earl of Perth, Sir Thomas Ogilvie son to the said earl of Airly, the laird of Fintray Graham, the laird of Inverquharitie, the laird of Ogil Ramsay, Sir Thomas Tyrie of Drumkilbo, and divers others. He lodged in skipper Anderson's house (the army being removed, except sic as bade behind plundering the town, as said is) and first he caused put to liberty the haill prisoners out of the tolbooth, some of whom were put up for following the marquis of Huntly, whereof John Gordon of Invermarkie, a brave gentleman, was one; Alexander Irvine of Lenturk, and Robert Irvine messenger; others for debt, sic as Mr. William Chalmers of Blair and divers others; about 30 persons altogether, whereof doubtless thir gentlemen were most glad, and the said John Gordon of Invermarkie, and divers others went to him to serve him in his wars.
This being done, he causes proclaim his majesty's letters patent at the cross, being an ample lieutenantry, made and granted to prince Rupert, general of his forces within the kingdom of Scotland, and to James marquis of Montrose his lieutenant general, and to Sir Alexander M'Donald, M'Coll M'Kittish, under him, captain of the Irish forces in that service, for taking order with the insurrection in that kingdom, and bringing of the king's subjects to their wonted obedience by fair means, or by fire and sword, the penitent to be pardoned, the malignant outstanders to be punished with all rigour, and so forth. But thir letters patent were not past our Scots seals. This was published, and an imprinted copy affixed upon the cross; thereafter another proclamation was made in the said lieutenant's own name, commanding and charging his majesty's lieges to come in, swear and subscribe the oath of allegiance under pain of fire and sword, whereof an printed copy was likewise affixed to the said mercat cross; likeas he intended p. 239 to cause publish the samen through all the parishes at the parish churches; but he was interrupted by the coming of Argyle hard at his heels, as may be seen hereafter.
Many who loved the king were glad at this news, others of the covenant were no less. Thir things done, the lieutenant stays all night in skipper Anderson's house, the cruel Irishes killing and robbing all this while that he is about this business. Sunday all day he stays, but neither preaching nor prayers was in any of the Aberdeens, because the ministers through guiltiness of their consciences had fled. This lieutenant was clad in coat and trews, as the Irishes were clad; ilk ane had in his cap or bonnet a rip of oats, whilk was his sign, our town's people began to wear the like in their bonnets, and to knit them to the knocks of our yetts, but it was little safeguard to us, albeit we used the same for a protection.
Upon Monday the 16th of September, the soldiers who had bidden behind rifling and spoilzing of both Aberdeens, were now charged by tuck of drum to remove and follow the camp under the pain of death; and thereafter himself began that day to march towards the camp lying about Kintore, Inverurie, Lesly, Liklyhead, and other parts about, wasting and destroying the country. He had his two prisoners Sir William Forbes of Craigievar, and John Forbes of Largie with him, of whom ye shall hear more hereafter. And albeit the lieutenant marched thus away, yet the lord Spynie bade quietly behind in the town, who was thereafter taken, as ye may hear, and many runnagate Irishes bade behind, rifling and spoilzing the Old and Newtowns pitifully, and none durst bury the dead; yea, and I saw two corps carried to their burial through the Old Town with women only, and not a man amongst them, so that the naked corps lay unburied so long as thir lymmars were ungone to the camp, albeit the lieutenant himself the samen Monday before he went out of the town gave orders to both Aberdeens to bury their dead, whilk they did with great fear of their own lives.
Here it is to be marked, that the night before this field was foughten, our people saw the moon rise as red as blood, two hours before her time; and siklike at the beginning of p. 240 this battle there rose a high and mighty wind out of the west south-west in the back of the enemy, and face of our people, which was to our prejudice; thirdly, our town and country people were all guided and ruled by covenanters at this time, whilk stayed the town from rendering to the king's lieutenant upon sic fair conditions, but the pride of our magistrates, covenanters, as said is, would not yield, whereupon followed blood and hardship baith, and many honest men brought to their grave through the evil counsel, and wicked governance of thir malignant malignant magistrates. Sic as,
1. Mr. Alexander Reid, advocate.
2. Mr. Robert Reid, advocate.
3. Robert Durward, burgess of Aberdeen.
4. Robert Ray, burgess there.
5. Robert Harrow, maltman there.
6. Alexander Findlater, litster there.
7. Alexander Jameson, farmer there.
8. Geo. Fyfe, lax-fisher there.
9. John Camrell, master of fence there.
10. Robert Anderson, taylor there.
11. Patrick Ker, officer there.
12. Robert Milne, miller there.
13. Gilbert Brock, officer there.
14. George Piper, wright there.
15. Andrew Lesly, webster there.
16. John Warrack, webster there.
17. James Innes in Old Aberdeen.
18. William Barnett, taylor in Old Aberdeen,
19. John Nicolson, fruitman there.
20. John Bodgie, merchant there.
21. William Murray, taylor there.
22. James Low, cordiner there.
23. James Ramsay, gunner there.
24. Alexander Panton, burgess there.
25. Thomas Lindsay, taylor there.
26. William Galloway, cordiner there.
27. Thomas Steuart, cordiner there.
28. Thomas Webster, piper there.
p. 241 29. Peter Schewan, burgess there.
30. James Brayns, alias Altibra, there.
31. John Douglas, taylor there.
32. Andrew Davidson, wright there.
33. James Paterson, wright there.
34. Alex. Reid, servitor to George Farquhar.
35. Gilbert Adam, cordiner there.
36. Gilbert Wilson, cooper there.
37. Andrew Burnet, burgess there.
38. William Morison, burgess there.
39. George Laing, taylor there.
40. William Thomson, taylor there.
41. John Bonner in Clerkseat.
42. James Hall, maltman in Aberdeen.
43. William Roust, webster there.
44. Alexander Robertson, webster there.
45. Alex. Robertson, webster there.
46. Thomas Fiddes, laxfisher there.
47. Alexander Middleton, burgess there.
48. William Smith, webster there.
49. William Christie, cobler there.
50. George Robertson, smith there.
51. Alex. Mar, stone leader there.
52. James Mar in Robslaw.
53. William Kelman, webster in Aberdeen.
54. George Mar elder, there.
55. George Mar younger, there.
56. Charles Stephen, litster there.
57. Vice Thomson, scholar there.
58. George Wood, hukster there.
59. Alexander Davidson, gardener there.
60. William Cumming, laxfisher there.
61. Alexander Thomson, maltman there.
62. Samuel Meason, burgess there.
63. —— Meason, his son.
64. Thomas Moir, webster there.
65. John Strachan, webster there.
66. George Auchinleck there.
67. David Milne, post there.
68. John Calder, kail-seller there.
p. 242 69. —— Clark, brother to James Clark slater there.
70. James Home, smith there.
71. Robert Gordon, taylor there.
72. Robert Anderson, taylor there.
73 Andrew Davidson, tanner there.
74. James Rob, drummer there.
75. James Skene, cook there.
76. —— servitor to Alexander Willox there.
77. William May there.
78. Thomas Steuart, cordiner there.
79. George Gumming there.
80-82. Three men slain to William Smith in Gilcomstown.
83-85. Three men slain to James Crookshank of Newhills.
86. William Auld at the bridge of Dee.
87. Gilbert Strachan there.
88. William Freeman there.
89. James Davidson, webster in Aberdeen.
90. Thomas Fraser, laxfisher there.
91. James Ord, stabler there.
92. George Black, taylor there.
93. Andrew Torrie in Old Aberdeen.
94. William Muir, Skinner there.
95. Thomas Volum there.
96. John M'Konachie there.
97. John Glennie in Aberdeen.
98. John Law, webster there.
Thir persons were not covenanters, but harled out sore against their wills to fight against the king's lieutenant.
Besides whom there was also slain of covenanters divers and sundry other persons. Sic as,
1. Mr. Matthew Lumsden, baillie in Aberdeen,
2. Thomas Barclay, taylor there.
3. Peter Burry, burgess there.
4. William Innes, burgess there.
5. William Ronald, merchant there.
p. 243 6. Thomas Robertson, cordiner there.
7. James Milne, saddler there.
8. Thomas Burnett, merchant there.
9. David Edie, burgess there.
10. George Maschlet, couper there.
11. George Burnett, burgess there.
12. John Burnett, burgess there.
13. Andrew Rob, causey maker there.
14. Thomas Buck, burgess there.
15. John Downie, wright there.
16. Robert Lesly, maltman there.
17. Thomas Thomson, burgess there.
18-20. There were three servants slain to Andrew Burnet of Sheddocksley.
Thir people were townsmen, slain in the fight, and in the flight, chiefly the day of the battle, and thereafter without the town, about Justice Mills, Forester Hill, Sheddocksley, and other parts of the freedom, and within the town, in their houses, and on the causey, indwellers within the town and freedom thereof. There was also slain some country people, and some of the Fife regiment, but to Montrose there were few killed that came to our knowledge.
It may be clearly seen how our dread sovereign was forced to draw the sword to suppress his disloyal subjects, who after he had granted our haill desires, was crossed by sending in armies to England without his licence or authority, yea and taking part with the enemies of that kingdom against his royal majesty, and without any warrant of his highness, and contrary to monarchical government, whereupon he is forced to draw his sword, as said is, and many of his good and loyal subjects lose their lives, drawn on in service against him by the covenanters, sore against their wills, as may be seen in doleful Aberdeen, and before at Tibbermuir, at St. Johnston, and in England and Ireland also.
Ye heard before how lieutenant Montrose marched out of Aberdeen, upon Monday the 16th of September there came in to him —— Gordon of Abergeldie, and Donald Farquharson of Tulliegarmount, with divers other friends and followers, all gentlemen distressed for favouring and p. 244 following the house of Huntly; and he marched this Monday towards the camp lying at Inverury and country about.
In the meantime the marquis of Argyle is come to Brechin, where divers meet him, such as the earl Marischal, the lord Gordon (who lay quiet before) the lord Forbes, the lord Fraser, the lord Crighton, with divers others barons covenanters. He was about 10 troops of horse, having his foot army following him; and he was conveyed from Brechin to the place of Drum upon Tuesday the 17th of September, where he stayed that night.
Now as sorrowful Aberdeen is lamenting their losses after Montrose left the town, thinking to get no more vexation, there comes in upon the Wednesday and 18th of September thereafter certain of Argyle's troops, with sound of trumpet, himself being at Drum; whereupon Patrick Lesly provost, and Patrick Lesly his eldest son, Mr. Alexander Jaffray and his sons, Mr. Robert Farquhar, Mr. William Moir, Walter Cochran, Mr. Andrew Cant minister, and remanent covenanters of Aberdeen, the Lord Burleigh, lieutenant Arnot, Mr. James Baird and others, who fled the fight, came ilk ane after other in Aberdeen, and crop the causey bravely, but Mr. Andrew Cant came from Edinburgh, as ye have before.
Upon this samen Wednesday and 18th of September proclamations were made by the marquis of Argyle's direction at the Cross of Aberdeen, declaring the marquis of Montrose, his followers, assisters and partakers, to be traitors to religion, king and country, and who should bring in Montrose quick or dead, should have for his reward 20,000 pounds; and siklike the town's people who for fear of Montrose had fled their houses, were charged to return back again, and live in peace; but they gat more troubles. Some thought this proclamation, given out by Argyle's direction against the king's lieutenant general, clad with his letters patent, was well strange to a subject: to do against the king's authority.
Upon Thursday the 19th of September, about 3 hours afternoon, there came into Aberdeen three foot regiments out of Argyle, estimate to 3000 men, one foot regiment under the earl of Lothian, another foot regiment under the p. 245 laird of Lares, and an horse regiment under the earl of Dalhousie, brought by Argyle out of England for this service against Montrose.
This multitude of people lived upon free quarters, a new grief to both towns; whereof there was quartered on poor Old Aberdeen, Argyle's own three regiments. The. soldiers had their baggage carried, and craved nothing but house room and fire; but ilk captain with 12 gentlemen had free quarters so long as the town had meat or drink for two ordinaries; but the third ordinary they furnished themselves out of their own baggage and provision, having store of meat, nolt and sheep carried with them; but the first night they drank out all the stale ale in Old Aberdeen,. and lived upon wort thereafter. It is said the marquis of Argyle had followed thir Irishes who fled out his country about ten weeks time, but could never win within two days and a half's journey towards them, but now his foot army lying at Aberdeen was within half a days journey of them, lying about Inverurie and the Garioch; and so Argyle himself with his troops lying now at Drum, was within like distance to them, but little following was there now,, ilk party herrying and destroying the country wherever they came, in their bestial, nolt, sheep, ky, victuals, and other goods, and in finding their horse troops and baggage horse with corn, whereof the corns about both Aberdeens felt the smart.
Upon Saturday the 21st of September Old Aberdeen
was compelled to furnish 20 baggage horse to follow
Argyle's three foot regiments, quartered in our town, who
had lyen since Thursday afternoon till this Saturday, that
they began to march towards the place of Drum and.
the countries about. They had captains and
commanders with Argyle's colours, which were black, and a
yellow cross going through them, bearing this motto, For
religion, country, king and covenant.
Marvellous to see
Argyle, with his horse troops and foot army, so near his
enemy, and to ly still without pursuing of them so long time.
However he takes resolution to send half of his Argyle
men back to keep the country, and to keep the other half
beside. himself, whilk was so done.
p. 246
Lieutenant Montrose lying at Kintore and Inverury, upon Monday the 16th of September, and hearing of Argyle's coming to Drum, just upon the morn he begins to march towards Speyside, but could not win over the water, the boats being drawn on the other side, and Murray conveened in arms. Montrose sees it was so; he then draws himself towards the wood of Abernethie, and there lies still. Argyle being at Drum, follows him the length of Strathboggie, and returns without more vassalage, and the samen Saturday that his footmen went out of Aberdeen, being the 21st of September, he comes quietly to Aberdeen upon the night, with a few horse. The earl of Lothian's regiment and laird of Lare's regiment was lying in Aberdeen before him, attending his service, for he had stayed two nights at the place of Drum before he went to Strathboggie, following Montrose, and returned to Aberdeen as I have said. The earl of Findlater and divers country barons meet him at Aberdeen, contrair to the king's lieutenant, but Argyle was by our estates made governor of Scotland, with power to raise arms against him, whilk was strange to see, under a monarchical king.
Now here by the way it is to be noted that upon the samen Saturday that Argyle came to Aberdeen, the lord Spynie biding behind Montrose, was taken and warded in the tolbooth of Aberdeen, as ye heard before; and this Saturday had to Edinburgh, where he was there warded again. He was convoyed south with Craigievar's troop, with whom Robert lord Burleigh, Mr. James Baird advocate, John Denham commissary general, and the rest went also, resolving to hold no committee in Aberdeen more at this time.
Sunday the 22d of September preaching in both Aberdeens by our ministers, who had now returned frae their flight back to Aberdeen; after the forenoon's sermon, Mr. William Strachan read out a paper, charging all manner of men within this parish to bring in their horses of 40 pound price and above, against the 26th of September next, and the lord Gordon's regiment under his division to come in the same day, but no obedience was given to thir charges, p. 247
Sunday afternoon Argyle held a council of war; Monday the 23d of September he likewise held a council of war; where it is to be noted, that the earl Marischal, the lord Gordon, Forbes, Fraser, nor Crighton, nor none other of the covenanting barons drew up their friends and followers within the sheriffdoms of Kincardine, Aberdeen or Banff, to follow and assist Argyle, as they were wont to rise before in the beginning of this covenant.
Now after this council of war, Argyle goes to horse, and begins to march from Aberdeen, with the earl of Lothian and laird of Lare's two regiments, towards Strathboggie; and as he goes out, in comes the same Monday to Aberdeen, the laird of Buchannan's regiment, about 800 foot; he stayed all. night, and upon the morn marches after Argyle. But pitifully was both Aberdeens and the country about plagued in furnishing baggage-horse to thir haill regiments, as they daily came in, so that no horse was left to bring in the shorn corns to the cornyard, nor to bring in a load of peats to the fire, nor a boll of victual to live upon, but women carried upon their backs the ground malt frae the mills to be drink. So is this poor land vexed and opprest, besides their corns destroyed with service-horse and baggage-horse.
Upon Wednesday immediately before Michaelmas and the 25th of September, Mr. Robert Farquhar was chosen provost of Aberdeen, John Kay, Thomas Mortimer, Alexander Jaffray and Patrick Lesly younger were chosen baillies for an year.
Argyle marches forward frae Aberdeen to Strathboggie, with an army of horse and foot, having the lord Gordon and his brother Lewis in his company, where he destroyed the haill Raws of Strathboggie, corn field lands, outsight, insight, horse and sheep, and all other goods they plundered whilk they could get, and it was said the lord Gordon beheld all, because they would not rise and follow him as their young chief. Stryla and Boyn were sore wrecked, and when the army plundered Strathboggie, then they lived upon the Enzie, herrying the country, and destroying the corns so, that there was not four householders left of the name of Gordon dwelling there, but all had p. 248 fled, and some even alledged they went willingly to Montrose' army, and likewise they destroyed the corns and bestial of Strathaven, Auchindown, and other lands about, whilk made them also to break out. A wonderful unnaturality in the lord Gordon, to suffer his father's lands and friends in his own sight to be thus wrecked and destroyed in his father's absence!
Upon Sunday the 29th of September, a fast was kept through the presbytery of Aberdeen, appointed by the brethren and moderator thereof to be kept on that Sunday, and upon Sunday next thereafter following, whilk was solemnly kept both days for the sins of the land, which was just, but no repentance for the main mother-sin, whilk was the change of government both in church and policy within the land, and bringing in a reformation, whereof the kirk was a wicked instrument, misregarding the king's authority in their preposterous zeal, which was backed by the pretended estates, by raising of arms, and sending to England against our dread sovereign, after he had granted us all our will. There was no repentance, neither for our rebellion in thir parts, but thought all good service for our pretended work of reformation, whereby most justly the sword was drawn and brought in amongst us, yet the people, through the main trespasses of the pastors and estates, is drawn from their work in height of harvest to thir feigned fastings, with four hours doctrine to ilk sermon, whereby they were sore wearied and vexed, and the great God looking down upon their hypocritical humiliations, by all appearance not well pleased, nor duly worshipped.
Upon the first Sunday's fast, Mr. William Strachan after sermon, in Argyle's name, warned the lord Gordon's troopers within the parish of Old St. Machar to compear in Aberdeen upon the 8th of October next, bringing with them an saddle horse, worth one hundred merks, and a baggage horse worth 40 merks, under great pains. Strange to see sic charges given out, except in the king's name, but little obedience was given to thir charges, neither was this fast universal through all Scotland, but only within the presbytery of Aberdeen; such was the sincerity of our arch-puritans. p. 249
Ye heard before how Argyle's foot army marched frae Aberdeen to the lands of Drum. Himself with his horse troops having removed before their coming towards Strathboggie, albeit he had stayed two nights before he removed, eating and destroying the corns and bestial with his troopers. Now his foot army began where he left off, cutted down the pleasant garden planting to be huts, destroyed the corns, and left not a four-footed beast in the lands of Drum, Crotnar, Auchterfoul, Aboyne, Abergeldie, and country about, syne the one half went to Athol home to Argyle, and the other half baid upon their masters service, who as ye have heard was marched to Strathboggie, destroying that country, the Enzie, Strath Isla, and Boyn, and not minting to follow the enemy, lying in the wood of Abernethie, as ye have heard.
Upon Sunday the 6th of October, fast was kept throughout the bounds of our Presbytery of Aberdeen, by ordination of the moderator thereof, and his puritan brethren, and net kept elsewhere. The people was continually vexed with fasting and prayer, but our pastors never urged repentance for the mother-sin in bringing in alteration of religion, which they called reformation, nor repentance for change of state government, and raising of arms and sending into England against the king's authority, nor the shedding of so much innocent blood through the occasion thereof, done by his lieutenant Montrose; there is no repentance made hereof, but thought all good service, yea and the people urged and compelled to give thanksgiving for such victories as were had against the king, but no thanksgiving for such victories as he had obtained over his enemies.
Thus is this land pitfully vexed and born down, both by state government and church ministers, woeful firebrands and wicked instruments frae the beginning, who now takes to heart their own fears.
Ye heard how Montrose marched frae Kintore and Inverurie towards Speyside upon the 18th of September; and seeing the Murray men in arms, who had drawn the boats that they could not get over, he goes to the wood of Abernethie, where he sojourns, taking his living off of the country, as Argyle was destroying the lands of Strathboggie, Strath Isla, and Boyn, as is before said, p. 250 Upon the 27th of September Argyle musters his men at the Bog of Gight, who of foot and horse were estimate about 4000 men; but never moved to follow the enemy lying all this while in the wood of Abernethie, not 20 miles frae his army,
Montrose seeing he is not followed by Argyle, leaves the wood of Abernethie and to the wood of Rothiemurcus goes he safely, and there remains a while; from that he marches to the head of Strathspey, through Badenoch, and through Athol, where many of these countries meet him and followed him, and round about comes he again into Angus, where it is said he raised some fire about Coupar of Angus, of lands pertaining to the lord Coupar, an arch covenanter, and brother to the lord Balmerinoch. He marches to the place of Dun, where the burgesses of Montrose and country people had put in their best goods for safety, being a strong house, and himself a strong covenanter; but Montrose takes in this house, and plunders the whole goods and arms, amongst the rest he takes four brazen fieldpieces, whilk pertained to the marquis of Huntly, and was lost at the bridge of Dee at the beginning of thir troubles, as ye have heard.
As Montrose is marching through Athol, Sir Alexander M'Donald leaves him, and takes some Irishes with his favour for some business, and returned not back to Montrose till near the end of November, as ye shall hear. However Montrose had conquest many friends quietly in Angus, besides the earl of Airly, and his two sons Sir Thomas and Sir David Ogilvies, with some other barons, who still were in his company, marching with a fleeing army, where I will leave Montrose in Angus a while till Argyle overtake him if he can.
The marquis of Argyle hearing, where he and his army was lying at the Bog, that Montrose had left the wood of Rothiemurcus, and fled to the mountains, he then takes courage to follow, where he might have had him nearer hand, if he had been willed, as ye have heard before. He crosses Spey, and sends his foot army up the north-side of Strathspey, and met him again. The Murray people were glad to be free of thir footmen, for fear of plundering p. 251 and oppression, and had drawn their boats, and guarded their fords in such sort, as neither Montrose nor Argyle's army wan there, for the which they were much to be commended in respect of other countries that were opprest.
Argyle passes to Forres, where the earl of Sutherland, the lord Lovat, the laird of Balnagown, the sheriff of Murray, the laird of Innes, the laird of Pluscarden, and divers others, above 1000 were, and held a committee in Forres; but the earl of Seaforth was gone from this committee before Argyle came, and it was thought that he and some others had correspondence privately with Montrose, while as he was lying in the wood of Abernethie. Argyle marches frae Forres, and the committee dissolves, and there follows him 7 or 8 horse troops, herrying and destroying the country. He comes to Inverness, and gives order to two foot regiments, one under the laird of Buchannan, and the other under the laird of Lares, to ly there in garrison.
From Inverness he marches to Badenoch, and hearing that some country people had gone in to Montrose's service, he left nothing in that country undestroyed, no not a four footed beast, corns or others. His foot army meet him here in Badenoch, who were busy at this work; frae this he passes in through Athol, and destroys the samen country in like manner, because some of that country followed Montrose. From Athol he comes to Angus and Mearns, still following Montrose, where I will leave them both for a while.
Ye heard before of Montrose coming to Angus with his flying army. Word now comes to Aberdeen, where a committee was holden by the earl and divers barons, in the tolbooth; upon the 10th of October, and an imprinted act was set out, showing that they having intelligence of the enemy's marching towards them in all hostile manner, therefore ordained all of whatsoever age, sect or quality, who had horses of 40 pounds price or above, that they put out the samen, with riders armed and furnished, and to make their rendezvous at the bridge of Dee the 14th of October instant, by 10 o'clock, with certification to them that shall fail, ilk landed man mall be punished in 1000 pounds, ilk gentleman in 500 pounds, and ilk husbandman in 500 p. 252 merks, by and attour confiscation of their horses, seeing the general major is attending the rendezvous, and the marquis is also attending with the foot. The publication to be expede by the moderators of ilk presbytery, and ilk minister to advertise ilk man within his parish, and out of their pulpits, upon Sunday. This act was subscribed by the earl Marischal, in presence of the commitee.
Now the haill ministers goes to wark in publishing of this act; and our minister, Mr. William Strachan, after sermon, read it out of the pulpit, but no obedience was given to this act; for both burgh and land was under sic fear, that they would not rise against Montrose and the Irishes; and many men and women, with their young children carried on womens backs, fled the town of Aberdeen (there having fallen the samen Sunday there a storm of snow) howling, lamenting and crying, not knowing where to go for safety of their lives, whilk was pitiful to behold. But their fear was more than needed; for they all returned back to their houses in peace shortly, for that Montrose came not back to Aberdeen, as ye may hereafter hear.
Upon the 15th of October Sir William Forbes of Craigievar and John Forbes of Largie came to Aberdeen. Montrose upon their parole gave them liberty, being both his prisoners, as ye have heard, upon condition (as is said) that Craigievar should purchase the young laird of Drum and his brother their liberty at the estates hands, out of the tolbooth of Edinburgh, for the freedom of himself and the said John Forbes, or otherwise that they should both return back to Montrose, as his prisoners, before the first of November; and if it happened Montrose to be overcome in battle before that day, that they were then to be free of their parole in backcoming to him. However, they came to Aberdeen, carried themselves calmly, and came not near the committees then sitting in Aberdeen; and Montrose was admired for his noble dealing, for letting go such a prime man as Craigievar, upon his bare parole.
General major Ramsay over the horse troops, appointed by the estates, lying in Aberdeen and country about, and brought here by Argyle, at the day appointed by the committee foresaid, had his rendezvous at the bridge of p. 253 Dee, with his own horse troops, but no troopers came oat of this country to this meeting, except three troops under lord Gordon, and a troop under Mr. Alexander Keith, brother to the earl Marischal. Ramsay and his troops destroyed the country and corns, and his entertainment was brought daily out of Aberdeen to him, for the whilk he did no kind of service but wrecking of the country; yet our ministers are crying out against his enemies, and praying for him earnestly; but Montrose beguiled him, as ye may see hereafter.
Upon Tuesday the 15th of October, the earl Marischal came in frae Dunnotter to Aberdeen, and held a committee, having the lord Fraser, some barons, and the provost with him.
The samen Tuesday our provincial assembly sat down, and was prorogate to the 19th of November, in respect of thir troubles.
The said Tuesday there came frae the south to Aberdeen, under lieutenant colonel Hamilton, 8 troops, whereof one was quartered in Old Aberdeen. They supped that night, and dined upon the morn, syne rode to the bridge of Dee, but the corns were eaten up and pitifully destroycd by their horse.
In the mean time, drums tucked, charging the town of Aberdeen to be in arms for a foot guard to thir troopers at the said bridge of Dee, but never a townsman would stir,
The said Tuesday there was brought in before the committee captain Ellis and another of Montrose' scout watches upon Dee-side. Marischal caused confine them in lodgings, and not in the tolbooth, and at last they gat liberty. There was likewise tane 8 Irishes or Highlanders of Montrose' men; they were all warded in the tolbooth, but they brake ward by a strange flight, and wan away upon the 4th of November by an iron, whereby they made a hole in the wall of the high tolbooth, and wan all down upon planks, except one who was taken.
Ye heard before how I left Montrose in Angus, where he purchased many friends. He marches through the Mearns, and contrary to our troops expectation, he crosses the water of Dee at the Mills of Drum upon Thursday the p. 254 17th of October, with his haill army, safe and sound, we having lain watching the bridge of Dee foolishly, with about 14 troops, living idly, destroying the country and their corns pitifully.
Now Montrose marches forward (whereat our fleeing people from Aberdeen rejoiced and returned back to their houses) and came by Crathes, where it is said the laird of Leys gave entertainment to Montrose. He then began to raise fire upon the covenanters lands, whilk before he had not done in this country, and first he burnt the Kirktown of Echt, and his haill barony (except only two ploughs) houses, biggings, and the haill cornyards pertaining to his grounds, and plundered the haill horse, nolt, sheep, and ky belong to. his barony. Marischal being in Aberdeen, and hearing of this, shortly rides to Dunnotter upon the morn being the 18th of October, and there lies he.
Upon Friday the foresaid 18th of October Montrose burnt the place of Pittodrie and Dorlethen, with four ploughs of corns whilk he had in Mains, and plundered his haill goods and gear. He burnt the rich corn yards of Muchalls pertaining to lord Andrew Fraser, and spoilzied his ground, as a prime covenanter, as the rest was. Upon Saturday the 19th of October he dined in Monymusk with the lady (the laird being absent) and upon fair conditions he spared him at this time. Sunday he marches forwards, and gat some bestial, nolt, and sheep for sustaining of his army, and that samen day marched to Strathboggie, where I will leave him a while, and return to Argyle.
Ye heard how Argyle had still followed Montrose, and that he was come to Angus; but before his coming Montrose had crossed the water of Dee, as ye have heard upon the 17th of October, and Argyle came to Dunnotter, where himself stays, his soldiers lying in the fields. Upon the morn he marches frae Dunnotter to Aberdeen; his army was estimate to two thousand foot, whereof there was a thousand of his own Argyle men. He had seven horse troops, by and attour 14 horse troops lying in the country before him. Both Aberdeens and corn field lands were wrecked with their quartering and sustaining of their horses. p. 255
Friday the 25th of October his foot army marches from Aberdeen to Kintore and Inverurie, in the morning, and about two afternoon himself follows with his troops, and stayed in Kintore all night. Upon the morn he marches towards Inverurie, stayed that night, and heard devotion. Upon Sunday the earl of Lothian's regiment came also to Inverurie to Argyle. It is to be marked, that neither the earl Marischal nor the lord Gordon were here with Argyle, nor any within the sheriffdom of Angus, Kincardine, Aberdeen, or Banff, would rise with him, sic was their fear of Montrose. Argyle riding through the Oldtown, left direction with their baillies to take order with any soldiers biding behind them in their town, conform to the whilk they took about 16 rascals oppressing the town. They are all disarmed, some of them being hurt, and warded. Argyle being advertised, it is thought good service, and these rascals transported to the tolbooth of Aberdeen at his command by the Oldtown men, and so we were quit of their fashery, while Argyle gave orders for their freedom. This was about the 26th of October, whilk day also Charles Gordon, the marquis's son, returned back to the schools in Aberdeen. I leave Argyle with his army lying at Inverurie and other places till afterwards.
Upon Sunday the 27th of October, and Wednesday thereafter, a fast was precisely kept in both Aberdeens, and appointed to be kept through all the churches of Scotland, by order of the committee of the general assembly sitting in Edinburgh, and imprinted, whilk was publickly read out of pulpit here, bearing divers reasons for keeping this fast. 1. The slowness of on-going in the work of reformation. 2. The grievous sins of our army under the marquis of Argyle. 3. The rupture betwixt the king and his subjects. 4th, Some miscontentment amongst the ministry themselves. 5th, The innocent blood and grievous oppression of the land, with some other reasons; but there was no word of fasting and praying, as most justly we should, for inbringing of change and alteration both in church and policy, against established laws and the king's royal authority, and compelling him by force of arms, to yield to our Scots opinion, at least drawing him in to our p. 256 parliament of Scotland to grant our haill desires; and not content with this, but we would send in armies into England to assist the rebels there, against the king, while England should have like liberty granted to them both in church and policy; nor was there word of the innocent blood daily shed since the beginning of this reformation, nor of the men and monies, horse and arms, levy monies and loan monies, and divers other oppressions said upon the shoulders of his majesty's dear and loyal subjects, for raising of their armies to go into England; the grievous offending of the king, the queen, their offspring, their true friends and followers, by sundry incomparable ways. Thir sins, with many more, is never touched nor repented of in our solemn fasting days, but generally the sins of the land, wherewith the Lord of justice and mercy seemed not to be well content, as would appear by the progress of this history.
Upon the 12th of October general Lesly took in the town of Newcastle, and plundered the same; took divers prisoners, both English and Scots. The mayor and 5 Englishmen were sent to London, to be judged by the English. parliament, according to their laws; like as the earl of Crawford, and lord Ray, and some others, were taken there also, and the lord Ogilvy taken elsewhere, who are sent into Edinburgh, and warded, there to abide trial conform to our Scots laws, as ye may hereafter see. The lord Maxwell was also taken at Newcastle; and with this victory the pest came to Edinburgh.
Ye heard before how the marquis of Newcastle and general King had fled the siege of York. It was now reported, that they went away to Germany, and other parts, for men and money to the king's service.
Ye heard before how Montrose marched towards Strathboggie, where he remained while Sunday the 27th of October; but hearing of Argyle's coming, he removed that day frae Strathboggie, and came to the wood of Fyvie, a place very advantageous for him against sic a puissant army following Argyle; and he being the weaker, in wanting Alexander M'Donald with his Irishes, who went from him, as ye have heard before. However, he took in the place of Fyvie, and took some victual which he found girnelled p. 257 there, as likewise in the place of Towie Barclay, whereon his army was well sustained during his abode there; where I will let him ly while hereafter, and return back to Argyle, whom I left at Inverury, as ye have heard.
Upon Sunday the 27th of October, and upon Monday thereafter he marches frae Inverury hard to the wood of Fyvie, or near by the same, where he had learned Montrose was lying. There was hot skirmishing betwixt the troopers pursuing the wood, and Montrose manfully defending his few forces against such a multitude of horse and men. He like a skilful captain issues out of the wood, and returned back again, and did great skaith that day, where captain Alexander Keith, brother to the earl Marischal, was also slain, and sundry others to Argyle. Tuesday and Wednesday hot skirmishing, with little loss to Montrose, and daily slaughter to Argyle's troopers, and many hurt, who were brought into Aberdeen for cure. Argyle seeing this service, and could not help himself, now lying, as I have said, near the wood, with his army above the samen at Rothie, Auchterless, and country about, unable so sustain so great an army, albeit they left nothing they could get, whereupon he flits his camp two miles frae Fyvie to Crichie. Montrose seeing him march so far off, upon the morn being Wednesday, and penult of October, upon fair day-light, marches nobly through Fyvie and the wood thereof to Turriff, whilk was plundered, and the place of Rothemay also, and to Strathboggie goes he, takes advantage of the yards and yard dykes and biggings thereabout, and there lyes he. Is not this a matter admirable, how this valiant nobleman, with so few men,, not passing 1800 foot and horse, besides baggage horse, as was said, and wanting the help of. captain Alexander M'Donald with the Irishes as he had with him, could have so escaped from this wood, where he could not long last, frae the hands of his enemies, being about 14 troops and above 2000 foot? a matter marvellous, and wrought by God's own finger, as would appear!
Argyle hearing of Montrose's march, upon the morn being Thursday, and last of October, he lifts his camp, and marches hard after him, and encamps at Tullochbeg p. 258 upon Saturday the 3d of November, and on Sunday hot skirmishing, with little blood to Montrose.
As Argyle and Montrose is very busy at this service, Sir
William Forbes of Craigievar and John Forbes of Largie,
according to their promise, as ye heard before, returned
both to Montrose, now lying at Strathboggie, and declared
they were unable to keep condition, and therefore were
returned back to him to remain his prisoners. Montrose
graciously received them, not thinking on deceit.
However this Sir William Forbes convoys himself frae
Montrose, accompanied with major Nathaniel Gordon, and
some two or three commanders, and goes to Argyle's
camp, who was glad of their coming, promising all favour
he could, and to get major Gordon's peace, as he who was
thought to be the sole conveyer of Craigievar from
Montrose; but herein was deep policy, as hereafter does
appear. Montrose missing Craigievar, was highly offended,
and speared at John Forbes of Largie, whom he left
behind him, what he knew of his removing? he answered, he
knew nothing; and being demanded, if he would steal
away also, he said he would rather die before he did it.
Then Montrose answers nobly, Then, sir, I give you free
liberty to go, upon your parole to return when I send for
you, and no otherwise.
The gentleman thanked him
heartily, and so with fair play recovered his liberty.
Divers thought Craigievar was not wise in purchasing his
liberty after such an unseemly way, thinking he had no
dishonour to keep captivity, nor could the estates but esteem
of him unworthily; but now coming away, he left a fair
quarrel to Montrose to pursue after him, his lands and
goods, whereas if he had bidden with him prisoner, he
would have been free of this fear. He went away upon
Sunday the 3d of November.
Ye heard of the skirmishing at Strathboggie before. It is here also to be remembered, that our sovereign lord's session sat not down for administration of justice, to the great prejudice of the king's lieges, yet sheriff and commissary courts sat according to the old form, notwithstanding of thir troubles.
About this time, Lewis Gordon, son to the lord p. 259 marquis of Huntly, is married to Mary Grant, daughter to umquhile Sir John Grant of Frenchil, otherwise called the laird of Grant, with whom he got 20,000 merks, as was said.
Upon Wednesday the 6th of November, Montrose leaves Strathboggie, and to the hills goes he, as ye may see hereafter. Argyle seeing him fled, comes to Strathboggie, and there remains eating up and destroying the haill country pitifully, the marquis now being in Strathnaver, and the lord Gordon his son being in Murray, to the great grief of the gentry and tenants of the ground, both in Strathboggie, Enzie, Auchindown, and country round about, belonging to the noble marquis of Huntly.
Upon this samen 6th of November, Mr. George Lesly, and Alexander Lesly his son, of whom ye heard before, are now both set at liberty out of the tolbooth of Edinburgh, and shortly thereafter the said Alexander Lesly pursues Mr. James Clark, and strikes a lug frae him, as he who was the author of all his mischief.
Ye heard before of the intaking of Newcastle. Order was given by the committee of the General Assembly at Edinburgh, that thanksgiving should be given through all the kirks of Scotland, whilk was kept in both Aberdeens on Sunday the 10th of November; but no thanksgiving remembered with us for the king's victories over his enemies, but great rejoicing at his overthrow; a note to be marked! but the pest followed Newcastle to Edinburgh, and divers other parts, to our great loss, as ye shall hear.
Upon the 11th of November there came frae Montrose' camp to Aberdeen, the lord Duplyne, Sir John Drummond, Sir Thomas Tyrie of Drumkilbo, —— Ogilvie of Inverquharitie, Crowner Hay, and some others. They had gotten Argyle's pass, and so without trouble they went south, being followers of Montrose. Nathaniel Gordon having his pass, came also to Aberdeen, and walked hither and thither peaceably.
Upon Sunday the 3d of November, a charge was read out by our minister, as in other pulpits within the north parts of the shires of Aberdeen and Banff, in name of the marquis of Argyle, his majesty's lieutenant (or rather pretended lieutenant) out of the pulpit after sermon (the chair p. 260 of verity being now made a mercat cross, and the preacher an officer for making of proclamations) charging this parish to furnish out to this pretended lieutenant, as many men, horse, foot, loan money, and others, as they furnished out to England, and that to suppress the common enemy, the marquis of Montrose; and to have their rendezvous at Turriff upon the 5th of November, where Argyle's camp should be. This was the first charge for raising of men in thir north parts, and upon over short advertisement.. Argyle kept not this day, but there was a committee of some, sic as the master of Fraser, the lairds of Philorth and Tolquhoun, and some other barons and gentry, who upon this charge conveened at Turriff about 30 horse, but held no committee, as is formerly said. However this meeting was continued to the 14th of November, albeit the country thought that Argyle should not have vexed them for more men, since he had greater power than was well governed; yet this was his first charge indeed.
Ye heard before of the prisoners taken at Newcastle.
They were brought to Edinburgh upon the 7th of
November, in at the water-gate of the Canongate, but the
earl of Crawford was compelled to come up the gate
bareheaded, as a traitor, not stiling him My lord,
Lodowick Lindsay (which he suffered patiently) because for
serving of the king he was forfaulted by our estates, and
his dignities, honours, and title of earl of Crawford, was
given by them to the lord Lindsay, one of their prime
covenanters. There was also taken Harry Graham,
Montrose's brother. It is said that general Lesly, at the taking
of thir prisoners, had given his parole that they should not
be abused when they came to Edinburgh, which proved
otherwise, whereat he seemed to be offended. Always thir
noblemen and the rest were not warded in the castle, where
all the nobles were used to be incarcerated, but out of
despite and malice were warded within the tolbooth of
Edinburgh. Ye hear of the noble and ancient earl of
Crawford's usage, being by the estates forfaulted and
degraded; many more nobles were forfaulted besides him,
for serving the king's majesty, or at least could expect no
pardon for their offences, sic as the marquis of Huntly,
the marquis of Montrose, the earl of Nithsdale, the earl of
p. 261
Traquair, the earl of Carnwath, the viscount of Aboyne,
the lord Ogilvie, the lord Rae, the lord Heries, Lodowick
Lindsay sometime earl of Crawford, Patrick Ruthven sometime
earl of Perth, James King sometime lord Ithan, ——
Irvine younger of Drum, —— Gordon younger of Gight,
—— Lesly of Auchintoul, Sir Robert Spotswood of
Dunnipace, colonel John Cochran, Mr. John Maxwell
sometime pretended bishop of Ross, and Mr, Walter
Balcanquall. Thir noblemen and others should get no pardon,
whether forfaulted or not forfaulted, as is set down in
that imprinted piece, called the humble desires and
proposals for a well grounded and settled peace, agreed upon
by the mutual advice and consent of the parliaments of
both kingdoms, the 10th of December 1644,
by and
attour princes and noblemen in England set down in the
same category; but I leave this point, and return back to
the warding of thir nobles in Edinburgh tolbooth.
Besides —— Irvine younger of Drum, and his brother Robert Irvine and Mr. Alexander Irvine, are warded in the tolbooth in three sundry rooms; none suffered to speak, no not young Drum's wife, but in presence of a baillie a long time, and Old Drum confined within the town.
Ye heard before of the adjourning of the committee to the 14th of November. Argyle sends 1000 of his countrymen home to Argyle, who plundered pitifully the lands of Strathaven, Strathspey, Badenoch, and Lochaber, as they went; and he comes himself to Turriff. Sundry barons and others meet him there, who were thought to be 500 foot and no horse. There is a long tailed act set out upon the 16th of November, under Argyle's subscription, ordained to be published at all parish churches, for levying the 4th and 8th man within the shires of Aberdeen and Banff, horse and foot; tedious to relate; but the copy is lying beside myself of the said act in write. Argyle appointed a new committee to be holden at Aberdeen the 22d of November; so dissolved at Turriff.
Doctor Guild, after he had demolished the stately palace pertaining to the bishop of Aberdeen, leaving neither hewn work, iron work, pavement, timber, insight nor plenishing, as ye have often times before, now begins to tirr p. 262 the slates off that matchless roof, and carries them down to the college, for his own respects, which was odiously thought of. It is true this house, yards, and precincts, was given to him by the estates, whereof he might have made a more godly use, by upholding rather than demolishing of the same.
Upon Tuesday the 19th of November, Argyle comes to Aberdeen, whilk day the provincial assembly was held in Aberdeen, being adjourned, as ye have heard before. Mr. John Rae, one of the ministers of Aberdeen, is chosen moderator; the earl Marischal, the lord Gordon, and general major Ramsay, met Argyle at Aberdeen, and with him went to this assembly. Major Nathaniel Gordon came in before them, acknowledged his adultery, and offence done to Mr. Andrew Cant, by writing a letter to him, as ye have heard before, and desired upon his repentance the process of excommunication which he was now lying at, and sentence, should cease; whilk Argyle with the rest sought humbly also; they answered, that they should write to the committee of the General Assembly, show his incoming and repentance, and do by their best advice. With this answer Nathaniel Gordon was well pleased, and his process ceased; but God knows if this humiliation to Mr. Andrew Cant was frae his heart, but I will leave him while hereafter.
Upon this samen Tuesday and 19th of November, the earl of Lothian's regiment, consisting of about 500 musketeers and pioneers, were quartered upon poor Old Aberdeen, and upon the morn were had to New Aberdeen, where they lay to the —— day —— as ye may see hereafter, without doing any good. Argyle ordained ilk soldier to get two pecks of meal, and 12s. of money weekly, and this to be brought in by the heritors of the country, and Aberdeen to furnish them coal, house-room, and candle only , the meal came in, but no monies, whilk the town of Aberdeen was compelled to pay, and a boll of meal came in out of every hundred merks rent; the country paid the rest. Then order was taken for sustaining the troopers horse meat, and men's meat, in the shire of Aberdeen and Banff, estimate to be about 1000 horse, whilk p. 263 was so grievous, that the countrymen could not sustain them, thir troopers were quartered freely through divers parishes, some upon ilk landlord, and some on ilk plough of ground. There was three regiments of horse, one under Sir Thomas Hacket, one under Sir Patrick M'Gie, and one under lieutenant Crowner Innes. There was quartered in Banff and Murray, the lord Gordon's regiment; and major Ramsay was general over the troopers in this sheriffdom, whilk was ordained to be quartered only within three presbyteries, viz. The presbytery of Aberdeen, Ellon, and Deer. Order was given that ilk trooper should eat and drink at 16s. ilk day, and his horse a peck of oats, with fodder, and if the trooper was not content with his cheer, to count for cake and pudding with the good wife, and compel her to pay money for what he wanted. Thus is thir north parts grievously born down and wrecked by the estates and good Argyle.
Ye heard before of the down sitting of the provincial assembly. It continued Tuesday and Wednesday, on Thursday afternoon it dissolved, and Argyle kept daily with them; and that same day being the 21st of November, Argyle went south, carrying Nathaniel Gordon's certificate frae the assembly with him. He was that night in Dunnotter, but the lord Gordon bade behind in Aberdeen.
Argyle being gone, the earl Marischal, the lord Fraser, the lord Crightoun, the lairds of Kermuck, Craigievar, and some other country barons, with the provost of Aberdeen, held their committee daily in Aberdeen, till about January 1645. And order came frae the estates that the laird of Lare's regiment, and the laird of Buchannan's regiment, should fortify the samen by Argyle's direction.
Ye heard before of the marquis of Montrose leaving Strathboggie, to Argyle's small credit in suffering him to escape. He marches to Badenoch, and comes to Athol, where major M'Donald his noble captain met him with his company, and who had been frae him since the month of September, where I will leave them while hereafter.
The lord Fraser, the lairds of Pittodrie, and Echt's corns being burnt, together with their buildings, by Montrose, as ye have heard, they mean themselves to the estates, p. 264 who gave order to meddle with the papists rents, lands, and fishings, about Aberdeen, and the water of Don, belonging to Thomas Menzies of Balgownie, Mr. Alexander Irvine of Lochhills, and Robert Irvine his brother, and this to be uplifted yearly by —— Forbes of Echt, ay and while his losses were set up, and siklike there was disponed to the lord Fraser, Gordon of Abergeldie's rents, Donald Farquharson's and —— Gordon baron of Brachley's rents, as malignants against the country, to be yearly uplifted by him, ay and while his skaith was paid, as also there was disponed to Thomas Erskine of Balhaggartie, the rents of Schethin, pertaining to —— Seaton, the rents and living of Tibbertie, pertaining to —— Innes, ay and while he was compleatly paid of his losses; but he bade short while to take up his part, because he departed this life in Edinburgh, upon the —— day of January 1645.
Marvellous to see the king's lieges thus to be oppressed, and Thomas Menzies fled the kingdom, with his wife and children, for his religion; yet his rents are disponed. Mr. Alexander Irvine flees the country, and sailing to France he is taken by the way and brought to Edinburgh, where he is warded in the tolbooth, yet his rents are disponed. His brother Robert Irvine durst not be seen; his rents are also disponed; the other gentlemen, for favouring the king and following the marquis of Huntly, as ye have heard, fled the kingdom, and durst not be seen, yet their rents are disponed to set up the losses of the king's enemies and unfriends, without the advice or authority of his majesty, but only set out by the estates of the land.
The laird of Echt for his part caused arrest the ships carrying salmon to France, lying in the harbour of Aberdeen, the last of November, while the master of the ship gave an account of such salmon as was shipped pertaining to the foresaid papists, and syne to set them on more, whilk was done, thereafter the merchant agreed with Echt upon conditions, whereupon this salmon was again shipped, and so goes to sea.
Upon the 1st day of December, a proclamation was made at the cross of Aberdeen, charging the sheriffdom to conveen, and have their rendezvous at Aberdeen the 5th p. 265 of December, for taking order for the sustentation of the foot soldiers and troopers, and to bring in victuals for that effect: but none gave obedience that day.
Upon the 8th day of December, General Lesly returned victoriously frae Newcastle to Edinburgh, where he stayed while January 1645, taking up men for defence of the said town, about 14,000 men and some of our troopers lying here is lent there; with this victory the pest came in to Borrowstounness; but Lesly removes with his wife and family back to Newcastle.
Ye heard before of Montrose' march into Athol. He took the laird of Wemyss, Menzies, captive, and other outstanding rebels; he goes to the laird of Glenorchie's lands, burns, wastes, and destroys his country, being one of Argyle's special kinsmen.
Argyle now being in Edinburgh, who came from Aberdeen, as ye have heard, gat small thanks for his service against Montrose; however hearing of the destruction of Glenorchie's bounds, he goes quickly to his own country, for defence of the same.
About this time a general assembly is indicted to be holden at Edinburgh the 22d of January 1645, by authority of the kirk, and a day of humiliation to go before. The town of Edinburgh mightily murmured against the uptaking of the excise, but it goes through, and appointed to be lifted frae the first of August last.
Sunday the 22d of December, thundering out of pulpits against Yool-day; none suffered to make good cheer, or be merry, according to the old custom. The bell went through the town, charging the craftsmen to keep their booths and work, and the merchants booths to stand open; ilk craftman under the pain of ten pounds. The baillies backed this charge, going through the town, commanding the deacons to see the crafts to work, and to note the disobedients. The whole fishers of Footdee were likewise commanded to go to sea on Yool-day, under great pains; but the sea fell out stormy, that stayed them, whilk the poor men frae their hearts wished. But, do their best, they could not get the scholars and students to stay frae their p. 266 Yool play, according to use and wont; yea some made good chear, and wrought none, others wrought at their pleasure.
Tuesday the 24th of December, the lord Gordon (the marquis being still in Strathnaver, in an island called Tongue) had a meeting with his friends, for taking order with one called Forbes of Skellater, for taking some of their sheep and nolt out of the braes of Strathboggie and Lesmoir. What was concluded is secretly kept, and yet nothing at all followed by way of deed; yet this Skellater, to get the lord Gordon's favour, came in, as ye may hereafter hear.
Upon Friday the 27th of December, there came out of the parish of Cruden to Old Aberdeen, two horse troops. Horse and man had free quarters; syne upon the morn after breakfast they all rode south.
Mr Andrew Cant was chosen commissioner, and Robert Crookshank, baillie, laick elder for Aberdeen; and the rest of the presbytery sent their commissioners to this assembly.
The town of Aberdeen in this month of December are charged, ilk man and woman, by virtue of their oath, to declare the avail of their goods plundered by the Irishes at the fight of Aberdeen; but to what end I know not, for inventary was taken up of all, to be had to our parliament, some said for having pity upon our estate, and that we should be free from quartering of soldiers, and other vexations.
The committee of the kirk and general assembly ordered a fast to be kept throughout all Scotland, before the down-sitting of this parliament, whilk was to sit down upon the 8th of January 1648 in Edinburgh, and before the down-sitting of the General Assembly thereupon the 22d day of the said month, conform to the whilk order a fast kept here upon the 6th of January in both Aberdeens, being Sunday, and that same day eight days we had here in Old Aberdeen, for the more abundance, another fast, whereby the poor people were vexed to death with their continual fastings and thanksgivings; this last Sunday was p. 267 kept under pretext that there was not a full convention the first Sabbath.
Anno 1645.
Upon the 3d of January 1645, an horse troop came out of Murray, and was quartered in Old Aberdeen, and another upon the same town quartered, and as they came, plundered both town and country houses wherever they went.
Ye heard before of the General Assembly to be holden on the 22d of January, and parliament the 8th of January, and other charges there set down. Upon Wednesday the 8th of January our parliament sat down in Edinburgh, and was fenced; the earl of Lauderdale was made president of this parliament, but the king had no commissioner there, whereof the parliament did not care much. Well, it is continued to the 22d of January, that the General Assembly should sit down, and in the mean time ordained five committees to sit daily in Edinburgh, one whereof for ordering a new levy to be sent into England; the 2d for discussing of the malignants; 3d, forfeiting up the losses done by Montrose and his rebels; the 4th for the bills; and the 5th for the overtures. Thir committees established, the parliament is prorogate to the 22d of January; but before that day came, their president the earl of Lauderdale departed, this life.
About this time Sir John Hotham, (as report past) who held the King out of the ports of Hull, as ye have before, is executed by command of the Parliament, and his son both. He got this reward for his good service to them, against our dread sovereign.
Upon the 3d of February, Sir John Leslie of Wardhouse, knight baronet, departed this life in New Aberdeen; a great enemy to the laird of Cluny, who had medled with his estate, Cluny being warded in the tolbooth of Edinburgh.
About this time —— Forbes of Echt compelled Thomas Menzies of Balgownie's tenants, he being fled the p. 268 country for his religion, leaving order to pay men, loan money, levy money, horse and arms, as the country did, and as they were imposed; notwithstanding the estates had gifted his rents to this laird of Echt as ye have before, he compelled the tenants, I say, to oblige themselves, ilk ane for their own parts, to pay and deliver to him the same prices which they were obliged to pay for the victual to him before the first of March, under the pain of plundering, which the poor tenants were forced to pay for fear; for the most part the samen order was done with other papists land as was said, and parties sent out of Aberdeen to ly upon their lands while payments were made, as was done by William Seaton of Blair, being also a papist.
Upon the —— day of January, Mr Alexr. Jaffray, late provost of Aberdeen, departed this life in New Aberdeen; a rigorous covenanter.
Upon Sunday the 19th of January, an act of committee holden in Aberdeen upon the 10th of January, was read out of our pulpits of Old Aberdeen, for levying of the 8th man; the rendezvous to be at Aberdeen the first of February. Few came that day, but parties were sent out of the regiments lying in Aberdeen, and lay upon the land till they came in perforce.
Ye heard before of the Parliament and general Assembly, and how the Parliament was fenced and adjourned to the 22d of January, and that day the general Assembly to sit down also; upon the whilk day our Parliament sat down in Edinburgh (without the King's commissioner) the lord Lindsay of Crawford (now styled earl of Crawford) is president of this Parliament.
The general assembly also sits down the said day. Mr Robert Douglas, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, is moderator. It continued till the —— day of February; indicted another general assembly to be holden at the 22d day of June 1646, syne dissolved, leaving the parliament still sitting behind them; but they sent up their acts not to the King, but to the English parliament, for their approbation. Strange to see!
Ye hear before of Montrose's progress to Glenorchie's lands. He goes to Argyle, burns and slays through the p. 269 haill country, and left no house or hold except impregnable strengths, unburnt; their corns, goods and gear, and left not a four-footed beast in his haill lands; and such as would not drive they houghed and slew, that they should never make stead. Montrose remained in Argyle's countries, wasting, burning and destroying all near a quarter of a year, syne came into Lochaber through Badenoch, where sundry came in to him, such as the laird of Abergeldie and others of the name of Gordon, and Farquharsons of Brae of Mar. He marches to Lochness, having a full intention to take in the burgh of Inverness, wherein the laird of Lare's regiment and Lothian's regiment were lying, with many country people about, and the town strongly fortified. But the Marquis having discussed Bredalbine, Argyle, Lorn, and others of the Marquis' countries, and his friends, without opposition or contradiction, he marches through Lochaber to Lochness, and head thereof, where he is informed that the Marquis of Argyle was entered into Lochaber, with an army of high landers and lowlandmen of about 3000 men, and that he had burnt the brae country of Lochaber, pertaining to McDonald and his friends, and suspecting that he had a design to cause the garrisons at Inverness and men of Ross and Murray to rise in arms for his better assistance against him, he therefore resolved, partly for assisting of his friends in Lochaber, and revenging of the wrongs done to him, and partly for preventing the joining of greater forces against him, to advance to Lochaber against Argyle; and to the effect he might come more suddenly and unexpectedly against Argyle, he resolved not to go back the same gate that he marched from Lochaber, but returned there by another way through the mountains covered with snow, and in two days march he advanced so near the enemy's outmost quarters (being distant three miles from Inverlochy, where Argyle then lay) that before they were aware, he was within half a mile of them, whilk they perceiving, and fleeing all away, gave a sudden alarm to all the rest of the army, so that all the regiments were advertised, and did all combine at Inverlochy. So he perceiving that the enemy had taken the alarm, resolved instantly to advance p. 270 towards Inverlochy, where he approached within half a mile's distance of the enemy, and stood all night in arms, as likewise did the enemy; but the Marquis of Argyle (that samen night, being Saturday the 1st of February) went aboard of his galley, with Sir John Wauchope of Niddry, Mr Mungo Law, and Sir Francis Rollock, after that all his army was drawn up, and stayed there upon the water in his galley until the morn while the battle began, and that he did see all his men flee away, and then he past away in his galley. The battle began at the rising of the sun on Candlemass day. Montrose' men were divided in four divisions; general major McDonald was upon the right wing with a regiment of Irishes; lieutenant colonel Okham with some Irishes was upon the left wing; some highlanders of Athol, the Steuarts of Appin, men of Glenco, captain of Clanranald, McLean, and Glengarie, was in the middle; and colonel James McDonald, alias McOneil, was in the rear, with a reserve of Irishes. The enemy had their lowland forces divided, the one half upon the right wing, and the other upon the left; and in the middle they had a great body of highlanders, and their reserve was also highlanders, and was placed upon a pretty ascent where they had a piece of ordnance, and they planted within the house of Inverlochie about 40 or 50 men, for that place was within a pistol shot of the part where the enemy's battle was placed. Okham being upon the left wing did first advance, and charged, the enemy's right wing, who first fled. Major McDonald charges the left wing, and our highlandmen being in the middle, charged their middle battle, so the enemy perceiving their right wing to flee, and their left wing and middle body to be furiously assaulted, did also (after shooting of a volley) take themselves to flight with their reserve also. Some of our horsemen perceiving the enemy to break, did assault them also,. and turned 200 of the enemy, and diverted them from entering the house of Inverlochie, to which they were running for refuge. So the enemy fled some by the Lochside, who were all either killed or drowned. The greatest part fled towards the hills that samen way by which they entered Lochaber. They were pursued some p. 271 eight miles, and many killed. There was killed in all, as was thought, about 1500, whereof there was of chief men, the laird of Auchinbreck, Campbell; the laird of Lochnell, Campbell, with his eldest son, and brother Colin, the laird of Glencaddel, elder; McDougall appearand of Rara, with his eldest son the Provost of Kilmud; major Menzies, brother to the Prior of Achattens Parbreck; and there was taken prisoners the laird of Parbreck, the laird of Innerea, the laird of Glencaddell younger, the laird of Silver Craig, the laird of Lowmond, the laird of St. McDonald in Kintyre, the goodman of Pynmoir, the captain of Dunstaffnage, his son lieutenant colonel Cockbarn, captain Steuart, captain Murray, captain Stirling, Robert Cleland alias Clydson, and Mr Dougall, a preacher. There are besides a great number of common soldiers taken prisoners. It is said there was direct frae the committee of Edinburgh, certain men to see Argyle's forwardness in following Montrose (whereof it would appear the estates were in doubt) but they saw his flight in form foresaid. It is to be considered, that few of this army had escaped, if Montrose had not marched the day before the fight 18 miles upon little food, and crossed sundry waters wet and weary, in snow, and standing in wet and cold the haill night before the fight; but Montrose caused a forlorn hope of musketeers shoot all night at the enemy, the better to engage the enemy against the next morning, fearing they should have stole away in the night. What was killed to Montrose is uncertain. But Sir Thomas Ogilvie, son to the Earl of Airly, was shot through the thigh, whereof he died shortly thereafter, and was buried in Athol.
There came to Aberdeen two commanders, major Liddel and captain Murray, of the garrison lying in Aberdeen, and declared to the provost and baillies, that the men were hungered, and could not live on two pecks of meal in the week, except they gat 12s. also. The council is conveened, and to eschew plundering, they condescended to give 3000 merks, for the whilk the town was taxed. Thus is Aberdeen sore vexed day and night.
About this time commissioners came from the English parliament, as report past. p. 272
And likewise that the young prince was general over the king's army, made of purpose for pleasing of the Englishmen, who liked not to serve under general Ruthven, being a Scotsinan, whose counsel and advice was nevertheless craved on all occasions, as a brave expert cavalier; likeas the king made him marquis of Thames, for quitting of his place.
Ye heard before of the taking and warding of young Drum and his brother Robert Irvine. This brave young gentleman departed this life within the tolbooth of Edinburgh upon Friday the 4th of February, and that samen night (being excommunicate) was buried betwixt eleven and twelve o'clock with candle light in lanthorns. The young laird lying also sore sick in the same chamber, who upon great moyan was transported upon a wand-bed upon the morn from the tolbooth to the castle, where he lay sore grieved at the death of his well-beloved brother, born down by unhappy destiny, and cruel malice of the estates. When they were first warded, they were all three put in sundry houses, that none should have conference with another, and that none should come or go without a town's baillie were present. This longsome loathsome prison endured for the first half year. Thereafter they got liberty all three to bide in one chamber, but none suffered to come or go or speak, but what was overheard by a baillie. But this young gallant biding so long in prison, and being of an high spirit, broke his heart and died, his father being confined in Edinburgh, and his mother dwelling in New Aberdeen (for the place of Drum was left quite desolate, as ye have heard before) to his unspeakable grief and sorrow. About the time of Argyle's discomfiture, the estates gave order to major general Baillie to levy a new army to go upon Montrose, of whom ye shall hear more hereafter.
Ye heard of the noble victory that Montrose had over Argyle at Inverlochie. His soldiers gat abundance of arms and spoil. Argyle went to Edinburgh, sore lamenting the loss of his kin and friends, but chiefly for the loss of his honour. Bur Montrose courageously marched back through Lochaber with displayed banners towards Inverness, with incredible diligence, and finding the town strongly p. 273 fortified, and garrisons lying about, or rather within the same, such as the laird of Lare's regiment and Buchannan's regiment, thinking in storming thereof it would spend time and lose his men, he thereafter marched peaceably by Inverness down through the country of Murray, charging all manner of men betwixt 60 and 16 to rise and serve the king and his majesty's lieutenant, under the pain of fire and sword, against his majesty's rebel subjects; and to that effect to meet him in their best arms on horse and foot immediately after the charge. This bred great fear, and sundry of the Murray men came into him. Sic as stood out he plundered, burnt and spoilzied their houses and lands, as follows, viz. the laird of Ballendallach's three houses, Pitchash, Foyness, and Ballendallach, houses, bigging and corn yards of his haill grounds, and his haill lands plundered of horse, nolt, sheep, and other goods; the place of Grangehill, pertaining to Ninian Dunbar , the place of Brodie pertaining to the laird of Brodie; the place of Cowbin, pertaining to —— Kinnaird; the place of Innes, pertaining to the laird of Innes; and Redhall, all burnt and plundered; the lands of Burgie, Lethen and Duffus plundered, but not burnt; Garmouth plundered but not fired, their salmon cobles and nets cut and hewn down, whereby the water of Spey could not be well fished. Thus as Montrose marched, he sent out parties through the country with fire and plundering.
Now upon the 17th of February, there was sitting at a committee at Elgin the earl of Seaforth, the laird of Innes, Sir Robert Gordon, the laird of Pluscardine, and divers others, and hearing of thir dangers, discharges by tuck of drum the Fasten's-even's mercat, holden yearly at Elgin, lest the country merchants and people should get skaith, and shortly dissolves their committee, and ilk ane a sundry gate. The laird of Innes and sundry others with him goes to Spynie, where his eldest son was dwelling. The town's people and country about, seeing the laird of Innes flee to Spynie, fled also with their wives, bairns, and best goods which they could get carried here and there, but chiefly to Spynie, and few bade within the town for plain fear, which incensed the soldiers worse against the town, than if they had bidden and kept their houses. The earl of p. 274 Seaforth and the rest of the committee men fled their own ways.
As Montrose is marching to Elgin, the laird of Grant, with some others, meet him, and offering their service upon their parole and great oath, swore to serve the king and him his lieutenant loyally; Montrose received them graciously; the laird of Grant sent in 300 men to him.
Upon the 19th of February, Montrose comes to Elgin. The lord Gordon being in the Bog, lap quickly on horse, having Nathaniel Gordon with some others in his company, and that samen night came to Elgin, saluted Montrose, who made him heartily welcome, and supplied joyfully together. Many marvelled at the Lord Gordon's going in after such a manner, being upon the country service, and colonel to two foot regiments, and to an horse regiment. Some alledged the estates oversaw him in divers points, touching his honour, which he could not digest; others said, he was likely to lose his father for following the country cause if he should continue, and the country happen to be born down; others again said, it was a plot devised betwixt Montrose and Nathaniel Gordon, when he was with him, and when he came frae him with Craigievar, as ye have heard; and albeit for his coming away he was esteemed traiterous and disloyal to Montrose, yet he proved his faithful servant in this business. Thir were the opinions of some; however it was, in he went, but how or upon what reason I cannot tell really. The ministry hearing this, they railed pitifully out of pulpit against him. His brother Ludowick came also to Montrose, whom he graciously received.
Montrose gives order to draw all the ferry boats on Spey to the North shore, except one anent the Bog, and to guard the haill fords up and down; syne goes to his council of war, not to committee courts, treacherously cropping within his land.
While as he is thus in Elgin, the earl of Seaforth, the lairds of Pluscardine and Loslyne, his brethren, Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstoun, and divers others, came in to him, where I will leave him a little.
The burgh of Aberdeen and garrisons lying there, p. 275 hearing of Montrose victory over Argyle at Inverlochie, and of his marching through Murrayland, they sent (before Montrose was yet come to Elgin) Alexander Forbes, alias Plagne, a busy body in the good cause, with letters to the committee of Elgin, who received letters back again frae the earl of Seaforth, the laird of Innes and others of the committee, and from the town of Elgin, and was coming post back to Aberdeen. At Parcock upon the 20th of February he is apprehended by —— Gordon younger of Gight, —— Leith younger of Harthill, and their complices. They take the haill letters frae him, plunders his money which he had upon him, syne hardly with his life he wan away. But thir letters were ported to Montrose lying at Elgin, whereby he understood the committee courts of Murray, and who were his friends or foes.
Upon Sunday the 23d of February young Gight, young Harthill, with their complices, took ten of Craigievar's troop, lying carelesly in their naked beds within their quarters at Inverury. They took their horses, their money, their apparel, and arms, and gave the men liberty to go, whereat Craigievar was highly offended.
The estates, grieved at Montrose' doings, resolve to have him living or dead; and to that effect: sends to Aberdeen about the 26th of February the lord Balcarras' horse regiment, with orders to draw in Sir James Hacket's horse regiment, quartered within the parish of Old Aberdeen, to the rendezvous in New Aberdeen (seeing the other two regiments which Argyle left behind him quartered in this country, was scattered here and there, and many of the horses dead in the mortichien) and to abide the coming of lieutenant major Baillie, who was coming with six foot regiments frae St. Johnston against Montrose. He had many brave commanders and captains, amongst whom was major Hurry, a soldier of fortune, and very changeable; for first he served the parliament of England against his sovereign the king; 2d, He left them, and served the king, which was more noble; 3d, He left the king and parliament both, came into Scotland, and took service with his majesty's rebels against him; but he wan little ere all was done. Ye have before of major Baillie's business; but at p. 276 this time he came not to Aberdeen, and his troopers were forced to flee, as ye have hereafter.
Montrose camping in Elgin, received, to save the town unburnt, 4000 merks as was said, but his soldiers, especially the laird of Grant's soldiers, plundered the town pitifully, and left nothing tursable unearned away, and brake down beds, boards, insight and plenishing. Montrose leaves them at this plundering, and marches from Elgin upon the 4th of March towards the Bog of Gight, with the body of his army, having in his company the earl of Seaforth, the lord Gordon, the lairds of Grant, Pluscardine, Loslyne, and some others, who had come in to him, and sent before him over Spey the Farquharsons of Brae of Mar, to plunder the town of Cullen pertaining to the earl of Findlater, which they did pitifully, for thir Farquharsons had come in to him before. Montrose being over Spey, he considers that the two regiments lying in Inverness, and rebels in the country, might now in his absence break out and wrong his friends that are in his company, therefore he takes the earl of Seaforth, the laird of Grant, and others formerly said, their solemn oaths to serve the king against his rebel subjects, and never to draw arms against his majesty and his loyal subjects, and thereafter sent them over Spey again, to look to their own estates, upon their parole to come with all their forces upon advertisement to assist Montrose in the king's service, and so parted frae others; but the earl of Seaforth gat more credit than he was worthy of, for he perjured himself, and turned a mortal enemy to the king, and a traitor, as ye shall hear.
Now as Montrose foresaw the trouble of the country, so it fell out; for there came parties frae the regiments at Inverness, to the place of Elchies, the place where the laird of Grant was dwelling, and plundered the samen, and left not the ladies apparel, jewels and goldsmith work untaken up, whereof she had store. Thereafter they plundered the land of Coxtown, because the goodman followed the lord Gordon.
They came into Elgin, took the laird of Pluscardine and his brother Loslyne out of that strong house belonging to Pluscardine, had them to Inverness, and kept them as they p. 277 who had come in to Montrose; but this was thought to be done by Seaforth's consent. However he seems to be sorry at the taking of his brethren, comes to Inverness, and labours so that he gat them both set to liberty. This was said to be plain policy used by Seaforth, for he repented himself of his ingoing to Montrose, and wrote to the earl Marischal, and committee at Aberdeen, that he yielded only through fear, and that he avowed to bide by the good cause to his death, whilk was accepted, and partly he performed. Remember the earl of Murray is all this time residing in England with his lady.
Ye hear before, how Montrose comes to the Bog; his eldest son the lord Graham was in his company, a proper youth about 16 years old, and of singular expectation. He takes sickness, dies in the Bog in a few days, and is buried in the kirk of Bellie, to his father's great grief.
The lord Gordon hastily draws up about 500 foot and 160 horse for the service of Montrose.
The troopers and Lothian's regiment lying in Aberdeen, as ye have heard (finding that Baillie was not yet come) commanded the rest of their 3000 merks to be paid by the town, then they ship in a bark lying in the harbour, two field pieces, with their ammunition, bag and baggage, and upon the 7th of March shamefully flees, only upon report of the enemies coming, and leaves Aberdeen to its own defence, who had lyen like grasshoppers in the town and country.
Mr. Andrew Cant and his wife, Mr. John Rue, Mr. William Robertson, and haill covenanters flees; (Mr. Robert Farquhar provost, and Patrick Lesly late provost, both were in Edinburgh) and the town stood in great fear.
Montrose marches frae the Bog to the place of Cullen of Boyne, the earl of Findlater having fled south himself before to Edinburgh, leaving in thir dangerous days (pitiful to behold!) his lady behind him. This stately house, well decored with stately insight and plenishing, and furnished with silver plate and all other necessaries, was pitifully plundered, and nothing tursable left, and then was beginning to raise fire, but the lady pitifully besought Montrose (now in her husband's absence) to forbear firing of her ground, but for the space of 15 days, within the whilk p. 278 time, if her husband came not to give satisfaction, that then his lordship should do as pleased him best, and for this peace of 15 days time she promised 20,000 merks, whereof she paid in hand 5000 merks. Montrose granted her desire upon the conditions foresaid, and raised no fire on the earl of Findlater's ground (albeit a great covenanter) at this time.
From Findlater he marches to the Boyne, plunders this country, and burns the Digging pitifully, and spoilzied the minister's goods, gear, and books. The laird himself keeps the Craig of Boyne, wherein he was safe, but his haill lands for the most part were thus burnt up and destroyed.
Thereafter he marches to Banff, plunders the same pitifully, no merchants goods nor gear left; they saw no man on the street but was stripped naked to the skin. Some two or three worthless houses were burnt, but no blood shed, and so they left Banff.
From that town he marched to Turriff, where according to the council of Aberdeen's order, as ye have before, there came to him, Thomas Gray, George Morison, George Cullen, and John Alexander, advocate, four discreet. well set burgesses, their commissioners, who with great humility pitifully declared to his honour the manifold miseries daily befalling the town of Aberdeen, coming from one side and from another, and no burgh within Scotland so heavily distressed as that town from time to time since the beginning of thir troubles, as was well known unto himself, and now fearing that he and his army was coming to Aberdeen, declared the haill people, man and woman, through plain fear of the Irishes, was fleeing away, if his honour did not give them assurance of safety and protection. He mildly hears thir commissioners, and said he was sorry at Aberdeen's calamities; however he forbad them to be feared; for this foot army, wherein the Irishes were, should not come near Aberdeen by 8 miles, and if himself came, he craved nothing but entertainment upon his own charges; further wrong he intended not to do to the burgh of Aberdeen, which truly and nobly he kept. The commissioners were glad at this unexpected good answer; they gave many thanks, and humbly took their leave p. 279 of Montrose, came back from Turriff, and upon the 10th of March came to Aberdeen, where they delivered their good answer they had gotten, to the great joy of the magistrates and commons, man, wife and child, within the burgh.
Sunday the 9th of March no sermon in either of the Aberdeens, through the absence of our ministry, fled for fear; yet Dr. Guild preached in the college kirk, but durst not come to the high kirk. Upon the same Sunday major Nathaniel Gordon leaves Montrose at Turriff, and came to Aberdeen, with some few troopers, and in the morn there came in to him 100 Irish dragooners. The keys of kirks, ports, and tolbooth, are delivered to him; he sets some prisoners that were there to liberty, amongst. whom there was one Thomas Meldrum, warded for following Montrose. He took the spare arms lying at Torrie, left there by the Lothian regiment, under the keeping of umquhile captain Keith, Marischal's brother his troop; they took 1800 muskets, pikes, and other arms. There was some hurt, some slain, and some taken prisoners of this troop, and warded in the tolbooth of Aberdeen. The arms were laid there also, and lieutenant Scott, one of: the said Lothian regiment, lying lurking behind the rest, was taken also.
Major Gordon received orders to watch the town, and to set out secret watches nightly as far off as Cowie, to see if any army was coming frae the south. There was some skirmishing at the bridge of Dee, where Keith's troop was routed, and finding the field fair, he returns to Montrose, who had removed frae Turriff to Frendraught. The young Viscount was in the place, which he kept, but the laird his father was in Muchalls, with the Lord Fraser his goodson, all prime covenanters. He plundered threescore ploughs of Frendraught's, lying within the parishes of Forgue, Drumblate, and Inverkeithny, and the minister's house of Forgue, whilk with the rest of the haill houses, biggings, barns, byres, cornyards, and plenishing was burnt up, and the haill oxen, horse, nolt, sheep, and ky, pitifully plundered and carried away, leaving this ground defolate. Montrose wrote frae Pennyburn p. 280 a letter to Aberdeen, of the 10th of March, commanding them to cause their drum go through the town, charging all manner of men whithin the shire, betwixt 60 and 16, to meet him in their best arms and on their best horse upon the 15th of March, at Inverury, under the pain of fire and sword. Drums went, the charge spread through the shire, and many met him on horse and foot for obedience thereof.
From Frendraught he marched to Kintore, Kinkell, and Inverury, and came to Kintore, upon the 12th of March. His army was quartered in the bounds foresaid; himself lodged in Mr John Cheyne's house, minister of Kintore , he gave out orders that ilk parish within the Presbytery of Aberdeen (except Aberdeen) should send to him two commissioners, with a perfect roll of the hail feuers, heritors, and liferenters of ilk parish, whereby they might furnish to his service horse and men, according to their estates, whilk was done, and men daily coming in to him for fear of fire and sword, who otherwise would have stood out.
Ye heard how major Nathaniel Gordon went from Aberdeen to the camp, upon the foresaid 12th of March; he comes frae the camp back again to Aberdeen, with Donald Farquharson, captain Mortimer, and some others, about 80 well horsed brave gentlemen. They, fearless and careless of the enemy, went to their merriment, without closing of the ports, or setting of watches, against the order of war. Their careless security is spied by some of their unfriends in the town, as was said, and posts speedily to major Hurry, now lying at the North Water Bridge with the lord Balcarras' regiment, and other foot regiments, desiring him with diligence to come to Aberdeen, where he should have a fair hazard of his enemies, lying without order. Hurry informed of all, takes the occasion, and comes with about 160 horse and foot out of Balcarras' regiment of horse, and others, besides brave troopers and musketeers, and in great haste upon Friday the 25th of March about 8 hours at even, came down the gate of Aberdeen, and set watches to the ports, as they came in, that none should escape. The other party, dispersed p. 281 through the town, drinking carelesly in their lodgings, and hearing the horse feet, and great noise, were astonished, never dreaming of their enemy. However this Donald Farquharson happened to come to the causey, where he was cruelly slain anent the Court de Guard; a brave gentleman, and one of the noblest captains amongst all the Highlanders of Scotland. Two or three others were killed, and some taken prisoners, had to Edinburgh, and cast into irons in the tolbooth. Great lamentation was made for this gallant, being still the king's man for life and death. Hurry thereafter goes to the Court de Guard, and takes out the haill troopers horse standing there, and likewise out of the stables, convoyed by the town's people, where they stood; amongst the rest the Marquis of Huntly's best horse, which the lord Gordon had lent to major Nathaniel Gordon, was likewise taken by Robert Forbes, brother to the laird of Craigievar. They got gallant horses; the gentlemen could not mind it, but were glad to escape with their lives, some one gate, some another.
Hurry tarried not longer in the town nor he could get their horses, but returns back again the way he came; and by the way takes out of the burgh of Montrose, the Marquis of Montrose' second son, now lord Graham, by reason of his elder brother's decease, as ye have heard, a young boy about 14 years of age, learning at the schools, attended by his pedagogue in quiet manner. He is taken, had to Edinburgh, and he and his pedagogue warded in the castle thereof.
Hurry having done this exploit in Aberdeen, the gentlemen were sorry, but could not mend it. They returned back to Montrose; some on horse and some on foot, ashamed of this accident. Montrose was highly offended for the loss of Donald Farquharson more than the rest, thro too great carelessness.
Upon the morn being Saturday, the said Donald Farquharson's corps was found in the street stripped naked, for they tirred from off his body a rich stand of apparel, but put on the same day. His corps was taken up, and put in a close chest, and carried to the chapel there to ly, in the Castle-hill. The other dead corps were taken up and p. 282 put into their chests, and carried to the samen chapel on the Castle-hill while they should all be buried.
The town of Aberdeen, fearing this accident should be interpreted their fault, sent out two commissioners to Kintore, to signify their innocency to Montrose. He heard them patiently with a woe heart, yet knew well enough who were innocent or guilty in this matter within the town; wisely kept up his mind, and gave the commissioners an indifferent answer, and so they returned to Aberdeen, not knowing what should be the event.
Montrose gave order to general major McDonald to come to Aberdeen with 1000 Irishes, horse and foot, and see his corps buried, who came indeed upon the foresaid Saturday the 16th of March to the town about 4 afternoon. The towns people, both man and woman, were under great fear of thir Irishes, and many had a mind to flee their houses, but this noble major comforted them all, for he quartered his haill foot, being about 700 Irishes, about the bridge of Dee and Two-mile Cross, and none bade within the town but himself and his troopers. He caused close the ports, and sent out scout watches, as a discreet captain should do: lord Lewis Gordon came with him.
Upon the morn being Sunday, this gentleman with the other three corps, was lifted out of the castle foresaid, and convoyed to their burial. Donald was buried in the laird of Drums aile, with many woe hearts and doleful shots.
But it is to be marked, there was no preaching in either of the Aberdeens, because the ministers had fled the town, yet Dr Guild our Oldtown principal teached within the College kirk, suppose for fear he durst not preach out of the College yets, on the Sabbath day the 17th of March.
Now as Montrose is lying at Kintore, the earl of Airly falls there sick of a fever, and is convoyed therefrae to Lethentie, whereof his daughter is lady, with a guard of 300 men, officers, captains, and commanders, to wait upon him. This being done, Montrose marches upon the samen Sunday and I7th of March, frae Kintore to the lands of Durris, pertaining to the lord Fraser.
General major McDonald stays all this Sunday in the p. 283 town, where he was much respected and well entertained for his love and favour which he shewed, in not doing wrong, or suffering much wrong to be done, except one or two covenanters that were plundered. They indeed took their diet, but paid for all extraordinaries, whereof the towns people were most glad, yet he took up mickle gear, as ye shall presently hear.
Upon Monday the 18th of March he leaves Aberdeen, minding to meet Montrose at Durris; but a number of the Irish rogues lay lurking behind him, abusing and fearing the towns people, taking their cloaks, plaids, and purses frae them on the streets. No merchant's booth durst be opened; the stable doors were broken upon the night, and the horses taken out; but the major hearing this, returns that samen Monday back, and drove all thir rascals with sore skins out of the town before him, and so both Aberdeens were free both of him and them, by God's providence, who looked both for fire and plundering; yet he took up about 10,000 lb. worth of cloth, gold and silver lace, frae the merchants of the town, and the town became obliged to pay for the same to them. He took up his cloth and other commodities, amounting to the said sum of 10,000 pounds, and above, to be clothing to him and his soldiers, and caused the town to become obliged to pay the merchants, by raising of a taxation for that effect, whilk they were glad to do, to be quit of their company. Thus cross upon cross comes upon Aberdeen.
Ye hear how Montrose marches frae Kintore towards Durris; he spared by the way the lairds of Monymusk and Leys lands unplundered, upon some private conditions, and came to Durris, where major McDonald meets him. They burnt up the place, haill laigh biggings and corns, and spoilzied the haill ground of horse, nolt, sheep, and other goods. This was done upon Sunday the 17th of March.
And a party the samen Sunday was direct out upon sic lands of Fintray as pertained to Craigievar, to plunder, burn and destroy the same, houses, biggings, corns and all. Mr Andrew Abercromby, minister of Fintray, his house and corns were burnt up, and his goods plundered, p. 284 being a main covenanter. Some thought Craigievar deferred this injury, being credibly taken prisoner, and well respected both of the country and Montrose, and would take his liberty after sic a dishonourable manner; whereas if he had staid, his licence might have been purchased after a fair way, at least he would not have suffered such a skaith if he had bidden captive. Montrose marches frae Durris to Stonehaven, and came there upon Tuesday the 19th of March, and hearing some troubles to arise in the north against the lord Gordon's lands, he sends back his footmen, estimate to 500 men, to defend Strathboggie, and remanent of his ground, against such enemies as should come, who came indeed, as ye have hereafter; but still he kept the lord Gordon with his horse troops beside himself while occasion offered.
The earl of Airly, lying sore sick at Lethentie, as ye have heard, and hearing of the lord Gordon's men coming back again, he causes transport himself to Strathboggie, as a place of greater strength and security, having his guard about him, where he lay while God sent him his health.
Montrose quarters himself in James Clark the provost's house of Stonehaven, the lord Gordon and others beside the army, quartered in Cowie and about the country.
Upon Wednesday the 20th of March, he writes a letter to earl Marischal, being in Dunnotter, where there was about 16 ministers, who had fled their own houses, and taken refuge there; amongst whom was Mr Andrew Cant and his wife also; and Mr John Rue minister at Aberdeen, and Mr William Douglas professor there, George Keith the earl Marischal's brother was also come there out of France lately, and diverse others. This letter was received and read, albeit the bearer stood at their yett, but gat no answer; whereat Montrose was highly offended, done chiefly by persuasion of his lady and of the ministry, especially by Mr Andrew Cant. It is said the lord Gordon wrote a letter to the foresaid George Keith, who came to Stonehaven and conferred with him, and Montrose also, whose desire was, that the Earl should serve the King, and concur with him against his rebellious subjects, as he that p. 285 was bound thereto both from his place and honours. This was the sum, as was said, of all, otherwise to be upon his own hazard. But this noble earl, counselled by Mr Andrew Cant and the rest of the brethren, refused this service allenarly, saying he would not be against the country.
Whereupon Montrose upon the 21st of March began and burnt up the barn yards of Dunnotter, houses, corns, and all; whilk the earl and his lady within the place saw; syne fires the tolbooth of Stonehaven, wherein there was store of bear and corns, and the haill town also, being the King's royal burgh, with the haill corn yards, houses, and biggings, except the said James Clerk's biggings, wherein Montrose himself was quartered.
They plundered a ship lying in the harbour, syne set her on fire, with the haill fisher boats lying there.
They burnt up the haill town of Cowie, houses, biggings, corns, and corn-yards, and siklike plundered the haill goods, gear, horses, nolt, sheep, whilk they could get, and plundered the parson of Dunnotter's house, syne set the same on fire.
It is said the people of Stonehaven and Cowie came out, men, women and children at their feet, and children in their arms, crying, howling and weeping, praying the earl for God's cause to save them from this fire how soon it was kindled , but thir poor people gat no answer, nor knew they where to go with their children. Lamentable to see!
Fetteresso was also fired, and a quarter of it burnt, but the haill cornyards and laigh bigging were utterly destroyed and burnt up.
They fired the pleasant park of Fetteresso, some trees burnt, others being green could not burn, but the hart, the hind, the deer and the roe, skirled at the fight of fire, but they were all tane and slain. The horse, mares, oxen, and ky, were all likewise killed, and the haill baronies of Dunnotter and Fetteresso utterly spoilzied, plundered and undone. After this he marches to Drumlithy, and to Urie, pertaining to John Forbes of Lesly, a great covenanter , he fires the place, burns all to the vaults, arid haill laigh bigging, corns, and barn yards, and plunders p. 286 the haill ground. He sends to his own goodbrother the viscount of Arbuthnot, but as is said there was by his order burnt and plundered to him 24 ploughs of land.
He comes to Fettercairn upon the day of March, and sends out quarter-masters to quarter some troops in the country, and about the burgh of Montrose. But general major Hurry lying in ambush within the planting of Halkertoun without their knowledge, issues out suddenly with a great cry and a shout upon their troopers, who returned shortly back to Montrose' camp, and he directly sends out a better number of troopers; but how soon Hurry sees them, he takes into another ambush hard beside, but he is rouzed out and routed through the North Water, and fled with greater skaith nor he gave, to major Baillie, lying with his army near hand.
Montrose' troopers returns back to the camp, where Mr. James Strachan's house was burnt in Fettercairn.
Upon Sunday the 24th of March, Mr. William Strachan our minister, came to his house in Old Aberdeen, and preached, but Mr. Andrew Cant and Mr. John Rue were not come not to their charge in New Aberdeen out of Dunnotter; yet Dr. Guild and Mr. Robert Downie supplied their place, Sunday and week day.
This samen Sunday, Charles Gordon, now called lord Charles, with his pedagogue Mr. Thomas Johnston, were transported frae the Oldtown schools to the place of Lesmoir, in the time of thir troubles, lest he should be taken, as the lord Graham was taken frae the schools in Montrose, as ye have heard.
Montrose staid at Fettercairn Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and upon Monday the 25th of March marched therefrae to Brechin with his foot army, and directs his troopers to the town of Montrose, with charge to take their entertainment, but no more. They took the same, and wine enough, but did no more harm to the town.
The town's people of Brechin hid their goods in the castle thereof, and kirk steeples, and fled themselves, which, flight enraged the soldiers; they found their goods, plundered the castle and haill town, and burnt about 60 houses.
From Brechin he marched upon the day of March p. 287 with his troopers in a body, through Angus, where he raised some fire also. Lieutenant major Baillie being in the fields near by, having four foot regiments and two regiments of horse, to whom also came the lord Loudon, high chancellor, his regiment, with the earl of Lothian's regiment also, both foot regiments, besides great forces was coming, sic as 1500 red coats out of Ireland, and some other regiments, yet there was but 600 red coats.
Ye have before, that our Scots parliament was up and rose upon the 20th day of February. They did not adjourn the same to any certain day, but established their constant committee of parliament, to sit upon the country affairs.
Montrose is informed of lieutenant major Baillie's forces, and mighty preparation; yet could not dismay him. But frae Brechin he marches through Angus in his sight, and his forces without stroke of sword or push of pike, he having then in service four foot regiments, and the lord Balcarras and Sir James Hacket's two horse regiments; whereas Montrose was not so many in his service, not passing 3000, foot, horse, and dragooners. Baillie comes frae Perth to met Montrose at or about Brechin. Montrose marches in his sight to the water of Tay; he keeps the one side, Baillie follows and keeps the other side of this river, within musket shot to others.
There was some skirmishing betwixt their scout watches daily, but none offering battle to others, whereat many marvelled. The country was also holden under continual fear, none knowing whom to follow, and gladly would have had it discussed by a battle betwixt them. But howsoever it was, Baillie durst not go on, but according to order, who had some noblemen on his council of war still with him, sic as the earl of Crawford, sometime called lord Lindsay, the earl of Cassilis, the lord Balmerinoch, the lord Kircudbright, and some others, without whose advice he could do nothing.
As Montrose is in Angus, the viscount of Frendraught, the lord Fraser, the master of Forbes, with their friends and followers, leaves their houses, comes to the fields, and p. 288 begins to oppress whom they could overtake; and first they meddle upon the highway with Hugh Gordon, son to George Gordon of Coclarachie; they took Hector Abercromby of Fetterneir, and William Fraser of Craigston, and wards them both in the place of Frendraught. They warded also the third in Muchalls, but they set him shortly at liberty, and Fetterneir was also put to liberty.
Thir people, with Craigievar, were great covenanters, and deadly enemies to the house of Huntly; the marquis being still in Strathnaver all this while. They rode also to the place of Lethentie, seeking for the earl of Airly, who they knew well enough was in Strathboggie; they gat no entrance there, nor did no skaith at this time, but hereafter it was plundered, as ye shall hear.
It is to be remarked, that the month of March was very outrageous, high, and windy, whereof the like was seldom seen here.
Ye heard before of Montrose' march and lieutenant major Baillie's continual following of him, and how the country was kept under daily fear, both of the one army and of the other, as they are dallying this wise in others fight, about four or five days time. Montrose marches to Killiemuir and the hills, and Baillie to Perth. In the meantime the lord Gordon and general major M'Donald, gets order to storm Dundee, who upon Friday the 4th of April came there with 200 horse and about 800 foot, whereof the most part were Irishes, and Montrose followed with the haill army that samen day, and encamped at Dundee-Law hard beside. They enter the town courageously; the town's men defend as well as they could. Their cannon planted on the cawsey for defence of the ports were shot, but did no skaith, for they entered the town by the ports four several ways. They burnt up the Bonnet-hill almost all together, and fired sundry other houses within the town. As they are busy at this work, major Baillie gets word, and with Balcarras and Hacket's regiments came with all speed to rescue Dundee, having his foot army coming after as fast as they could from St. Johnston. The p. 289 lord Gordon hearing of their coming, receives orders frae Montrose, lying hard by, to sound the retreat, and to return to the camp, whilk he did, even when the town was at the rendering. However Montrose begins in a full body to march about six hours at even. Baillie and Hurry bade while their foot came, and with all diligence in a body follows, and overtakes Montrose marching to the braes, for it was about 6 hours before Baillie's foot army could win to Dundee. It is said major Hurry would fain have yoked with Montrose, but Baillie expressly countermanded him; so they part, the one army frae the other, through mirkness of the night; Montrose to Killiemuir, and Baillie to Forfar, without blood or slaughter, but there were some slain at Dundee at the storming thereof.
Baillie leaves following of Montrose, and frae Forfar goes to Brechin. Upon the morn, the earl Marischal, the viscount of Frendraught, the lord Fraser, the master of Forbes, the lairds of Boyn, Echt, Craigievar, Lesly, and divers others oppressed covenanters, meet him at Brechin, and held their committees there.
General major Hurry here received orders to come to Aberdeen with the lord Loudon and earl of Lothian's foot regiments, consisting of about 1000 brave soldiers, commanders and all, and Sir James Hacket's regiment of about 250 horse, the nobles and barons to come with him, who are above mentioned, and Baillie to go back to St. Johnston.
Upon the last of March, Mr. Andrew Cant with his wife, and Mr. John Rae, with Mr. William Douglas, came to Aberdeen frae Dunnotter. Mr. William Robertson, Patrick Lesly, and the rest came to the town, upon the morn being Tuesday, and first of April, and an ordinary presbytery day of Aberdeen, where it was told to the brethren, that the committee of the kirk had appointed a fast for divers great causes, to be kept through all Scotland, and that it was done in the south, and omitted here by reason of thir troubles. Therefore it was appointed to be kept upon the Pasch-day next the 6th of April, within the presbytery, and through the rest of the kirks as soon as might be. Some marvelled at the appointing of this fast upon Sunday next, and on good Pasch-day, whilk was kept p. 290 before in praising God with mirth and merriness for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and now turned over into fasting and mourning by our kirk.
The common people grudged with thir new-come orders. It was straitly kept here frae eight hours in the morning while twa afternoon, for the forenoon's sermon and as long an afternoon's sermon. No meat durst be made ready; searchers sought the town's houses and kitchens for the same. Thus is the people vexed with thir extraordinary fasts and thanksgivings, upon the Sabbath day, appointed by God for a day of rest, seeing their bodies are vexed with labour on the work days, through the preposterous zeal of our ministry.
Mr William Strachan, on this day of humiliation, cried out against Montrose and his army, calling them bloody butchers, traitors, perfidious, and of the hellish crew, with, many other speeches, unmeet to be uttered by a minister from the chair of verity. Mr Andrew Cant, with Mr John Rue and Mr William Robertson, were as malicious, and fully worse against them in their pulpits, and Cant was heard to rail against the King's own commission granted to Montrose, and spared not to call him and his army murderers, bloody butchers, rebels, and excommunicated traitors, whereat some of the well disposed auditors did tremble, wondering at the railing of the ministry almost every where, wicked counsellors, and evil instruments frae the beginning of thir troubles, but no repentance for the mother sin, which was riving of the King's prerogative frae him, and his rents and living within this kingdom, which has bred this misery, God's wrath, pest and sword.
Ye heard before of Montrose' march to Killiemuir , and understanding some enemies were risen, and growing to an head in thir parts, sic as Frendraught, the Frasers, Forbeses, and their kin and friends, chiefly against the house of Huntly, their friends and followers; therefore most wisely he directs from Killiemuir the lord Gordon's brother Lewis, or lord Lewis, with the horsemen which he brought with him (being about 160) his footmen being sent before as ye have heard, to go home and defend his country and friends. p. 291
In the mean time, the earl Marischal, the viscount of Frendraught, the lord Fraser, the Matter of Forbes, the lairds of Boyn, Ludquharn, Craigievar, Echt, Lesly, Kermuck, and diverse others barons, grow to an head, and comes to Aberdeen upon Monday the 7th of April to hold their committees, for uptaking of the excise, and laying more grievous burdens upon the King's subjects; but they were by God's providence interrupted at this time; for the lord Gordon came frae Killiemuir, and crosses Dee at the Mill of Dinnety upon the 8th of April. Marischal is informed of an army coming that gate; the samen. 8th of April, goes to council and dissolves the committee, he to Dunnotter, and ilk ane a sundry gate; whereat many marvelled, and some were blyth.
The lord Gordon comes to Strathboggie, but before his coming, John Gordon of Buckie, an old aged man, took in his chief's place of the Bog, makes James Gordon, of the family of Lichiestown,, ane renowned soldier, captain thereof, who manned and provided the house, and kept the samen stoutly. He drew the haill boats and cobles of Spey, that none should get passage frae the north; he set out nightly an hundred men in watch, being, under fear of the Murray men and regiments lying at Inverness.
This samen Tuesday and 8th of April, appointed for holding of the committee, our presbytery sat down in New Aberdeen, where there was produced a number of printed papers for uptaking of the excise, and ilk minister to have one here, and the haill province to intimate upon a Sabbathday before his parishioners, to the effect that they should thereafter get payment; but the brethren hearing of the lords going from the committee, dissolves their presbytery suddenly without more ado.
Ye hear before how major Hurry received orders at Brochin to come here, and lieutenant major Baillie to return to Perth, back again; conform thereto, upon the 11th of April he came to Aberdeen, with his two foot regiments, and a horse regiment; he was convoyed with the nobles and barons also, frae Brechin, except Marischal, who went to Dunnotter. Hurry caused quarter his troopers about Torry, and his foot regiments this night in New Aberdeen. p. 292
Upon the morn, the troopers were quartered in Old Aberdeen, captains, officers and all; they plundered about the town, meat for their horses within three miles thereof, and paid for their own meat. Hurry causes straitly watch the town of Aberdeen, bridges of Dee and Don nightly, and the Old Town also.
Friday being the 11th of April, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, they stay, as is formerly set down.
Upon Tuesday the 15th of April, Hurry intends to march from both Aberdeens; draws out the lord Loudon's regiment first out of the town (he being Chancellor of Scotland) the troopers march frae the Old-town. As they are going into the town, the Lothian regiment raised a mutiny against their commanders, and went to arms, kept the town, closed the ports, and would not suffer any of Loudon's regiment, lying without the ports, nor their Commanders or captains to take order with them, nor suffer trooper nor Loudon's regiment to enter within the town. The cause of this mutiny was, for want of cloathing and pay, promised to be given them at Aberdeen, whilk the other regiment and troopers had truly gotten, as was true, and they only wanting, whilk carried some reason with it; nor further would they march while they were compleatly paid of all their dues. Major Hurry nor none of the commanders might not mend themselves, but take patience per force, and they take this course, that the lord Loudon's regiment and troopers, who could not get entry into the town, should march back to Old Aberdeen that night upon their own charges, and to get nothing but house room, fire, candle, and beds, where they could be had.
This poor town was pitifully distressed, in providing their lodgings, but mickle more to furnish them meat, scarce gettable for money. The troopers sought meat through the country for their horses and themselves. Thus they lay in both Aberdeens, while Hurry sent to the estates for money and cloathing. Like as upon Thursday the 17th of April, a bark came to Aberdeen with thir commodities, wherein Hurry's wife came also; he directed her back again by land, and caused shortly cloath his soldiers, and pay p. 293 their dues; and after they had stayed frae Friday the 11th of April upon their expences, which was reasonably well paid, upon Saturday the 19th of April they marched all together in a body from Aberdeen, towards Kintore and Inverurie; from that to Rayne, carrying in their company two field pieces. They plundered the lands of Newtown and Harthill (for the lairds were in Montrose' service) from that they go to Strathboggie and Enzie, as ye shall hear.
Upon the foresaid 15th of April, and third Tuesday thereof, our provincial assembly sat down in New Aberdeen, and at their down-sitting they hear of the mutiny amongst the soldiers foresaid. The earl Marischal came frae Dunnotter to this assembly, stayed not, but returned back upon the morn, being Wednesday. Mr. William Strachan, minister at Old Aberdeen, is chosen moderator for the affairs concerning the provincial assembly, to the next assembly, and Mr. Andrew Cant is moderator for the presbytery of Aberdeen. Mr. David Lindsay parson of Belhelvie is disjoined from this presbytery to the presbytery of Ellon. Marvellous to see sic alterations!
Upon Sunday the 13th of April, before sermon, the viscount of Frendraught, the lord Fraser, the master of Forbes, the lairds of Boyn, Echt, Ludquharn, and divers others, who came in with Hurry to Aberdeen, rode from the town; some thought to meet him. at Strathboggie.
Word came here, that upon Friday the 11th of April,, by command of the estates, the lord Gordon's arms, the laird of Delgaty's arms, and the goodman of Coxtown's. arms were also riven at the cross of Edinburgh; themselves declared traitors to their country, and their lands forfeited, for following the king.
Ye heard before how the place of Lethentie was pursued, yet gat no entrance; thereafter about this same time,. Sir William Forbes of Craigievar, with his assisters, came, took in the house, put the lady to the yett (her husband being absent) plundered the ground, and sent the corns to his own lands of Fintray to sow. because there was none left, unplundered or burnt, as ye have before.
Upon Sunday the 20th of April, our minister read out a p. 293 paper, as was done at other churches, warning the shire of Aberdeen for Hurry's service to furnish out 600 dragooners, man and horse, and to have their rendezvous at Aberdeen the 29th of April. The time was short, yet charged under great pains; but none kept or gave obedience, for the country lay groaning under thir heavy burdens.
Ye heard how Montrose went to Killiemuir. It is said he directed M'Donald North into Birse, Cromar and Glentanner, and himself past south towards Dunkeld; but in effect we had no certainty where he went, he was so obscure; and Baillie lay still at St. Johnston with his forces,
It is said that Forbes of Skellater, a strong gentleman, agreed with the lord Gordon for taking of some nolt and sheep from his friends, as ye have heard; and at his command past to M'Donald with 200 soldiers, and they march to Coupar in Angus, pertaining to the lord Coupar, the lord Balmerinoch's brother, whilk he fired, and slew Mr. Patrick Lindsay minister at Coupar, and some others, syne routed the lord Balcarras' troopers lying near by, killed some, and took their horses and arms, syne took to the hills.
Upon Wednesday the 23d of April, the earl Marischal, with the lairds of Talquhon, Watertoun, Kermuck, and divers others, held a committee at Aberdeen, syne returned back again that same night to Dunnotter.
The samen Wednesday and 23d of April there is taken within the Forth, seven Scots merchant ships, well loadened with goods, and one of the king's ships, now called a parliament ship, by some frigates, whether English, Irish,. or Dunkirkers, is uncertain. James Nicolson, white fisher in Footdee, was taken at his lines by one of thir frigates, but did him little skaith nor his boat; they had him with them, but suffered the boat to go home. They landed him at the Bowness, and he by land returned to his own house; he could tell nothing, but that this frigate was a man of war, but to whom she belonged, he could not tell. Thereafter out of Forth there was taken four other merchant ships, richly loadened, whereof captain Seaton's ship, now gone to sea, was one. Thus is Scotland wrecked both by sea and land. p. 295
Upon Friday the 25th of April, Sir William Forbes of Cragievar at his own hand takes in the place of Kemnay, frae the widow lady thereof, plants some soldiers therein, being flanked about, and of good defence; he plundered corns and victuals for their maintenance frae the laird of Kincraigie, syne took his best saddle horses, and plundered the country about for the same cause, sic as Newtown and Harthill; he plundered frae them about 160 oxen, and drove them to Fife, and sold them; he took also George Gordon of Rhynie.
Ye heard of Montrose' being at Dunkeld; he returns north, and beyond Dee there comes to him the lord Gordon, out of Auchindown, M'Donald and his company; siklike there came to him the lord Aboyne, the master of Napier, the laird of Delgaty, the laird of Keir younger, who with the earl of Nithsdale and Lord Herress, had broken out of Carlisle, with about 28 horse, through David Lesly's army desperately, yet happily safe and found. Thus Aboyne, Napier, Delgaty, and Keir, came in to Montrose beyond Dee, who were all joyful for one another; they began to march cross the river Dee at the Mill of Crathie, and hastes the lord Aboyne to Aberdeen for powder, and they to bide his return at Skene. He comes down Deeside upon Thursday the 1st of May, and with about 40 horse came to Aberdeen, sets watches, goes to two ships lying in the harbour, plunders about 20 barrels or kinkens of powder, stayed no longer, but past shortly to the camp at Skene the same night, who were very glad of his coming with the powder, being very scant thereof; he did no more skaith, yet Mr. Andrew Cant, Mr. John Rue, and some covenanters, fled like foxes. Thir barks were but new come home from Flanders.
Mr. William Chalmers minister at Skene, and Mr. William Davidson's houses were plundered, and two men killed by the Irishes, but no wrong was done to the lady Marischal's liferent lands.
Ye heard of Hurry's march to Strathboggie and the Enzie, He raised no fire, nor did any wrong to the stately palaces of Strathboggie and the Bog, and marched by them to the Enzie, and encamped at the Upper and Nether p. 296 Buckles, where the earl of Findlater and Lord Crighton, the laird of Boyn, and some others, came to his assistance. The lord Gordon, at Hurry's coming, went to Auchindown, where he stayed while he went to Montrose, as ye have heard, because he had no order to give battle to Hurry, who all this time is plundering the pleasant country of the Enzie. He made up 400 dragooners of the country-horse, and made meat of the corns, victuals, nolt, sheep, and ky, and as was said he sent to Frendraught's tenants corns, cattle, and other goods, to help their losses; he was estimated to 1000 foot, 200 troopers, and 400 dragooners, by and attour sic country help as came in to him. He camped here frae the 20th of April that he came to the Enzie, to Friday the 2d of May; and hearing of Montrose's coming, upon Saturday the 3d of May he marches over Spey, there to join with the Murray-forces. Montrose lying at Skene, on Friday May the 2d, by break of day, marches in a full body to Strathboggie; upon the morn to the Bog; and upon Monday the 5th of May past hastily over Spey after Hurry. He was estimate to about 4000 men, horse and all, where I must cease a little.
Upon Sunday the 27th of April, our minister Mr. William Strachan, as other ministers did, made a speech conform to the imprinted papers anent the uptaking of the excise, sent from the committee of the estates, the particulars whereof ye have before, first by committee, thereafter ratified by parliament, dated the 29th of July 1644, and last of January 1645. This excise was ordained to begin the 10th of February, and to endure but for an year thereafter; this day is altered, and begins the first of August 1644, to continue to the first of August 1645.
Many decrees were made for uptaking of this grievous excise, sore against the people's will, crying with many maledictions against the same; as done to the wreck both of burgh and land and all for this, to make up monies to furnish the armies gone into England out of this kingdom, for reformation and defence of religion, but rather more truly to furnish men to fight against his sacred majesty, seeing he had most graciously condescended to our haill hearts desire, both in. church and policy, whilk his majesty never brake p. 297 in one jot; yet we would not rest, but raise arms to the wreck of our country, upon no true reason, as is said before. Now as the people looked for a tyrannical uptaking of this excise, after their pulpit intimations, it was crossed by the incoming of Aboyne to Aberdeen, as ye have already heard.
Ye heard before how Craigievar took in Kemnay. He alledged he had warrant frae the estates to take in, during thir troubles, the strongest houses, and fortify the same, and the soldiers to live upon the rents of the lands, or upon the country where there was no rents to sustain them. Right sua he took in the place of Pitcaple, and fortified the samen, but Kemnay he quitted at the field of Alford, and —— Abercromby younger of Birkenbog manned the same.
Upon Tuesday the 29th of April, there was six several proclamations made at the Cross of Aberdeen, first anent the selling of the haill forfeited persons lands within the north, but there could be found no buyers. There were other four worthless proclamations, which of purpose I have left unwritten.
Upon Sunday the 3d of May Baillie goes into Athol, and burns and destroys that pleasant country. This is not the first fire the covenanters raised in Scotland, as I believe, and as the King had justly given commission to Montrose to raise fire and sword against his rebels, right sua the committee of estates gave order to raise fire and sword upon the King's loyal subjects, as was done by the Marquis (then earl) of Argyle; for first he raised fire at his own hand upon the earl of Airly's lands, as ye have heard; syne burnt the lands of Keppach, pertaining to McDonald, and siclike burnt the laigh bigging about the place of Kelly, as ye have heard; syne demolished the fair passages of the house, with sundry others, without warrant or authority of our sovereign the King. The raising of this fire was thought good service by preachers and covenanters, done for reformation of religion and defence thereof, as most unjustly they alledged, since his Majesty had granted all our desires both in kirk and policy, as is well seen in the acts of parliament. But the King, seeing their p. 298 intentions were rather against royalty than for religion, and withal fearing the kingdom would be born down with blood, murder, fire, sword, plundering, robbery, and oppression, stent, taxations, men and moneys, done of set purpose against himself and his good subjects; he for repressing of thir abuses grants a commission to the marquis of Montrose, to rise with fire and sword against his rebellious subjects, and to defend his true and loyal friends; but the preachers and covenanters railed and cried out against his Majesty's lawful commission. Strange to see!
Baillie having burnt up and destroyed this fair and fertile country of Athol, for the loyalty of the inhabitants to their dread sovereign, went to the castle of Blair, an impregnable strength, wherein many of the prisoners taken at Inverlochy, and haill wealth of Montrose's army were kept; but he could not get this house taken in, and after the burning of the country he plundered horse, nolt, and sheep, with the haill goods thereof, for entertaining of his army; syne marches frae Athol in through the fields to Killiemuir and Fettercairn; and upon Saturday the 10th of May he comes and camps in Birse, still plundering the country wherever he goes, eating the green growing corns scarce come to the blade, with their horses. He was estimate about 2000 foot and 120 troopers. Upon Sunday the 11th of May he marches to Cromar, and camps betwixt the kirks of Coull and Tarland; he burnt the house of Dalpersie, pertaining to —— Gordon, and still lay plundering and destroying the country, abiding the coming of the lord Balcarras with his horse regiment, and that the gentry of the land should rise and assist him; where I will leave him for a while.
Ye heard before how Hurry went, upon the third of May, over Spey. Montrose followed him over upon the 5th of the said month, betwixt whom was a skirmish, where James Gordon, son to George Gordon of Rhynie, was sore hurt. He is convoyed to the Strudders, where a friend of his own dwelt, to ly while he should be cured, and had a gentleman called Gordon to attend him. But major Sutherland advertises the young laird of Innes, that he was lying at this house, who rashly and unadvisedly p. 299 sent a party, viz. captain Smith, Alexander Douglas, John Douglas, and John Milne younger, all Elgin men, with some others, and cruelly they murdered this young gentleman, lying sore wounded, and left his keeper also for dead. This was thought an odious deed, barbarous, and inhuman, to murder this youth not passing 18 years of age, which was well revenged by Montrose at Auldearn and bigging of Elgin, as after does appear.
Hurry wan nothing at this skirmish, but marched west, removed the laird of Lare's regiment and Buchanan's regiment out of Inverness, except so many as should keep the town. There came also of country people in to him the earl of Sutherland, with his power; the earl of Seaforth in person, with his power; the earl of Findlater himself was there; the lord Lovat's power was there, but not himself; the young laird of Innes, the Rosses, Monros, Dunbars, the lairds of Boyn and Birkenbog, and many others came in to Hurry, who was now estimate about 4000 foot, and 500 horse, all expert soldiers and resolute gentlemen, with brave commanders, officers, and captains.
But Seaforth was thought to be a perfidious traitor, who after he was deeply sworn by Montrose to the King's service, and upon this parole had gotten liberty to go home, whereas Montrose might have kept him still in his company, yet forgetting his oath before God, his duty towards his Prince, and this nobleman his Majesty's general, he lap in to the other side, as ye have heard before, where he also gave his oath.
Now Hurry is busy be-west Auldearn, drawing to an head, and Montrose marches forward to Auldearn, about 3000 foot and horse, where he encamps commodiously, and upon Friday the 9th of May Hurry comes marching forward to Auldearn, where Montrose was biding him in good order and posture. At last Montrose gives Hurry an hot charge upon all quarters, both with foot and horse; and in a short space the Chancellor's regiment called Loudon's regiment, the Lothian regiment, Lare's regiment, and Buchanan's regiment, (all expert and singular well trained soldiers as were in this kingdom) are for the most p. 300 part cut off, fighting to the death valiantly. This overthrow was attributed to one crowner or major Drummond, who wheeled about unskilfully through his own foot, and brake their ranks, whereby they were all slain by the enemy, and for which by a council of war thereafter, holden at Inverness, he was shot standing on his feet, but not at a post. There was reckoned to be slain here at this bloody battle, above 2000 men to Hurry, and some 24 gentlemen to Montrose, and some few Irishes killed, which is miraculous, and only foughten with God's own finger as would appear; so many to be cut down on the one side, and so few on the other; yet no thanks was given to God for this great victory. It is to be considered that Montrose's captains and soldiers wan this victory with great glory of arms, and the lord Gordon, the Viscount of Aboyne, and their name and followers fought so valiantly, that they deserved eternal praise.
Many of Hurry's commanders with the rest were killed and taken prisoners, of whom the laird of Lares, Sir John Murray, and Sir Gideon Murray were killed, 10 or 12 prisoners taken, of whom Lares' brother, called Campbell, is one; sixteen colours taken, with their haill baggage and ammunition, and much money and riches found. The horsemen indeed fled first, and left the foot fighting courageously to the death; they ported to Inverness who were well horsed; others were killed in their fleeing. Hurry, Seaforth, Sutherland, Findlater, the lairds of Boyn, Innes, Birkenbog, and the rest, wan safely away.
After this great victory Montrose directs to burn the laird of Calder's (Campbell's) lands and houses in Nairn, and plundered his haill goods. The earl of Murray being in England, his ground was plundered, Kinsterrie and Lethen's lands plundered, and diverse other lands in the country , and upon Sunday the 11th of May he comes to Elgin, to his supper. He sends out parties and burns Garmouth, pertaining to the laird of Innes, (and plunders the Friary of Elgin, but being church land would not burn the same,) because his son gave orders to kill James Gordon of Rhynie; Walter Smith's house; John p. 301 Milne's house; Mr John Douglas' house of Murriestown, Alexander Douglas' house, all in Elgin, were burnt, because some of themselves and some of their sons were at the killing of James Gordon foresaid; and siclike the bigging of Spynie, pertaining in heritage to the said Alexander Douglas, was burnt, and sundry other houses in Elgin, through occasion of this fire, took fire and was burnt, sic as Robert Gibson, George Donaldson, and George Sutherland's houses; the houses pertaining to Mr John Hay and Mr Gavin Douglas escaped by composition; the Bishops Mill, and Miltown, pertaining to major Sutherland's wife in liferent, was burnt, for being airt and part in the said James Gordon's death; the laird of Pluscardine's house in Elgin was plundered.
This done, upon Monday the 12th of May Montrose directs the baggage, arms, ammunition, and all the goods over Spey to the Bog, and upon Wednesday thereafter himself marches to the said place, but stays not there, but goes to Birkenbog, a main covenanter, where he and some specialls were quartered. The rest of his army he directs through the country upon quarters. He sends a party, and burns up the town of Cullen, which was plundered before, and sic lands of Frendraught's as were left unburnt up before, are now burnt up. There was some soldiers quartered also in Banff.
Now Leith of Harthill came frae the camp to the Garioch with some soldiers, and hearing that Craigievar had masterfully taken George Gordon of Rhynie at his own hand, he takes John and Alexander Farquhars, cousins to Craigievar, and keeps them fast in Harthill, while the said George Gordon was set to liberty. Harthill burns the town and lands of Tombeg, occupied by William Forbes, but pertaining in heritage to the laird of Monymusk, because the said William Forbes had plundered some money frae his servant, with his baggage horse; thereafter mans and fortifies his own house of Harthill, for his defence.
Ye have before that lieutenant general Baillie was lying in Cromar. The lord Balcarras with his horse regiment came there, with two regiments of red coats; but for all the thundering out of pulpits to gar the country rise with p. 302 Baillie, they lay still, and would not rise and follow him. In the meantime Baillie got sure advertisement of Hurry's great overthrow at Auldearn, and therefore upon Monday the 19th of May he lifts his camp out of Cromar, and with all haste marches to the wood of Coclarachie, within two miles of Strathboggie.
As he is lying there, Sir John Hurry comes frae Inverness, crosses Spey, goes through the marquis of Montrose' watches, saying he was the lord Gordon's man, and fairly wan away past them to Frendraught, and therefrae past to Coclarachie, where Baillie was lying.
Aberdeen, town of | |
affected in 7,500 merks yearly, to pay the ministers stipends, | 9 |
sends 130 soldiers to the army, | 150 |
fortified, | 152 |
provost and magistrates taken by Haddo, &c. and carried to Strathboggie, and Auchindown, | 160 |
give 20,000 merks to prevent being plundered, | 204 |
taken by Montrose, and plundered by the Irish soldiers, | 237, 283 |
Aboyne, viscount of, forfeited and declared a traitor, | 102 |
Apparitions seen, | 71, 73 |
Argyle, marquis of | |
comes to Dunotter, | 178 |
his proclamation as general of the army, | 189 |
comes to Turriff, | 194 |
to Cullen, | 196 |
to Elgin, | 197 |
leaves Aberdeen, | 203 |
comes north with an army against Montrose, | 244 |
marches to Strathboggie, and plunders it, | 247 |
comes to Bog of Gight, | 250 |
his progress, | 251 |
follows Montrose, | 256 |
defeated at Inverlochy | 270 |
Auldearn, battle of, | 299 |
Banbury, battle of, | 49 |
Banff | |
town of, plundered, | 172 |
laird of, created Lord Banff, | 47 |
Banders | |
their meeting, | 19 |
ordered to leave Edinburgh, | 35 |
meet at Peebles, | 119 |
Blind Band, | 147 |
Brownists | |
come to Aberdeen, | 45 |
censured, | 52, 64, 67, 70, 102 |
Cant, Mr. Andrew | |
his innovations in religion, | 28, 68 |
his son steals 500 merks, | 105 |
Carnwath, earl of | |
accused, | 87 |
goes to the King, | 88 |
Charles I. | |
shut out of Hull, | 6 |
his character, | 10 |
his letter to the council of Scotland, | 18 |
goes to York, | 26 |
puts a garrison into Newcastle, | 30 |
besieges Hull, but raises the siege, | 36 |
sets up his standard at Nottingham, | 41 |
employs papists in his army, | 56 |
his letter to the marquis of Huntly, | 84 |
to the council of Scotland, | 107 |
Clangregor, proceedings against them, | 41 |
Commissioners sent to the English parliament, | 48 |
Communion, the presbyterian method of celebrating it, | 43, 108 |
Convention at Edinburgh | |
send commissioners to the king, | 66 |
his answer, | 80 |
raise an army to go to England, | 104 |
Crawford, earl of, imprisoned and forfeited, | 260 |
Crighton, brother to Frendraught, killed, | 42 |
Covenanters | |
their grounds of umbrage against the king, | 24 |
flee from Aberdeen, | 155 |
and from the county, | 168 |
raise an army against the marquis of Huntly, | 177 |
come to Aberdeen, | 182 |
take the house of Kelly, | 186 |
rendezvous at Turriff, | 194 |
at Aberdeen | 231 |
Committee at Aberdeen | |
send out a party to plunder Tibbertie, &c. | 151 |
beat back, | 152 |
Dearth of victuals, | 64, 82 |
Douglas, William, minister of Forgue, chosen professor in Dr. Forbes' place, | 112 |
Drum | |
house of, plundered by the Irish soldiers, | 183 |
laird of, apprehended in Caithness, | 209 |
Durvis (or Durris) plundered | 168 |
Elders chosen; their duty, | 225 |
English commissioners, their supplication to the general assembly, | 93 |
Family-prayer enjoined, | 54 |
Fast-days | |
kept, | 46, 69, 76, 86, 111, 113, 129, 131, 153 |
causes of, | 211, 248 |
Fish, great scarcity of, | 26 |
Flesh, prohibited to be brought to market | 3 |
Forbes, Dr. of Corse | |
persists in refusing to subscribe the covenant, | 28 |
conference between him and some presbyterian ministers, | 53 |
called before the synod, | 81 |
goes to Holland, | 147 |
Frendraught, laird of | |
created Lord Crighton, | 47 |
marries Drum's daughter, | 53 |
Gight, laird of | |
quarrels with his mother, and assaults the house, | 39 |
his house plundered, | 198 |
General Assembly | |
at St Andrews, | 36, 38 |
at Edinburgh, | 85 |
its proceedings, | 92 |
Gordon of Tillefroskie | |
imprisoned for Brownism, | 102 |
lord, son of the marquis of Huntly, espouses the cause of the covenanters, and takes money from the collectors, | 159 |
Gordon, Sir George, laird of Haddo | |
accused of the murder of James Stalker, | 28 |
goes to the king, | 33 |
hurts Baillie Jaffray and his brother, | 88 |
is fined in 20,000 merks, | 98 |
protests against the covenant, | 116 |
intercommuned, | 123 |
assigns his property to Gilbert Gordon, | 123 |
order for apprehending him, | 126 |
his house of Kelly attacked by the covenanters, | 132 |
excommunicated, | 173 |
taken prisoner, | 186 |
sent to Edinburgh, | 192 |
tried, | 217 |
executed, | 218 |
Guild, Dr. William | |
demolishes the bishop's palace, | 26, 44, 47, 117, 228, 261 |
Hamilton, marquis of, created a Duke, | 119 |
Huntly, marchioness of, dies in France, | 44 |
Irvine, Alexander of Kingcausie, shot by William Forbes, | 226 |
Kemnay, house of, plundered, | 171 |
King's College, visited, | 133 |
League and Covenant | |
sworn in England, | 112 |
in Old Aberdeen, | 115 |
Leith, George, killed by his father in law, | 90 |
Lesly, general | |
gets the command of the Scotch army, | 104 |
marches into England, | 125 |
Letter | |
from the governor and gentry of Newcastle to the commissioners of the Scotch army, | 134 |
from the English peers to the same, | 137 |
Marischal, earl, holds a committee at Aberdeen, | 108 |
Mayor of London | |
imprisoned and deposed for publishing the King's proclamation, | 29 |
Menzies, Sir Gilbert of Pitfoddels | |
shoots Forbes of Lesly in. the leg, | 54 |
goes to France, | 127 |
Mitchell, Thomas, Parson of Turriff | |
accused of fornication, | 8 |
acquitted, | 25, 52 |
Monster, an Italian one, comes to Aberdeen, | 4 |
Montrose, marquis of | |
rides to the King, but prohibited from coming near him, | 12 |
excommunicated, | 210 |
is made lieutenant general of Scotland, | 215 |
lands forces in Ardnamurchan, under McDonald, | 216 |
embarks them, and lands in Sky, | 216 |
joins McDonald in Athol, | 232 |
defeats the Covenanters at Tibbermuir, | 233 |
takes and plunders St. Johnstown (Perth) | 233 |
marches thro' the Mearns, and passes Dee, | 235 |
defeats the Covenanters at Aberdeen, | 237 |
marches north, plundering the country, | 239 |
comes to Spey-Side, and encamps at the Wood of Abernethy, | 246 |
marches thro' Athol into Angus, | 250 |
and thro' Mearns to Strathboggie, | 254 |
his progress, | 256 |
plunders the county of Argyle, and marches North again thro' Badenoch, | 269 |
defeats Argyle at Inverlochy, | 270 |
plunders the covenanters in Murray, | 273 |
plunders Cullen and Banff, | 278 |
comes to Durris, | 282 |
burns the town of Stonehaven, | 285 |
marches thro' Angus, and assaults the town of Dundee, | 288 |
railed at from the pulpit, | 290 |
defeats the Covenanters at Auldearn | 299 |
plunders their houses and lands in Murray, | 300 |
Nithsdale, earl of | |
forfeited, and declared a traitor, | 102 |
excommunicated, | 210 |
Oldtown church | |
visited, | 30 |
ornaments of the high altar pulled down, | 30, 63 |
Ordinance | |
for raising men and money for the service of Ireland, | 96 |
for putting Scotland in a posture of defence, | 100, 143 |
for raising men, | 121 |
for an excise, | 140 |
Queen | |
brings forces, money and ammunition from Holland, | 74 |
lands at Burlington, and is cannonaded in her lodgings, | 74 |
arrives at Newcastle, | 75 |
Papists | |
excommunicated, | 33, 110, 118 |
persecuted, and banished, | 77 |
their rents seized, to make up the covenanters losses, | 263 |
Parliament of England | |
their demands to his majesty, | 36, 61 |
establish a committee of war, and raise forces, | 40 |
petition the king for peace, | 72 |
Peaceable Warning published, | 69 |
Petition of the noblemen, &c. to the privy council, | 20 |
Pirates, infest the coast, | 83 |
Rae, regent John, turns lunatic, | 13 |
Remonstrance of the Earl of Crawford, &c. to the parliament at Oxford, | 156 |
Sandilands, Dr. gets a grant of 3500 merks out of the bishopric of Aberdeen, | 3 |
Scroggie, Dr. his recantation, | 16 |
Stalker, James, murdered at Turriff, | 2 |
Stonehaven, town of, burnt, | 285 |
Strachan, captain John, brings over supplies to the king; and is knighted, | 35 |
Taxations laid on the country, | 71, 96, 106, 143, 145 |
Wedderburn, William, minister of Bethelnie | |
deposed for fornication, | 7 |
restored to the privilege of preaching, | 52 |
Weekly sermons set up by Dr. Guild, | 3 |
Witches burnt in Fife, | 102 |
Accedents, accessions.
Airt and part, a term in Scotch Law, equivalent to aiding and
in English Law.
Always, sometimes signifies however; e.g. p. 4.always
the Earl returned
—however the Earl returned, &c.
Allenarly, solely, only.
Ambry, pantry.
Anent, over against, concerning.
Attour, besides.
Appearand, heir-apparent, e.g. vol.2. p. 54, appearand of
heir-apparent of Tilliefroskie.
Bairn, child.
Band, bond, engagement.
Bestial, cattle in general.
To Beck, to curtsey.
Bigging, building.
Birk, birch.
Bleat, blunt, sheepish.
The Bog, or Bog of Gight, now Gordon Castle.
Bruiked, enjoyed.
Briganer, robber, Fr. brigand.
Bridal, marriage.
Breeks, breeches.
Busked, dressed.
By and attour, besides, moreover.
Cautioner, surety—set caution, find security.
Cannily, cunningly, craftily.
Chandler, a candlestick, Fr. chandelier.
Chest, (p. 52) coffin.
Cled himself, p. 232, sheltered himself.
Conquest, acquired.
Confects, comfits.
Cost, bought.
Contumaced, accused of contumacy.
Corbie, a crow, Fr. corbeau.
Condescended on, specified.
Crowner, coroner.
Cry out, call out, proclaim.
Crop the causey, walk boldly in the street.
Cuinzie, coin.
Deaved, deafened.
Decored, decorated.
Ding, beat, conquer; to ding down, to throw down with violence—Dung in, beat in.
Dishaunted, abandoned, left in the street.
Distrinzie, distrain by law.
Dreadure, dread.
Durvis, commonly Durris, near Aberdeen, now belonging to the Earl of Peterborough.
Effeiring, according to, agreeing to.
To Eik, to add.
Elymosinar, almoner.
Engine, craft, policy.
Fand, found.
Fash, fashing, trouble, troublesome.
Feed, hired—a servants fee, his wages.
Forebears, ancestors.
Fore—to the fore, remaining.
Frae, from—therefrae, therefrom.
Flye, to affrighten.
Gardie, the arm.
Gate, way, road.
To Gar, to cause—gart, caused.
Gear, property, implements.
Girnel, granary.
Goodfather, father in law.
Goodson, son in law.
Goodsire, or goodsir, grandfather.
Go-summer, the latter end of summer.
Go-harvest, the latter end of harvest.
Gouries, garbage.
Gouked, foolish.
Haill, whole.
Hairship, plunder.
To Harry, to plunder.
Harried, plundered.
Heall, healthy.
Highgate, highway.
Horn, put to the horn—be denounced rebels.
Hound out, to set on, encourage.
Hose-net, a snare.
Ilk ane, every one.
Illegals, illegal deeds or acts..
Insight plenishing, furniture of a house, implements or utensils of husbandry kept within doors.
Instrument, to take instrument—to take a legal protestation.
Infare, a feast at a new-married woman's first coming home to her house.
Kaird, a travelling tinker—Kaird Turners, small base money made by tinkers.
Keist, threw, from cast.
Kilnalogie, the bottom of the kiln.
Know, knoll, a little hill.
Knock of a Yett, knocker of a gate.
Kyth, appear, to keep company with.
Lap, leaped.
Lax-fisher, salmon fisher.
To Leet, to put in nomination.
Limmar, a vagabond.
To Lightly, to slight.
Lown, a worthless fellow.
Loup, to leap.
Loup on, to go to horse.
Lurdane, a vagabond.
Luckned, gathered, applied to garment.
Lyke-wake, sitting up with a dead corpse.
Masterful, lawless.
A Mart, a fat cow or ox.
Maiden, an instrument for beheading criminals.
Make stead, be of use.
Menzie, a mixed company, mob.
Means himself, humbly applies.
Meikle, or Muckle, much.
Minted, attempted—to mint to attempt.
Milkness, the produce of the dairy.
Miskens, passes by, does not heed.
Mirkness, darkness.
Moyans, means, interest—to make moyan, to use interest.
Moach, mouldiness.
Mortified, bequeathed.
Mortichien, a disease of horses Fr. Mort d'eschine.
Mutch, a cap.
A Notar, a notary public
Outhounders, setters on.
Oy, grandchild.
Plack, two thirds of a penny.
Pose, private purse.
Pursue, to attack; e. g. p. 14. pursued the house,
the house.
Pursuit, attack.
To Rax, to stretch.
Racklesly, rashly, carelesly.
The Remanent, the rest.
Responsal, responsible.
Right sua, in like manner.
Ripe, to search.
Rive, tear, rend.
Samen, same.
To Scale, to dismiss—the Kirk is scaled, the congregation is dismissed.
Scoug, shelter, cover.
Seamed, scorched.
Servit, a napkin, towel, Fr. serviette.
Shive, a slice of bread.
Sic, such.
Siclike, in like manner.
Siller, money, silver.
Skaith, loss, hurt.
Smored, smothered.
Sorner, a sturdy beggar—to sorn, to take victuals, drink, &c. by force.
Spulzie, plunder.
To Spier, to ask.
Spraings, p. 41. rays.
Speat, a land flood.
Spaik, spoke of a wheel, bier, &c.
Stob, a pointed piece of iron.
Stormstaid, stopped from travelling by bad weather.
Stented, assessed.
Stenchions, bars.
Stanked, ditched.
Sua,fua, so.
Syne, then.
Syde, long, applied to garments.
Thir, these.
Theeked, thatched, roofed.
To Tirr, to strip; to tirr a house, to unroof it.
Tint, lost.
Tinsell, loss.
Tows, ropes.
Toom, empty.
Toofall, a low building adjoining to a house.
A Tryst, a meeting by appointment.
A Trance, a passage.
Tursable, fit for packing up.
To Tyne, to lose.
Umquhile, e.g. the umquhile Laird,
the late (or deceased)
Underly, submit to.
Vakes, is vacant.
Victual, or the Victual, oats or oatmeal.
Vively, lively, distinctly.
Wared, spent, laid out.
War, worse.
Wand bed, a wicker-bed.
Walycoat, under petticoat.
Warded, imprisoned.
Whilk, which.
While, sometimes used for untill.
To Win, to dry, applied to corn, &c.
Wompled, twisted, or rolled.
Wyling, choosing out.
Yard, garden.
Yerd, earth—to yerd, to put under the earth, to bury.
Yeat, or yett, gate, door—put to the yett, put out of doors.
Yoked, set to work.