City Council Workshop

16:00 on May 24, 2011

City Hall Conference Room (old Ave. D School)

Called to order at 16:05. All present except Purser, Workman and Wilkerson.

Agenda Item Discussion My Notes
DS-1 Discuss City Council Agenda Items and Land Use Cases CH-4 on agenda tonight. 28 lots on 7.2 acres. Staff and zoning commission approve the request. Council had no questions.  
DS-2 Discuss Committee Reports Mr Wells reported on Communitee Services committee meeting on Monday: hike and bike trail. Now at 38% complete. Should be completed late summer or early fall. Lions club (through an eagle scout) suggested a 9/11 memorial at Lions Park: flag pole and 2 trees, abour $5,400 total cost. If the Rosewood overpass is built, the entire city golf course will have to be moved at a cost of $186,000.  
DS-3 Presentation Update—2nd Quarter Municipal Court Operations January March 2011 Statistics were distributed to council. Had a round up this quarter (Feb. 11-Mar. 11), collecting $197,175 on 1216 warrants; $60,000 of it in two days with help of KPD. On target to make budget for the year.  
DS-4 Presentation Quarterly Financial Report On track for budget. Sales taxes below projections but better than 2009. Expenditures 13% above last year. Aviations funds in good shape. Solid Waste find also in good shape. Water and Sewer Fund; revenue up because of draught. Drainage Utility Fund on track. No critical issues. All funds meeting or exceeding revenue projections. City in health financial condition. I got a copy of the slides after the meetin, if anyone wants to see them.
DS-5 Presentation Quarterly Investment Report Investment income way down; city yield far below 1 per cent. Mr Rivera asked to review the property tax rate, which was raised by 5 cents this year.  
DS-6 Receive Memorandum from City Secretary Certifying the Recall Petitions and Discuss Recall Process and Timeline City Attorney Davis distributed a set of documents. Ms Miller's certification of the recall petitions that were certified; only 993 signatures were verified for the Mayor's recall; notification to each member of the recall (she asked each to sign the notification). State law trumps the charter, so a recall election (assuming any member does not resign) will be in November. If there is need for a recall election, it will be on the next regular council meeting agenda. "You are not recalled today; that can't happen until November 8." "Voting in the recall election is the same as a regular election." (Only the people residing in a district will vote for recall of that district's representative.) "The city charter is silent on whether a reelection nullifies a recall petition.... That would be an interesting question for a [district] judge to decide." The members who were reelected will be on the recall ballot unless a court decides otherwise. All the members present signed the notification and returned it to Ms Davis.
CR-1 Update Briefing Lions Club Park Hike and Bike Trail See above.  
CR-2 Update Briefing Boy Scout911 Memorial at Lions Club Park See above.  
CR-3 Update Briefing Golf Course Capital Improvement Project See above.  

City Council Workshop

18:00 on May 24, 2011

Council Chamber (old Ave. D School)

Agenda Item Discussion My Notes
PR1 Presentation Quarterly Police Briefing This presentation went by too fast to take notes in real time. Some crime is up, some down. We do better than other army posts in some categories, worse in others. Violent crime is way up (primarily family violence), but 39 new officers will be available soon; many will go to the burglary unit. A few policemen will be moved from traffic to burglary, which was way up. Redlight tickets are way up. This is another where it would be good to have the slides. The KDH reporter told me that Hilary Shine will probably give me a copy if I ask nice. Rivera asked about youth burglar recidivism. The chief said there's a lot of that.
Consent Agenda
CA-1 Consider minutes of Regular City Council Meeting ofMay 10 2011 No discussion. Cosper moved approval of 1,2,3,7,8,9; seconded by Wells. No objection.  
CA-2 Consider minutes of Special City Council Meeting of May 17 2011 No discussion.  
CA-3 Consider a memorandum resolution providing support for a Fiscal Year 2012 Tobacco Compliance Grant application No discussion.  
CA-4 Consider a request by Killeen Sunflower Inc Case 11019FS Sunflower Estates Phase Six for a plat of approximately 7.822 acres being part of the T Robinett Survey Abstract No 686 The property is located approximately 300 feet south of Watercrest Road between Bachelor Button and Fox Glove Lane Killeen Texas Mrs Purser stepped off the dais. This is more duplexes. Workman asked about drainage and traffic flow. Cosper moved approval, Wells seconded, no objection. No one asked if we need more duplexes, or what effect that has on surrounding property.
CA-5 Consider a memorandum resolution authorizing contract amendment No 2 for water and wastewater modeling assistance provided by Freese and Nichols Reduction of $60,000  
CA-6 Consider a memorandum resolution authorizing the award of a professional services contract to Freese and Nichols for the 2011 Waste and Wastewater Master Plan $231,000, making it a net increase of $171,000 fees to Feese and Nichols. Workman asked for an explanation of the models involved. It's a forecasting model that predicts capacity problems. CA-5 and CA-6 were approved without objection  
CA-7 Consider a memorandumresolution approving the investment report for quarter ending March 31 2011 No discussion.  
CA-8 Consider a memorandum resolution authorizing proceeding with issuance of obligations for the City Capital Improvement Programs and further directing the publication of notice of intention to issue City of Killeen Texas Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation Series 2011 No discussion.  
CA-9 Consider a memorandum/resolution expressing official intent to reimburse for certain US 190 expansion costs No discussion.  
Public Hearings Ordinances
PH-1 A. HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending the FY 201011 Annual Budget and Plan of Municipal Services of the City of Killeen by increasing the Water and Sewer fund by $97,666 and $514,050 in estimated revenue and appropriations respectively to meet the fleet replacement program This was already approved in the budget, but 'in a different format,' according to Ms Gonzoles. None spoke in favor or opposition. Cosper moved to approve parts A, B and C. Approved without opposition.  
PH-1 B. Consider a memorandum/resolution for procurement of one 1 bucket truck through the State Cooperative TASB Buyboard for the traffic division No discussion  
PH-1 C. Consider a rmeesmoolruantdioumn approving Bid No 11 23 FY 201011 Consolidated vehicles and light duty trucks No discussion  
PH-2 HOLD a public hearing and consider an ordinance adopting the FY 2011-12 Annual Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant CDBG and the Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) program (1st of 2 hearings). Funds were cut sharply for the next year. Langford of CDAC doled out the expected block grants and presented their recommendations. I wonder how long we can count on gettng these funds at all? I wonder which organizations lost funding, which gained? Were any requests for grants turned down entirely? What percentage of each request was granted? No one spoke in the public hearing.
Special recognition of Mrs Purser The mayor gave her a plaque. Lots of people stood up and applauded.  
Swearing of council members -- Wilkerson, Wellks, Rivera, Clark Then they signed the oath and the acting city manager read the principles of conduct. I posted the Principals of Conduct from a copy given to me by Mr. Morrison.
OR-1 Consider a memorandum/resolution designating a Mayor Pro-Tem Cosper nominated by Cole, seconded by Clark; Clark nominated Workman, seconded by Wilkerson. Cosper won 4-3. This took some guts or some guile by Clark. There's not much doubt that this was an anti-establishment position, but coming from a guy who has not established himself, it seems premature.