Index of Subjects in Gardiner's History of England
- Abbeville
- Abbot, George (Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, 1609; of London, 1610 ; Archbishop of Canterbury, 1611)
- Abbott, Francis
- Abell, Alderman
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen doctors, the
- Abington, Thomas
- Aboyne, Viscount, 1636 (James Gordon)
- Act of Revocation
- Adamites
- Additional Instruction, the
- Adkins, Alderman
- Admiralty Court, the
- Aerssens, Francis (Lord of Sommelsdijk)
- Ainsworth, Henry
- Airlie, Earl of, 1639 (James Ogilvy)
- Alablaster, Dr
- Albert, the Archduke
- Aldobrandino, Cardinal
- Alehouses, the patent for
- Alexander, Sir William
- Alford, Edward
- Algiers
- Aliaga, Luis de
- Alington, Sir Giles
- Allegiance, the oath of
- Alleyne, Captain
- Alleyne, Edward
- Almond, Lord, 1633 (James Livingstone)
- Alsace
- Altar
- Alzei
- Amboyna, the massacre of
- Ambrose, Dr
- Ames
- Amsterdam
- Anabaptists
- Ancre, Marshal of (Concino Concini)
- Anderson, Chief Justice
- Anderson, Sir Henry
- Andover, Lord (Thomas Howard)
- Andrewes, Launcelot (Bishop of Chichester 1605, of Ely 1609, of Winchester 1619)
- Andrews, George, Dean of Limerick
- Anglesea, Countess of
- Angoulême, Duke of
- Anne of Austria, Queen of France
- Anne of Denmark (Queen Consort of England)
- Anne, the Infanta
- Annesley, Lieutenant
- Annesley, Mr
- Annesley, Sir Francis
- Annual Parliaments Bill
- Anspach, Margrave of
- Anstruther, Sir Robert
- Anti-Calvinist reaction, the
- Antinomianism
- Antrim
- Antrim, Earl of, 1636 (Randal MacDonell)
- Antwerp, the Truce of
- Apologeticus
- Appello Cæsarem
- Apprentices, the London
- Apsley, Sir Allen
- Archer, John
- Aremberg, Count of
- Argall, Samuel
- Argall, Sir Samuel
- Argyle, 7th Earl of, 1584-1638 (Archibald Campbell)
- Argyle, 8th Earl of, 1638 (Archibald Campbell)
- Argyle, Marquis of, 1642 (Archibald Campbell)
- Ariosto's 'Orlando Furioso'
- Armada, the Spanish
- Armagh
- Arminianism
- Armstrong, Archie
- Army Plot, the first
- Army Plot, the second
- Army, the English, in the first Bishops' War
- Army, the English, in the second Bishops' War
- Army, the Irish
- Army, the Parliamentary
- Army, the Scottish
- Armyn, Sir William
- Articles of Perth, the five
- Articles, the Thirty-nine
- Artificers' petition, the
- Arundel, Countess of
- Arundel, Earl of, 1604 (Thomas Howard)
- Ashburnham, John
- Ashburnham, William
- Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Henry Hastings at, x. 208
- Ashley, Serjeant
- Assembly of divines
- Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the General
- Asti, Treaty of
- Astley, Sir Jacob
- Aston, Lord (Walter Aston)
- Aston, Sir Walter
- At a solemn music, Milton's lines
- Athol, Earl of, 1629-1642 (John Murray)
- Attainder of Strafford, the Bill of
- Aubrey, Christopher
- Augsburg
- Austria
- Austria, the House of
- Aylesbury
- Ayr
- Aytona, Marquis of
- Babworth
- Bacon, Sir Francis
- Baden-Durlach. George Frederick, Margrave of
- Bagg, Sir James
- Bailey, Captain
- Baillie, Robert
- Balcanqual, Walter (Dean of Rochester, 1625, of Durham, 1639)
- Balfour, Sir James
- Balfour, Sir William
- Ballad on the Laudian clergy
- Ballard, a Jesuit
- Ballot
- Balmerino, 1st Lord, 1604-1612 (James Elphinstone)
- Balmerino, 2nd Lord, 1612 (John Elphinstone)
- Baltimore, 1st Lord, 1624-1632 (George Calvert)
- Baltimore, 2nd Lord, 1632 (Cecil Calvert)
- Banbury
- Banbury, Earl of, 1626-1632 (William Knollys)
- Banbury, the hundred of
- Bancroft, John (Bishop of Oxford, 1632)
- Bancroft, Richard (Bishop of London) Archbishop of Canterbury, 1604-1610)
- Banda Islands
- Bandino, Cardinal
- Baner, General
- Bankes, Sir John (Attorney-General, 1634; Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1641)
- Bantam
- Barbary Pirates, the
- Barberini, Cardinal
- Barcelona
- Barebone, Praise-God
- Barnard, Robert
- Barneveld, John Van Olden (Pensionary of Holland)
- Barnwall, Sir Patrick
- Baronet
- Baronius's Church History
- Barrington, Sir Francis
- Barwalde
- Basilicon Doron, the
- Bassompierre, Marshal
- Bastwick, John
- Bate, John
- Bates, Thomas
- Bavaria, Duke of, Elector of
- Baxter, Richard
- Bayley, Dr. Lewis
- Beale, Dr. William
- Beale, Thomas
- Beard, Dr. Thomas
- Beaulieu
- Beaumont and Fletcher
- Beauty of Holiness, the
- Beccles
- Becher, Sir William
- Beckington
- Bedell, William (Bishop of Kilmore and Ardagh, 1629-1633, of Kilmore, 1633-1641)
- Bedford, Countess of
- Bedford, 3rd Earl of, 1585-1627 (Edward Russell)
- Bedford, 4th Earl of 1627-1641 (Francis Russell)
- Bedford, 5th Earl of, 1641 (William Russell)
- Bedford Level, the
- Bedfordshire
- Belhaven, Lord, 1633-1639 (Robert Douglas)
- Bellarmine, Cardinal
- Bellasys, Henry
- Belle, Captain
- Bellievre, M. de
- Beltin, Christopher
- Belturbet
- Bemerton
- Ben, Sir Anthony
- Benevolence, a
- Bennett, Sir John
- Benyon, George
- Bergen-op-Zoom
- Bergh, De, Count Henry
- Bergstrasse, the
- Berkeley, Sir John
- Berkeley, Sir Maurice
- Berkeley, Sir Robert, 1632 (Justice of the King's Bench)
- Berkshire
- Berkshire, Earl of, 1620-1623 (Francis Norris)
- Berkshire, Earl of, 1626 (Thomas Howards)
- Bernard, Nathaniel
- Bernhard (Duke of Saxe-Weimar)
- Berrco
- Berry, Captain
- Berulle, Father
- Berwick
- Berwick
- Best, Captain
- Bethlen Gabor (Prince of Transylvania)
- Beverley
- Bible, the
- Billeting soldiers
- Billingsley, Captain
- Bills of Conformity
- Bilson, Thomas (Bishop of Winchester, 1597-1616)
- Bingley, Sir John
- Bingley, Sir Richard
- Binning, Lord 1613-1619 (Thomas Hamilton)
- Birks, the
- Bishop, William (Bishop of Chalcedon)
- Bishops' Exclusion Bill, the first
- Bishops' Exclusion Bill
- Bishops, the English
- Bishops, the Scottish
- Bishops' War
- Black, David
- Black Saturday
- Black friars
- Blackwater
- Blackwell, George, the Archpriest
- Blainville, Sieur de
- Blavet
- Bloxham, the hundred of
- Blythe
- Bocking
- Bodleian Library, the
- Bohemia
- Bohemia, King of
- Bohemia, Queen of
- Boischot, Ferdinand de
- Bolingbroke, Earl of, 1624 (Oliver St. John)
- Bordeaux
- Border trials
- Borlase, Sir John
- Borough, Sir John
- Boroughbridge
- Boston
- Boswell, Sir William
- Boteler, Lord, 1628-1637 (John Boteler)
- Bowes, Sir Jerome
- Bowing in church
- Bowyer, Ludowick
- Brackley, Viscount, 1616-1617 (Thomas Egerton)
- Bradford, William
- Braintree
- Bramhall, John (Bishop of Derry, 1634)
- Bramston, John
- Bramston, Sir John
- Brancepeth
- Brandenburg, Elector of
- Brandling, Robert
- Breda
- Breisach
- Breitenfeld
- Brent, Sir Nathaniel
- Brett, Anne
- Brett, Arthur
- Brett, Sir Alexander
- Brewers, the
- Brewster, Captain
- Brewster, William
- Bribes
- Brickmakers
- Bridge of Dee, the
- Bridge of Dessau, the
- Bridgeman, John (Bishop of Chester, 1619)
- Bridgewater, Earl of, 1617 (John Egerton)
- Bristol
- Bristol, Earl of, 1622 (John Digby)
- Broadgate
- Brome
- Brooke, Dr. Samuel
- Brooke, George
- Brooke, 1st Lord, 1621-1628 (Fulk Greville)
- Brooke, Sir Basil
- Brooksby, Bartholomew
- Brotherly Assistance, the
- Brouncker, Sir Henry
- Brown, Robert
- Brownists. See Separatists
- Brownlow v. Michell
- Brussels
- Buckden
- Buckeridge, John (Bishop of Rochester, 1610, Bishop of Ely, 1628)
- Buckingham, Countess of
- Buckingham, Duchess of
- Buckingham, Duke of, 1623-1628, (George Villiers)
- Buckingham, Earl of, 1617-1618 (George Villiers)
- Buckingham, Marquis of, 1618-1624 (George Villiers)
- Buckinghamshire
- Bucquoi, Count
- Budweis
- Bufalo, Cardinal del
- Buildings, fines on
- Bullion in the Tower
- Bungay
- Burgess, Dr. Cornelius
- Burghley, Lord, 1571-1598 (William Cecil)
- Burntisland
- Burton, Henry
- Bustamente, Francisco de
- Buttevant, Lord, 1581-1617 (David Fitz-James)
- Button, Sir Thomas
- Buwinckhausen de Walmerode, Benjamin
- Byrnes, of Wicklow, the
- Byron, Sir John
- Cabinet Council
- Cadenet, Marquis of
- Cadiz
- Caerlaverock Castle
- Cæsar, Sir Charles
- Cæsar, Sir Julius
- Calais
- Calamy, Edmund
- Calderwood, David
- Calthorpe, Henry
- Calvert, George
- Calvert, Leonard
- Calvert, Sir George
- Calvinism
- Cambridge, the University of
- Camerarius, Ludwig
- Camerino, Cardinal
- Camiola
- Canaries, the
- Canons
- Cant, Andrew
- Canterbury
- Capel, Sir Arthur
- Capuchins, of Henrietta Maria's household, the
- Carapana
- Cardenas, Alonso de
- Cardinal Infant, the (Ferdinand)
- Carew, Lord, 1605 (George Carew)
- Carew, Sir George
- Carew, Sir George
- Carew, Thomas
- Carey, Lady
- Carey, Sir George (Lord Deputy of Ireland, 1603-1604)
- Carleton, Lord, 1626 (Dudley Carleton)
- Carleton, Sir Dudley
- Carlisle
- Carlisle, 1st Earl of, 1622-1636 (James Hay)
- Carlisle, 2nd Earl of, 1636 (James Hay)
- Carlisle, Countess of
- Carnarvon, Earl of, 1628 (Robert Dormer)
- Caron, Noel de, Dutch ambassador in England
- Carondelet, Archdeacon of Cambrai
- Carr, Sir Robert
- Carrickfergus
- Cartignana Count of
- Cartwright, Thomas
- Cartwright, William
- Carvajal, Donna Luisa de
- Carver, John
- Cary, Lorenzo
- Cary, Lucius
- Cary, Sir Henry
- Casale, Richelieu
- Castara
- Castelnaudary
- Castle Chamber, the Irish Court of
- Castleton Samuel
- Catalonia
- Catesby, George
- Catesby, Robert
- Catholics, the English
- Catholics, the Irish
- Cautionary towns
- Cavaliers
- Cavan
- Cavendish, Lord
- Cayenne, the
- Cecil of Essendon, Lord, 1603-1604 (Robert Cecil)
- Cecil, Sir Edward
- Cecil, Sir Robert
- Celibacy
- Cervantes
- Chaderton, Lawrence
- Chalcedon, Bishop of
- Cham
- Chambers, Richard
- Chancery, the Court of
- Chancey Sir William
- Chaplains
- Charenton
- Charity Mistaken
- Charlemont
- Charles III. Duke of Lorraine
- Charles I (King of England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1625)
- Charles Emmanuel I., Duke of Savoy
- Charles Lewis, Elector Palatine 1632
- Charles, Prince (Duke of York, 1605)
- Charles (Prince of Wales, 1616)
- Charles, Prince (son of Charles I.)
- Charles, Prince of Wales, 1637 (son of Charles I.)
- Charles, the Infant
- Charnace, Baron
- Charter House, the
- Chateauneuf, Marquis of
- Chauncey, Charles
- Chaworth, Lord (George Chaworth)
- Cheshire
- Cheshire Remonstrance, the
- Chetham, Humphrey
- Chevreuse, Duchess of
- Chevreuse, Duke of
- Chibborne, Serjeant
- Chichester of Belfast, Lord, 1612-1625 (Arthur Chichester)
- Chichester, Sir Arthur (Lord Deputy of Ireland, 1604-1615)
- Chillingworth, William
- Chisholm, William (Bishop of Vaison)
- Choicelee Wood
- Christian IV. (King-of Denmark)
- Christian (Prince of Anhalt)
- Christian of Brunswick (Administrator of Halberstadt)
- Christina, the Princess (Sister of Louis XIII.)
- Chudleigh, Captain James
- Church of England
- Churchill, John
- Chute, Sir Walter
- Clanricarde (1601-1635) and St. Albans, Earl of (1628-1635), (Richard de Burgh)
- Clanricarde and St. Albans, Earl of, 1635 (Ulick de Burgh)
- Clare, 1st Earl of, 1624-1637 (John Holles)
- Clare, 2nd Earl of (John Holles)
- Clarendon, Earl of (Edward Hyde)
- Clarke, Edward
- Clarke, Robert (Baron of the Exchequer, 1587-1607)
- Clarke, William
- Clayton, Mr
- Clement VIII. Pope, 1592-1605
- Clergy, the
- Clerkenwell
- Cleves and Juliers, Duchy of
- Clifton, Richard
- Clontarf
- Cloth, manufacture of
- Clotworthy, Sir John
- Coal-shippers
- Coat-and-conduct money
- Cobham, Lord, 1597-1604, d. 1619 (Henry Brooke)
- Cockaine, Alderman William
- Coinage
- Coke, Clement
- Coke, Frances
- Coke, Sir Edward (Attorney-General 1594, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 1606, Chief Justice of the King's Bench 1613-1616, d. 1633)
- Coke, Sir John
- Colchester
- Coldstream
- College of Physicians, the
- Coloma, Don Carlos
- Colvill, William
- Commendams
- Commerce
- Commissions of array
- Commissioners of the Navy
- Commissioners, the Parliamentary
- Committee of defence, the
- Committee of Eight
- Committee of Estates, the
- Committee of Safety, the
- Committee of the Privy Council for foreign affairs
- Committee of the Privy Council for Scottish affairs
- Committee of the Privy Council for Spanish affairs
- Common Council, the
- Common Prayer, the Book of
- Commons, the House of
- Communion, kneeling posture at the reception of
- Communion-table, the
- Companies, the Trading
- Compositions for knighthood
- Compton, Lady
- Compton, Lord,1589-1618 (William Compton)
- Compton, Sir Thomas
- Comus
- Con, George
- Conde, Prince of
- Confession
- Connaught, condition of
- Connecticut
- Conry, Florence
- Consecration
- Constable of Castile, the (Duke of Frias)
- Constant moderators
- Contanni, Alvise
- Continuance of Parliament Bill
- Contraband of war
- Contract, the Great
- Contribution for the war with Scotland, the
- Contributions of money, plate, or horses
- Convention of Estates
- Convocation of the province of Canterbury
- Convocation, the Irish
- Conway, Lord, 1624-1627 (Edward Conway)
- Conway, Sir Edward
- Conway, Sir Edward, the younger
- Conway, 1st Viscount, 1627-1631 (Edward Conway)
- Conway, 2nd Viscount, 1631 (Edward Conway)
- Conyers. Sir John
- Cook, Alan
- Coote, Sir Charles
- Cope, Sir Walter
- Copley, Anthony
- Corbet, Richard (Bishop of Oxford, 1628; of Norwich, 1632)
- Corbet, Sir John
- Corbie
- Corbridge
- Cordova, Gonzalo Fernandez de
- Cork
- Cork, Earl of, 1620 (Richard Boyle)
- Cornwallis, Sir Charles
- Coronation
- Corporation
- Correr, Angelo
- Corunna
- Coryton, William
- Cosin, John
- Cottington, Francis
- Cottington, Lord, 1631 (Francis Cottington)
- Cottington, Sir Francis
- Cotton, John
- Cotton, Sir Robert
- Council of the North, the
- Council of Wales
- Council of War, a
- Council, the Great
- Council, the Privy
- Councillors loan, the
- Court of Wards
- Courthope, Nathaniel
- Courtney, Sir William
- Covenant, the King's
- Covenant, the National
- Covenanters, the
- Coventry
- Coventry, 1st Lord, 1628-1640 (Thomas Coventry)
- Coventry, 2nd Lord, 1640 (Thomas Coventry)
- Coventry, Sir Thomas
- Cowell, Dr
- Cowes
- Cowper, William (Bishop of Galloway, 1613-1619)
- Cradock, Matthew
- Craig, Dr
- Cranborne, Viscount, 1604 (Robert Cecil)
- Crane, Sir Robert
- Cranfield, Lord, 1621 (Lionel Cranfield)
- Cranfield, Lionel
- Cranfield, Sir Lionel
- Cranmer, Thomas (Archbishop of Canterbury)
- Crashaw, Richard
- Craven, Lord, 1626 (William Craven)
- Crawford, Earl of, 1639 (Ludovick Lindsay)
- Crawley, Francis (Justice of the Common Pleas, 1632)
- Crew, John
- Crew, Ranulph, Serjeant
- Crew, Sir Ranulph (Chief Justice of the King's Bench)
- Crew, Sir Thomas
- Crew, Thomas
- Croft, Sir William
- Crofty, the hill of
- Croke, Sir George (Justice of the Common Pleas, 1624; of the King's Bench, 1628)
- Cromwell, Lord, 1607 (Thomas Cromwell)
- Cromwell, Oliver
- Crosby, Sir Piers
- Crucifix, the
- Cubia, Don Pedro de
- Culmore
- Culpepper, Sir John
- Cumberland, Earl of, 1605-1641 (Francis Clifford)
- Cumbernauld, the Bond of
- Curie, Walter (Bishop of Rochester, 1623; of Bath and Wells, 1629; of Winchester, 1632)
- Currants
- Dale, Sir Thomas
- Dalkeith
- Dalzell, Lord, 1628-1639 (Robert Dalzell)
- Danby, Earl of, 1626 (Henry Danvers)
- Danish troops
- Dansker, Captain
- Dante
- Darcy, Sir Francis
- Darley, Henry
- Darlington
- Darmstadt
- Darnel, Sir Thomas
- Davenant, John (Bishop of Salisbury, 1621-1641)
- Davenant, William
- Davenport, Christopher, alias Franciscus a Santa Clara
- Davenport, John
- Davenport, Sir Humphrey (Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 1631)
- Daventry
- Davey, Sir Francis
- Davies, Lady Eleanor
- Davies, Sir John (Solicitor-General of Ireland, 1603; Attorney-General, 1606-1619)
- Day of Dupes, the
- Deadman's Place
- Dean, Forest of
- Deans and chapters
- Debtors
- Declaration of Sports, The
- Declaration of Religion, The
- De la Warr, Lord, 1602-1618 (Thomas West)
- Delft
- Delft Haven
- Delvin, Lord, 1602 (Richard Nugent)
- Denbigh, Countess of
- Denbigh, Earl of, 1622 (William Fielding)
- Denham, Sir John
- Denmark House
- Denmark, King of
- Dennison, Dr
- De Plessen, Volrad
- Depopulations
- Deposing power
- Derbyshire
- Dering, Sir Edward
- Derry
- Desmarets, M
- Deus, Natura, Gratia,
- Deux Ponts, Duke of
- Devonshire
- Devonshire, Earl of, 1603-1606 (Charles Blount), Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland
- Devonshire, Earl of, 1625-1628 (William Cavendish)
- D'Ewes, Sir Symonds
- Dicconson, Frances
- Dickson, David
- Dieppe
- Digby, Lord (George Digby)
- Digby, Lord, 1618-1622 (John Digby)
- Digby, Sir Everard
- Digby, Sir John
- Digby, Sir Kenelm
- Digges, Sir Dudley
- Dillon, of Costello, Viscount, 1630 (Thomas Dillon)
- Dillon, Sir James, proposes to seize Dublin Castle, x. 50
- Discipline
- Discovery of Witchcraft
- Dissolution of the Long Parliament without its own consent, the Bill against the
- Dives, Sir Lewis
- Divine Right of Kings
- Divine Tragedy lately acted, A
- Doderidge, John (Solicitor-General, 1604 King's Serjeant, 1607)
- Doderidge, Sir John (Justice of the King's Bench, 1612-1628)
- Dohna, Baron Achatius
- Dohna, Baron Christopher
- Dominis, Marco Antonio de, Archbishop of Spalatro
- Donauwoerth
- Doncaster, Viscount, 1618-1622 (James Hay)
- Dorchester, Viscount, 1628-1632 (Dudley Carleton)
- Dorset, Countess of
- Dorset, 1st Earl of, 1603-1608 (Thomas Sackville), Lord Treasurer
- Dorset, 3rd Earl of, 1609-21 (Richard Sackville)
- Dorset, 4th Earl of, 1624 (Edward Sackville)
- Dorsetshire
- Dort
- Douglas, Sir Robert
- Dover
- Downham, George (Bishop of Derry, 1616-1634)
- Downs, the
- Drake, Sir John
- Drama
- Drogheda
- Drummond, Edward
- Drummond, Jane
- Drummond, William, of Hawthornden
- Du Buisson
- Dublin, James I
- Duck, Dr
- Dudley, Sir Robert
- Duelling
- Du Fargis, M
- Dulbier, John
- Dulwich
- Dumbarton Castle
- Dunbar, Earl of, 1605-1611 (George Hume)
- Dunfermline, 1st Earl of, 1606-1622 (Alexander Seton)
- Dunfermline, 2nd Earl of, 1622 (Charles Seton)
- Dunglas
- Dunkirk
- Dunkirk privateers
- Dunne, John
- Dunse
- Dunse Law
- Durham
- Durham, county of
- Durham House
- Durie, John
- Dutch Republic, the
- East Friesland
- East India Company, the
- East Indies, the
- Ecclesiastical reservation, the
- Edict of Restitution, the
- Edinburgh
- Edmondes, Sir Thomas
- Edward I
- Edward VI
- Effiat, Marquis of (Antoine de Ruze)
- Egerton, Edward
- Egerton, Lady Alice
- Egerton, Sir Rowland
- Egerton, Sir Thomas (Lord Keeper, 1596)
- Eglesham, Dr
- Eglinton, Lord, 1612 (Alexander Montgomery)
- Ehrenbreitstein
- Eikon Basilike
- Elbe, the
- El Dorado
- Elector Palatine
- Electress Palatine
- Eliot, James
- Eliot, John
- Eliot, Sir John
- Elizabeth, daughter of Henry IV
- Elizabeth (Electress Palatine and titular Queen of Bohemia)
- Elizabeth, Princess, (Daughter of Charles I.)
- Elizabeth, Princess (Daughter of James I.)
- Elizabeth, Queen
- Ellesmere, Lord, 1603-1606 (Thomas Egerton), (Lord Chancellor)
- Elphinstone, Sir James
- Elphinstone, Sir William
- Endicott, John
- England
- England, Church of
- Epernon, Duke of
- Episcopacy
- Episcopacy by Divine Right
- Episcopalian party in the Long Parliament, the
- Equivocation, a treatise on
- Erle, Sir Walter
- Erneley, Sir Michael
- Erskine, Sir Thomas
- Esmond, Robert
- Espesses, M. de
- Essex
- Essex, Countess of
- Essex, 2nd Earl of, 1576-1601 (Walter Devereux)
- Essex, 3rd Earl of, 1603 (Robert Devereux)
- Estates of the realm, the three
- Etcetera oath, the
- Eure, Lieutenant
- Eure, Lord (William Eure)
- Everard, Dr
- Everard, Sir John
- Exchequer, the
- Exchequer, the Court of
- Excise, an
- Exeter, Countess of
- Exeter, Earl of, 1605-1622 (Thomas Cecil)
- Exeter, Earl of, 1640 (David Cecil)
- Ex officio oath, the
- Extemporary prayers
- Farroni
- Faige, Captain
- Fairfax, Viscount, 1640 (Ferdinando Fairfax)
- Fairfax, Sir Thomas
- Fajardo, Don Luis
- Fakenham
- Falkland, 1st Viscount, 1620-1633 (Henry Cary)
- Falkland, 2nd Viscount, 1613 (Lucius Cary)
- Falmouth
- Family of Love, the
- Faringdon
- Farmers of the Customs
- Fawkes, Guido
- Fawley
- Fears and jealousies
- Fees
- Felton, John
- Female actors
- Female characters on the stage
- Female Glory, The, of Anthony Stafford
- Fens, Great Level of the
- Fenton, Viscount, 1606-1619; Earl of Kellie, 1619-1639 (Thomas Erskine)
- Feoffees for impropriations, the
- Ferdinand, Archduke (Duke of Styria, 1590; King of Bohemia, 1617; King of Hungary, 1618)
- Ferdinand II. (Emperor, 1618)
- Ferdinand, the Archduke (Son of Ferdinand II.)
- Ferdinand III (King of Hungary)
- Ferdinand
- Feria, Duke of
- Fermanagh
- Fern, Sir John
- Ferrar, Nicholas
- Ferrett
- Ferte Imbault, la, Marquis of
- Feudal tenures, negotiation for the commutation of
- Field, Theophilus (Bishop of Llandaff, 1619-1627; of St. David's, 1627-1635; of Hereford, 1635-1636)
- Fielding, Captain
- Fielding, Sir William
- Fielding, Viscount (Basil Fielding)
- Fielding, Viscount, 1620 (William Fielding)
- Fiennes, Nathaniel
- Finances, the, state of
- Finch, John
- Finch, of Fordwich, Lord, 1640
- Finch, Henry, Serjeant
- Finch, Sir Heneage
- Finch, Sir John, (Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1634-1640; Lord Keeper, 1640)
- Finsbury Fields
- Fisher (pseudonym for Percy)
- Fisher, Sir Edward
- Fishery
- Fitzwilliam, Sir William
- Five Articles, the
- Five Discourses
- Five knights' case, the
- Five members, the
- Flag, the English
- Flagellum Pontificis
- Flanders, ports of
- Flax, cultivation of
- Fleetwood, Sir Miles
- Fleming, Sir Thomas, (Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 1604-1607; Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, 1607-1613)
- Fleming, Sir William
- Flemish ports
- Fleurus
- Floating Island, The
- Flood, —(?)
- Floyd, Edward
- Flushing
- Foliot, Sir Henry
- Foljambe, Sir Francis
- Fontainebleau
- Fontenay-Mareuil, Marquis of
- Forbes, John
- Forbes, Patrick (Bishop of Aberdeen, 161S)
- Forbes, William (Bishop of Edinburgh. 1634)
- Forced loan, the
- Foreign congregations in England, the
- Forest claims of the Crown
- Forgery of speeches in Parliament
- For God and the King
- Forman, Dr
- Fort Louis
- Fortescue. Sir John
- Forth, the Firth of
- Forthar
- Foulis, Sir David
- France
- Franceschi, Colonel
- Francisco de Jesus
- Frankenthal
- Franklin, James
- Frederick IV. (Elector Palatine, 1583-1610)
- Frederick V. (Elector Palatine, 1610-1632)
- Frederick Henry, Count
- Frederick Henry (Prince of Orange, 1625))
- Freedom of trade
- Free gift, a
- French actors,\
- Fresh Suit against Human Ceremonies, The
- Frias, Duke of
- Fryer, Sir Thomas
- Fuentes, Marquis of
- Fuller, Nicholas
- Fundamental laws, the
- Gage, Colonel
- Gage, George
- Gainsborough
- Galway
- Gamester, The
- Gardiner, Sir Thomas (Recorder of the City of London)
- Garnet, Henry (Provincial of the Jesuits in England)
- Garway. Henry (Lord Mayor)
- Gaston (Duke of Orleans)
- Gates, Sir Thomas
- Gateshead
- Gazettes
- Geere, Alderman
- General Assembly
- General pardon
- General Supplication
- Genoa
- George William, Elector of Brandenburg
- Gerard, Father John
- Gerbier, Balthasar
- Germany
- Gertruidenberg
- Gibbons. —(?)
- Gifford, Dr
- Giles, Sir Edward
- Gill, Alexander
- Giron, Don Fernando
- Gladstanes, George (Archbishop of St Andrews, 1605-1615)
- Glanville, John
- Glanville, Richard
- Glasgow
- Glass
- Gloucester
- Gloucestershire
- Glueckstadt
- Glyn, John
- Goad, Dr
- Goffe, Stephen
- Gold
- Gold and silver thread
- Gondomar, Count of
- Good behaviour
- Goodman, Godfrey (Bishop of Gloucester 1624)
- Goodman, John
- Goodwin, John
- Goodwin, Sir Francis
- Gordon, Lord (George Gordon)
- Gordon, Sir Lewis
- Gorges, Sir Ferdinando
- Goring, George
- Goring, Lord, 1628 (George Goring)
- Goring, Sir George
- Gormanston, Lord, 1599-1637 (Jenico Preston)
- Gosnold, Bartholomew
- Gouge, William
- Gough, Sir James
- Gower, Sir Thomas
- Graces, the
- Graham, Sir Richard
- Grandison, Viscount, 1620-1630 (Oliver St. John)
- Grant, John
- Grantham
- Gravesend
- Gray, Lady
- Gray, Sir Andrew
- Gray's Inn
- Great Britain
- Great Council, the
- Great Level of the Fens
- Greenway, Oswald
- Gregory XV., Pope, 1621-1623
- Grenville, Sir Richard
- Gresley, Walsingham
- Greville, Sir Fulk
- Grey, a friar
- Grey of Wilton, Lord, 1593 (Thomas Grey)
- Grey Friars' Church
- Grimston, Harbottle
- Grimston, Sir Harbottle
- Grindal, Edmund (Archbishop of Canterbury, 1575-1583)
- Grison Leagues, the
- Grocers' Hall
- Grol
- Grotius, Hugo
- Guernsey
- Guiana
- Guildhall, the
- Guiton, Jean
- Gun, Colonel
- Gunpowder Plot
- Gurney, Richard (Lord Mayor)
- Gurney, Sir Richard
- Gustavus II, Adolphus (King of Sweden, 1611)
- Guthrie, John (Bishop of Moray, 1623)
- Gwilliams, George
- Gwynn
- Habeas Corpus, the writ of
- Habington, William
- Hackney coaches
- Haddington, 2nd Earl of (Thomas Hamilton)
- Haddington, Viscount, 1606-1625, Earl of Holderness, 1620-1625 (John Ramsay)
- Hague, the
- Haguenau
- Haig, William
- Hakewill, William
- Halberstadt, Administrator of
- Hales, John
- Hail, Joseph (Bishop of Exeter, 1627; of Norwich, 1641)
- Hamburg
- Hamilton, Lord John
- Hamilton, Lord William
- Hamilton, Marchioness of
- Hamilton, 2nd Marquis of, 1604-1625, Earl of Cambridge, 1619-1625 (James Hamilton)
- Hamilton, 3rd Marquis of, 1625 (James Hamilton)
- Hamilton, Sir Thomas
- Hamilton, William
- Hampden, John
- Hampden, Sir Edmund
- Hampshire
- Hampton Court
- Hansby, Ralph
- Harcourt
- Harcourt, Sir Simon
- Harley, Sir Robert
- Harrison, John
- Harrison, Sir John
- Harsnet, Samuel (Bishop of Chichester, 1609;of Norwich, 1619; Archbishop of York, 1628)
- Harvest of 1630
- Harvey, Dr. William
- Harvey, Lord, 1620-1642 (William Harvey)
- Harvey, Sir Sebastian
- Harwich
- Hastings, Henry
- Hastings, Sir Francis
- Hatfield Chase
- Hatton, Lady
- Hatton, Luke
- Hatton, Sir Christopher
- Haultain, Admiral
- Havre
- Hawley, James
- Hay, Lord, without place in Parliament, 1606-1615, Lord Hay of Sawley, 1615-1618 (James Hay)
- Hay, Sir George (Chancellor of Scotland)
- Hay, Sir John
- Haye, La
- Hazlerigg, Sir Arthur
- Head of the Church
- Heath, Robert
- Heath, Sir Robert (Solicitor-General, 1620: Attorney-General, 1625; Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1631-1634; Justice of the King's Bench, 1641)
- Heenvliet, John van der Kerckhove, Lord of
- Heidelberg
- Heilbronn, the League of
- Heiligenhafen
- Hein, Peter
- Helwys, Sir Gervase
- Henderson, Alexander
- Henrietta Maria, Princess
- Henrietta Maria (Queen of England, 1625)
- Henry IV. (King of France', 1589-1610)
- Henry VII. (King of England, 1485-1509)
- Henry VIII. (King of England 1509-1547)
- Henry Frederick (Prince of Wales, 1610-1612)
- Herbert, Edward
- Herbert, George
- Herbert, Lord (Edward Somerset)
- Herbert of Cherbury, Lord (1629)
- Herbert, Sir Edward
- Herbert, Sir Edward (Attorney-General, 1641)
- Herbert Sir Gerard
- Herbert, Sir John
- Herbert, Sir Percy
- Herefordshire
- Heritable jurisdictions of the Scottish nobility
- Herring fishery, the
- Hertford, Earl of, 1621-1640 (William Seymour)
- Hertford, Marquis of, 1640 (William Seymour)
- Hertfordshire
- Hertogenbosch (Bois-le-Duc)
- Hesse-Cassel, Maurice, Landgrave of
- Hesse-Darmstadt, Lewis, Landgrave of
- Heveningham, Sir John
- Hewat, Thomas
- Heylyn, Peter
- Heyman, Sir Peter
- Heywood, Peter
- Heywood, Thomas
- Heyworth Moor
- High Commission, Court of
- High Commission, the Scottish Court of
- Highlanders, the
- Hinchinbrook
- Hippesley, Sir John
- Histriomastix, The
- Hobart, Sir Henry (Attorney-General, 1606; Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1613)
- Hobart, Sir Miles
- Hoby, Sir Thomas Posthumus
- Hoechst
- Holborne, Robert
- Holderness, Earl of, 1620-1625 (James Ramsay)
- Holland
- Holland, Earl of, 1624 (Henry Rich)
- Holles, Denzil
- Holles, Sir John
- Holy Island, the
- Holy Table, Name and Things The
- Holyrood
- Hooker, Richard
- Hope, Sir Thomas
- Hopton, Arthur
- Hopton, Sir Arthur
- Hopton, Sir Ralph
- Hoskins, John
- Hoskins, Serjeant
- Hotham, John
- Hotham, Sir John
- Houghton, Lord, 1616-1624 (John Holles)
- Howard de Walden, Lord, 1610-1626 (Theophilas Howard)
- Howard de Walden, Lord, 1597-1603, (Thomas Howard)
- Howard, Lady Frances
- Howard, Lord Henry
- Howard of Escrick, Lord, 1628 (Edward Howard)
- Howard, Sir Robert
- Howson, John (Bishop of Oxford, 1618; Bishop of Durham, 1628-1632)
- Howth, Lord, 1606 (Christopher St. Lawrence)
- Hudson, the
- Huguenots, the
- Hull
- Hume, Sir George
- Hungary, King of
- Hunsdon, Lord, 1640 (John Cary)
- Hunt, Robert
- Hunt, Prophet
- Huntingdon
- Huntly, Earl of, 1576-1599 (George Gordon)
- Huntly, 1st Marquis of, 1599-1636 (George Gordon)
- Huntly, 2nd Marquis of, 1636 (George Gordon)
- Hurry, Colonel
- Hutchinson, Anne
- Hutchinson, John
- Hutchinson, Lucy
- Hutton, Matthew (Archbishop of York, 1595-1606)
- Hutton, Sir Richard (Justice of the Common Pleas, 1617-1639)
- Hyacintho. the friar
- Hyde, Captain David
- Hyde, Edward
- Hyde, Nicholas
- Hyde, Sir Lawrence
- Hyde, Sir Nicholas (Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, 1627-1631)
- Hymn of Beauty, Spenser's
- Icklington
- Il Penseroso
- Imposition on currants
- Imposition on tobacco
- Impositions, the new
- Impressment Bill, the
- Imprisonment without cause shown
- Impropriations
- Inchcolm
- Inchkeith
- Incident, the
- Inclosures
- Inns, issue of a patent for
- Inns of Court, the
- Inojosa, Marquis of
- Inquisition, the
- Interest, the legality of
- Interpreter, The
- Inverury
- Ipswich
- Ireland
- Irun
- Isabella Clara Eugenia, the Infanta
- Jacatra
- Jagerndorf, the Margrave of
- James I. (King of England, 1603-1625), (King of Scotland, 1567-1625)
- James, John
- James, Prince
- James, Richard
- Jars, De, the Chevalier
- Jask
- Jeannin, Pierre
- Jehangir, the Emperor
- Jermyn, Henry
- Jermyn, Sir Thomas
- Jersey
- Jesuits
- Jesus, Francisco de
- Jewels, the Crown
- Joachimi, Albert
- John, the Archduke
- John George (Elector of Saxony, 1611)
- Johnson, Francis
- Johnson, Margaret
- Johnston, Archibald, of Warriston
- Jones, Inigo
- Jones, William (Justice of the Common Pleas, 1621; of the Kings Bench, 1624-1640)
- Jonson, Ben
- Joseph, Father
- Jourdain, John
- Judges, the
- Juliers
- Junto, the
- Justices of the Peace
- Jutland
- Juxon, William (Bishop of London, 1633)
- Kedle, John
- Kelso
- Kennedy, Sir John
- Kensington, Viscount, 1622-1624 (Henry Rich)
- Kent
- Kentish petition, the
- Ker, Lord (Harry Ker)
- Keyes, Robert
- Keymis, Lawrence
- Khevenhueller, Count of
- Kilkenny
- Killigrew, Sir William
- Killigrew, Henry
- Killigrew, Sir Robert
- Kilt, the
- Kilvert, Richard
- Kimbolton, Lord
- Kineill
- King, Captain
- King, John (Bishop of London, 1611-1621)
- King, Sir Robert
- King's Bench, the Court of
- King's evil, the
- Kingston
- Kinloss, Lord, 1602-1611 (Edward Bruce)
- Kinnoul, Earl of, 1633-1634 (George Hay)
- Kirk, Captain
- Kirton, Edward
- Knewstubs, John
- Knight, John
- Knighthood fines
- Knight-service
- Knightly, Sir Valentine
- Knollys, Lord, 1603-1616 (William Knollys)
- Knott, Edward (pseudonym)
- Knox, John
- Krempe
- Kreutroach
- La Chesnee
- Ladensium autokatakrisis
- Lady Mora, the
- Lafuente, Fray Diego de
- Lake, Arthur
- Lake, Lady
- Lake, Sir Thomas
- Lalor, Robert
- Lambe, Dr
- Lambert, Moy
- Lambeth
- Lame Giles, his haltings
- Lanark, Earl of, 1639 (William Hamilton)
- Lancashire
- Lancashire witches, the
- Lancastrian kings
- Landguard Fort
- Lane, Richard
- Langres, Hercules
- Lanzarote
- Lapthorne, Anthony
- Large Declaration, The
- Latitudinarianism
- Laud, William (Bishop of St. David, 1621; of Bath, and Wells, 1626; of London, 1628; Archbishop of Canterbury, 1633)
- Lawes, Henry
- Lay preachers
- Layton, Sir Thomas
- League, the Catholic
- Lech
- Le Clerc
- Lecturers, the
- Legate, Bartholomew
- Legg, Captain
- Leicester
- Leicester, 1st Earl of, 1618-1626 (Robert Sydney)
- Leicester, 2nd Earl of, 1626 (Robert Sydney)
- Leicestershire
- Leigh, Captain
- Leighton, Alexander
- Leinster
- Leipzig, battle of
- Leith
- Leitrim
- Lennox, Duke of, 1583 (Earl of Richmond, 1613-1624; Duke of Richmond, 1623-1624) (Ludovick Stuart)
- Lennox, Duke of, 1624 (James Stuart)
- Lennox and Richmond, Duke of, 1641 (James Stuart)
- Lent
- Lenthall, William
- Leonard, the Indian
- Leopold, the Archduke
- Lepton and Goldsmith
- Lerma, Duke of
- Lesdiguieres, Marshal
- Leslie, Alexander
- Letter-post
- Levant Company, the
- Ley, Lord, 1625-1626 (James Ley)
- Ley, Sir James
- Leyden
- Liberty of Speech in Parliament
- Lifford
- Lilburne, John
- Limerick
- Lincoln, Charles
- Lincoln, Earl of, 1619 (Theophilus Clinton)
- Lincolnshire
- Lincoln's Inn
- Lindsay, David (Bishop of Brechen, 1619; Bishop of Edinburgh, 1635)
- Lindsay of Balcarres, John (Lord of Session)
- Lindsay of Byres, Lord, 1616, created Earl of Lindsay, 1633, but the patent suspended till 1635 (John Lindsay)
- Lindsay, Sir James
- Lindsell, Augustine (Bishop of Peterborough)
- Lindsey, Earl of, 1626 (Robert Bertie)
- Linlithgow
- Lisle, Viscount, 1605-1618 (Robert Sydney)
- Little Gidding
- Liveries, Statute of
- Lodgers
- Loan, the forced
- Loftus of Ely, Viscount, 1622 (Lord Chancellor of Ireland)
- Loftus, Sir Adam
- Loix, Isle of
- London, City of
- Londonderry
- Londoners' petition against episcopacy, the
- Long, Walter
- Longford
- Lope de Vega
- Lords, House of
- Lords Justices of Ireland, the (Sir William Parsons and Sir John Borlase)
- Lords-Lieutenants
- Lords of the Articles, the Scottish
- Lorkin. Thomas
- Lorne, Lord (Archibald Campbell)
- Lorraine
- Lothian, Earl of, 1631 (William Ker)
- Loudoun, Earl of,by patent granted in 1633, but superseded till 1641 (John Campbell)
- Louis XIII (King of France, 1610-1643)
- Louis, the Dauphin (afterwards Louis XIV.)
- Louth
- Louth, county of
- Louvain
- Lowe, Sir Thomas
- Lubeck
- Ludlow Castle
- Ludovisi, Cardinal
- Lumsden, Thomas
- Lunsford, Thomas, complains of the conduct of his soldiers, ix. 160
- Lutheranism
- Luttrell, Thomas
- Luetzen
- Luynes, Duke of
- Lycidas
- Lynn
- Lyttelton, Edward
- Lyttelton, Sir Edward
- Lyttelton, Lord, 1640 (Edward Lyttelton)
- Macbeth
- Machiavelli
- MacMahon, Hugh
- Madrid
- Maestricht
- Magdeburg
- Magna Carta
- Maguire, Cuconnaught
- Maguire, Lord, Baron of Enniskillen, 1633 (Connor Maguire)
- Maid of Honour, the
- Mainwaring, Sir Henry
- Maldon
- Mallett, Thomas (Justice of the Kings Bench, 1641)
- Mallory, William
- Malton
- Maltravers, Lord, 1639 (Henry Frederick Howard)
- Maltsters and brewers, the
- Malvezzi, the Marquis Virgilio
- Manchester
- Manchester, Earl of, 1626 (Henry Montague)
- Mandeville, Viscount, Lord Kimbolton in his own right (Edward Montague)
- Mandeville, Viscount, 1620-1626 (Henry Montague)
- Manners, Lady Catherine
- Mannheim
- Mannourie
- Mansell, Sir Robert
- Mansfeld, Count Ernest of
- Mantua
- Manwaring, Roger (Bishop of St. Davids, 1636)
- Mar, Earl of, 1634 (John Erskine)
- Mare Clausum
- Mare Liberum
- Marescot, M. de
- Margaret, the Infanta (daughter of Maximilian II.)
- Margaret, the Infanta (daughter of Philip III.)
- Maria, the Infanta
- Marillacs, the two
- Marischal, the Earl, 1635 (William Keith)
- Markham, Chief Justice
- Markham, Sir Griffin
- Marlborough, Earl of, 1626 (James Ley)
- Marriage treaty between Prince Charles and the Infanta Maria, the
- Marriage treaty between Prince Charles and the Princess Henrietta Maria
- Marshall, Dr
- Marshall, George
- Marshall, Stephen
- Marten, Henry
- Marten, Sir Henry
- Martial law
- Martin, Dr
- Martin, Richard
- Mary de Medicis (Widow of Henry IV.)
- Mary, Princess (Daughter of Charles I.)
- Mary, Queen of England, 1553-1558
- Mary, Queen of Scots
- Maryland
- Masham, Sir William
- Mason, R
- Mason, Captain
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Company, the
- Massinger, Philip
- Massini, De (Nuncio at Madrid)
- Mastership of the Rolls
- Matthew, Tobias, Archbishop of York
- Matthew, Sir Toby
- Matthias, Emperor, 1612
- Maurice (Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel)
- Maurice of Nassau, Count
- Maurice, Prince of Orange, 1618-1625
- Mawe, Leonard
- Maximilian I., Duke of Bavaria, 1596-1623
- Maximilian I., Elector of Bavaria, 1623
- Maxwell, James
- Maxwell, John (Bishop of Ross, 1632)
- May, Sir Humphrey
- Mayerne, Dr
- Mayerne, Sir Theodore
- 'Mayflower,' the
- Maynard, John
- Maynard, Sir John
- Mayo
- Mead, John
- Meade, Joseph
- Measure for Measure
- Meath
- Melander, General
- Melrose, Earl of, 1619-1627, Earl of Haddington, 1627-1637 (Thomas Hamilton)
- Melville, Andrew
- Mende, Bishop of
- Mentz
- Meppen, is seized by the Imperialists, viii. 376
- Merchant Adventurers
- Metropolitical visitation, the
- Michell, David
- Michell, Sir Francis
- Michelson, Margaret
- Middle Ages, the
- Middlesex
- Middlesex, Earl of, 1622 (Lionel Cranfield)
- Middleton, David
- Middleton, John
- Mildmay, Sir Henry
- Milford Haven
- Military charges
- Military oath, the
- Militia, the
- Militia Bill, the first
- Militia Bill, the second
- Militia Ordinance, the
- Millenary petition, the
- Milton, John
- Ministers, petition of
- Misselden, Edward
- Mohacz
- Mohun, Lieutenant
- Moluccas, the
- Mompesson, Sir Giles
- Monaghan
- Monarchy of Man, The
- Monk, George
- Monopolies, the
- Monopoly Bill, the
- Monro, Robert
- Monsigot
- Monson, Sir John
- Monson, Sir Thomas
- Monson, Sir William
- Monson, William (son of Sir William)
- Montague, Edward
- Montague, Lord (Anthony Browne)
- Montague, Richard, (Bishop of Chichester, 1628; of Norwich, 1638)
- Montague, Sidney
- Montague, Sir Edward
- Montague, Sir Henry
- Montague, Walter
- Montaigne, George (Bishop of Lincoln, 1617; of London, 1621; of Durham, 1628 ; Archbishop of York, 1628)
- Montauban
- Monteagle, Lord (William Parker)
- Montferrat
- Montgomery, Earl of, 1605 (Philip Herbert)
- Montgomery, George (Bishop of Derry, 1610-1620)
- Montpellier, Peace of
- Montmorency, Duke of (Admiral of France)
- Montreuil, M. de
- Montrose, 3rd Earl of, 1571-1608 (John Graham), Chancellor of Scotland
- Montrose, 5th Earl of, 1626 (James Graham)
- Moore, Dr
- Mordaunt, Lord, 1601-1608 (Henry Mordaunt)
- More, Roger
- More, Sir George
- Morgan, Sir Charles
- Morocco
- Morton, Earl of, 1638 (William Douglas)
- Morton, Sir Albertus
- Morton, Thomas (Bishop of Chester, 1616; of Lichfield and Coventry, 1619; of Durham, 1632)
- Mother of the Musket
- Moulins
- Mountgarret, Viscount, 1602 (Richard Butler)
- Mountjoy, Lord (Charles Blount)
- Mountnorris, Lord, 1628 (Francis Annesley)
- Mulgrave, Earl of, 1626 (Edmund Sheffield)
- Multyfarnham
- Munich
- Munster
- Murford, Nicholas
- Murray, William
- Music
- Myddelton, Hugh
- Mynn, George
- Nantes, the Edict of
- Napier, Lord, 1627 (Archibald Napier)
- National Synod
- Naturalisation of the Scots, the
- Naunton, Sir Robert
- Navy, the
- Navy Commission, the
- Necolalde, Juan de
- Negotium Posterorum, the
- Neile, Richard (Bishop of Rochester, 1608; of Lichfield and Coventry, 1610; of Lincoin, 1614; of Durham, 1617; of Winchester, 1627; Archbishop of York, 1632-1640)
- Netherlands, the Spanish
- Netherlands, the States-General of the United Provinces of the
- Nethersole, Sir Francis
- Neuburg, Wolfgang Wilhelm, Palatine of
- Nevers, Duke of
- Neville, Christopher
- Neville, Sir Henry
- New buildings
- New corporation, the, for governing the suburbs of London
- New England, early exploration of, ii. 50
- New Forest
- New Gag for an Old Goose, A
- New River, the
- Newark
- Newborn
- Newcastle
- Newcastle, Earl of, 1628 (William Cavendish)
- Newce, Captain
- Newcomen, Matthew
- Newfoundland
- Newington Woods
- Newmarket
- Newport, Captain
- Newport, Countess of
- Newport, Earl of, 1628 (Montjoy Blount)
- Newry
- News
- News from Ipswich
- Nicholas, Edward
- Nicholas, Sir Edward
- Nineteen Propositions, the
- Nithsdale, Earl of, 1620 (Robert Maxwell)
- Nobility, the
- Nonconformists, the
- Nordlingen
- Norman conquest, the
- Norris, Elizabeth
- Norris, Lord, 1600-1620
- Norris, Sir Francis
- Norry, William
- North and South of England
- North, Captain Roger
- North, Lord, 1605 (Dudley North)
- Northampton
- Northampton, Earl of, 1604-1614 (Henry Howard)
- Northampton, 1st Earl of, of the family of Compton, 1618-1630 (William Compton)
- Northampton, 2nd Earl of, of the family of Compton, 1630 (Spencer Compton)
- Northamptonshire
- Northumberland
- Northumberland, 9th Earl of, 1585-1632 (Henry Percy)
- Northumberland, 10th Earl of, 1632 (Algernon Percy)
- Norton, Sir Daniel
- Norwich
- Nottingham
- Nottingham, county of
- Nottingham, Earl of, 1596-1624 (Charles Howard), Lord Admiral
- Nova Scotia
- Novum Organum, the
- Noy, William
- Nuremberg
- O'Cahan, Sir Donnell
- Ochiltree, Lord, 1615 (James Stewart)
- O'Conolly
- O'Connor
- Octavians, the
- O'Dogherty, Sir Cahir
- O'Donnell, Hugh
- O'Donnell, Neill Garve
- O'Donnell, The
- Ogilvy, Lord, 1617-1639 (James Ogilvy)
- Ogilvy, Lord (James Ogilvy)
- Ogle, Sir John
- Oleron, Isle of
- Olivares, Count of (Duke of San Lucar), (Gaspar de Guzman)
- Olivares, Countess of
- Onate, Count of
- Onate y Villa Mediana, Count of
- O'Neill, Daniel
- O'Neill, Owen Roe
- O'Neill, Sir Phelim
- O'Neill, the
- Oppenheim
- Oquendo, Antonio de
- Orange, Prince of
- Orange, Prince William of
- Oratorians
- Ordinances of Parliament
- Ordinations
- O'Reilly, Philip
- Orleans, Duke of
- Ormond
- Ormond, Earl of, 1632 (James Butler)
- Ormuz
- Osbaldiston, Lambert
- Osborne, Sir Edward
- Ostend
- Oundle
- Overbury, Sir Thomas
- Owen, John
- Owen, Nicholas
- Owen, Sir Roger
- Oxenstjerna, Axel
- Oxenstjerna, John
- Oxford
- Oxford, Earl of, 1604-1626 (Henry de Vere)
- Oxford, the University of
- Oxfordshire
- Oyapok, the
- Padre Maestro, the
- Page, William
- Paget, Lord, 1629 (William Paget)
- Painted windows
- Palatinate, the
- Palatinate, the Lower
- Palatinate, the Upper
- Palmer, Geoffry
- Palmer, Mr
- Palmes, Sir Guy
- Panzani, Gregorio
- Pappenheim, Gottfried Heinrich, Count of
- Pareus, David
- Pargiter, William
- Parima
- Parker, Matthew (Archbishop of Canterbury, 1559-1575)
- Parliament of 1604
- Parliament of 1614, the
- Parliament of 1621, the
- Parliament of 1624, the
- Parliament of 1625, the
- Parliament of 1626, the
- Parliament of 1628, the
- Parliament of 1640 (the Short)
- Parliament of 1640 (the Long)
- Parliament, the English
- Parliament, the Irish
- Parliament, the Scottish
- Parliamentary Committee appointed to attend the King, the
- Parliamentary parties
- Parry, Dr
- Parry, Sir Thomas
- Parsons, Sir William
- Parsons, William
- Parties, Parliamentary
- Pastrana, Duke of
- Patents
- Paul V., Pope, 1605-1621
- Paulet, John
- Paulet, Sir George (Governor of Derry)
- Paul's Walk
- Pawel, Andreas
- Peacemaker, The
- Peacham, Edmond
- Peard, George
- Pecquius (Chancellor of Brabant)
- Pedrosa, Father
- Peerages
- Peers at York, the
- Peers, the English
- Peers, the Petition of the Twelve
- Pelham, Sir Edward
- Pelham, Sir William
- Pell, Sir Anthony
- Pembroke, Earl of, 1601-1630 (William Herbert)
- Pembroke and Montgomery, Earl of, 1630 (Philip Herbert)
- Penfield
- Pennington, Isaac (Alderman)
- Pennington, John
- Pennington, Sir John
- Pennyman, Sir William
- Pensions, the Spanish
- Pepper
- Perceval, Richard
- Percy, Henry
- Percy, Lucy
- Percy, Thomas
- Pernambuco
- Perrot, Sir James
- Persia, the Shah of
- Persons, Father Robert
- Perth
- Perth, articles of
- Perth, Earl of, 1611 (John Drummond)
- Peterborough
- Peters, Hugh
- Petition of Right, the
- Pett, Phineas
- Pews
- Pfalzburg, the Princess of
- Phelips, Sir Edward
- Phelips, Sir Robert
- Philip II., King of Spain, 1556-1598
- Philip III., King of Spain, 1598-1621
- Philip IV. (King of Spain, 1621)
- Philippsburg
- Philips, Robert
- Physicians, the College of
- Pierce, William (Bishop of Peterborough, 1630; of Bath and Wells, 1632)
- Piers Ploughman
- Pigott, Sir Christopher
- Pilgrim Fathers, the
- Plague, the
- Plague-rag, a
- Plessen, Volrad de
- Plumleigh, Sir Richard
- Plunder
- Plymouth
- Plymouth (in New England)
- Pocahontas
- Poll-tax Bill, a
- Pollard, Hugh
- Poor, the
- Popham, Sir John, (Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 1592-1607)
- Popish Impostures
- Popish plot, the
- Port Royal, French settlement at
- Portadown
- Porter, Endymion
- Porter, Olive
- Portland, Earl of, 1633-1635 (Richard Weston)
- Portland Roads
- Portsmouth
- Portugal
- Portuguese
- Portumna
- Poslingford
- Post, establishment of a, for private letters
- Post-nati
- Potter, Barnabas (Bishop of Carlisle, 1629-1642)
- Potter, Dr. Christopher
- Pougny, Marquis of
- Poulett, Lord
- Pound, Thomas
- Praemunire, the statute of
- Prague
- Prayer Book, the Scottish
- Predestination, the Calvinistic doctrine of
- Pree, La, Fort of
- Pregion, John
- Presbyterianism in England
- Presbyterianism in Ireland
- Presbyterianism in Scotland
- Press, the
- Pressing men for the army
- Presteign
- Preston, Dr. John
- Preston, Thomas
- Price, ----
- Price, Dr
- Prideaux, John (Bishop of Worcester, 1641)
- Printing, liberty of
- Privas
- Privilege of goods from arrest
- Privilege of person against arrest
- Privy Council, the
- Privy Seal loans
- Prize law
- Prizes, French
- Proclamations
- Prohibitions
- Prophesyings, the
- Protections
- Protest of the bishops, the
- Protestation
- Protestation protested, The
- Protestation, the
- Protestation, the right of
- Proxies
- Prynne, William
- Public acts of the Church
- Puck
- Pularoon
- Puloway
- Puntal, Fort
- Purbeck, Lady
- Purbeck, Viscount, 1619 (John Villiers)
- Puritan conformists, the
- Puritanism
- Purveyance
- Pye, Sir Robert
- Pym, John
- Quebec
- Queen Mother, the
- Quiroga
- Raby
- Radcliffe, Sir George
- Raine
- Rainsborough, Captain
- Rainton. Alderman
- Raleigh, George
- Raleigh, Lady
- Raleigh, Sir Walter
- Raleigh, Walter
- Ramsay, David
- Ranelagh, Lord, 1628 (Roger Jones)
- Ratisbon
- Raville, Sieur de
- Reay, Lord, 1614 (Donald Mackay)
- Recordership of London
- Recusants, the
- Referees, the
- Reformation, the English
- Rege inconsulto
- Registrars of Chancery, the
- Religion of Protestants, The
- Religious liberty
- Remonstrance, the Grand
- Renzi, Lawrence
- Replevin
- Revenue
- Reynolds, John
- Rhé, Isle of
- Rheinfelden
- Rhinberg
- Rich, Lord, 1581-1618 (Robert Rich)
- Rich, Lord (Robert Rich)
- Rich, Sir Nathaniel
- Richardot, President
- Richardson, Sir Thomas (Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1626; of the King's Bench, 1631-1635)
- Richelieu, Cardinal
- Richmond
- Richmond, Earl, and Duke of
- Ridgway, Lord
- Ridgway, Sir Thomas
- Rigby, Alexander
- Ripon
- Robartes, Lord, 1625-1634 (Richard Robartes)
- Robinson, ----
- Robinson, ----
- Robinson, John
- Rochelle
- Rochelle, English ships lent for service against
- Rochester, Earl of, 1611-16i3 (Robert Carr)
- Rochford, Viscount, Lord Hunsdon in his own right, 1640 (John Carey)
- Rockingham Forest
- Rodney, Sir Edward
- Roe, Sir Thomas
- Roermonde
- Rohan, Duke of
- Rokewood, Ambrose
- Rolfe, Thomas
- Rolle, John
- Roos, Lady
- Roos, Lord, 1616-1618 (William Cecil)
- Root-and-Branch Bill, the
- Root-and-Branch party
- Root-and-Branch petition, the
- Roper, Sir Anthony
- Roper, Sir John
- Roper's office
- Roscommon
- Rosencrantz
- Roses, the War of the
- Rosny, Sieur de
- Rossetti, Count
- Rota, Francesco della
- Rothes, Earl of, 1621-1641 (John Leslie)
- Roundheads
- Rouse, Francis
- Rovida, Alessandro, Senator of Milan
- Roxburgh, Countess of
- Roxburgh, Earl of, 1616 (Robert Ker)
- Royal Slave, The
- Royal supremacy, the
- Royalist constitutional party in the Long Parliament, the
- Rubens, Peter Paul
- Rudd, Anthony (Bishop of St. Davids, 1594-1615)
- Rudolph II (Emperor, 1576-1612)
- Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin
- Rumborough
- Rupert, Prince
- Rusdorf, John Joachim
- Russell, Lord (William Russell)
- Ruthven of Ettrick, Lord, 1639-1642 (Patrick Ruthven)
- Ruthven, Patrick
- Rutland, Earl of, 1612-1632 (Francis Manners)
- Rutland, Earl of (George Manners)
- Sabbath, the
- Sackville, Sir Edward
- St. Andrews
- St. Catherine Cree
- St. Chaumont, Marquis of
- St. Edmund's at Salisbury
- St. Georges, Madame de
- St. George's Fields
- St. Giles', at Edinburgh
- St. Gregory's
- St. James's Palace
- St. John, Lord
- St. John, of Bletsho, Lord, 1618-1624 (Oliver St. John)
- St. John, Oliver, of Marlborough
- St. John, Oliver (Solicitor-General, 1641)
- St, John, Sir Oliver
- St. John, Sir William
- St. John, the
- St. John's College, Oxford
- St. Lawrence, Sir Christopher
- St. Leger, Sir Warham
- St. Leger, Sir William
- St. Margaret's, Lothbury
- St. Margaret's, Westminster
- St. Martin's, the Fort of
- St. Paul's, the Cathedral of
- St. Peter, the, of Havre de Grace
- St. Valery
- Salisbury
- Salisbury, Earl of, 1605-1612 (Robert Cecil)
- Salisbury, Earl of (William Cecil)
- Sallee
- Salmons and lobsters
- Saltworks
- Sanchez de Ulloa, Juan de
- Sandys, Sir Edwin
- Sanquhar, Lord, 1609-1612 (Robert Crichton)
- San Salvador
- San Thome
- Santa Clara, Franciscus a, pseudonym for Christopher Davenport
- Sarmiento de Acuna, Diego
- Savage, ----
- Savage, Sir Arthur
- Savage, Sir Thomas
- Savile, Sir John
- Savile, Sir William
- Savile, Viscount, 1628 (Thomas Savile)
- Saville, Sir Henry
- Savoy, Duke of
- Saxby
- Saxony, Elector of
- Saye and Sele, Viscount, 1624 (William Fiennes)
- Scaglia, the Abbot of
- Scarborough
- Scarnafissi, Count of
- Scheldt, the
- Schenck's Sconce
- Schomberg, Marshal
- Schools
- Schwarzenberg, Count of
- Scilly Isles, the
- Scot, Reginald
- Scot, Thomas
- Scotland
- Scottish Commissioners for treating for peace with England, the
- Scrooby
- Scrope, Lord, 1609-1627 (Emanuel Scrope)
- Scudamore, Lord, 1628 (John Scudamore)
- Sects
- Secular priests
- Sedan, Frederick
- Segeberg
- Sejanus
- Separatists, the
- Selby
- Selden, John
- Seneterre, Marquis of
- Separatists, the
- Seton, Alexander
- Seymour, Lady Arabella
- Seymour, Sir Francis
- Seymour, William
- Sharp, Dr
- Sheffield, Lord, 1569-1626 (Edmund Sheffield)
- Sheldon, Dr
- Shelford, Robert
- Shepherd, Thomas
- Shepherds Pastoral, The
- Sherborne, the manor of
- Sherfield, Henry
- Sheriffs
- Sherland
- Shields
- Shilton, Sir Richard
- Ship-money
- Ships
- Shirley, James
- Shrewsbury
- Shrewsbury, Countess of
- Shropshire
- Shute, Robert
- Sibbes, Richard
- Sibthorpe, Robert
- Silesia
- Simmern, Duke of, 1610 (Ludwig Philipp)
- Sion College
- Sion's Plea against Prelacy
- Sitva Torok, Peace of
- Skinner, John
- Skinner, Robert (Bishop of Oxford, 1641)
- Skippon, Philip
- Sligo
- Slingsby, Henry
- Sluys
- Smart, Peter
- Smectymnuus
- Smith, Captain John
- Smith, John
- Smith, Miles (Bishop of Gloucester)
- Smith, Sir Thomas
- Smith, William (Bishop of Chalcedon)
- Smithwick
- Soames, Alderman
- Soap company, the
- Soissons, Count of
- Somers. Sir George
- Somerset
- Somerset, Countess of
- Somerset, Earl of, 1613 (Robert Carr)
- Somerset House
- Sotomayor, Antonio de
- Soubise, Duke of
- Southampton
- Southampton, Earl of, 1581-1624 (Henry Wriothesley)
- Southampton, Earl of, 1624 (Thomas Wriothesley)
- Southesk, Earl of, 1633 (David Carnegie)
- Southwark
- Southwick
- Sovereign power
- Sovereignty of the Seas, The
- Sovereignty of the seas, the
- Spain
- Spalatro, Archbishop of
- Spanish Company
- Sparks, Thomas
- Speaker of the House of Commons, the
- Spencer, Lord, 1603-i627(Robert Spencer)
- Spencer, Mary
- Spens, Sir James
- Spenser, Edmund
- Spenser, Sir Richard
- Spinola, Ambrogio
- Spires
- Sports, the King's Declaration of
- Spottiswoode, John (Archbishop of Glasgow, 1605; Archbishop of St. Andrew's, 1615-1639)
- Spurston, William
- Stade
- Stadtloo
- Stafford, Anthony
- Staffordshire
- Stage, the
- Stamford
- Stamford, Earl of, 1628 (Henry Grey)
- Standard, the Royal
- Standen, Sir Anthony
- Standish, Miles, joins the emigrants for
- Stapleton, Sir Philip
- Star Chamber, the Court of
- Starchmakers
- States-General, the, of France
- States-General, the, of the United Netherlands
- Steenie, nickname of
- Steeple Aston
- Steward, Sir Francis
- Stewart, Alexander
- Stewart, Sir Archibald of Blackball
- Stewart, John, of Ladywell
- Stewart, Walter
- Stewart, William
- Stirling
- Stirling
- Stirling, Sir George, of Keir
- Stoke Newington
- Stourton, Lord, 1588-1632 (Edward Stourton)
- Strafford, Earl of, 1640-1641 (Thomas Wentworth)
- Straffordians, the
- Straiton, Sir Alexander
- Stralsund
- Strange, Lord (James Stanley)
- Strangways, Sir John
- Strathbogie
- Strode, William
- Strode, William
- Struthers, William
- Stuart, Elizabeth
- Stuart, Lady Arabella
- Stukeley, Sir Lewis
- Suckling, Sir John
- Suffolk
- Suffolk, Countess of
- Suffolk, 1st Earl of, 1603-1626 (Thomas Howard)
- Suffolk, 2nd Earl of, 1626-1640 (Theophilus Howard)
- Suffolk line
- Sugar, John
- Sunday
- Supplication, the General
- Supreme Head of the Church
- Surrey
- Susa
- Sutherland, Earl of, 1615 (John Gordon)
- Sutton, Thomas
- Swanham
- Swarton, Sara
- Swords
- Sydenham, Sir John
- Sydserf, Thomas, (Bishop of Brechin, 1634; of Galloway, 1635)
- Synod, a national
- Tables, The
- Talbot, John
- Talbot, William
- Taming of the Shrew, The
- Tara, the Hill of
- Taxis, Juan de
- Taylor, Jeremy
- Taylor, John
- Temple, the Middle
- Ten Propositions, the
- Teynham, Lord, 1616-1618 (John Roper)
- Texel, the
- Theologians, junta of
- Thirty Years' War, the
- Thomond, Earl of, 1580-1621 (Donogh O'Brien)
- Thornton, Sir George
- Thorough
- Throckmorton, Sir Clement
- Tichborne, Sir Henry
- Tillieres, Count Leveneurde
- Tilly, Count of (John Tserclaes)
- Tipperary
- Tirlemont
- Tis a pity she's a whore
- Titchfield
- Tithes
- Tobacco
- Toiras, Marshal
- Toledo, Pedro de
- Toleration
- Tom Tell-truth
- Tomkins, Thomas
- Tonnage and Poundage
- Topiawari
- Torture
- Tortus, Matthew
- Tory Island
- Totness, Earl of, 1626-1629 (George Carew)
- Tower, the
- Townley, Zouch
- Townson, Robert (Dean of Westminster, 1617-1620)
- Trading companies, the
- Traquair, Lord, 1638 (John Stuart)
- Treason, doctrine of
- Tregoze, Lord
- Tremoille, La, Duke of
- Trendall, John
- Tresham, Francis
- Tresham, Sir Thomas
- Treves, the Elector of
- Trevor, Sir Sackville
- Trevor, Sir Thomas (Baron of the Exchequer, 1625)
- 'Trial,' the, case of
- Triennial Bill, the
- Trinidad
- Triumph of Peace, The
- Tromp, Admiral
- Trot of Turriff, the
- Trumbull, William
- Tserclaes, Madame
- Tudor Monarchy, the
- Tulchan bishops, the
- Tunbridge, Lord (Ulick Burke)
- Tunis
- Turatta, Madame
- Turin
- Turner, Dr
- Turner, Mrs
- Turriff
- Twysden, Sir Roger
- Tyburn
- Tyrconnell, Earl of, 1603 (Rory O'Donnell)
- Tyrone, Earl of, 1587 (Hugh O'Neill)
- Tytler, Peter
- Udenheim
- Ulm
- Ulster, condition of
- Undertakers, the
- Union between the Churches of Rome and England
- Union, the German Protestant
- Union with Scotland, a
- Unlicensed books
- Urban VIII., Pope, 1623
- Usher, James (Bishop of Meath, 1620; Archbishop of Armagh, 1624)
- Utrecht
- Uvedale, Sir William
- Uzeda, Duke of
- Vaison, Bishop of
- Valaresso, Alvise
- Valentine, Benjamin
- Valtelline, the
- Vane, Henry
- Vane, Sir Henry
- Vane, Sir Henry, the younger
- 'Vanguard,' the
- Vassall, Samuel
- Vaux, Lord, 1595 (Edward Vaux)
- Velada, the Marquis of
- Velasco, Alonzo de (Spanish ambassador in England)
- Velutelli, Acerbo
- Venice
- Venloo
- Venn, John
- Verdugo
- Vere of Tilbury, Lord, 1625-1635 (Horace Vere)
- Vere, Sir Francis
- Vere, Sir Horace
- Vermuyden, Cornelius
- Verney, Edmund
- Verney, Sir Edmund
- Verney, Sir Francis
- Verney, Sir Ralph
- Verreyken, the Audiencer
- Versellini
- Vestiarian controversy, the
- Vicars, John
- Vienna
- Vieuville, La, Marquis of
- Villa Mediana, Count of (Juan de Taxis)
- Ville-aux-Clercs, M. de
- Villiers, Christopher
- Villiers, Eleanor
- Villiers, George
- Villiers, Lady
- Villiers, Sir Edward
- Villiers, Sir George, the elder
- Villiers, Sir George
- Villiers, Sir John
- Villiers, Viscount, 1616-1617 (George Villiers)
- Vintners, the Company of
- Virginia
- Virginia Company, the
- Vorstius, Conrad
- Vox Populi, the
- Waad, Sir William
- Wake, Sir Isaac
- Wales
- Wallenstein, Albrecht (Duke of Friedland)
- Waller, Edmund
- Wallingford House
- Wallingford, Viscount, 1616-1632 (William Knollys)
- Walter, Sir John (Chief Baron of the Exchequery 162S-1630)
- Waltham, Forest of
- Wandesford, Christopher
- Wandesford, Sir Christopher
- Ward, Captain
- Ward, Samuel, of Ipswich
- Ward, William
- Wardship
- Ware
- Warwick
- Warwick, Earl of, 1618 (Robert Rich)
- Warwickshire
- Washington. Henry
- Waterford
- Watson, William
- Wedderburn, James (Bishop of Dunblane, 1636)
- Weiss, Captain
- Wellington (Somerset)
- Wells, Hertford
- Wemyss, Earl of, 1633 (John Wemyss)
- Wentworth, Lord, 1628 (Thomas Wentworth)
- Wentworth, Sir George
- Wentworth, Sir John
- Wentworth, Sir Peter
- Wentworth, Sir Thomas
- Wentworth, Thomas
- Wentworth, Viscount, 1628-1640 (Thomas Wentworth)
- Wesel
- Westmeath
- Westminster
- Westminster Abbey
- Westminster Hall
- Westmoreland, Earl of, 1628 (Mildmay Fane)
- Weston (Baron of the Exchequer, 1634)
- Weston, Jerome
- Weston, Lady
- Weston, Lord (Jerome Weston)
- Weston, Lord, 1628-1633 (Richard Weston)
- Weston, Richard
- Weston, Sir Richard
- Weston, Thomas
- Wexford
- Wexford, the county of
- Weymouth, Captain
- Whale fishery, the
- Wharton, Lady
- Wharton, Lord, 1625 (Philip Wharton)
- Wheatley, Alderman
- Wheelwright, Mr
- Whistler, John
- White, Dr
- White, Dr. Francis (Chaplain to James I.)
- White Hill, the, battle on
- Whitehall
- Whitelocke, Bulstrode
- Whitelocke, James
- Whitelocke, Sir James (Justice of the King's Bench, 1624-1632)
- Whitgift, John (Archbishop of Canterbury, 1583-1604)
- Wicklow
- Widdowes, Giles
- Wiesloch
- Wightman, Edward
- William of Orange, Prince
- Williams, John (Bishop of Lincoln, 1621; Archbishop of York, 1641)
- Williams, Roger
- Willoughby de Eresby, Lord, 1601-1625 (Robert Bertie)
- Willoughby of Parham, Lord, after 1617 (Francis Willoughby)
- Willoughby, Sir Francis
- Wilmot, Henry
- Wilmot, Viscount, 1620-1632 (Charles Wilmot)
- Wilmot, Sir Charles
- Wilson, Sir Thomas
- Wiltshire
- Wimbledon, Viscount, 1626-1638 (Edward Cecil)
- Wimborne
- Wimpfen
- Winchester
- Winchester, Marquis of, 1628 (John Paulet), sends 200l.
- Windebank, Francis
- Windebank, Sir Francis
- Windsor
- Wingfield, Sir Richard
- Winniffe, Dr
- Winslow, Edward
- Winter King, the
- Winter, Robert
- Winter, Thomas
- Winthrop, John
- Wintour, Sir John
- Winwood, Sir Ralph
- Witch of Edmonton, The
- Witchcraft
- Wither, George
- Wittstock
- Witty Fair One, The
- Womanhood
- Women
- Worcester, Earl of, 1589-1628 (Edward Somerset)
- Worcester, Earl of, i628 (Henry Somerset)
- Worcestershire
- Workman, John
- Wortley, Sir Francis
- Wotton, Lord, 1604-1630 (Thomas Wotton)
- Wotton, Sir Henry
- Wray, Edward
- Wray, Sir John
- Wren, Matthew (Bishop of Hereford, 1634; of Norwich, 1635; of Ely, 1638)
- Wright, Alderman
- Wright, Christopher
- Wright, John
- Wurtemberg, Duke of (John Frederick)
- Wych, Sir Peter
- Wyville, Mr
- Xanten, the Treaty of
- Yarmouth, Great
- Yeardley, Sir George
- Yelverton, Henry
- Yelverton, Sir Henry
- York
- York, Duke of
- York House
- Yorkshire
- Young, John (Dean of Winchester, 1616)
- Young, Thomas
- Zapata, Cardinal
- Zouch, Lord, 1556-1625 (Edward la Zouch)
- Zouch, Sir Edward
- Zorzi, Zuane
- Zuniga, Balthazar de
- Zuniga, Pedro de
- Zweibruecken, Duke of